Welcome to B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media


Welcome to B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Welcome to
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Programme Leader
Programme Leader:Barry Dean
Email: uwe@barrydean.net
Web home page:www.barrydean.net
Room number: 2P16
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Programme Structure
The normal (sandwich) route through BSc
Digital Media takes four years.
In year-one you study six modules
In year-two you study six modules
In year-three you undertake an optional
industrial placement.
In year-four you take a number of modules
including a choice of Project
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Year one
Each module introduces knowledge on a specific
subject area:
Informing and Communicating in Practice
Systems Development
Media Technologies
Introduction to Program Development
Multimedia Sound Production
Developing Interactive 3D Environments
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Option Choices
Year one – all core modules
Year two – all core modules
Year three – option modules and choice
of Digital Media Project
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Lectures and Tutorials
For each module you normally attend:
One one-hour lecture per week
One one-hour tutorial per week
There are also a number of Graduate
Development Programme (GDP)
sessions scheduled in the year
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Discovering a module coursework deadline
 Go to Students Online (see above) and access the Modules
 Enter the module code or name
 Look for the Submission Date field
Discovering how to find all your current assignments’ deadlines
and cover sheets
 Go to myUWE
 Follow the Help link (at the bottom of the page)
 Follow the Courses link
 Follow the Coursework link
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Important Documents
When you checked in this morning (Q block
reception, 0900h to 1000h), you should have
received a copy of:
 The week’s induction schedule for your
During this session I will distribute:
 Your timetable
 “Bridge that Gap” social activity
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Induction Schedule
Today: Welcome to Your Course and
talk: Support and Resources
event: Group Social Activity
Thursday: Fresher's Fair (ECC)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
University Structure
Your programme is Digital Media
Located in the Creative Technologies
In the Department of Computer
Science and Creative Technologies
In the Faculty of Environment and
Technology (FET)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Faculty Structure
Within FET there are five other
which between them offer a wide
range of programmes, e.g.:
 BA (Hons) Geography
 BSc (Hons) Mathematics
 BSc (Hons) Engineering
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Graduate Development
Programme (GDP)
The regular GDP programme sessions will help you
Work in groups
Relate module content to your overall programme
Articulate your knowledge and skills
Improve your employability prospects
Plan your learning needs
Your first session will be indicated on your
Your tutor will tell you then how the remaining
sessions will be scheduled
The department’s GDP coordinator is Nick Plant
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Student Portal
myUWE is the UWE "portal" through which
you can access a range of online services and
data including:
To access the myUWE portal:
The library
Your assessment results
Your timetable
Click the myUWE tab on the university’s home
page (www.uwe.ac.uk)
Or click myUWE icon on a PC’s desktop
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Log in
myUWE portal
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Some of your module leaders will store
lecture and tutorial material, as well as
assignments and readings, on the Blackboard
online system on the web, where you can
access them.
You can access Blackboard from myUWE
You will need to enter your user name and
password, both of which you will receive at
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Information for Students
Access your department’s web site:
Choose the “For students and staff” menu
You will see a collection of very useful links to
 Library
 Blackboard
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Our Expectations of You
“Students are individually responsible for
managing their learning and are required to
undertake all assessments in the format and
at the time specified in module specifications
and in information provided by faculties.”
In addition to lectures and labs/tutorials, you
should study each module at least 4 hours
or more a week
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Academic Regulations and
The regulations which you are
under are called the Academic
Regulations and Procedures
You should review these
You can find them at:
 http://acreg.uwe.ac.uk/rf.asp
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Your performance on each module will be
Normally, this will involve:
There may be other means of assessments
for some modules, e.g.
One exam per year
One or two coursework assignments per year
In-class tests
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
To pass a module
 at least 35% in
 at least 35% in coursework
 40% average overall
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Additional Assessment Points
“the stated deadline is the last
date/time by which work should be
Students have one attempt (i.e. a
maximum of two opportunities) at the
assessment for a module
Accepted extenuating circumstances
may provide one more attempt
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Discovering a module’s assignment deadlines and cover
 myUWE
Some assignments will be submitted online
Discovering more about assignments
 Go to myUWE
 Follow the Help link (at the bottom of the page)
 Follow the Courses link
 Follow the Coursework link
 (or go directly to:
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Handing in Work
You should receive each coursework
specification at least 4 weeks before its
submission date.
You attach a coursework cover sheet
(obtainable online from myUWE – see
previous Coursework slide)
Submit coursework in the Project Room
2Q30 (open 9am to 6pm)
Coursework deadline: 2pm on the handin date (or earlier)!
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
second year students run weekly study
sessions to help you to improve your
understanding of a module
all sessions are on your timetable
for more on PAL see
 http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/studysup
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Open 24/7 from the 26th Sep.
Automated book-borrowing machines need:
 Your UWE Library ID number (on your student card)
 Your Library PIN
On 4 floors featuring a range of study space (silent to group
study), bookable computers, bookable rooms for group
Find information on the library by clicking the “Library
Services website tab” on the university’s home page at
 Look at a guide to Reading, Writing and Referencing by:
 Following the Study Skills link
UWE’s ELibrary portal: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/elibrary/
 For the library’s electronic journals
Ask a Librarian: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/help
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
 Includes 24h chat facility
When writing your assignments or projects, AVOID:
 Copying large chunks from books or the web;
 Unauthorised sharing of work;
 Including the work of experts in your own work
without proper acknowledgement through
If you do not, you will be penalised!
