GAVIN M. BIDELMAN Curriculum Vitae
GAVIN M. BIDELMAN Curriculum Vitae
GAVIN M. BIDELMAN Curriculum Vitae November 2014 OFFICE ADDRESS School of Communication Sciences & Disorders University of Memphis 807 Jefferson Ave Memphis, TN 38105 Phone: (901) 678-5826 Fax: (901) 525-1282 E-mail: www:\acnl EDUCATION Ph.D. 2011 B.S. 2007 B.M. 2007 Purdue University Department of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences Dissertation: “Neural correlates of musical and linguistic pitch as revealed in the auditory brainstem” University of Michigan Sound Engineering (summa cum laude) University of Michigan Music Theory (summa cum laude) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Academic appointments Assistant Professor School of Comm. Sciences & Disorders, Univ. of Memphis Assistant Professor Institute for Intelligent Systems, Univ. of Memphis Postdoctoral Fellow Rotman Research Inst., Baycrest Geriatric Hospital, Toronto Research Assistant Dept. of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sci., Purdue University NIH Predoctoral Fellow Dept. of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sci., Purdue University 2012 – present 2012 – present 2011 – 2012 2007 – 2011 2008 – 2010 Editorial Editorial Assistant (Auditory Neuroscience: Central): Ear & Hearing 2010 – present RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Research interests Brainstem and cortical auditory evoked potentials Experience-dependent auditory neural plasticity and perceptual learning Neural correlates of psychoacoustic, speech/music, and auditory scene analysis phenomena Cognitive and perceptual transfer effects between music and language processing Computational modeling of normal and impaired peripheral auditory nerve physiology Extramural grant funding Current PI (Co-PI: S. Bhagat, Memphis CSD). “Minimizing noise-induced hearing loss with musicianship,” GRAMMY® Foundation, 4/14–3/16, $20,000. PI. “Central neurophysiological markers underlying speech-in-noise perception,” American Academy of Audiology Foundation, New Investigator Grant, 5/14–5/15, $10,000. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 1 of 12 PI, “Central neurophysiological markers underlying degraded speech recognition,” American Hearing Research Foundation, 1/14–12/14, $20,000. Completed PI (Co-Is: S. Moreno & C. Alain, Rotman Research Institute). “The impact of music on speech processing in older adults,” GRAMMY® Foundation, 4/12–8/13, $20,000. Intramural grants Current Co-I. (PI: Sunghee Tak). “Therapeutic Computer-Assisted Stimulating Activity in Dementia,” FedEx Institute of Technology, University of Memphis, 1/14–12/16, $129,629. Publications Peer-reviewed journal articles (*student first author; †shared first authorship) 1. Bidelman, G. M. & Alain, C. (in press). Musical training orchestrates coordinated neuroplasticity in auditory brainstem and cortex to counteract age-related declines in categorical speech perception. Journal of Neuroscience. 2. Bidelman, G. M. (in press). Induced neural beta oscillations predict categorical speech perception abilities. Brain and Language. 3. *Bashivan, P., Bidelman, G. M., & Yeasin, M. (in press). Spectrotemporal dynamics of the EEG during working memory encoding and maintenance predicts individual behavioral capacity. European Journal of Neuroscience. 4. Bidelman, G. M., Villafuerte, J. W., & Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2014). Age-related changes in the subcortical-cortical encoding and categorical perception of speech. Neurobiology of Aging, 35(11), 25262540. 5. Bidelman, G. M. & Grall, J. (2014). Functional organization for musical consonance and tonal pitch hierarchy in human auditory cortex. NeuroImage, 101, 204-214. 6. Bidelman, G. M. (2014). Objective information-theoretic algorithm for detecting brainstem evoked responses to complex stimuli. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 25(8), 711-722. 7. Bidelman, G. M., Weiss, M. W., & Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2014). Coordinated plasticity in brainstem and auditory cortex contributes to enhanced categorical speech perception in musicians. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40, 2662-2673. 8. Bidelman, G. M., Schug, J. M., Jennings, S. G., & Bhagat, S. P. (2014). Psychophysical auditory filter estimates reveal sharper cochlear tuning in musicians. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(1), EL33-39. 9. Bidelman, G. M. & Syed Khaja, A. (2014). Spectrotemporal resolution tradeoff in auditory processing as revealed by human auditory brainstem responses and psychophysical indices. Neuroscience Letters, 572, 53-57. 