What is Cloud Computing?


What is Cloud Computing?
What is Cloud Computing?
Why call it “Cloud” Computing?
Cloud Computing Key Properties
• Shift from CAPEX to OPEX
• Lowers barrier for starting a new business/project
• Can be cheaper even in the long run
• Economies of scale
• Geography
• Instant agility
• Security
• Reliability
• Performance predictability (QoS)
• Vendor lock-in
• Security and privacy
• Data transfer bottleneck
• Uploading 10 TB over 20 Mbps link takes 45 days!
Cloud-friendly Applications
• Existing apps that do not require specialized hardware resources
• Internet scale apps
• Large user base
• Geographic distribution
• Apps with elastic demands
• Burst computing
Cloud Computing Taxonomy
• Infrastructure/hardware as a Service (IaaS)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• Software/Framework as a Service (SaaS/FaaS)
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Also know as Utility Computing
VM images of different OS flavors
Can run any application natively on chosen OS
User administers VMs
• User in charge of elasticity and failover
• Almost like buying your how HW
• Billing:
• CPU hour
• Gigabyte of storage per month
• Network traffic in and out of datacenter
• Examples:
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Rackspace
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• Application need to conform to provider’s API
• VM managed automatically by provider
• Automatic scaling and failover
• Billing:
• CPU hour
• Gigabyte of storage per month
• Network traffic in and out of datacenter
• Examples:
• Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Heroku
Software/Framework as a Service (SaaS/FaaS)
• SaaS: services and applications available on an ondemand basis.
• FaaS: a configurable SaaS
• Billing:
• Application specific
• Per hour
• Per transaction
• Examples:
• Salesforce.com
• Google Docs
How do they stack up?
Choosing between IaaS and PaaS
• Use third party sw or other programming languages
• Have existing code
• Care about lock in
• Transfer web app to your own server or a different provider
• Want complete control
• Are OK with the extra work needed to manage the system
• Provider’s API provider all needed functionality
• Have no issues with lock-in
• Don’t want to or cannot afford to manage the servers
Amazon Web
Regions and Availability Zones
 Region
• Set of Availability Zones located in one geographic area
• Currently 8 regions:
• Virginia, California, Oregon, Ireland
Singapore, Australia, Tokio,
Sao Paulo
 Availability Zone
• Independent failure domains
• Distinct location
• Independent power grid and network connection
• Zones within a region networked with inexpensive low-latency connections
• Example: us-east-1a, us-east1b, us-east-1c, us-east-1d
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
 Introduced in 2006 (beta), 2007 (full production version)
 Based on Xen virtualization
 Introduced Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Rent a server on an hourly basis
• Renting one instance for 10,000 hours is just as cheap as
renting 10,000 instances for an hour.
EC2 Instance
 Definition: an active virtual server
 Created from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
• Like a boot CD. Root image with everything necessary to start an
 Large number of images available
Usage Model
 Single AMI used to create multiple instances
Customized for application
Typically, all applications are pre-loaded
 Instance are ephemeral
Created when needed
Terminated when demand goes away
 Instance storage (FS) is ephemeral
Goes away when the instance is terminated
 Persistent storage:
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume
S3, RDS, SimpleDB, DynamoDB
Instance Types
 One EC2 Compute Unit provides the equivalent CPU capacity of
a 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor.
Create a Custom EC2 Instance
Select AMI
Choose instance type
Choose availability zone
Set key-pair
Set security group
ssh into instance
e.g., ssh –i .ssh/csc309.pem ubuntu@ec2-107-20-227-144.compute-1.amazonaws.com
 Customize
 Create Image
Security Group
 Network firewall rules for instance
 By default instance is not accessible
 Can limit by protocol, port, source IP
Key Pairs
SSH credentials to log into instance
Install private key (pem file) in .ssh
ssh –i <keypair>.pem <user>@<instance>
e.g., ssh –i .ssh/ece1779.pem ubuntu@
 Ubuntu 14
 Apache2
• sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start|stop
• /var/www/html
#root for all web documents
• /var/log/apache2
#apache server logs
• /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
# php configuration file
 Other tools
• eclipse
• twm, fvwm, kde
• vnc
• vncpasswd
# create .vnc/passwd file
• vncserver -geometry 1400x900 :1
# starts a new vncserver on display 1
• mysql-workbench
Recommended Reading
The Cloud at Your Service
Jothy Rosenberg and Art Mateos
Cloud Computing Bible
Barrie Sosinsky
Programming Amazon Web Services
James Murty
Programming Google App Engine
Dan Sanderson

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