The Loony Bin


The Loony Bin
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or Die!
Issue 65 November 2014
Loony Bin
By: Dr. A. H. Krieg
For the last 14 years I have become
convinced that I am living in a loony bin. I
lived in Europe from 1938 to 1952, the Axis
was a loony bin. The Allies not much better,
especially after the war. But, as for today,
things have not improved; in fact they are
rapidly approaching the state of the Axis in
1941. They had the Gestapo, brown shirts
(SA) Schturmtrupper, and the SS, Mussolini
had his black shirts (Camicie Nere) and we
Here Comes the Sun
To Solve The Global Warming Problem
By: Donald “Pogo” Meserlian, PE (973) 228-2258
2014 UN Climate Change Summary
– Chair’s Summary
The purpose of the 2014 Climate Summit
was to raise political momentum for a meaningful
universal climate agreement in Paris in 2015 and to
galvanize transformative action in all countries to
reduce emissions and build resistance to the adverse
impacts of climate change.
An unprecedented number of world leaders
attended the Summit, including 100 Heads of
State and Government. They were joined by more
than 800 leaders from business, finance and Nongovernmental organization.
World leaders agreed that climate change is
a defining issue of our time and that bold action
is needed today to reduce emissions and build
resilience and that they would lead this effort.
Convergence on a Long-Term Vision
A comprehensive global vision on climate
change emerged from the statements of leaders at
the Summit.
have the NSA, CIA, Homeland Security, FBI,
Secret Service, for the most part staffed by
the same sort of bureaucratic twits as their
forerunners in Germany and Italy. America
is hardly alone in this trend of governmental
federalization; the process has become
prominent in the entire Western World. We
now, courtesy of Cultural Marxism (PC) have
reached to point where speech is censored,
preempting even any discussion of issues.
Certain topics have been made taboo, bringing
them up in civil society is a virtual guarantee
to being ostracized. Right and wrong has
nothing to do with it; simply it is the norm of
present society to tout the line or else.
If it were just a matter of public discussion
it could be tolerated, but it is not, CM is the
whipping boss of academia, government, and
of course the political left, the progressives.
Nothing new here—its just a replay of the
1920’s 30’s and 40’s. Cultural Marxism saw
Hitler and Mussolini abruptly ending the tool
of the communists in Europe from 1900 to
1933 when their evil plans to communize
Europe failed. Unfortunately both of them,
then went on to use the exact same tools. Well
after all, they were all socialists.
One thing is blatantly obvious; the
Lamestream media beginning in the 1930’s
Issue 65 212-675-4563
The Sovereign’s Quotables
Notable Quotables
“The study of money, above all other
fields in economics, is one in which
complexity is used to disguise truth or
to evade truth, not to reveal it.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith (15 October 1908 – 29
April 2006) was a Canadian and, later, American
economist, public official,
and diplomat, and a leading
proponent of 20th-century American liberalism.
“[I can] hire one half of the working class
to kill the other half”
Jason “Jay” Gould (May 27, 1836 – December 2,
1892) was a leading American railroad developer
and speculator and union buster.
(Not So) Fun Facts
Ebola Comes To America
Ebola has arrived in America. A
patient in Texas has been diagnosed
with the deadly disease, the CDC
It is the first case of Ebola
diagnosed in the United States. That’s
an important distinction because
— unlike the medical workers who
contracted Ebola in Africa and were flown back to the United States
for treatment — the new Ebola patient could’ve been circulating in the
general U.S. population, potentially spreading the disease.
However, experts have stressed that Ebola does not transmit easily,
but instead requires “intimate” contact with someone who’s infected.
“Ebola poses no substantial risk to the U.S. general population,” CDC
said earlier this month.
The U.S. patient diagnosed with Ebola is a man who was traveling in
Liberia, and he started showing Ebola symptoms four days after returning.
The man has been placed in “strict isolation,” according to a statement
from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas.
Counter-Intelligence Database
Health Corruption
Top MD Reveals Corruption in Health Care
“The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500
($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses
put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two decades the
pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high
purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily
a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious
benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power
to co-opt every institution that might stand in
its way, including the US Congress, the FDA,
academic medical centers, and the
medical profession itself.”
– Dr. Marcia Angell, former
editor in chief of the New
England Journal of Medicine
on health corruption
Here Comes the Sun
World leaders agreed that climate
change is a defining issue of our time
and that bold action is needed today to
reduce emissions and build resistance
and that they would lead this effort.
Cutting Emissions
Without significant cuts in
emissions by all countries, and in key
sectors, the window of opportunity to
stay within less than 2 degrees will
soon close forever:
announced their plans to issue $30
billion of Green Bonds by 2015
A coalition of institutional
investors, committed to decarbonizing
$100 billion by December 2015 and
to measure and disclose the carbon
footprint of at least $500 billion in
The insurance industry committed
to double its green investments to
$84 billion by the end of 2015, and
announced their intention to increase
the amount placed in climate-smart
development to 10 times the current
amount by 2020.
Three major pension funds from
North America and Europe announced
plans to accelerate their investments in
low-carbon investments across asset
classes up to more than $31 billion
by 2020.
The Kyoto Protoco
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in
Kyoto, Japan on the 11th of December,
1997, but not enacted or enforced
until the 16th of February, 2005. The
protocol was adopted to help combat
the adverse effects of climate change,
on global warming.
The United States’ position on the
Kyoto Protocol has been a subject of
controversy and frustration amongst
the international community. Primarily
because, despite being a member of the
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change. The U.S., while
having signed the protocol in 1998, has
to this day not ratified it. That basically
means that while showing support for
the protocol, the U.S. will not be held
responsible if its emissions targets
are not met. It’s sad for one of the
most advanced and developed nations
on the planet, to which many other
November 2014 3
countries look up to, fail to provide an
example during such a crucial phase
of our stay on Earth. Every citizen
should ask Why Has the U.S. Not
Ratified Kyoto?
This months cartoon shows the
prominent position the sun will have
in solving the worlds global warming
This renewable source will
drastically reduce the need for
fracking to obtain natural gas, reduce
ground water pollution, as well as
allow the US to change its policy of
fighting endless wars to ensure our
fuel oil supplies.
The solution is presented in the
following video by “Ohio Mike”
in his YouTube video entitled “Foil
solar panels for windows” shows how
individuals can make a low cost solar
panel that can be placed inside a widow
for heating homes.
Foil Solar Panels for Windows
The day I made this video the
highs were in the teens. I would hope
you would agree that in the most well
insulated house the furnace would
come on at least a couple times even
on a sunny day because the house does
not have sunlight heating items inside
a north room.
This panel is only 3/4 of an inch
thick and weighs in at less than three
pounds. On a partly cloudy day the
black foil collector reached about
150 degrees (during the sunny
times). The film front only felt warm
to the touch and the aluminum flashing
on the back of the panel only made it to
98 degrees.
The design... there are virtually no
size limits, allows you to custom size
them to fit “ANY” window and they
allow for light to come through around
the edges.
The panel is without any electrical
or mechanical parts and they work fine
with its natural rising of heat through
the back chamber of the panel. To aid
the distribution of the heat rising to
the ceiling add a fan.
Another option for better circulation
(throughout the home) add fans to pull
the heat from the main room to other
rooms in each doorway and set the fans
to their absolute lowest settings.
Town zoning permits are not
required since you are free to do what
you want in your own home. S