
Tender Sr. No………
Year:- 2014
Name of Firm/Company/Concern: …………………………..
Supply of Pre-Printed (Security Based)
Degree Paper Computer Stationery
Of Size A-4 8¼ ” X 11¾”
Tender Cost
Rs 400/-
Earnest Money
Rs 90,000/-
Last Date & Time for Submitting
Completed Tenders
: 30/10/2014 at 1 P.M.
Opening Date & Time of Tender
: 30/10/2014 at 3 P.M.
No. F20 (10)/ Degree/ MDSUA/2014/76816
Dated: 08/10/2014
Sealed tenders are invited from the manufacturers who are capable of supplying
the Pre-Printed (security based) Degree Papers Computer Stationery in bilingual
having in house requisite infrastructure and experience of at least five years of
University/Board level work. Tender forms may be obtained on any working day on
payment of cost of Rs. 400/- in cash for each job only from University Cash Counter
between 10.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M..
University is not bound to accept the lowest tender and may reject any tender in
full or part of the Tender without assigning any reason. Cash/DD/Banker Cheque in the
name of Registrar, M. D. S. University, Ajmer payable at Ajmer is to be deposited at
University Cash Counter.
Tender Notice and document can also be downloaded from the University
Website and Rajasthan State Public Procurement Portal
Website and deposited with Tender Cost as above and Earnest
Money separately with separate Demand Draft in the name of Registrar, M. D. S.
University, Ajmer.
Brief description of the Work
E. M. D.
Last date
cost of
(in Rs.)
and Time
date and
@ 2% of
Time of
Approx.cost submitting
Supply of Pre-Printed(Security Based)
Rs. 45
Rs. 90,000/- 30/10/2014 30/10/2014
At 1 P.M.
At 3 P.M.
Degree Paper size A-4 8¼” X 11¾”
of 175 G.S.M. for 2.41 Lac sheets
1. Tenders are to be submitted on prescribed Tender Form which can be obtained
on application from this office on payment of Rs. 400/- in the name of Firm
which will not be refunded. Tenders not submitted on prescribed form will be
2. Tenders received after the prescribed time and date shall be rejected.
3. Tenders will not be considered without Earnest Money.
4. Tenders will have to submit invariably a Sales Tax Registration Number and
Sales Tax Clearance Certificate from the Commercial Taxes Officer concerned
without which the Tender will not be considered.
5. Tenders in a sealed envelope marked conspicuously “Tender for supllying the
Pre-Printed (Security Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery” should reach
on or before 30/10/2014 at 1 P.M. either personally or by registered post at
Degree Section. The Tenders will be opened on the same day at 3 P.M. before
purchase committee in the presence of any intending tenderer or their
authorized representative who may be present.
Last Date & Time for submitting
Complete Tenders
: 30/10/2014 at 1 P. M.
Opening Date
: 30/10/2014 at 3 P. M.
Tender Cost
Earnest Money
400/: 90,000/-
Subject:-Tenders are invited for supply of Pre-Printed (Security Based) Degree Paper
Computer Stationery of Size A-4 8¼” X 11¾”
Name and Address of the Firm/Company/Concern:…………………………………………………………………………….
E-mail add: ………………………………………………………………
Phone with Std. Code: ………………………Mob.No. ……………......
Fax No…………………………………………………………………….
Registration No. …………………………………………………………
Pan No. of the Firm………………………………………………………
Local Office, if any……………………………………………………….
Whether Office is Owned/Leased or rented……………………………
Work Address (Firm/Company/Concern):……………………………………………………………………………
E-mail Address: …………………………………………………………
Phone with Std. Code: ………………………Mob.No. ……………......
Fax No…………………………………………………………………….
Reference: Tender Notice No. ……………………… Date……………
Tender Fees of Rs. 400/-(Rupees Four hundred only) has been deposited by
us through Cash Receipt No. ……….. Date…………
and Photocopy of the same is enclosed herewith.
A sum of Rs. ………..(Rupees in words……………………………….) has
been deposited by D.D./Bankers Cheque No/Postal Order No.
……………Dated…………in favour of Registrar, M. D. S. University, Ajmer
and the same is enclosed herewith as an Earnest Money.
We agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender
Notice issued by M. D. S. University, Ajmer Dated 08/10/14
We also agree to abide by all other conditions mentioned in the Performa
enclosed, on each page of which we have put our signature in token of our
acceptance of the terms mentioned therein.
Vat/Sales Tax Registration and Clearance Certificate: No Dealer who is not
registered under the Vat/Sales Tax Act prevalent in the State where his
business is located shall tender. The Vat/Sales Tax Registration Number
should be quoted and the Sales Tax Clearance Certificate from Commercial
Tax Officer of the Circle concern shall be submitted without which the
Tender is liable to rejection.
All Experience Certificates have been enclosed with Technical Bid Envelope.
The rate quoted by Firm/Company/Concern in the Financial Bid shall be
valid up to One Year from the Date of issue of Work Order. The period can
be extended with mutual understanding.
Person/Official; to be contacted in case any clarification is required.
Name:………………………………………… Designation:……………
Qualification: …………………………………………………………….
Contact No.:Office (with STD Code)………………………………………………….
Residence: ………………………………………………………………...
Mob. No. ……………….
E-mail Address: ………………………………………...
The Technical Bid is to be put in a separate envelope subscribing it as
“Technical Bid” and Financial Bid is to be put in a separate envelope
subscribing it as “Financial Bid” and finally keep them in a single large
envelope subscribing it as “Tender for Supply of Pre-Printed (Security
Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery”. Tender will be opened on dated
30/10/2014 at 3 P.M.
Envelope of “Technical Bid” shall be opened first. The
Firm/Company/Concern found technically fit & sound for doing the job
mentioned in this Tender shall only be considered for opening of “Financial
Bid” envelope. All the envelopes should be individually sealed.
I/We here by declare that I/we have quoted rates in Financial Bid
after careful study of Terms and Conditions of Tender Documents.
I/We declare that I/We are bonafide Manufacturer/ Whole Salers/
Sole Distributer/Authorised Dealers/ Sole Selling/Marketing Agent in the
Goods/Stores/Equipments for which I/We have Tendered.
If this declaration is found to be incurrect then without prejudice to
any other action that may be taken, my/our security may be forfeited in full
and the Tender if any, to the extent accepted may be cancelled.
Mob. No.......................................
To be submitted in the Envelope
marked “Technical Bid”
Firm/Company/Concern who is Tendering for supplying Pre-Printed
(Security Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery work:-
Availability of Machines :-
(I) Computers
No. of
Make and other
(II) Security Printing Machines
Security Printing Machines Make
and Other Description
Detail of DTP
Software & Font used for
Making Art Work
Number of
Capacity Hrs./Day
Note:- Please mention clearly that Security Printers are approved by I. B. A. or not.
(Certificate of Indian Bank's Association enclosed or not. In today's scenario R.B.I.
doesn't give certificate.)
(III) Technical Security Features Available with the Firm/ Company/
(As per the enclosed description Annexure-4)
Security Features
Invisible Print
Penetrating Ink Serial No.
Bar Code Printing
Void Pentograph
Micro Lettering
Computer Based Security Border
Priematic Print
Blind Embossing
Secure Printing
MDSU water Mark
Spelling Mistake
Back Ground Base Security Flower
U.V. Hologram of University Logo(U-Verify)
(IV) Registration with R. B. I. or Security Printing
(If Yes, Please enclose Certificate with Technical Bid)
Available Man Power
Full Time
Part Time
Experience of the Firm/Company/Concern(Experience if any, please enclose
Experience Certificate and Work Satisfactory Report)
Name of Board/University/Similar
Such Nature of Work
Annual Turnover of the Last Three Years and One Year Audited Balance
Sheet enclosed
Enclose D.D./Bankers Cheque/Cash Deposit Receipt/NSC/FDR of Scheduled
Bank for Rs. ………... for Earnest Money.