10. Moreno, S. & Bidelman, G. M. (2014, invited). Understanding neural plasticity and cognitive benefit through the unique lens of musical training. Hearing Research, 308, 84-97. [invited paper for special issue “Music: A window into the hearing brain”] 11. Trainor, L. J., Marie, C., Bruce, I. C., & Bidelman, G. M. (2014, invited). Explaining the high voice superiority effect in polyphonic music: Evidence from cortical evoked potentials and peripheral auditory models. Hearing Research, 308, 60-70. [invited paper for special issue “Music: A window into the hearing brain”] Gavin M. Bidelman Page 2 of 12 12. Alain, C., Zendel, B. R., Hutka, S., & Bidelman, G. M. (2014, invited). Turning down the noise: The benefit of musical training on the aging auditory brain. Hearing Research, 308, 162-173. [invited paper for special issue “Music: A window into the hearing brain”] 13. *Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2013). Brain signal variability as a window into the bidirectionality between music and language processing: Moving from a linear to a nonlinear model. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(984), 1-11. 14. *Hutka, S. A., Binns, M. A., Bidelman, G. M., & Alain, C. (2013). Age-related differences in the sequential organization of speech sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(6), 4177– 4187. 15. Bidelman, G. M., Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2013). Tracing the emergence of categorical speech perception in the human auditory system. NeuroImage, 79(1), 201-212. 16. Bidelman, G. M. (2013). The role of the auditory brainstem in processing musically-relevant pitch. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(264), 1-13. [invited paper for research topic on “The Musical Brain”] 17. Bidelman, G. M., Hutka, S., & Moreno, S. (2013). Tone language speakers and musicians share enhanced perceptual and cognitive abilities for musical pitch: Evidence for bidirectionality between the domains of language and music. PLoS One, 8(4), e60676. [Press: New York Times, Huffington Post, Globe & Mail] 18. Krishnan, A., Bidelman, G. M., Smalt, C. J., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Gandour, J. T (2012). Relationship between brainstem, cortical, and behavioral measures relevant to pitch salience in humans. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), 2849–2859. 19. Smalt, C. J., Krishnan, A., Bidelman, G. M., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Gandour, J. T. (2012). Distortion products and their influence on representation of pitch-relevant information in the human brainstem for unresolved harmonic complex tones. Hearing Research, 292(1-2), 26–34. 20. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., & Bidelman, G. M. (2012, invited). Experience-dependent plasticity in pitch encoding: From brainstem to auditory cortex. NeuroReport, 23(8), 498–502. 21. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Ananthakrishnan, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Smalt, C. J. (2011). Functional ear (a)symmetry in brainstem neural activity relevant to encoding of voice pitch: A precursor for hemispheric specialization? Brain and Language, 119(3), 226–231. 22. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Ananthakrishnan, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Smalt, C. J. (2011). Linguistic status of timbre influences pitch encoding in the brainstem. NeuroReport, 22(16), 801–803. 23. Bidelman, G. M., Gandour, J. T., & Krishnan, A. (2011). Musicians demonstrate experience-dependent subcortical enhancement of musical scale features within continuously gliding pitch. Neuroscience Letters, 503(3), 203–207. 24. Bidelman, G. M., Gandour, J. T., & Krishnan, A. (2011). Musicians and tone-language speakers share enhanced brainstem encoding but not perceptual benefits for musical pitch. Brain and Cognition, 77(1), 1–10. 25. Henry, K. S., Gall, M. D., Bidelman, G. M., & Lucas, J. R. (2011). Songbirds trade off auditory frequency resolution and temporal resolution. Journal of Comparative Physiology-A, 197(4), 351–359. 26. Bidelman, G. M., & Heinz, M.G. (2011). Auditory-nerve responses predict pitch attributes related to musical consonance-dissonance for normal and impaired hearing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3), 1488–1502. 27. Bidelman, G. M., & Krishnan, A. (2011). Brainstem correlates of behavioral and compositional preferences of musical harmony. NeuroReport, 22(5), 212–216. 28. Bidelman, G. M., Krishnan, A., & Gandour, J. T. (2011). Enhanced brainstem encoding predicts musicians’ perceptual advantages with pitch. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33(3), 530–538. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 3 of 12 29. Bidelman, G. M., Gandour, J. T., & Krishnan, A. (2011). Cross-domain effects of music and language experience on the representation of pitch in the human auditory brainstem. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(2), 424–434. 30. Bidelman, G. M., & Krishnan, A. (2010). Effects of reverberation on brainstem representation of speech in musicians and non-musicians. Brain Research, 1355, 112–125. 31. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Smalt, C. J., & Bidelman, G. M. (2010). Language-dependent pitch encoding advantage in the brainstem is not limited to acceleration rates that occur in natural speech. Brain and Language, 114(3), 193–198. 