Read about Assessment Offences in the Academic
Regulations and Procedures 2011-12 (page 110)
For more information on plagiarism:
 Go to: iskillzone.uwe.ac.uk
 and follow the plagiarism link
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Study Skills
The following web sites will help you
improve your academic writing and
other study skills:
Improving your academic writing skills,
particularly your referencing skills, will help
you avoid plagiarism
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Student Advisors
If you have non-academic problems (fees, extenuating
circumstances, like illness, etc.), you should:
make an appointment to see your Student Advisor in Room
2Q56 using the online system accessible at:
If you have academic problems with, or concerns about, a
module, you should take them up first with the module tutor,
then with the module leader. If the issue is still unresolved,
see your programme leader.
Problems experienced by the whole cohort that remain
unresolved should be brought to the attention of your
student representative, who should then raise them on your
behalf at the next Programmes Staff Student Liaison
Group (PSSLG) meeting (at least one each term)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Staff will communicate with you via:
 E-mail: you will be able to use Microsoft Outlook; staff
will!!; so you should check Outlook for new e-mail regularly
 MyUWE (UWE Portal)
 Register for SMS texts via MyUWE as follows:
1. Login to MyUWE
2. Click on 'My Details'
3. Enter their mobile number into the mobile number field
4. Put a tick in the tick box to 'accept SMS texts from UWE'
 Blackboard (see a previous slide)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Student Representatives
It is very important that you choose a Student Representative
Your Student Rep. will be able to raise issues and concerns over the
programme with programme staff at two Programme Staff Student Liaison
Group (PSSLG) meetings and two informal meetings held each year.
Students Reps may also sit on other Faculty and University committees,
e.g. Faculty Academic Standards and Quality Committee
They are also invited to the Student Rep Department Forum and elected
representatives are invited to the University Student Representative
In 2011, a student from your department won the “Vice Chancellor’s Award
for Lifetime Achievement”.
Trained Students Reps will be paid £6.74 per hour for attending official
Student Rep training will be provided by the Students’ Union
The FET Students’ Union Rep. Coordinator is Bethan Foweraker
(Bethan.Foweraker@uwe.ac.uk x82963 Room 5F2)
More information about Student Reps can be found on the Students’ Union
website: www.uwesu.org/studentreps
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Student Ambassadors
Represent UWE, meet lots of new people and get well paid!!!
We are looking for confident, reliable, flexible and friendly team
players to represent the Department of Computer Science and
Creative Technologies
You'll be working at a range of events including Open Days, school
workshops, public events, and providing tours to visitors; you will be
helping to promote the Department as well as the Faculty more broadly
It is a great opportunity for you to pick up some key skills and
enhance your CV while earning some extra cash:
Novice ambassadors: £6.84 p/h
Experienced ambassadors: £7.21 p/h
To apply:
Register online at:
Or see Helen in 3Q79
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Second-hand books
The Students Union will be launching a new
online marketplace in October
Use it to buy and sell second-hand books
The University bookshop also sells secondhand books
Programme notice boards in the faculty
often feature lists of books students are
trying to sell
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Social Event: “Bridge the Gap”
Wednesday 21st September:
1300h to 1630h: design and build a bridge
using only straws
Location: Zone D, ECC (see the briefing handout for
Teams of five
Prizes: 1st prize: £20 Amazon Gift Certificate for each
team member; 2nd and 3rd prizes
Collect briefing handout (including directions) from me
now !
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
More Useful Information
Students’ Open Access Lab. is in:
The IT Help Desk is in: 3P12
The Project Room is in 2Q30
If you have special educational
needs, e.g. dyslexia, contact the
Disability Coordinator in 2Q56
(email: alison.eastwood@uwe.ac.uk)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Useful Advice
Make sure you:
Can find the Help Desk (3P12)
Can find the Open Access Lab (3P10)
Can find the Project Room (2Q30)
Study the assignment schedule
(hand in dates) and plan your work
around it!
Keep copies of your assignments
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Fire Alarm
Continuous sound means EVACUATION!!
Intermittent sound means stay where you are
It stops: OK
It changes to continuous: EVACUATE
Do not use the lifts to evacuate
Help anyone who is struggling to evacuate
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Important web addresses
Students Union:
 http://www.uwesu.org/
Faculty of Environment and Technology
 http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/et/
Department of Computer Science and Creative
 http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/et/csct.aspx
Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
Don’t forget to pick up here and now:
your timetable
a copy of the “Bridge that Gap” social
event briefing handout
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media
My Website Resources
I maintain a website at UWE and www.barrydean.net
www.barrydean.net has links to my UWE homepage and
modules I lead
My UWE website lists the Digital Media programme and
associated modules and links to any module homepages
Modules I lead have an associated module homepage
Lecture notes
Tutorial notes
Associated resources
Bookmark my websites!
B.Sc. (Hons) Digital Media