Enclose:(1) Vat/Sales Tax Registration and Clearance Certificate.
(2) Attested copy of Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm.
(3) Registration Number and Year of Registration in case
Partnership Firm is registered with Registrars of Firms.
(4) Registration issued by Registrar of Company in case of
(5) Address of Residence and Office, Telephone No./Mob. No. in
case of Sole Proprietorship.
(6) Pan Number(Income Tax)
Note:- (1)
If information given in the Technical Bid Form is incomplete to assess the
Technical capability of the Firm/ Company/ Concern to undertake the
work offers from that Firm/Company/Concern shall be rejected.
If space found short, separate sheet be enclosed.
Technical Specifications may be conferred and checked from a Technical
Officer/Technical Committee.
Mob. No.......................................
To be submitted in the Envelope
marked “Financial Bid”
Firm/ Company/ Concern Name and Address:M/s………………………………………………………………………....
Rates are to be quoted keeping in view the Supply of Pre-Printed (Security
Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery with all Security Features(Please
note carefully that Rates quoted should not be changed or modified by way of
cutting or overwriting or by using white fluid).
Pre-Printed (Security Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery with
following Thirteen Security Features(as per enclosed description
Annexure-4):1. Invisible Print
Penetrating Ink for Serial No.
Bar Code Printing
Void Pentograph
Micro Lettering
Computer Based Security Border
Priematic Print
Blind Embossing
Secure Printing
MDSUA Water Mark
Spelling Mistake
Back Ground Base Security Flower
U.V. Hologram of University Logo(U-Verify)
Rate of Supply of Pre-Printed (Security Based) Degree Paper Computer Stationery
Required Sheets
Rs. in Figure including all Taxes Rs. in Words including all Taxes
& F. O. R. M. D. S. Univ., Ajmer & F. O. R. M. D. S. Univ.,
0001 To 1000
1001 To 2000
2001 To 5000
5001 To 10000
10001 To 50000
50001 and Above
The Firm/ Company/ Concern may be asked by the University to supply
all or any part of the above Stationery at Ajmer. Local Taxes, if any,
shall be borne by the Firm. The stationery shall be inspected by the
authorized representatives of the University before the dispatch of the
Comparison of Rates: In comparing the rates tendered by
Firm/Company/Concern outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan,
the element of Rajasthan Sales Tax/VAT shall be excluded whereas
that of central Sales Tax/VAT shall be included.
(III) While comparing the rates in respect of Firms within Rajasthan, the
element of Rajasthan Sales Tax shall be included.
(IV) Rates should be quoted rupees in words and figures including all
Taxes and F. O. R. M. D. S. University, Ajmer.
Mob. No.......................................
Specification of Pre-Printed (Security Based) Degree Paper Computer
Size:A-4 8¼ ”X 11¾”
Weight:175 G.S.M.
Security Features are as following:1.
Invisible Print:The Text printed would not be visible to the naked eye and can not be
copied by using computerized scanners or colour copiers. The matter would
become visible only under certain range of ultra violet rays from U.V. Light
Penetrating Ink for Serial No.:Serial Numbering will be printed on the Degree Certificates using
Penetrating Ink. Numbering printed in black ink in the front will be visible in
the back side of the Degree certificates in red ink and thus can not be erased
or tempered with. Alpha numbering or Gothic numbering style can be
printed in this manner.
Bar Code Printing:Bar Code will be printed on the Degree Certificate to match with the
numerical numbering printed in the Degree Certificate and this Bar Coded
Number can be deciphered through hand held Scanner. This sort of Bar
Code may not be printed by others of copied.
Void Pentograph:By this method, if copy of the Degree Certificate is taken through a Xerox
machine, the word “Copy” or “Duplicate” will be visible, though in the
original Degree Certificates such words printed in the design itself can not be
Micro Lettering:Invisible printing of University‟s name will have to be done which can be
clearly seen with the help of an eye glass. The place of such printing will be
kept secrete.
Computer Based Security Border:Fine Decorative border will be given in the Degree Certificate through
Computer Based Mathematical Calculations which can not be easily copied
by others.
Priematic Print:The Degree Certificate will have to be printed multi shaded colours as in
rainbow and the look will be fine so that it is difficult to be copied by others.
Blind Embossing:University‟s logo will be embossed on on-line basis through a special
method while the Degree Certificate is printed.
Secure Printing:Special effect printing of some secret word will be printed by the Firm
which can not be seen or visible through naked eye but can only be seen with
the help of a special type Film. This Film will be handed over to the
University by the Firm.
MDSU Water Mark:MDSU is to be printed on the both sides of the word „ vtesj ‟ which would
become visible only under the certain range of white light from U. V. Light
Spelling Mistake:The word „AJMER‟ would be printed with spelling mistake as „AMJER‟
once in the Degree Certificate at a certain place.
Back Ground Base Security Flower:The three-three flowers would be printed with a special ink adjacent to
the borders of both the sides of a Degree Certificate which would seen glow
when they seen from U.V. Light Detector but they will not glow in a photo
copy of that Degree Certificate.
U.V. Hologram of University Logo(U-Verify):The University Hologram image will not be visible to the naked eye and
that can not be copied by using computerised scanner or colour copier. Such
image flash matter or picture printed can be seen only under certain range of
U.V. rays by using U.V. Detector.
The Heading of the University i.e. MAHARSHI
n;kuUn ljLorh fo'ofo|ky;] vtesj) is to be inscribed in the
straight line on the format of Degrees.
Floroscent Monogram of the University is to be inscribed
just below of the heading of University in place of bottom
left side on the Format of Degrees.
egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;] vtesj
fufonk ,oa lafonk dh ’krsZa
fiz&fizUVsM¼xksiuh; fpUgksa lfgr½ fMxzh isij dEI;wVj LVs’kujh fufonkdkj dks fufonk esa vius dksVs’ku nsrs le; fuEu ’krksZa dks cgqr /;ku
iwoZd i<+uk pkfg;sA
fufonk mlds [kqyus dh fnukad ls rhu ekg ds fy, oS/k jgsxhA
fufonkdkj QeZ ds lafo/kku@fu;e@lajpuk esa fdlh Hkh izdkj ds ifjorZu dh lwpuk fufonkdkj
QeZ dks vfoyEc fo’ofo|ky; dks fyf[kr esa djuh gksxh ,oa ,sls fdlh Hkh izdkj ds ifjorZu ls
fufonkdkj QeZ ds iwoZ izfrfuf/k@lnL; viuh ftEesnkjh ls eqDr ugha gks ik;sx
a sA
fufonkdkj QeZ dk dksbZ Hkh u;k lk>snkj ¼,d vFkok ,d ls vf/kd½ fufonk ,oa lafonk dh ’krksZa
ds vuq:Ik fd;s x;s djkj essa rc rd ’kkfey ugha fd;k tk ldsxk tc rd fd og@os lHkh
fufonk ,oa lafonk dh ’krksZa ds vuq:Ik dk;Z djus esa lgefr lEcU/kh fo’ofo|ky; ls djkj ugha
dj ysrsA
okjUVh@xkjUVh dh ’krZ%&
fufonkdkj QeZ dks bl ckor xkjUVh nsuh gksxh fd iznk; dh xbZ lEiw.kZ LVs’kujh lqiqnZxh dh
fnukad ls de ls de 40 o"kksaZ dh vof/k esa uk rks cnjax¼ihyh iM+uk½ gh gksxh vkSj uk gh
dVsxh@QVsxhA ;fn ,slk gksrk gS rks blds fy, fufonkdkj Lo;a ftEesnkj gksxk vkSj bl izdkj
dh gkfu dks iwjk djus ds fy, fufonkdkj dks [kjkc LVs’kujh ds cnys esa u;h LVs’kujh cny dj
nsuh gksxh ftlds fy;s fo’ofo|ky; }kjk dksbZ vfrfjDr jkf’k ns; ugha gksxh vFkok fufonkdkj
QeZ dks lqiqnZ dh x;h [kjkc LVs’kujh dh ml le; izpfyr cktkj ewY; ds cjkcj dh jkf’k
fo’ofo|ky; dks ykSVkuh gksxhA
fufonk Hkjuk%&
1- fufonk esa fn;s x;s funsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj rduhdh o foÙkh; fcM ;Fkksfpr :Ik ls vyx&vyx
eqgjcUn fyQkQs esa cUn djds Hkstk tkuk pkfg;sA
2- fufonk mu QeksZa }kjk gh nh tkuh gS tks mu oLrqvksa@lkeku @lkt&lTtk @vR;k/kqfud
vkWVksesfVd e’khuksa o mi;qDr vuqHko o rduhdh dq’ky Jfed la[;k vkfn RkFkk flD;qfjVh fpUg
eqfnzr djus ds fy, jftLVMZ@vuqeksfnr iznk;d gks] ftlds fy, fufonk nh tk jgh gS ,oa
okLro esa O;olk; dj jgk gksA
3- fufonkdkj viuh fufonk vFkok mlds lkjHkwr fdlh Hkkx dks uk rks fdlh vU; ,tsUlh dks lkSai
ldsxk vkSj uk gh fdlh dks vkxs fufonk ij ns ldsxkA
4- vuqeksfnr iznk; ds lEcU/k esa ;g le>k tk;sxk fd mlus iznk; fd;s tkus okys lkeku lEcU/kh
’krsa]Z foLr`r fooj.k] vkdkj] esd vkSj js[kkfp=ksa vkfn dh lko/kkuh iwoZd tkap djyh gSA ;fn
mudks bu ’krksZa ;k foLr`r fooj.k] js[kkfp=ksa vkfn ds lEcU/k esa dksbZ lUnsg gks rks mls lafonk ij
gLrk{kj djus ls iwoZ mi&dqylfpo ¼mikf/k½ ls iwNrkN dj ysuh pkfg, ,oa Li"Vhdj.k izkIr dj
ysuk pkfg,A
5- fufonkdkj dks vius dk;kZy;] xksnke rFkk odZ’kkWi ds Hkw&x`gkfn dk iwjk irk fuf’pr :Ik ls
nsuk pkfg, tgka tkdj fujh{k.k fd;k tk lds vkSj ml O;fDr dk uke vkSj irk Hkh vo’; nsuk
gksxk ftlls bl dk;Z gsrq lEidZ fd;k tkosA
6- fufonk L;kgh ls Hkjh gksuh pkfg,A isfUly ;k vU;Fkk Hkjh gqbZ fdlh Hkh fufonk ij fopkj ughas
fd;k tk;sxkA fufonk esa dksbZ ifjorZu rFkk ifjo/kZu ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A dksbZ Åijhys[ku
¼vksojjkbZfVax½ lQsn ¶ywM ls ugha dh tkuh pkfg;sA ;fn dksbZ Correction gks rks mUgsa Li"V
:Ik ls vyx ls vafdr dh tkuh pkfg;s rFkk dkVk Qkalh ij y?kq gLrk{kj fd;s tkus pkfg;sA
7- fufonkdkj dks fufonk vkSj djkj dh ’krksZa vkSj izfrcU/kksa ¼layXu LisflfQds’kUl½ dh Lohd`fr ds
izrhd ds Lo:Ik fufonk izi= ds izR;sd i`"B ds vUr esa gLrk{kj djus pkfg;sA
8- fufonk ds fyQkQs ij **fiz&fizaVsM fMxzh isij dEiwVj LVs’kujh gsrq fufonk^^ vafdr djrs gq,
fyQkQs dks dqy&lfpo] egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;] vtesj ds irs ij Hkstsa tks fufonk
lwpuk esa vafdr rkjh[k ,oa le; rd gh Lohdkj dh tk;sxhA
9- fufonkdkj] fufonk ds lkFk vifjgk;Z :Ik ls osV@fcdzhdj] jftLVª’s ku izek.k&i= dh la[;k rFkk
lEcfU/kr osV@fcdzhdj@okf.kT;dj vf/kdkjh dk fcdzhdj ’kks/ku izek.k&i= izLrqr djsaxs ftlds
fcuk fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA
njksa dk vadu%&
1- njksa dh bdkb;ksa esa fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa dfVax@vksojjkbfVax ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg;s vkSj njsa
’kCnksa ds lkFk vadksa esa Hkh vo’; fy[kh tkuh pkfg;sA ;fn dksbZ 'kqf};ka djuh gksa rks Li"V :i ls
dh tkuh pkfg;sa ,oa fnukad lfgr mu ij fufonkdkj ds y?kq gLrk{kj gksus pkfg;sAa
2- leLr mRdfFkr njsa dk;kZn’s k esa dgs vuqlkj vFkok fufnZ"V LFkku ds xksnke ij ,Q-vks-vkj- gksuh
pkfg;s vkSj muesa leLr dj ’kkfey gksus pkfg;sA LFkkuh; iznk;dksa ds ekeys esa Hkh njksa esa leLr
HkkM+k ’kkfey gksuk pkfg;sA egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;]vtesj }kjk iznk;d dks dksbZ
xkM+h&HkkM+k ;k ifjogu O;; ugha fn;k tk;sxkA ds ckgj‘dh rFkk jktLFkku dh QeksZa }kjk Tkks ewY; vf/kekurk ds fy,
gdnkj ugha gS mRdfFkr njksa dh rqyuk djrs le; jktLFkku fcdzh dj@oSV dh
njsa de dj nh tk;saxh rFkk dsUnzh; fcdzh dj@oSV dh njsa tksM+h tk;sx
a hA
vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½%&
