SPA Victorian Branch Annual General Meeting 2013


SPA Victorian Branch Annual General Meeting 2013
SPA Victorian Branch
Annual General
Wednesday 27th November, 2013
Welcome and Apologies
Presentation from Guest Speakers:
 David Trembath
International Communication Project 2014 (ICP2014)
Victorian Executive 2013 update and achievements
Election of Victorian Branch Executive for 2013
Guest Speakers
David Trembath
“Autism: The Evolution of an Idea ”
International Communication
Project 2014 (ICP2014)
The ICP2014 aims to:
 Raise the profile and status of communication disability with international
health bodies and policy makers;
 Increase public awareness of communication disability and the severe
impact it has on people's lives;
 Encourage people around the world to join together to make a difference
in the lives of people living with communication disability.
International Communication
Project 2014 (ICP2014)
The campaign is based on three key messages:
 Communication is vital to life
Communication disorders limit a person's ability to participate fully in
family life, their community, education and the world of work.
 Communication professionals make a critical difference
Without access to key services, people with communication disorders are
at a lifelong disadvantage.
 Early intervention is key
Research shows that early identification and intervention programs
create positive results over a lifetime for people with communication
difficulties and society as a whole.
International Communication
Project 2014 (ICP2014)
ICP2014 Australian Communication Champions
 Become the face of the campaign on the ground. Learn new skills. Raise
the profile of communication disorders and speech pathology in your
local community. Make a difference around the world.
 Campaign Toolkits
Victorian Executive
2013 has been another busy year for the Victorian Branch Executive
Monthly branch meetings continue to be well attended with focus
around the new branch structure for 2014.
Victorian Executive 2013
2013 Executive:
Robyn Stephen
Jessica Andrianakis
Vice President:
Charmaine Tu
Secretary/Treasurer: Jane-Elise Healey
Linda Crisci & Charmaine Briffa
Gillian Dickman
Kat Potter
Public Affairs:
Kim Martin and Amanda Simionato
Scientific Affairs: Laura Voight
Kathryn Harker & Pam Thuan
Rural and Regional: Lucie Shanahan
Victorian Executive 2013
2013 Executive:
Independent Practitioners: Lisa Furlong
Mentoring (Adult):
Talin Gochian
Mentoring (Paeds):
Kaye Kingham
Vic Voice Editor
Shane Erickson
Charmaine Tu
La Trobe University:
Sue Block
University of Melbourne:
Ruth Nicholls
Australian Catholic University: Diane Jacobs
Student Representatives:
(LTU UG) Mandy Ip & Erin de Winter
(LTU GEM) Paige Marshall & Leah Paice
(CSU) Lucie Thompson & Naylan McDonell
(UoM) Hailey Dumesny, Julia Greco & Alice Crook
(ACU) Roshni Kaur and Kayla Di Placido
Victorian Executive
Pregnancy, Babies and Children’ Expo
 A Special thanks to all those who assisted in making the Speech Pathology
Australia Stand such a success.
Kate Fleming
Rebecca Lamont
Laura Voigt
Katherine Sanchez
Charmaine Tu
Jessica Hayward
Tori Codingly
Megan Sceriha
Sarah Finegan
Kaye Kingham
Lisa Furlong
Cara Di Roberto
Erin De Winter
Hailey Dumesny
Alicia Phillips
Julia Greco
Myfanwy Goode
Paige Marshall
Victorian Executive
Health Sector Leadership Program
 Congratulations to Kat Potter, Rebecca Lamont, Ruth Nicholls and JaneElise Healey
Victorian Executive
Victorian Branch Social Event
 Work is underway for a Social Networking Event in 2014
Meeting with Kathleen Phillips, Chief Allied Health Advisor of Victoria
 Kath is aiming to increase to profile of Allied Health at State level when
discussions with medical / nursing representatives happen
 Discussion around
 Increasing demand for SP services leading to transdisciplinary models of care
and “key worker roles” – potential for skill reduction / devaluing of profession
 Reduction in SP positions (reduced career progression, reduced time for
PD/upskilling, effect on students placements, reduced new grad/gr 1
 SP burn out and retention (career satisfaction / stress of covering multiple
New Branch Structure for 2014
Meetings to continue to run once a month (first Wednesday of each month
beginning in February and finishing in November)
15 minutes meeting for Branch executive team (commencing at 6 – 6:15pm)
45-60 minute meeting for projects.
Key Business of the Victorian Branch:
 Lobbing and Influencing
 Communication and Public Affairs
 CPD, Research and EBP
New Branch Structure for 2014
Executive Team
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Members (min 5)
- Student coordinator
- University Rep
CPD Portfolio
Task Group 1
- Executive Team
- Volunteers
Task Group 2
- Executive Team
- Volunteers
New Branch Structure for 2014
Examples of executive business:
 Project feedback
 Cheese and wine nights for universities
 Book of the Year Awards
Examples of projects:
 Member Engagement e.g. Website, twitter, speakout, national e-news, national
 Social event planning (Networking)
 Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s expo (October)
 Speech Pathology Week (August)
 Student event (September)
 Lobbying/State Election (November)
New Branch Structure for 2014
Election of Victorian Branch
Given the changes to the new branch structure with removal of official
portfolios, and only one nomination received for each position, all
positions are elected unopposed.
2014 Executive
Branch Chair:
Vice Chair:
Secretary / Treasurer:
Jessica Andrianakis
Charmaine Tu
Jane-Elise Healey
Linda Crisci & Kate Bridgman
Awaiting 2014 plans
Election of Victorian Branch
Executive (cont’d)
2014 Executive cont’d
Laura Voigt
Jenny Elliot
Talin Gochian
Kat Potter
Lisa Furlong
Pamela Thuan
Lucie Shanahan
Kaye Kingham
Alice Cook
Naylan McDonell
Shay Thompson
Leah Paice
Page Marshall
Kaylah Di Placido
Roshni Kaur
Hailey Demesny
If anyone is interested in being involved in a project or with the executive
team in 2014, please contact me at (email
also available on SPA Vic Branch website)
Members are welcome to come to a branch meeting to hear more about what
we do. Contact Jane-Elise Healey (Secretary) for
more information
Schedule of meetings is also available on the Vic Branch page of the SPA
website (
Any questions?
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to
the work of the Victorian Branch during 2013
Thank you
Thanks for coming, Merry Christmas, Happy
New Year and here’s to a great year for Vic
Branch in 2014!!