Electromagnetic Waves What does energy have to do with waves?
Electromagnetic Waves What does energy have to do with waves?
Electromagnetic Waves What does energy have to do with waves? What does energy have to do with the wave? • Electromagnetic wave: A transverse wave that consists of changing electric and magnetic fields. – http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.astronomynotes.com/light/emanim.gif&imgrefurl=htt p://www.astronomynotes.com/light/s3.htm&usg=__GVseWMb1yoPuB18VEHQWmqrsHdM=&h=311& w=496&sz=18&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=4YDWF2lJgNPfDM:&tbnh=82&tbnw= 130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Delectromagnetic%2Bwaves%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactiv e%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:*%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=tvyBTeLhC4i5tweO8IzJBA Electromagnetic wave: Electromagnetic wave fun facts: • The energy transferred by this type of wave is electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic wave fun facts: • The energy transferred by this type of wave is electromagnetic radiation. • They travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second in a vacuum. Electromagnetic wave fun facts: • The energy transferred by this type of wave is electromagnetic radiation. • They travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second in a vacuum. • Speed = wavelength X frequency Electromagnetic wave fun facts: • The energy transferred by this type of wave is electromagnetic radiation. • They travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second in a vacuum. • Speed = wavelength X frequency – Wavelength decreases frequency increases. Electromagnetic wave fun facts: • The energy transferred by this type of wave is electromagnetic radiation. • They travel at about 300,000,000 meters per second in a vacuum. • Speed = wavelength X frequency – Wavelength decreases frequency increases. – Wavelength increases frequency decreases. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy). Also used for precise surgeries (very small cuts). Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy). Also used for precise surgeries (very small cuts). • X-rays: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy). Also used for precise surgeries (very small cuts). • X-rays: Used to take “pictures” of bones. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy). Also used for precise surgeries (very small cuts). • X-rays: Used to take “pictures” of bones. • Ultraviolet: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Gamma rays: Used to kill cancer cells (radiation therapy). Also used for precise surgeries (very small cuts). • X-rays: Used to take “pictures” of bones. • Ultraviolet: Low exposure helps your body produce Vitamin D. High exposure can cause sunburn or skin cancer. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Toaster elements, night vision goggles, paintball lasers, remote controls. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Toaster elements, night vision goggles, paintball lasers, remote controls. • Microwave rays: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Toaster elements, night vision goggles, paintball lasers, remote controls. • Microwave rays: Microwave ovens and transmit cellular phone messages. The shortest radio wave. Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Toaster elements, night vision goggles, paintball lasers, remote controls. • Microwave rays: Microwave ovens and transmit cellular phone messages. The shortest radio wave. • Radio / TV waves: Electromagnetic wave parts from high energy to low energy: • Visible light: What human eyes can see. Each wavelength has a different color. • Infrared rays: Toaster elements, night vision goggles, paintball lasers, remote controls. • Microwave rays: Microwave ovens and transmit cellular phone messages. The shortest radio wave. • Radio / TV waves: Carry signals through radio and TV.
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