1- fufonk ds lkFk vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ izLrkfor vkiwfrZ vkns’k ds ewY; ds 2
izfr’kr ds cjkcj dh jkf’k ds :Ik;s 90]000@&¼v{kjs :Ik;s uCcs gtkj ek=½ tek gksus pkfg;s
ftlds fcuk fufonkvksa ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA mijksDr jkf’k dqylfpo] egf"kZ n;kuUn
ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;] vtesj ds i{k esa ,oa vtesj esa ns; gksA vekur@c;kuk jkf’k¼Earnest
Money½ fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh Hkh ,d jhfr ls tek djok;h tkuh pkfg;s%&
1- uxn jkf’k ds :Ik esa vFkok
2- fMek.M Mªk¶V@cSadj pSd }kjkA
3- jk"Vªh; cpr i=
4- vuqlwfpr cSad dh fu;r tek jlhn¼FDR½
5- vuqlwfpr cSad dh cSad xkjUVh
mijksDr vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ fufonk ds vfUre :Ik esa Lohdkj fd;s tkus
ds ckn foQy fufonkdkj dks izR;fiZr dj nh tk;sxh tcfd lQy fufonkdkj ds ekeys esa bls
izfrHkwfr ds ,d Hkkx ds :Ik eaas mlds fuosnu ij eku yh tk;sxh] vU;Fkk ykSVk nh tk;sxhA
2- y?kq m|ksx dh dsoy os gh fufonk;sa Lohdkj dh tk;sx
a h ftu oLrqvksa ds fy, mudh bdkbZ dks
jktLFkku jkT; esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk iathd`r fd;k x;k gSA ,l-,l-vkbZ- ;wfuV@QeZ fufonk ds
lkFk mlds ;wfuV iathd`r fd;s tkus ds nLrkost dh izekf.kd izfrfyfi izLrqr djsAa ,sls
izek.k&i= ds vykok ;wfuV dh okf"kZd {kerk] mRiknu ds izek.k&i= dh izfr Hkh izLrqr dh tk;s
vU;Fkk buds vHkko esa mudh fufonkvksa ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA y?kq m|ksx bdkbZ ¼,l-,lvkbZ- ;wfuV½ dk okaNuh; izek.k&i= l{ke lÙkk dk izLrqr djus ij gh fu;ekuqlkj
vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼ Earnest Money½ esa fu/kkZfjr izfr’kr dh NwV nh tk;sxhA
3- vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ vFkok /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼Security
Deposit½ ij foizs"k.k O;; ¼jsfeVsal pktsZt½ lafonkdkjksa }kjk ogu fd;s tk;sx
a sA
4- vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ vFkok /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼ Security
Deposit½ ij dksbZ C;kt ns; ugha gksxkA
5- fo’ofo|ky; esa iwoZ esa tek vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½
,oa @;k
/kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼ Security Deposit½ ;fn dksbZ gS rks bl fufonk ds fy, ekU;
ugha gksxhA lkFk gh vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ ,oa@;k /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk
jkf’k ¼ Security Deposit½ ds fufeÙk pSd Lohdk;Z ugha gksxhA
1- dEI;wVj LVs’kujh dh fof’k"Vrk,a ;Fkk xzkest] lkbt] flD;wfjVh QhplZ vkfn ifjf’k"V&4 ds
vuqlkj gksuh pkfg;sA iz;qDr fd;s tkus okys dkxt ds lsEiy ds ikap dkxt ¼iwjh lkbt½ fufonk
ds lkFk layXu djuk QeZ ds fy, vfuok;Z gksxkA bl lsEiy dkxt ij lkbt] xzkest]
flD;wfjVh QhplZ dk fooj.k lfgr QeZ dh eksgj rFkk gLrk{kj vkfn dk fooj.k gksuk pkfg;sA
175 xzkest ¼G.S.M.½ dk dkxt fo’ofo|ky; }kjk pkgk x;k gS og iwjs eky dk ,d tSlk
gksuk pkfg;sA ;fn fufonk esa LVs’kujh dh ek=k fn[kykbZ xbZ gks rks ;s ek=k,a vuqekfur gS a ftuesa
o`f) ;k deh dh tk ldrh gSA LVs’kujh ds iznk; dh O;oLFkk fo’ofo|ky; dh vko’;drk ds
vuqlkj djuh gksxhA flD;wfjVh QhplZ dh tkap ds fy;s QeZ }kjk leLr midj.k fcuk fdlh
vfrfjDr pktZ ds fo'ofo|ky; dks miyC/k djokus gksx
a sA
2- LVs’kujh 2000 ’khV~l dk ,d ykWV gksuk pkfg;s rkfd dEI;wVj ij NikbZ ds le; [kjkc u gksA
3- lEiw.kZ mikf/k dk dkxt ,d leku gksuk vko’;d gSA flD;qfjVh cSdxzkm.M dk jax dkxt ds
vuqlkj gksxkA fo’ofo|ky; }kjk iwoZ esa iz;ksx esa fy;s x;s mikf/k dkxt dk uewuk fo’ofo|ky;
esa vkdj ns[kk tk ldrk gSA
4- fufonkdkj] LVs’kujh rFkk LVs’kujh ds uewuksa ds Bhd&Bhd ,oa lqjf{kr 100&100 ds cUMyksa esa
iSfdaXk ds fy;s mRrjnk;h gksxk rkfd LVs’kujh izkIrdrkZ dks mlds LFkku ij ;k fufnZ"V LFkku ij
vPNh n’kk esa uewus ds vuqlkj LVs’kujh dh lqiqnZxh fey ldsA eky iz kIrdrkZ }kjk tk¡p gsrq
LVs’kujh dk fujh{k.k djrs le; tks Hkh gkfu@deh@{kfr ls ek=k esa dksbZ deh ik;h tkosxh rks
,slh gkfu ;k deh dks iwjk djus ds fy, fufonkdkj ftEesnkj gksxk vkSj blds fy, vfrfjDr
ewY; ns; ugha gksxkA
5- iznk; dh x;h lEiw.kZ LVs’kujh] mlds fy, fu/kkZfjr foLr`r fooj.k] O;kikj fpUg ds vuqlkj
loksZÙke fdLe dh rFkk Lohd`r uewuksa ls iwjh&iwjh rjg esy [kkrh gqbZ gksuh pkfg;s vkSj
fdlh ,slh LVs’kujh ds ekeys esa ftlds fy, dksbZ izekf.kd ;k Lohd`r uewus ugha gSa] LVs’kujh dk
iznk; Hkkjr esa izkIr loZJs"B izdkj dh fdLe dk gksuk pkfg;sA LVs’kujh dh fdLe ds lEcU/k esa
Lohd`fr nsus okys izkf/kdkjh dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxk rFkk fufonkdkjksa ds fy;s ekU; gksxkA iznk;
dh x;h fdlh ,slh LVs’kujh ekeys esa tks vuqeksfnr ugha dh tkos vkSj ftUgsa vLohdkj dj fn;k
tk;s ;k cnyok;h tkos vkSj ,slh LVs’kujh ds iznk;ksa dh vLohd`fr vFkok cnys tkus