32. Krishnan, A., Bidelman, G. M., & Gandour, J. T. (2010). Neural representation of pitch salience in the human brainstem revealed by psychophysical and electrophysiological indices. Hearing Research, 268(12), 60–66. 33. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., & Bidelman, G. M. (2010). Brainstem pitch representation in native speakers of Mandarin is less susceptible to degradation of stimulus periodicity. Brain Research, 1313, 124–133. 34. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., & Bidelman, G. M. (2010). The effects of tone language experience on pitch processing in the brainstem. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 23(1), 81–95. 35. Bidelman, G. M., & Krishnan, A. (2009). Neural correlates of consonance, dissonance, and the hierarchy of musical pitch in the human brainstem. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(42), 13165–13171. 36. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Bidelman, G. M., & Swaminathan, J. (2009). Experience-dependent neural representation of dynamic pitch in the brainstem. NeuroReport, 20(4), 408–413. Book chapters and conference proceedings (*student first author) 1. * Mahajan, R., Majmudar, C. A., Khatun, S., Morshed, B. I., & Bidelman, G. M. (2014). NeuroMonitor Ambulatory EEG Device: Comparative Analysis and Its Application for Cognitive Load Assessment. Proceedings of the IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies Conference (IEEE HICPT'14), Seattle, WA, October 7–10, 2014. 2. Arsenault, J., He, Y., Bidelman, G. M., & Alain, C. (2014). The impact of context on the perceptual organization of speech. Proceedings of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, October 7–10, 2014. 3. *Bashivan, P., Bidelman, G. M., & Yeasin, M. (2014). Modulation of brain connectivity by cognitive load in the working memory Network. Proceedings on the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI),Orlando, FL, December 9–12, 2014. 4. *Bashivan, P., Bidelman, G. M., & Yeasin, M. (2013). Neural correlates of visual working memory load through unsupervised spatial filtering of EEG. Proceedings of IEEE Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI’13), Lake Tahoe, NV, December 9–10, 2013. 5. Pavlik, P., Hua, H., Williams, J., & Bidelman, G. M. (2013). Modeling the effect of spacing on musical interval training. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Memphis, TN, July 6–9, 2013. 6. Gandour, J., Krishnan, A., & Bidelman, G. M. (2010). Neural substrates of lexical tone as revealed at different stages of cortical and subcortical processing. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (pp. 32-33). Beijing, China: University of Science and Technology of China Press. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 4 of 12 Conference abstracts (*student first author) 1. Bidelman, G. M. & Alain, C. (2015). Musical training orchestrates coordinated neuroplasticity in auditory brainstem and cortex to counteract age-related declines in categorical speech perception. Poster presented at the 37th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 21–25, 2015. 2. *Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2014). Is the cognitive stimulation of music training specific to music? Poster presented at the Neuroscience and Music V – Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation Society, Dijon, France, May 29–June 1, 2014. 3. Cousineau, M., Bidelman, G. M., Peretz, I., & Lehmann, A. (2014). Dissonance and the brainstem: Insights from natural stimuli and congenital amusia. Poster presented at the Neuroscience and Music V – Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation Society, Dijon, France, May 29–June 1, 2014. 4. *Bashivan, P., Bidelman, G. M., & Yeasin, M. (2014). Predicting working memory capacity using spectro-temporal characteristics of the oscillatory EEG. Poster presented at the 21st Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA, April 5–8, 2014. 5. Bidelman, G. M., Villafuerte, J. W., & Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2014). Age-related changes in subcortical-cortical encoding and categorical perception of speech. Poster presented at the 37th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 2014. 6. *Syed Khaja, A. S. & Bidelman, G. M. (2014). Brainstem correlates of temporal-spectral resolution tradeoff in the human auditory system. Poster presented at the 37th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 2014. 7. Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Bidelman, G. M., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Cognitive benefits of music and art training in healthy older adults. Poster presented at the 20th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, April 13–16, 2013. 8. Bidelman, G. M., Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Short-term musical training enhances pre-attentive auditory processing in older adults. Poster presented at the 20th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, April 13–16, 2013. 9. Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Bidelman, G. M., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Cognitive benefits of music and art training in healthy older adults. Poster presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 15–17, 2013. 10. Bidelman, G. M., Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Short-term musical training enhances pre-attentive auditory processing in older adults. Poster presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 15–17, 2013. 11. Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Bidelman, G. M., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Cognitive benefits of music and art training in healthy older adults. Talk presented at the Baycrest 23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference: Brain Plasticity & Neurorehabilitation, Toronto, ON, Canada, March 3–6, 2013. 12. Bidelman, G. M., Weiss, M. W., Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2013). Musical training strengthens the subcortical-cortical encoding and categorical perception of speech. Poster presented at the 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 16–20, 2013. 13. Bidelman, G. M., Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Enhanced pre-attentive auditory processing following short-term musical training in older adults. Poster presented at the 41st Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, HI, February 6–9, 2013. 14. Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Bidelman, G. M., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). Cognitive benefits of music and art training in healthy older adults. Poster presented at the 41st Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, HI, February 6–9, 2013. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 5 of 12 15. Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., Moreno, S. (2012). Evidence for bidirectionality in music-to-language transfer effects. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, October 13–17, 2012. 16. Kuhn-Popp, N., Herring, A., Rose, N., Craik, F., Rendell, P.G., Moreno, S., Bidelman, G.M., & Kliegel, M. (2012) Virtual-Week Training: A process-oriented training program to improve prospective memory performance in older adults. Poster presented at the 48th Congress of the German Society for Psychology, Bielefeld, Germany, September 23–27, 2012. 17. Rose, N.S., Craik, F.M., Hering, A., Rendell, P. G., Moreno, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Kliegel, M. (2012) Differential predictors of prospective memory performance in old age: Laboratory and naturalistic tasks are associated with different cognitive processes. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 19–22, 2012. 18. Bidelman, G. M. (2012). Objective information-theoretic algorithm for detecting brainstem evoked responses to complex stimuli. Poster presented at the 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 25–29, 2012. 19. Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A., Smalt, C.J., & Bidelman, G. M. (2012). Brainstem-level Temporal Fine Structure Encoding in Cochlear Hearing Loss. Poster presented at the 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 25–29, 2012. 20. Krishnan, A., Smalt, C. J., Bidelman, G. M., Ananthakrishnan, S., & Gandour, J. T. (2012). Hierarchical transformations from sensory representations to percept: Relationships between brainstem, cortical, and behavioral encoding of pitch salience. Poster presented at the 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 25–29, 2012. 21. Bidelman, G. M., & Heinz, M.G. (2011). Auditory-nerve responses predict pitch attributes related to musical consonance and dissonance for normal and impaired hearing. Poster presented at the 34th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 19–23, 2011. 22. Bidelman, G. M., Krishnan, A., & Gandour, J. T. (2011). Enhanced brainstem pitch encoding in tonelanguage speakers does not translate to perceptual benefits for music. Poster presented at the 34th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 19–23, 2011. 23. Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A., Gandour, J.T., Bidelman, G.M., & Smalt, C.J. (2011). Brainstem origins of the differential hemispheric laterality for linguistic and nonlinguistic pitch. Poster presented at the 34th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 19– 23, 2011. 24. Bidelman, G. M., & Heinz, M. G. (2011). Auditory-nerve responses predict pitch attributes related to musical consonance and dissonance for normal and impaired hearing. Poster presented at the Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Awards Competition, Purdue University, February 7, 2011. 25. Bidelman, G. M., Krishnan, A., & Gandour, J. T. (2010). Neural representation of pitch salience in the human brainstem revealed by psychophysical and electrophysiological indices. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, February 6–10, 2010. 26. Bidelman, G. M., Krishnan, A., & Gandour, J. T. (2010). Brainstem pitch representation in native speakers of mandarin is less susceptible to degradation of stimulus temporal regularity. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, February 6– 10, 2010. 27. Ananthakrishnan, S., Krishnan, A., & Bidelman, G. M. (2010). Human frequency following response: Differential responses to positive & negative gain of iterated rippled noise (IRN) stimuli. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, February 6– 10, 2010. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 6 of 12 28. Bidelman, G. M., Krishnan, A., & Gandour, J.T. (2009). The effects of tone language experience on pitch processing in the brainstem. Poster presented at the inaugural Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC ’09), Chicago, IL, October 15–16, 2009. 29. Bidelman, G. M., Gandour, J.T., & Krishnan, A. (2009). Relative influence of musical and linguistic experience on the subcortical encoding of pitch. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC ‘09), Indianapolis, IN, August 3–7, 2009. 30. Bidelman, G. M., & Krishnan, A. (2009). Subcortical correlates of consonance, dissonance, and musical pitch hierarchy in the human brainstem. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC ’09), Indianapolis, IN, August 3–7, 2009. 31. Bidelman, G. M., Gandour, J. T., & Krishnan, A. (2009). Cross-domain effects of language and music experience on the representation of pitch in the human auditory brainstem. Poster presented at the16th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, March 21–24, 2009. 32. Krishnan, A., Gandour, J. T., Bidelman, G. M., & Swaminathan, J. (2009). Experience-dependent neural representation of dynamic pitch in the brainstem. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, March 5–7, 2009. Books Rardin, P., Bidelman, G., Smith, C., & Bagaglia, E. (Eds.). (2010). Sing to the Colors: The University of Michigan Songbook. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Brothers. Doctoral dissertation Bidelman, G. M. (2011). Neural Correlates of Musical and Linguistic Pitch as Revealed in the Auditory Brainstem (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University). Video Bidelman, G. (Producer), (2008). Hearing conservation: Protecting your ears against harmful sound [DVD]. Produced for OSHA hearing screenings for the Purdue University Speech and Hearing Clinic. PRESENTATIONS Conference talks 1. Bhagat, S. & Bidelman, G. M. (2014). “Optimizing otoacoustic emissions as biomarkers for hormone regulation in healthy women,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, November 20-22, 2014. 2. Alain, C. & Bidelman, G. M. (2013). “Neurocomputation underlying sound segregation: From periphery to percept,” 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Florence, Italy, October 2-6, 2013. 3. Bidelman, G. M., Weiss, M. W., Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2013). “Musical training strengthens the subcortical-cortical encoding and categorical perception of speech,” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC 2013), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 8–11, 2013. 4. Moreno, S., Lee, Y., Bidelman, G. M., Moussard, A., & Alain, C. (2013). “Cognitive benefits of music and art training in healthy older adults,” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC 2013), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 8–11, 2013. 5. Marie, C., Bidelman, G. M., Bruce, I. C., & Trainor, L. (2013). “Investigating the origin of the high voice superiority effect in music,” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC 2013), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 8–11, 2013. 6. Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2013). “On the bidirectionality of music-to-language transfer effects,” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC 2013), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 8–11, Gavin M. Bidelman Page 7 of 12 2013. 7. Bidelman, G. M. (2013). “The effects of music/language expertise on subcortical plasticity, auditory perceptual abilities, and cognitive transfer,” 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 2013. 8. Bidelman, G. M., & Alain, C. (2013). “Hierarchical neurocomputations underlying concurrent sound segregation: Connecting periphery to percept,” 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 2013. 9. Bidelman, G. M. (2012). “Translating art to science: Music induced benefits to human cognition,” Inaugural Brain Power Conference, Toronto, ON, May 3–4, 2012. Other talks and seminars 1. Bidelman, G. M. (2014) “Hierarchical neurocomputations underlying concurrent sound segregation: Connecting periphery to percept,” University of Memphis CSD Research Colloquium, October 17, 2014. 2. Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2014). “Studying the music-speech association using linear and non-linear frameworks.” Invited talk given at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS) MindMeld, BRAMS, Montreal, QC, July 2014. 3. Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2013). “On the neural responses underlying bidirectionality of music-to-language transfer.” Poster presented at the NSERC-Create: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, August, 2013. 4. Hutka, S., Gordon, C., Bidelman, G. M., McIntosh, R., & Moreno, S. (2013). “The behavioural aspects of bidirectionality in music-to-language transfer.” Poster presented at the NSERC-Create: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, August, 2013. 5. Hutka, S., Bidelman, G. M., & Moreno, S. (2013, June). “The bidirectionality in music-to-language transfer effects.” Poster presented at the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience Research Day/International Symposium on Structural Neurobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, June, 2013. 6. Bidelman, G. M. (2013) “The neural basis of categorical speech perception,” Cognitive Science Seminar, University of Memphis, April 3, 2013. 7. Bidelman, G. M. (2012) “Transfer effects between language and music: Examining the road less traveled,” University of Memphis CSD Research Colloquium, October 5, 2012. 8. Bidelman, G. M. (2012) “Neurophysiological origins of consonance, dissonance, and the hierarchy of musical pitch,” The Institute for Music & the Mind, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, March 16, 2012. 9. Bidelman, G. M. (2011) “Sensory tuning to cognitive benefits: The missing link in transfer effects between music and language processing,” International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research (BRAMS), McGill University, Montreal, QC, November 30, 2011. 10. Bidelman, G. M. (2011) “The Role of the Auditory Brainstem in Speech & Music Processing,” Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Research Rounds, Toronto, ON, October 24, 2011. 11. Bidelman, G. M. (2011) “Brain-behavior connections in the encoding of music and speech: Innate and acquired effects,” Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 14, 2011. 12. Bidelman, G.M. (2010) “Subcortical correlates of consonance, dissonance, & the hierarchy of musical pitch,” Purdue University Robert L. Ringel Symposium, W. Lafayette, IN, April 30, 2010. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 8 of 12 13. Bidelman, G.M. (2008) “Influence of language and music experience on the representation of pitch in the human brainstem,” Purdue University Robert L. Ringel Symposium, W. Lafayette, IN, September 26, 2008. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Teaching (University of Memphis) Graduate Courses AUSP 8001 – Hearing Science – Taught Fa14. AUSP 8112 - Neuroimaging Applications for Speech & Hearing Science – Sp13, Sp15 AUSP 8017 - Digital Signal Processing for Speech/Hearing – Sp14. PSYC/COMP/PHIL 7514/8514 Cog. Sci. Seminar, “Music, Language, and the Brain” – Fa13. Other teaching (Purdue University) Graduate Courses SLHS 519 Clinical Research and Treatment Efficacy–Sp10. Undergraduate Courses Guest Lecturer– SLHS 215 Exploring Audiology and Hearing Science; SLHS 304 Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech & Hearing Mechanism; SLHS 460 Language and the Brain Mentoring, PhD students – thesis/advising committees Hyunjoo Yoo University of Memphis, CSD Sungmin Lee University of Memphis, CSD Chhayakant Patro University of Memphis, CSD Ruhi Mahajan University of Memphis, EECE Pouya Bashivan University of Memphis, EECE Weilun Chung University of Memphis, CSD Ameenuddin Khaja University of Memphis, CSD Jeremy Grall University of Memphis, Music Joshua Villafuerte University of Toronto, Psychology Stefanie Hutka University of Toronto, Psychology Michael Weiss University of Toronto, Psychology 2014– 2014– 2014– 2014– 2013– 2013– 2013– 2013– 2012 2011–2012 2011 –2012 Mentoring, PhD students – research projects Chhayakant Patro University of Memphis, CSD Chia-Cheng Lee University of Memphis, CSD Pouya Bashivan University of Memphis, EECE 2014– 2014– 2013– Mentoring, AuD students – research projects Jill Lowther University of Memphis Megan Howell University of Memphis Lauren Dexter University of Memphis Jon Schug University of Memphis Jessica Warnshuis Purdue University Christy Macak Purdue University Megan Lyons Purdue University Lindsay Prusick Purdue University 2014–2015 2013–2014 2013–2014 2013–2014 2010–2011 2009–2010 2009–2010 2009–2010 Gavin M. Bidelman Page 9 of 12 RECOGNITION Media & press coverage 1. D. Creech. “University receives grant from GRAMMY Foundation,” The Daily Helmsman, April 29, 2014. 2. G. Maxey. “GRAMMY Foundation Awards U of M Grant for Hearing Study,” UofM News, April. 2014. 3. K. Powers. “The Music Benefits of Speaking a Tonal Language,” Research feature in Teaching Music Magazine, Oct. 2013. 4. M. Vuolo. “Can a Language Make You More Musical?” Lexicon Valley podcast Episode No. 31, Washington, D.C.,, July 15, 2013. 