KickStart Your Rocket City News Review Hugh Stanley


KickStart Your Rocket City News Review Hugh Stanley
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Your Rocket City News Review
Hugh Stanley
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Networking Opportunities
11/14 GEO-Energy-Cyber Huntsville Summit 2013 - S&RC - HSV
11/19 PMI NAC lunch - Executive Leadership Skills presents “How to be a Great
Communicator” with Richard and Vicky Scherberger - Aegis Technologies
11/20 1100: MOAA Meeting – The Summit – MG Tim Crosby
11/20 1130: AIAA Greater Huntsville Section - Lunch - Col Raymond Toth,
Commander, AEDC, Arnold AFB, TN - Boeing Bldg 48-47 Auditorium, 950
Explorer Blvd., HSV
11/21 0800: SMDWG - Dynetics (1004 Explorer) -Mr. James Lackey, AMRDEC
11/21 1130: NCMA Meeting - RFCU (Wynn Dr.) - Dr. Dorothy W. Huston
11/22 1800: SSV 4th Annual Irish Christmas & Whiskey Tasting - Jackson Center
12/03 1530: National Space Club - Dan Dumbacher, Deputy Associate Administrator,
Exploration Systems Development Division, Human Exploration and Operations
Mission Directorate NASA HQ - Jackson Center, 6001 Moquin Drive
12/03 1730: Association of Proposal Management Pros. Meeting – Aerojet
12/12 MSFC Collaboration Forum – S&RC
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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LEAN Frog Business Solutions, Inc. Wins Top Madison Chamber of Commerce 2013 Small
Business Awd
PPT Solutions Wins 2013 Small Business of the Year Award
Summit 7 Systems in Huntsville makes 2013 CRN Fast Growth 150 list for third straight year
Dynetics Technical Services Receives Marshall Space Flight Center Small Business Award
Huntsville's Intuitive Research and Technology makes Fortune's Best Places to Work List
19 Huntsville, Madison County companies ranked on 2013 Inc. 500 ...
Huntsville/Madison County ranked No. 4 on think tank's top 25 U.S. high-tech hotspots list
Only one Alabama city on top 100 best places to live. Which is it?
U.S. Space and Rocket Center board names new officers including new chairman
New HSV Business uses crowd funding and 3-D modeling
UAH gets top honors nationally - ranked fifth nationally in federally financed aeronautical and
astronautical engineering research
NASA Marshall Spaceflight Center Collaborates With Moon Express ...
Army Materiel Command now senior command at Redstone Arsenal, Lt. Gen. Patricia McQuistion
assumes top role
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Space Exploration
Here’s the Latest Kepler Orrery Video:
One in Five Stars Has an Earth-sized Planet in its Habitable Zone
Scientists confirm Voyager 1 probe is in interstellar space
Russian asteroid explosion data has scientists rewriting models
Space Agencies Of The World, Unite: The U.N.'s Asteroid Defense Plan
Astronauts Won't Go To Space Until At Least 2021, NASA Inspector
Mars Rover Curiosity Finds Surprising Amount Of Water On Mars
Mars Rover Comes Up Empty in Search for Methane
Radiation makes Mars mission unlikely
Incredible Technology: How to Launch Superfast Trips to Mars
More than 2,700 pay up for a chance to take a one-way trip to Mars
India leaps into interplanetary space with Mars mission
India Can Send a Rocket to Mars and Fight Poverty at the Same Time
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Space Biz
Zombie SATS: use it up, wear it out …DARPA Looking for 10 Retired Satellites To Raid for Parts in
On-orbit Salvaging Demo
Time is ripe for fire detection satellite
Turning Android Phones Into Satellites for $3500
Russia Mulls Ban of RD-180 Engine Exports
Russia Appoints New Space Chief
Russia offers Brazil new joint space projects
China sets course for lunar landing this year
China started late, but could zoom ahead to lead space race
Virgin Galactic needs a few space pilots, kite surfing optional?