ds dkj.k dksbZ O;; gksxk ;k iznk;dksa dks dksbZ gkfu gksxh rks og iw.kZ :Ik ls fufonkdkj ds ftEes
gksxhA fufonk ,oa lafonk dh ’krksZa ds vuqlkj iw.kZ ek=k dh lIykbZ ugha djus vFkok vkaf’kd
lIykbZ djus dh fLFkfr esa fufonkdkj }kjk tek djk;h x;h /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k
¼Security Deposit½ ,oa vekur@c;kuk jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ tCr dj yh tk;sxh o
fufonk Lohd`fr dh ’krZ la[;k 9 ds fcUnq la[;k ¼3 ls 5½ esa vafdrkuqlkj dk;Zokgh dh tkosxhA
6- ;fn vuqeksfnr fdLe] esd] lkbt ;k ifjeki ds ¼aaAnnexure-4½ vykok LVs’kujh dk vU;Fkk
iznk; gksrk gS rks mls vLohdkj dj fn;k tk;sxk rFkk iznk;d dks fcuk fdlh vfrfjDr ewY; ds
fuf’pr le; ds Hkhrj mls cnyuk gksxkA ;fn lkoZtfud dk;Z@fgr ds dkj.k LVs’kujh dk
cnyk tkuk lEHko u gks rks ,slh LVs’kujh dk ewY; ;Fkksfpr :Ik ls de dj fn;k tk;sxkA dzsrk
vf/kdkjh }kjk fu;r fd;s x;s ewY; vfUre gksx
a sA
7- ;fn fufonkdkj LVs’kujh dh lIykbZ fu/kkZfjr LisflfQds’kUl vFkok vuqeksfnr uewuksa ds vuqlkj
fu/kkZfjr le; ds Hkhrj ;k of.kZr le; ds Hkhrj iwjh u dj ik;s rks dzsrk vf/kdkjh dks ;g gd
gksxk fd og fufonkdkj dks lwpuk fn;s fcuk fufonkdkj ds fglkc esa vkSj mldh tksf[ke ij ;g
eky ;k mldk dksbZ Hkkx tks fufonkdkj lIykbZ u dj ik;k gks vkSj dgha ls Hkh
[kjhn ysa ;k ;fn eky miyC/k u gks rks mls eky ds cnys esa lcls vPNk rFkk ikl gh miyC/k
gksus okyk eky [kjhn ysa ;k lafonk dks jn~n dj ns rFkk fufonkdkj dzrs k vf/kdkjh dks
fufonkdkj }kjk foQy djus ds dkj.k gksus okyh gkfu dk uqdlku dk nk;h gksxkA ijUrq
fufonkdkj] O;fDrdze ds QyLo:Ik fd;s x;s dz; ij gksus okys ykHk dk gdnkj ugha gksxkA
fdUrq ,slh gkfu ;k uqdlku dh olwyh bl lafonk ;k fdlh vU; lafonk ds v/khu ns; jkf’k esa ls
olwy dj yh tk;sxhA
8- fo’ofo|ky; }kjk fn;s x;s LisflfQds’kUl ;k vU; dkj.kksa ls vLohd`r LVs’kujh dks vLohd`fr
dh rkjh[k ls 15 fnol ds vUnj muds LFkku ls fufonk nsus okys }kjk vo’; gVk fy;k tkuk
pkfg;sA lEcfU/kr deZpkjh ,sls lkeku dk ;Fkksfpr /;ku j[ksx
a Asa fdUrq ,sls lkeku dks Hkw &Xk`g
vkfn esa j[kus ls gksus okyh gkfu@deh@{kfr ds fy;s os fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa mRRknk;h ugha gksx
a sA
vLohd`r LVs’kujh dks QeZ }kjk vU; fdlh Hkh iz;kstu esa mi;ksx ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA
vLohd`r LVs’kujh fo’ofo|ky; izfrfuf/k dh ekStwnxh esa gh u"V dh tkosxhA u"V dh xbZ
vLohd`r LVs’kujh ckor dqylfpo dks fyf[kr esa lwfpr djuk gksxkA
9- ;g QeZ dh ftEesnkjh gS fd fo’ofo|ky; }kjk NikbZ tkus okyh fiz&fizaVsM LVs’kujh] vkVZ odZ]
MkbZ] flD;qfjVh dksM bR;kfn fdlh Hkh fLFfr esa dk;Z lekfIr ds ckn QeZ vFkok vU; dksbZ Hkh
O;fDr rduhdh :Ik ls csdkj gqbZ rFkk fo’ofo|ky; }kjk vLohd`r gqbZ LVs’kujh ,oa eqnz.k lkexzh
dk mi;ksx ugha dj ldsxkA QeZ }kjk fo’ofo|ky; izfrfuf/k dh ekStwnxh¼mifLFkfr½ esa tyokdj
u"V fd;k tk;sxk rFkk bl rjg dh LVs’kujh dk dksb Z Hkh VqdM+k tyus ls ’ks"k ugha jgs rFkk bl
gsrq fo’ofo|ky; izfrfuf/k ,oa QeZ dk izfrfuf/k ds gLrk{kj ;qDr bl vk’k; dk izek.k&i= Hkh
QeZ }kjk fo’ofo|ky; dks fn;k tk;sxkA
fufonk dh Lohd`fr%&
1- fdlh Hkh fufonk dks Lohdkj djus esa egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;] vtesj ds fy;s ;g
vko’;d ugha gS fd og fuEure fufonk gksA fo’ofo|ky; ds ikl fdlh Hkh fufonk dks iw.kZ
vFkok vkaf’kd :Ik ls fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk;s Lohdkj@vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr gSA
2- lkekU;r;k fiz&fizaVsM fMxzh isij ds eqnz.k dk dk;Z fdlh Hkh ,d QeZ dks fn;k tk;sxk] fdUrq
ifjfLFkfr ds vuqlkj Rofjr ¼Urgency½ vko’;drk dks ns[krs gq, bl dk;Z dks ,d ls vf/kd
QeksZa dks vkoafVr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
3- lQyre fufonkdkjksa dks vius [kpsZ ij fufonk Lohdkj djus dh lwpuk feyus ds 15 fnol esa
micU/k&?k ds vuqlkj fu/kkZfjr izk:Ik esa fu;ekuqlkj :Ik;s 1000@&¼v{kjs :Ik;s ,d gtkj ek=½
ds ukWu T;qfMf’k;y LVkEIk isij ij djkj fu"ikfnr djuk iM+x
s kA rFkk lafonk dh ;Fkkor
fdz;kfUofr ds fy, izLrkfor vkiwfrZ vkns’k ds ewY; ds 5 izfr’kr ds cjkcj vFkkZr jkf’k :Ik;s
2]25]000@&¼:Ik;s nks yk[k iPphl gtkj ek=½ dh jkf’k /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk
jkf’k¼Security Deposit½ uxn] cSad MªkW¶V]jk"Vªh; cpr i=] vuqlwfpr cSad dh cSad xkjUVh
rFkk fdlh vuqlwfpr cSad dh fu;r tek jlhn¼FDR½ }kjk tek djkuh gksxhA ;fn fufonkdkj
fufgr dkykof/k esa lqj{kk jkf’k¼ Security Deposit½ tek djkdj djkjukek fu"ikfnr djus esa
foQy jgrk gS rks bl izdkj foQy jgus dks fucU/kuksa rFkk ’krksZa dk Hkax gksuk ekuk tk;sxk o
/kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼ Security Deposit½ laosnd dks mi;qDr le; dk uksfVl nsdj
iw.kZr% ;k va’kr% tCr dj yh tk;sxh rFkk vkfFkZd n.M Hkh yxk;k tk ldsxkA bl lEcU/k esa
dzsrk vf/kdkjh dk fofu’p; gh vafre gksxkA rnqijkUr fcuk uksfVl vU; fufonkdkj dks vkiwfrZ
vkns’k nsus dk vf/kdkj dzsrk vf/kdkjh dks gksxkA
