Carlos Octavio Chida Su´ arez
Carlos Octavio Chida Su´ arez
´ rez Carlos Octavio Chida Sua Mexican citizen, national and resident Single, no children, born on 21st June 1991 Telephone: +52 (55) 5532 1692 Mobile: +52 (55) 3711 7256 Calle Miramar 825 Col. Miravalle, Del. Benito Ju´ arez 03580 Mexico City, DF, Mexico Profile I am a Bachelor student of Actuarial Science pursuing to enhance my career with a Master’s Degree in quantitative finance. I manage to link several disciplines and sciences to obtain greater results. Leader but also a good teammate, constructive, able to work under pressure, autodidact and proactive. Education 2008–today ‘Licenciado’ (B or BSc) in Actuary, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Aut´ onoma de M´ exico, UNAM). (8.26/10) Key Semester Modules: Mathematics Calculus 1, 2, 3, 4 • Single variable di↵erential. (7/10) • Single variable integral. • Multiple variable di↵erential. • Multiple variable integral. (7/10) Linear Algebra 1 • Vector fields, matrices, linear transformations (equations systems). (7/10) Probability 1, 2 • Single variable. (9/10) • Multiple variable. (8/10) Stochastic Processes 1 • Markov Chains, Poisson processes, discrete martingales, Brownian motion. (9/10) Statistics 1, 2, 3 • Inference, parametric estimation. (8/10) • Non-parametric, linear regression. (10/10) • Survival models, time series. (9/10) Regression Analysis • Single and multiple, linear and non-linear regression. Finances and Economics Finances 1, 2 • Investments and bonds. (7/10) • Markets and portfolio theory. (7/10) Corporate Finance • Long and short term financing, capital structure, stocks, leasing, mergers, acquisitions and alliances. (10/10) Economics 1 • Consumer theory, producer theory, imperfect markets, equilibrium, macroenomic policies, IS-LM model. (7/10) Financial Derivatives 1, 2 • Futures, forwards, Black-Sholes model, options, swaps, greeks. (9/10) • Interest rate derivatives, volatility, portfolio hedging. (8/10) Other modules: Financial Mathematics (8/10); Actuarial Mathematics for Life Insurance 1,2: single life (10/10), multiple lives (7/10); Actuarial Mathematics for Non-Life Insurace (7/10); Risk Theory; Mathematical Analysis 1, real analysis and integration theory (8/10); Operations Research (9/10). Dissertation work proposal: Properties and forecasting of the order book. An introduction to high frequency trading. Supervisor: MSc Jorge Humberto del Castillo Sp´ındola. Estimated date of final exam: April 2013. 1 Other activities: • Academic Board of the Bachelor of Actuarial Science Program (2010 - today). • Sta↵ of the First Actuarial Congress of the Faculty of Sciences (2012). • Sta↵ of the Second Actuarial Congress of the Faculty of Sciences (2013). 2005–2008 ‘Bachiller’ in Physics and Mathematics, La Salle High School, Acapulco, Mexico. Honours: • First Place of the Mathematics Contest for High School of the National Confederation of Private Schools (2008). Additional Education Sep 2012 Workshop of Quantitative Finance. IIMAS, UNAM. Market structure, hedge funds and an introduction to high frequency trading. Instructor: Dr. Mauricio Labadie, EXQIM, Paris, France. Work Experience 2012–today 2009–2010 2005–2008 Professor Assistant at the Department of Mathematics, UNAM. I am responsible of one or two classes per week to assist the theoretical part of the class taught by the professor with practical excercises, also of helping to grade exams and projects. Subjects: Linear Algebra 1. Financial Advisor at Inbursa Financial Group, Mexico City. Executive client advisor for banking and insurance products. Full-time. Tech Advisor at Sumicom, Acapulco, Mexico. Fixing and assemblying of computers for end-users as well as guidance in the acquisition of new hardware. Part-time. Languages Spanish English French German Italian Swedish Mother tongue. C1 (IELTS Score: 7.0). ´ B2 (Certificat d’Etudes de Fran¸cais Pratique 2 de l’Alliance Fran¸caise). B1 (approximately, no official examination). B2 (approximately, no official examination). A1 (approximately, no official examination). Computing Skills Office Statistics Mathematics Database Others MS Word, MS Excel (incl. macros), MS PowerPoint, Apple Pages, Apple Numbers, Apple Keynote, Adobe Acrobat Pro. R, SPSS. MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica. MySQL, Visual Fox Pro. C, C++, HTML, PHP, LATEX. Referees ´ zquez Alamilla. Director of the program of Bachelor of Acturial Science. Department • Prof. Jaime Va of Mathematics, UNAM. • Prof. Dra. Ana Meda Guardiola. Full professor and researcher. Department of Mathematics, UNAM. • Prof. Jorge Humberto del Castillo Sp´ındola. Interest Rates Volatility Trader, BBVA Bancomer, Mexico City. 2