

The power of simplicity
• Associative
In Memory
Memory & Processor Power
Patented In Memory Associative Technology
Thought driven
Light impact
Visually Interactive
Summary and Detail
QlikView Real-time OLAP
“Real-time processing”
64 Bit
Traditional Cube OLAP
•Everyone Else
•“Fast Deployment”
QlikView New Rules
Within two days of downloading a trial version of QlikView, Shell Sweden had a
prototype application for analyzing financial data. It became a customer and later
expanded QlikView usage to sales and operations functions.
A Nacka kommun representative emphasized how user friendly QlikView was,
stating, "It is so easy to work with it seems like fun."
Dakota Healthcare built an application to allow users to navigate through massive
amounts of related data to each insurance claim. The 200GB database was
compressed into 500MB and loaded into the RAM of a 64-bit Windows Server 2003.
Zurich, a Swiss insurance firm, was able to reduce the workload of report
development and maintenance from seven full-time dedicated staff to two people
working over a two- to three-day period every month.
IDG Denmark chose to download a trial of QlikView and had some initial skepticism
about the low cost of the solution. However, due to the ease of implementation and
functionality, IDG soon became a satisfied, paying customer.
Deluca Homes, a manufacturer of homes turned to QlikView to provide: applications
that enable monitoring of the performance of contractors involved in the building and
inspection of homes, provision of KPIs to management, and analysis of financial data.
Our Value Proposition: 1/4 the time, 1/2 the cost, 2x the value
Source: IDC whitepaper by Dan Vesset and Brian McDonough, “QlikTech’s Approach to Business Intelligence: Keep It Simple and Flexible”
What makes QlikView special, on need to know basis?
QlikView is a « new generation » tool:
All data are stored in memory and processed from there  faster!
 Traditional generation BI tools working with views
Makes associative connections  like human brain:
no top-down, no data structure knowledge required ...
PC: 3 versions 8.5  very recent update to 9
Analyser (only consult reports)
Professional: also creation of reports, chart, etc (advanced users)
Developer: also create datawarehouse etc (IT)
Server: on a windows server
Publisher (most expensive license, not for SMEs)
What can you do met QlikView?
Create flexible end user interface for DW
View on relations between data
Make presentations, based on your data
Cretae dynamic graphs and tables
Perform statistical analysis
Link descriptions and multimedia to data
Sert up your own expert system
Create new tables and merge information from different sources
Build your own BI system
Communities etc
Links to qlikacademy
with videos, courses, etc
Several applications
Belgian distributor: Credon (Tessenderlo)
Using QlikView Professional
• Starting QlikView
• Basic Layout and Navigation
Remember, a QlikView file contains everything the user needs to perform
meaningful data analysis, including the data itself and all the layout
information, objects and sheets defined by the Professional developer
Using QlikView Professional
Wat strikes you?
selected data
associated data
unrelated data
Context help Help topics
View Toolbars menus tabs
Toolbar: design  table relations (data structure)
Sheet is the basis: right click  sheet objects
Using QlikView Professional
Sheets and Sheet Objects
Sheets and Sheet Objects
• Sheet Basics
A QlikView document uses at least one sheet on which sheet objects are
Even if a number of sheet objects have been placed on several different
sheets, all sheet objects are still fully connected by the QlikView logic.
Sheets and Sheet Objects
• Sheet Objects Include:
List Boxes
Statistics Boxes
Multi Boxes
Table Boxes
Input Boxes
Current Selections Boxes
Text Objects
Line/Arrow Objects
Slider/Calendar Objects
Bookmark Objects
Custom Objects
System Tables
Add sheet (via Layout) (or button)
Sheet properties
List box: select fields: Layout – Select fields
Shift click
Ctrl click
Activate a sheet object: click caption
Move a sheet object on a sheet: click and drag
Resize sheet object: like windows
Copy on same sheet: ctrl click and keep caption -- drag – loose ctrl
and mouse
Move to another sheet: click hold and drag to tab
Delete: via right mouse click or click caption and press delete button
First exercises
1 Open file Film and save as Film2
2 Create a new tab, copying Qvgids and name it « IP »
3 Create a box « current selections»
The List Box
The List Box
• The List Box is the most common QlikView object.