4- fucU/kuksa rFkk ’krksZa dks Hkax djus ;k lafonk dks larks"kizn <+x
a ls iwjk ugha djus ij dzsrk vf/kdkjh
}kjk iw.kZr% ;k va’kr% /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼ Security Deposit½ tCr dj yh tk;sxh
rFkk vkfFkZd n.M Hkh yxk;k tk ldsxkA bl lEcU/k esa dzsrk vf/kdkjh dk fofu’p; gh vafre
gksxkA /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼ Security Deposit½ fuEufyf[kr dkj.kksa ls tCr dh tk
ldrh gS%&
¼v½ fufonk ,oa lafonk dh ’krksZa dk mYya?ku djus ijA
¼c½ dk;kZn’s k ds vuq:Ik dk;Z uk djus ijA
¼l½ viw.kZ dk;Z djus ij ;k dk;Z iwjk ugha djus ijA
5- vekur@c;kuk jkf’k¼Earnest Money½ fuEufyf[kr dkj.kksa ls tCr dh tk ldrh gS%&
tc fufonknkrk fufonk [kksyus ds ckn fdUrq fufonk Lohdkj djus ls iwoZ izLrko dks
okfil ys ysrk gS rFkk mlesa mikUrj.k¼Modification½ djrk gSA
fufonknkrk fofufnZ"V le; ds Hkhrj fofgr djkj fu"ikfnr ugha djrk gSA
¼AAA½ fufonknkrk vkns'k izkfIr ds i'pkr izfrHkwfr jkf'k tek ugha djkrk gSA
tc og fofgr le; ds Hkhrj lIykbZ vkns'k ds vuqlkj enksa dh lIykbZ izkjEHk djus esa
vlQy jgrk gSA
6- ;g fd QeZ dk dk;Z lekIr gks tkus ij rFkk Hkqxrku gks tkus ds ckn larks"ktud fLFkfr ik;s
tkus ij dk;Z lekIr gksus dh rkjh[k ls N% ekg dh vof/k ds ckn gh izfrHkwfr jkf’k QeZ }kjk
ekaxs tkus ij ykSVkbZ tk;sxhA bl jkf’k ij dksbZ C;kt ns; ugha gksxkA
1- fufonkdkj ftldh fufonk Lohdkj dh xbZ gS] vkiwfRkZ vkns’k dh rkjh[k ls mYysf[kr vof/k ds
Hkhrj mikf/k dkxt ds iznk; dh O;oLFkk djsxkA
2- eqfnzr dh tkus okyh fiz&fizaVsM mikf/k ds vkVZ odZ ds izwQ vkiwfrZ vkns’k tkjh gksus dh rkjh[k ls
10 fnol dh vof/k esa vuqeksnu gsrq izLrqr djus gksaxsA
3- vkVZ odZ ds vuqeksnu dh rkjh[k ls vkVZ odZ ds vuqeksnukuqlkj 10 mikf/k;k¡ okafNr lkbt esa
Annexure-4 ds vuqlkj flD;wfjfV QhplZ RkFkk th-,l-,e ¼G.S.M.½ dh tkap fjiksZV lfgr
10 fnol esa vuqeksnu gsrq izLrqr djuh gksx
a hA bu 10 mikf/k;ksa dks vuqeksfnr vkVZ odZ ,oa
Annexure-4 ds vuqlkj ik;s tkus ij vuqeksnu ckn buesa ls vuqeksfnr 2 mikf/k;ka QeZ dks
ykSVkbZ tk;sx
a h vkSj QeZ }kjk bu vuqeksfnr mikf/k;ksa ds vuq:Ik dk;kZn’s k esa vafdr rknkn esa
lEiw.kZ mikf/k;ka 30 fnol esa vkiwfrZ djuh gksx
a hA
4- fiz&fizaVsM mikf/k ’khV~l dh ek=k esa deh@o`f) iathd`r Nk=ksa dh la[;k ds vk/kkj ij ;fn
vko’;d gqvk rks dh tk ldrh gSA
5- ;fn fufonkdkj] fufonk izk:Ik esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj eky dh lqiqnZxh u dj ik;s rks
dz; vf/kdkjh vius foosdkuqlkj eky dh lqiqnZxh dh vof/k fufonkdkj ls djkjuqlkj ifjfu/kkZfjr
uqdlkuh tks ’kkfLr ugha gksxh dh olwyh v/;/khu c<+k ldsxkA ;g olwyh ml lkeku ds ewY; ds
izfr’kr dh jkf’k ds cjkcj fuEukuqlkj rFkk lEefr esa gqbZ uhps cryk;h x;h nsjh ds fy;s gksxh%&
1- fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 1@4 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds fy, 2-5 izfr’krA
2- 1@4 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 1@2 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds
fy, 5 izfr’krA
3- 1@2 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 3@4 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds
fy, 7-5 izfr’krA
4- 3@4 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds cjkcj dh dkykof/k ls vuf/kd
dkykof/k dh nsjh ds fy;s 10 izfr’krA
1- lIykbZ esa gqbZ nsjh dh dkykof/k dh lax.kuk djrs le; ,d fnu dh fHkUu dks ugha fxuk tk;sxk]
;fn og 1@2 fnu ls de gSA
2- ifjfu/kkZfjr uqdlkuh dh vf/kdre jkf’k 10 izfr’kr gksxh fdUrq ;fn vkiwfrZ ds foyEc ds dkj.k
fo’ofo|ky; dh izfr"Bk dks vk?kkr yxrk gS vkSj dk;Z izHkkfor gksrk gS rks ;g dVkSrh vkiwfrZ ds
ewY; dh 10 izfr’kr ,oa@vFkok 50]000@&:Ik;s esa ls tks Hkh vf/kd gks dh tk ldsxhA ,slh
fLFfr esa QeZ dks CySd fyLV Hkh fd;k tk ldsxkA
3- ;fn iznk;d dksbZ ck/kk mRiUu gksus ds dkj.k lafonkRed iznk; iw.kZ djus dk le; c<+kus dh
vis{kk djs rks og blds fy;s ml izkf/kdkjh dks ftlus iznk; dk vkns’k fn;k gS] ck/kk mRiUu
gksus ij rqjUr fyf[kr esa vkosnu djsxk ysfdu iznk; iw.kZ djus dh rkjh[k ds Ik’pkr ughaA ysfdu
iznk; dh vko’;drk dks ns[krs gq, ;g vko’;d ugha gksxk fd iznk;d dks le; vof/k c<+kus
dh Lohd`fr ns gh nh tk;sxhA
4- lEiw.kZ izy[s k dkxt dh Xyst lkbZV esa crk;s x;s LisflfQds’ku ds vuqlkj gh fizaV gksx
a sA
vUXysTM lkbZV ij fizaV gksus rFkk LisflfQds’ku ds vuq lkj fizaV u gksus ij nqckjk fizaV djus gksx
a s]
ftldk dksbZ vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ns; ugha gksxkA bl gsrq [kjkc gqbZ LVs’kujh dk O;; fufonkdkj
dks O;; djuk gksxk o iSuYVh Hkh dh tk;sxhA
5- LVs’kujh dh deh gksus dh fLFkfr esa okafNr la[;k esa iwoZ fu/kkZfjr njksa ij iqu% eqnz.k dj ;Fkk’kh?kz
iwfrZ fufonk ,oa lafonk dh fu/kkZfjr njksa o ’krkaZs ij djuh gksxhA
6- lEiw.kZ dk;Z iw.kZ gksus ls iwoZ fdlh Hkh izy[s k ds vkVZ odZ dh IysV~l ¼;fn dksbZ gS rks½s
fo’ofo|ky; dh vuqefr ds fcuk u"V ugha dh tk;sxhA vfrfjDr LVs’kujh Niokus ij IysV