5. J. Hammock. “Examining music, language, and the brain,” The Sackville Tribune Post, New Brunswick, Canada, April 10, 2013. 6. A. O’Connor. “Musical training and language skills chance one another,” The New York Times, April 9, 2013. 7. “Sing-Song Cantonese Language Helps Musicality, Study,” Asian Scientist, April 8, 2013. 8. S. Gates. “Tonal Languages, Music Ability Linked In New Study of Cantonese Speakers,” Huffington Post, April 5, 2013. 9. C. Cheng. “Tonal languages help with learning music,” Counsel & Heal, April 4, 2013. 10. “Report finds Asians, Africans and South Americans Might Make Better Musicians,” Voice of America News, April 2, 2013. 11. “Report Finds Asians, Africans and South Americans Might Make Better Musicians,” Science World, April 2, 2013. 12. “Speaking a Tonal Language (Such as Cantonese) Primes the Brain for Musical Training,” Science Daily, April 2, 2013. 13. W. Leung. “Speakers of tonal languages are better able to hear music, study finds,” The Globe and Mail, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 2, 2013. 14. “Young Baycrest researcher and his co-principal investigators win GRAMMY Foundation Award,” Baycrest News, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 9, 2012. 15. C. Cronwlad. “Biology: Harmony resonates in the brain,” Experimentarium: Science, Denmark, June 2010. Awards and honors Invited participant with travel award, Annual Research Conference: “Lessons for Success: Developing the Emerging Scientist”, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2013 Sigma Xi (elected full member) 2012 Ismail Interdisciplinary Doctoral Research Award, Purdue University 2011 Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University 2010 – 2011 Robert L. Ringel Research Award, Purdue University 2010 Weinburg Research Award, Purdue University 2010 NIDCD/NIH Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (T32 DC 00030) 2008 – 2010 Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences Alumni & Friends Scholarship, Purdue University 2008 – 2009 Ross Fellowship, Purdue University 2007 – 2008 SERVICE & OUTREACH ACTIVITIES National Session Chair, “Young Investigator Symposium: Computational Modeling,” 38th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 2015. Session Chair, “Publishing & Grant Applications,” ARO student mentoring session, 37th Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, CA, February 2014. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 10 of 12 Session Chair, “Music Therapy & Cognitive Processing,” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC 2013), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 11, 2013. Institutional, University of Memphis Appointments Committee (Chair, 2014 – present) HIPAA Implementation/Review Committee (2014 – present) Library Committee (Chair, 2013 – present) Website Oversight Committee (2012-present) Future Planning Task Force Committee (2013 – 2014) Audiology Subcommittee (2012 – present) PhD Program Policies Committee (2012 – present) Review of manuscripts (ad hoc) American Journal of Psychology Applied Psycholinguistics Biomedical Signal Processing & Control Brain & Cognition Brain & Language Brain Research Brain Topography Cerebral Cortex Cognition Cognitive Science Ear & Hearing European Journal of Neuroscience Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Neuroscience Hearing Research International Journal of Audiology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Journal of Memory and Language Journal of Neuroscience Journal of the Acoustical Society of America JASA Express Letters JoVE J. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Medical Principles and Practice Memory & Cognition Music Perception NeuroImage Neuropsychologia NeuroReport Neuroscience Letters Physiological Research PLoS One Psychology of Music Psychophysiology Review of grants National Science Foundation, USA Graduate Women in Science, USA Medical Research Council (MRC), UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK Review of scholarships American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Graduate Student Scholarship, 2013 Professional society memberships American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2012 – present) Society for Music Perception and Cognition (2009 – present) Association for Research in Otolaryngology (2008 – present) Cognitive Neuroscience Society (2009 – present) Acoustical Society of America (2007 – present) Gavin M. Bidelman Page 11 of 12 Outreach (talks and public presentations) 1. Bidelman, G. M. (2014) “Minimizing Noise-induced Hearing Loss with Musicianship,” Public Presentation to the Memphis Chapter of the Recording Academy of America and GRAMMY Foundation Board, Memphis, TN, September 8, 2014. 2. Bidelman, G.M. (2012) “Brain correlates of complex human perception and training induced plasticity,” Research demo presented at the FedEx Institute of Technology Memphis Research and Innovation Expo, Memphis, TN, September 27, 2012. Gavin M. Bidelman Page 12 of 12