List of all possible distinct values of a field
one value represents multiple rows in source data
• It provides one of the simplest ways of making a query and can
also be used to navigate in QlikView
The List Box: Additional Functionality
• Performing a simple search
A value:  green  other table’ values whit or grey
• Performing an advanced search
Search String: click in caption (hoofding) – wildcards * and ?
Select excluded (e.g. all customers without “er”) right mouse click
Create new list box: right mouse click
CTRL-Click: multiple selections
Simultaneous selections in multiple list boxes  like AND
Locking (= clear proof; blue, yellow) and Unlocking Selections
Lock button
• Beacons: green blue red dot: indicates selection in other tab
List Box Properties: The General Tab
List Box Properties: The Presentation Tab
List Box Properties: The Sort Tab
List Box Properties: The Number Tab
List Box Properties: The Font Tab
List Box Properties: The Layout Tab
List Box Properties: Layout Tab - Advanced Caption
List boxes exercise
1 Create a list box for movie title and another for year
2 Experiment with the settings
The Table Box - Tabelobject
The Table Box is a sheet object that shows several fields
It is a combination of list boxes. Instead of placing each field in its own
object separately, however, the Table Box combines them. The
content of every row is logically connected. The columns may be
fetched from different input tables, letting the user create tables
from any possible combination of input tables.
When you want to present the contents of several list boxes in one
table, you need a Table Box
 to view data on detailed level
 not really for graphs or selections
The Table Box
•A series of List Boxes
presented in comparison
with the Table Box
Table box
Make table wider
Widen a column
Select in table
selection in other tab  green dot (beacon)
click in table: one column, a second one, etc
drag caption: sequence columns
on a column value: right click and sort
Or via properties sort
to Excel
To QV export file
The Table Box: Advantages
Some advantages of Table Boxes include:
Making selections
Table box exercises
1 Make a table box with actor, director and year
2 Sort decreasing on year and change sequence actor-director
3 Give it style « pyjama green »
4 Make a listbox of rating
5 Pick rating 6 and search in table box which movies from Donald
Sutherland have that rating;
6 Export the result to QVO file and try to open from Excel
The Multi Box
The Multi Box offers the ultimate solution to the problem of displaying
a large number of list boxes on the same sheet.
The Multi Box is a set of dropdown list boxes gathered within the
same frame. As the picture illustrates, every field is represented by
a row in the multi box.
Multiple fields can be combined into a single Multi Box.
Compare the space used for the list boxes with the Multi Box
The Multi Box: Advantages
Less space is required in the layout. Less clutter
Possible to display a large number of fields in a single Multi Box
Displays the result of selections that result in a one-to-one
relationship, since no data is shown until the selections define a
single result in a Multi Box field
Multi Box
1 Make a multibox with Reference, language and title
2 Experiment with the settings
The Text Object
Text objects are used for adding information to a QlikView document.
They can be used to show text information or an image in the
layout. They can be moved and positioned anywhere on a sheet,
just like any other sheet object.
Text objects can also be used effectively for displaying the results of
calculations, and to create backgrounds.
Think of a Text object as a blank object for content. You can use it to
create an introduction page for your QlikView application, or simply
to display the data model that supports your analysis. Text objects
can also be used for pictures and can also contain calculations
The Text Object
The Text Object
Don’t exagerate because higher visual complexity
1 Create a text object in purple with your name as a header and in the
object a picture of a turtle
2 Make a second text object containing the data model of the tables
1. Close Film2 and open OnlineSales
2. Create a new tab « grahs » and make the background white
3. Create two list boxes: CustomerName and SalesAmount
Charts are a collection of graphical objects that can display one or
several expressions plotted over one or several dimensions, such
as ”Orders Per Year."
In QlikView, you will recognize the most common chart types: bar,
line and pie charts, but several other types, including two kinds of
tables, are also included as charts.