esfdax ;k dksbZ vfrfjDr pktZ ns; ugha gksxkA
7- lHkh izys[kksa ds vkVZ odZ ds Qkbuy fizaV izwQ lh-Mh- ,oa gkMZ dkWih dj fo’ofo|ky; dks nsus
a s ftldk dksbZ vfrfjDr O;; ns; ugha gksxkA
1- ;nk&dnk gksus okys rFkk fo’ks"k dkj.kksa ds flok;] ftuds dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr fd;s tk;sx
a s] dksbZ
vfxze lank; ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
2- vkiwfrZ ds Ik’pkr fo’ofo|ky; dh vksj ls mikf/k&’kk[kk ls LVs’kujh izkfIr dh jlhn dh lwpuk
izkIr gksus rFkk lfefr dh larks"ktud fujh{k.k fjiksVZ ,oa LVs’kujh dh dEI;wVj ls tkap ,oa
yscksjsVªh ,oa flD;qfjVh QhplZ dh tkap ds Ik’pkr izkIr tkap fjiksVZ ds lgh ik;s tkus ds Ik’pkkr
QeZ dks lEiw.kZ jkf’k dk Hkqxrku rn~uqlkj fd;k tk;sxkA yscksjsVªh Tkkap lgh ugha ik;s tkus dh
fLFkfr esa yscksjsVªh tkap djokus ij tks O;; gksxk mldks QeZ dks ogu djuk gksxkA lkekU;r%
dkxt dh xzkest ¼G.S.M.½ ekin.Mksa ds vuq:Ik ugha ik;s tkus dh fLFkfr esa QeZ }kjk vkiwfrZr
LVs’kujh Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA iznk;d dks fcuk fdlh vfrfjDr ewY; ds fuf’pr vof/k ds
Hkhrj mls cnyuk gksxkA ;|fi lkoZtfud fgr ds dkj.k LVs’kujh dk cnyk tkuk lEHko ugha gks
rks fujh{k.k lfefr dh fjiksVZ ds vk/kkj ij ,slh LVs’kujh ds ewY; esa ;Fkksfpr :Ik ls dVkSrh dh
tk ldsxhA xzkest ¼G.S.M.½ esa deh ds vfrfjDr vU; en dh Tkk¡p esa dfe;k¡ ik;h tkus ij
fo’ofo|ky; dh fujh{k.k lfefr@bl iz;kstukFkZ xfBr lfefr dh vuq’kalk ds vk/kkj ij Lk{ke
izkf/kdkjh }kjk fy;s x;s fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj dVkSrh ,oa n.M fo’ofo|ky; ds fu;ekuqlkj QeZ ls
gh olwyk tk;sxkA Tkk¡p esa fdlh izdkj dh deh ugha gksus ij yscksjsVªh Tkk¡p O;; fo’ofo|ky;
}kjk ogu fd;k tk;sxkA
3- vkiwfrZ esa foyEc dh fLFkfr esa ’krZ la[;k 10 ds fcUnq la[;k 5 ds vuqlkj uqdlkuh jkf’k Hkh QeZ
ds fcy esa ls dVkSrh dh tkdj olwy dh tk;sxhA
4- vk;dj foHkkx ds fu;ekuqlkj QeksZa dks fd;s tkus okys Hkqxrku esa ls L=ksr ij vk;dj dh
dVkSrh ¼Vh-Mh-,l-½ dh tk;sxhA
vU; ’krsZa%&
1- dzsrk vf/kdkjh vFkok mldk ;Fkkor vf/kd`r izfrfuf/k dHkh Hkh mfpr le;ksa ij iznk;d ds
Hkw&x`gkfn¼fizfelst+½ esa tk ldsxk vkSj dHkh Hkh mfpr le;ksa ij LVs’kujh dh o mldh ltkoV
dh tk¡p vkSj fujh{k.k ds fy;s l{ke gksxkA
2- fufonkdkjksa ;k muds izfrfuf/k;ksa dh vksj ls izR;{k@vizR;{k :Ik ls dh tkus okyh la;kpuk ds
dkj.k fufonk vekU; dh tk ldrh gSA
3- ;fn fdlh Hkh i{k }kjk dkuwuh dk;Zokgh lafLFkr fd;s tkus dh vko’;drk iM+s ml fLFkfr esa ;g
dk;Zokgh vtesj¼jktLFkku½@jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] t;iqj cSap t;iqj U;k;ky;ksa esa gh LkafLFkr
djuh gksxhA
fufonkdkj }kjk izLrqr njksa esa ;fn fufonk njsa ykxw jgus rd dh vof/k esa fdlh Hkh le; fdlh
izdkj dh fdlh lkexzh ds cktkj ewY;¼ekdsZV izkbZtst½ esa deh gks tkrh gS rks fufonkdkj bldh
vfoyEc lwpuk fo’ofo|ky; dks nsxk vFkok fo’ofo|ky; dks vU; fo’oluh; lw=ksa ls bl izdkj
ds jsV~l ?kVk;s tkus dh tkudkjh izkIr gksus ij fufonkdkj dks bldh lwpuk nh tk;sxh ,oa
fufonkdkj rn~uqlkj de njksa ij lkexzh iznk; djus ds fy;s ck/; gksxk vkSj Hkqxrku Hkh de njksa
ij gh fd;k tk;sxkA fdUrq cktkj ewY; esa c<+ksrjh dk dksbZ ykHk fufonkdkj dks ugha fn;k
5- fdlh Hkh rjg ds fookn dh fLFkfr esa ekuuh; dqyifr] egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;]
vtesj dk fu.kZ; vafre ,oa nksuksa gh i{kksa ds fy;s ekU; gksxkA
6- ;g fd fn;s x;s dk;kZn’s k ds vuqlkj dk;Z gsrq fd;s x;s djkjukes dh fdlh Hkh ’krZ ds mYy?kau
ij QeZ dks 15 fnu dk uksfVl fn;k tkdj CYkSd&fyLV fd;k tk ldsxk vkSj vekur@c;kuk
jkf’k ¼Earnest Money½ ,oa /kjksgj@izfrHkwfr@lqj{kk jkf’k ¼Security Deposit½ tCr dh
tk ldsxhA
7- ;fn QeZ ij dksbZ n.M fo’ofo|ky; ds dqylfpo }kjk yxk;k tkrk gS rks QeZ }kjk mldh
vihy dqyifr] enlfofo] vtesj ls dh tk ldrh gSA
8- ;fn fufonkdkj ,slh ’krZ vkjksfir djrk gS tks blesa of.kZr ’krksZa ds vfrfjDr gS ;k muds fojks/k
esa gS rks ,slh fdlh Hkh fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk vFkkZr fufonk Lor% jn~n le>h
tk;sxhA fdlh Hkh lwjr esa buesa ls fdlh Hkh ’krZ dks Lohdkj fd;k gqvk ugha le>k tk;sxk tc
rd fd fo’ofo|ky; }kjk tkjh fd;s x;s fufonk Lohd`fr ds i= esa fo’ks"k :Ik ls mYysf[kr u
fd;k x;k gksA
jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 ,oa fu;e 2013¼Transparency in
Procurement Rules,2013 under act 2012½ ds izHkkfor fu;eksa dh ikyuk fufonknkrk dks
djuh gksxhA
vU; fu;e ,oa ’krsZa ftudk mYys[k Åij ugha fd;k x;k gS] jktLFkku ljdkj ds lkekU;
foÙkh; ,oa ys[kk fu;eksa ds izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj gksxhA
enlfofo] vtesjA
mijksDr leLr ’krsZa eSaus@geus /;kuiwoZd i<+ yh gSa vkSj eq>s@ gesa
Lohdkj gSaA dqyifr] enlfofo] vtesj dk fu.kZ; eq>s@ gesa Lohdkj gksxkA
gekjh QeZ fdlh Hkh laLFkk@cksMZ@jkT; ljdkj@cSad }kjk CySd fyLV ugha dh x;h gSA
fufonkdkj ds gLrk{kj
e; lhy
Mob. No.......................................
egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;] vtesj
djkj dk izk:i
¼:- 1000@& ds ukWu T;wfMf’k;y LVkEi isij ij½
;g djkj vkt fnukad----------------------dks ,d vkSj----------------------------¼ftls blesa blds Ik’pkr
vuqeksfnr iznk;d dgk x;k gS ftldh vfHkO;fDr] esa tgka lUnHkZ ds vuqdwy gks] mlds okfjl]
mRrjkf/kdkjh] fu"iknd rFkk iz’kkld lfEefyr le>s tk;sx
a sA½ vkSj nwljh vksj enlfofo vtesj
ds dqylfpo ¼ftUgsa blesa buds i’pkr fo’ofo|ky; dgk x;k gS½ ftl vfHkO;fDr esa] tgka
lUnHkZ vuqdwy gks] muds mRrjkf/kdkjh rFkk vfHkgLrkafdr lfEefyr le>s tk;sx
a s] ds chp lEiUu
fd;k x;k gSA
2- Pwakfd vuqeksfnr iznk;d enlfofo] vtesj dks muds eq[;ky; ij blds lkFk layXu vuqlwfp esa
mYysf[kr leLr oLrq,]a blds lkFk layXu lafonk ds i= rFkk lafonk ds izfrcU/kksa esa nh xbZ jhfr
ds vuqlkj rFkk mDr vuqlwfp ds LrEHk--------------------------esa mYysf[kr njksa ls iznk; djus ds fy,
fo’ofo|ky; ds lkFk lger gks x;k gSA
Pwka fd vuqeksfnr iznk;d us jkf’k :----------------------------dh jde jlhn la[;k-----------------fnukad--------------------@Mªk¶V la[;k ----------------------fnukad--------------------- }kjk mi;qZDr djkj ds ;Fkkor ikyu djus
ds fy;s /kjksgj@ izfrHkwfr@ lqj{kk jkf’k ¼Security Money½ ds :Ik esa tek djk nh gSA
vc ;g ys[k fuEukafdr dk lk{; gS%&
enlfofo] vtesj }kjk dqylfpo ds tfj;s blds lkFk layXu vuqlwfp esa mYysf[kr njksa
ls fd;s tkus okys lank; ds cnys esa vuqeksfnr iznk;d-------------------------------------------¼QeZ dk uke½
layXu vuqlwfp esa mYysf[kr mDr oLrq,a lafonk RkFkk fufonk dh ’krksZa ,oa izfrcU/kksa esa crykbZ xbZ
jhfr ls ;Fkkor :Ik ls iznk; djsxkA Lohd`r njsa odZ vkMZj tkjh djus ,oa djkj djus dh frfFk
ls ,d o"kZ rd dh vof/k rd oS/k jgsaxh ftls vkilh djkj ls c<+k;k tk ldsxkA bl vof/k esa
dk;kZy; pkgs rks Lohd`r njksa ij vfrfjDr vkns’k ns ldrk gS rFkk QeZ iwfrZ ds fy;s ck/; gksxhA
fufonk vkSj lafonk dh ’krsZa tks fufonk lwpuk la[;k---------------------fnukad---------------------- ds
lkFk layXu Fkh vkSj bl djkj ds lkFk Hkh layXu gSa ,oa fufonk Lohd`fr i= ¼vkiwfrZ vkns’k½ bl
djkj dk vax le>h tk;sx
a h vksj bl djkj dks fu"ikfnr djus okys i{k buls ck/; gksx
a sA
3- ¼d½ enlfofo] vtesj ,rn~ }kjk ;g djkj djrk gS fd ;fn vuqeksfnr
Ikznk;d mi;qZDr jhfr ls mDr ’krksZa rFkk izfrcU/kksa dks ekusxk vkSj mudk ikyu djsxk rks
enlfofo] vtesj ds dqylfpo ds tfj;s vuqeksfnr iznk;d dks mDr izfrcU/kksa esa mYysf[kr
jhfr ls rFkk le; ij izR;sd lkeku ds fy;s ns; jde dk lank; djsxh ;k djok;sxhA
¼[k½ lank; uhps fn;s x;s vuqlkj fufnZ"V rjhds ls fd;k tk;sxk%&
vkns’k esa of.kZr lEiw.kZ LVs’kujh fo’ofo|ky; }kjk vf/kd`r lfefr@vf/kdkfj;ksa ds
fujh{k.k mijkUr mikf/k&’kk[kk esa igq¡pkus ds ckn rFkk fo’ofo|ky; dh vksj ls
mikf/k&’kk[kk ls LVs’kujh izkfIr dh jlhn dh lwpuk izkIr gksus rFkk lfefr dh larks"ktud
fujh{k.k fjiksVZ rFkk LVs’kujh dh dEI;wVj ls tkap ,oa yscksjsVªh ,oa flD;qfjVh QhplZ dh
tkap ds Ik’pkr izkIr Tkkap fjiksVZ lgh ik;s tkus ds Ik’pkr QeZ dks lEiw.kZ jkf’k dk
Hkqxrku rn~uqlkj fd;k tk;sxkA lHkh izdkj dh LVs’kujh ds izwQ ,oa fizaVsM lkexzh dh
vkiwfrZ fufonk vkiwfrZ dh ’krZ la[;k 10 ds fcUnq la[;k ¼2 ,oa 3½ ds vuqlkj djuh gksxhA
blds ckn le; vof/k ugha c<+kbZ tkosxhA le; vof/k dk;Z dh izd`fr dh Urgency dks
n`f"Vxr j[krs gq, vko’;drkuqlkj de dh tk ldrh gSA
4- lEiw.kZ izy[s k dkxt dh Xyst lkbZV esa crk;s x;s LisflfQds’ku ds vuqlkj gh fizaV gksx
a sA
vUkXysTM lkbZV ij fizaV gksus rFkk LisflfQds’ku ds vuqlkj fizaV u gksus ij nqckjk fizaV djus
a s] ftldk dksbZ vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ns; ugha gksxkA bl gsrq [kjkc gqbZ LVs’kujh dk O;;
fufonkdkj dks O;; djuk gksxk o iSuYVh Hkh dh tk;sxhA
5- lEiw.kZ dk;Z iw.kZ gksus ls iwoZ fdlh Hkh izy[s k ds vkVZ odZ dh IysV~l ¼;fn dksbZ gS rks½s
fo’ofo|ky; dh vuqefr ds fcuk u"V ugha dh tk;sxhA vfrfjDr LVs’kujh Niokus ij IysV
esfdax ;k dksbZ vfrfjDr pktZ ns; ugha gksxkA lHkh izy[s kksa ds vkVZ odZ ds QkbZuy fizaV izwQ lhMh- ,oa gkMZ dkWih dj fo’ofo|ky; dks nsus gksaxs ftldk dksbZ vfrfjDr O;; ns; ugha gksxkA
LVs’kujh dh deh gksus dh fLFkfr esa okafNr la[;k esa iwoZ fu/kkZfjr njksa ij iqu% eqnz.k dj ;Fkk’kh?kz
vkiwfrZ djuh gksxhA
6- ;fn fufonkdkj] fufonk izk:Ik esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj eky dh lqiqnZxh u dj ik;s rks
dz; vf/kdkjh vius foosdkuqlkj eky dh lqiqnZxh dh vof/k fufonkdkj ls djkjuqlkj ifjfu/kkZfjr
uqdlkuh tks ’kkfLr ugha gksxh dh olwyh v/;/khu c<+k ldsxkA ;g olwyh ml lkeku ds ewY; ds
izfr’kr dh jkf’k ds cjkcj fuEukuqlkj rFkk lEefr esa gqbZ uhps cryk;h x;h nsjh ds fy;s gksxh%&
1- fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 1@4 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds fy, 2-5 izfr’krA
2- 1@4 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 1@2 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds
fy, 5 izfr’krA
3- 1@2 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds 3@4 rd dh dkykof/k dh nsjh ds
fy, 7-5 izfr’krA
4- 3@4 ls vf/kd ijUrq fu/kkZfjr lqiqnZxh dh dkykof/k ds cjkcj dh dkykof/k ls vuf/kd dh
dkykof/k dh nsjh ds fy;s 10 izfr’krA
1- lIykbZ esa gqbZ nsjh dh dkykof/k dh x.kuk djrs le; ,d fnu dh fHkUu dks ugha fxuk
tk;sxk] ;fn og 1@2 fnu ls de gSA
2- ifjfu/kkZfjr uqdlkuh dh vf/kdre jkf’k 10 izfr’kr gksxh fdUrq ;fn vkiwfrZ ds foyEc ds
dkj.k fo’ofo|ky; dh izfr"Bk dks vk?kkr yxrk gS vkSj dk;Z izHkkfor gksrk gS rks ;g
dVkSrh vkiwfrZ ds ewY; dh 10 izfr’kr
,oa@ vFkok 50]000@&:Ik;s esa ls tks Hkh vf/kd gks dh tk ldsxhA ,slh fLFfr esa QeZ dks
CySd fyLV Hkh fd;k tk ldsxkA
3- ;fn iznk;d dksbZ ck/kk mRiUu gksus ds dkj.k lafonkRed iznk; iw.kZ djus dk le; c<+kus dh
vis{kk djs rks og blds fy;s ml izkf/kdkjh dks ftlus iznk; dk vkns’k fn;k gS] ck/kk mRiUu
gksus ij rqjUr fyf[kr esa vkosnu djsxk ysfdu iznk; iw.kZ djus dh rkjh[k ds Ik’pkr ughaA
ysfdu iznk; dh vko’;drk dks ns[krs gq, ;g vko’;d ugha gksxk fd iznk;d dks le;
vof/k c<+kus dh Lohd`fr ns gh nh tk;sxhA
okLrs--------------------------------gLrk{kj dqylfpo
egf"kZ n;kuUn ljLorh fo’ofo|ky;]
1 gLrk{kj lk{kh----------------------------2 gLrk{kj lk{kh-----------------------------
izkf/kd`r vf/kdkjh QeZ
1 gLrk{kj lk{kh---------------2 gLrk{kj lk{kh----------------