NBC teams up with Virgin Galactic for 'Space Race' reality TV show
California vies with other states in commercial space race
Houston Airport System announces plans for a spaceport
Private Launches Bring Boom to Virginia Spaceport
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Business & Strategy
Eurocopter to Go Commercial With Mississippi Plant
Advanced Optical Systems makes touchless fingerprint identification a reality for smart phones,
national defense
Deloitte hires FBI agent who oversaw probe into Sept 11 attack
Jo A. Decker Joins General Dynamics Information Technology
Dynetics Technical Services wins Marshall Space Flight Center's Small Business Prime Contractor
of the Year
CFD Research Corporation - 1st tenant in HudsonAlpha's new building along McMillian Park
Davidson Technologies in Huntsville breaks ground on $3.5 million expansion
ATK Looks for $1.86B External Funding
Deloitte named a global leader in cybersecurity consulting by Kennedy
Huntsville's CFDRC awarded DoD Small Business Innovative Research Awd
Georgia Tech Launches New Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Boeing Sees Future In GPS Business
Contractors Are Now Using Encrypted Calls and Texts for Legal Advice
PwC gobbles up Booz & Co as Big 4 rebuild in consulting
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Pictures of the Month
Mars Iguana / Six Second Toothbrush / China’s CV
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Cygnus: more insurance for NASA's growing lack of game
Private Cygnus Cargo Ship Aborts First Space Station Approach
Space Station Traffic Jam Delays 1st Arrival of New Private Cygnus Spacecraft
Orbital Sciences' Spacecraft Returns to Earth as Blazing Ball of Trash
OIG: no US astronaut launch until 2021 ...8 year wait for 8 ballers
Outgoing NASA Deputy Reflects on High-profile, Big-money Programs
Happy birthday NASA ...take the day off
Government shutdown: NASA turns 55 – and turns out the lights
NASA confirms DC once hosted intelligent life
NASA defends decision to idle J-2X engine program, not a '$1.2 billion mistake'
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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US 'pivot' to Asia gaining strength: admiral
APKWS Laser-Guided Rocket Tested On Apache
Tank-Bursting Hellfire, The Weapon Of Choice For Buildings that need Killin’
Pentagon spent $5 billion on weapons on the eve of the shutdown
Defense Budget Headed for Dizzying Rollercoaster Ride
US Army sees budget cuts affecting most weapons programs
Analyst: Historical Trends Suggest Budget Cuts Deeper Than Sequestration
Analyst: Pentagon Budget Could Drop To $415 Billion
Hagel: Cuts to Pay and Benefits Are Needed
Amos: Sequestration is costing the Marine Corps billions
Navy Concerned about $500 Million Shortfall for Ballistic-Missile Subs
Zumwalt: The Navy's massive, high-tech destroyer …Capt. James Kirk to helm new stealth craft
Navy Joins Army in Plan to Cut Brass
U.S. Navy Vice Admiral fired from nuclear post amid gambling investigation
Navy Officials Accused of Taking Cash, Hookers and Lady Gaga Tickets
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works reveals a Mach 6 SR-72
Boeing unmanned plane has 5th flight
DARPA Plans to Arm Drones With Missile-Blasting Lasers
Israel drone manufacturing booms
Navy's Newest Unmanned Helo Makes First Flight
Northrop Grumman Demonstrates Micro-Gyro Prototype for DARPA ...
The drone that may never have to land
Lockheed to Build Army Anti-UAV, Weapon Laser
Pentagon investigating Redstone Arsenal's Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Office over work on
Russian helicopters US lawmakers ask Holder to back probe.
Watchdog Finds 719 Problems with the Pentagon’s F-35 Program...
Lockheed-Boeing Plan Joint Bid to Build Next US Bomber
Bell teams with Lockheed for US Army helicopter bid
Airbus sees global fleet doubling by 2032
Boeing CEO Expects Airbus to Surpass Boeing
Air Force Mourns Likely Passing of A-10 Warthog
USAF asks industry to answer C-130 replacement questions
New Boeing B-52 Upgrade to Increase Smart Weapons Capacity by Half
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Putin says he might run for president again in 2018
High stakes for Putin as his Olympic dream nears
U.S. to seize Manhattan skyscraper secretly owned by Iran
U.S. leans toward withholding most military aid from Egypt: source
White House denies reports U.S. halting military aid to Egypt
China pressing for nuclear talks with North Korea
China Says Its Nukes Can 'Easily Destroy' US Cities
China Slams 'Dangerous Provocation' By Japan By Shadowing Sea Drill
Israel Is Furious At Obama For The 'Scandalous' Leak That It Bombed Syria This Week
We're #2: Americans Think China Is Taking Over
Saudis 'turn to Pakistan to train army for Syria war'
US carrier group to make "best speed" to typhoon-hit Philippines
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Missile Defense
Unprecedented Dual Intercept Success for MEADS at White Sands Missile Range
Raytheon Successfully Tests SM-6 Missile Interceptors
Lockheed Martin Conducts Third Successful Flight Test of New GMLRS Warhead
Aerojet Rocketdyne SM-3 Block IIA TDACS Completes Second Full System Hot Fire Testing
AIM-9X Block III to Become a BVR Missile
DARPA Tests Jassm-Based Stealthy Anti-Ship Missile
MEADS System to Identify Friend Or Foe Aircraft Certified by U.S. Air Traffic Control Office
U.S. names possible East Coast missile defense sites, but far from decision
DARPA Just Spent $26M… On Anti-Missile Laser Beam
Drone-killing laser could be the future of missile defense
Pentagon To Probe Problems With Raytheon’s Kill Vehicle
Russia unveils plans for new anti-missile system, 5th-generation fighter jet
Russia's Vladimir Putin orders missile defense shipment to Iran ...
US concerned about Turkey's choice of Chinese missile system
Lockheed Martin's Aegis BMD System Completes Highest Target Intercept Yet
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Cyber / Tech
Latest $M idea you missed out on: USB condoms
49% of the Links Cited in Supreme Court Decisions Are Broken… an Internet that is
always growing is an Internet that is ...
Adult escort agency now accepting bitcoins
Report: 8 Out of 10 Users Infected With A Trojan
Your next lightbulb may be a a Wi-Fi connection
Read this article - and then decide if you should be backing up your files every week…
Brit hacker hits NASA, Def sites ... tweets it ...busted
The media discovers Silk Road
Snowden Convinced Colleagues to Give Him Their Passwords
3-D printed metallic gun could shoot $33B firearm industry in the foot
A Single-Atom Light Switch
New technique prints ink-based electrical circuitry using a desktop printer
Synaptic transistor learns while it computes
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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Strange Torque
FAA Finally Lifts Epically Dumb Ban on Mobile Device
Use on Planes
Woman plans to hand out letters to overweight trickor-treaters
Getting serious about the "any-direction" energy
RIP Early Bird: 1948–2013
Some 2-year degrees pay off better than BAs
Teens Are Losing Interest in Science, Survey Finds
Colleges with the highest-paid grads
Which college will land you the highest-paying job?
To Compete, America Needs 6-Year High Schools
Key Information Topics for SMDWG
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All I know is what I read in the
– Will Rogers