Icon Quick chart wizard or right click new sheet object chart
Dimension: customer x-axe
Expression: sales y-axe
Fast type change
e.g. sales person line sales amount
Statistical trend lines (in expressions)
Max visible number (presentation tab)
Reference (France, then Canada)
Drill down: click on bar
Charts: Common Types
Chart Types:
Pivot (table)
Straight (table)
Charts: Set Reference
In many cases, it is useful to compare chart data for different
selections. For this purpose, you can use chart reference
The reference in the example shows the sales of men’s footwear in
light blue behind the currently selected women’s footwear sales
Chart with product drilldown, region drilldown, etc
Charts exercises
1 Create a pie chart with a legend for total sales per product
2 Ensure the legend has %
3 Provide a suitable title and ensure that it can switch to bar chart
4 Only display top 5
5 Put the Y-value in the chart
Multidimensional Charts, Tables
Multidimensional charts contain, as the name implies, more than one
In a multidimensional chart, we might combine Year (the time
dimension) with Country to analyze sales from year-to-year.
We will also explore an as yet unexplored chart-type, the Pivot Table.
Multidimensional Charts, Tables
Pivot Table
Straight Table
Table Box
Type of Sheet Object
Table Box
Type of data in the
Dimension +
values *
Dimension +
expression values
Field values
Making selections in
Dimension values
Dimension values
Sorting of values?
Limited to
changing the
settings for
dimension values
in Properties:
Yes, dimension +
expression values
Quick sorting in
Yes, dimension +
expression values
Grouping of data?
Partial sums?
Total sums?
Pivot Tables may also be used without any expressions to show a hierarchy of fields.
Example with straight table and then pivot table
Dimension country
Expression sum salesamount
extra expression avg salesamount
Only 2 countries
Summary per year and quarter  extra dimensions
First pivot table conversion
Only sum, deactivate avg
In presentation show partial sums for three dimensions
Other sequence: drag and drop
Multidimensional Charts, Tables
• Visual Cues (like conditional formatting in Excel)
Multidimensional Charts, Tables: Exercises
1 Create a multidimensional table: per year the number of orders, nr of
customers and total sales
Use cilinders in the chart, values on top of each cilinder and change
colors. Use a title in a nice layout
2 Create a pivot table with total sales per customer, product group and
year and make it in style « pivot1 »
3 Make a straight table for sales, cost and margin and use two
decimals for margin. Use visual cues for margin
Gauges represent a dimensionless expression, and reflect the
selection status (what has been clicked) in the QlikView
They are most commonly used in QlikView dashboards. (KPI)
A Gauge is a Chart Object.
There are six types of gauges in QlikView
Expressions in Tables can be displayed as gauges
Gauge chart creation
No dimension
Sum(SalesAmount) / Sum(All SalesAmount)
Per country
tekstvak (tekst in grafiek) toevoegen en dat slepen (ctrl shift)
Gauge chart for margin (%) and change types, segments, style, …
Buttons can be used to execute various commands in QlikView.
Buttons may look quite different. In the
Background group, you have the choice
between a Plain background, Aqua, which
gives the button a glassy look, and Image. If
you decide to use an Image option you can
either use a single image or a combined
image consisting of three pictures (for the
active, the pressed and the inactive button) in
a horizontal row. QlikView supports the image
formats bmp, jpg, jpeg and png.
The Other Sheet Objects
Some of the other objects in QlikView applications include
Statistics Box
Current Selections Box
Slider/Calendar Object
Input Box
Bookmark Object
Custom Object
Other Chart Types
The Other Sheet Objects
Statistics Box
Current Selections Box
Slider/Calendar Object
Input Box (wisselkoers bvb)
Bookmark Object
Custom Object
The Other Sheet Objects
Combo Chart
Radar Chart
The Other Sheet Objects
Scatter Chart
Grid Chart
Create a calendar object and an input box (for euro – dollar rate)
Desktop Data
• Edit Script Dialog
Desktop Data
• The Table Wizard: loading files
Desktop Data
• Table Wizard
Deleting a Field
Renaming a Field
Assignment: exercise
Use Excel files Employee and Sales