The Mercury


The Mercury
The Mercury
“Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey of faith,
you are welcome in this place.”
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
L I I ,
X 1
2 0 1 4
Pastor’s Perspec ve,
Book Review
Advent, Nov. Worship
Family Promise
Stewardship Corner
Youth News
Elec on, Give Aloha
Birthdays, Prayer List
Welcome, Prayer List 11
November Calendar
Christmas Is Coming...And We Need
Aloha! As we approach the Advent and Christmas season, we are looking for addi onal ringers for our Handbell Choir and
singers for the Chapel Choir. Come celebrate the joy of the season! If you are
interested in playing or singing during the upcoming holidays, please contact
Cayanna as soon as possible at: 348-1203 or by e-mail at
Our 2015 Stewardship campaign is on the way!
Bring your completed 2015 pledge cards to submit with your
offering on November 9, Stewardship Sunday and Pastor Darren
will bless the contribu ons.
Special Worship Service at 15 Craigside
On Sunday, November 9th, we will be providing the
worship service at 15 Craigside in the chapel at 4:30
p.m. If you are interested in helping us sing please
see Jimmy Lum.
Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm
at Temple Emanu - El on Pali
Pastor’s Book Review Jesus: The Human Face of God by Jay Parini
The author offers a wonderful discussion about how the phrase “to be saved” in the New Testament isn’t so much about salvation but about “being filled with a new spirit.” It’s about
seeking a wider and larger consciousness of God. Jesus invited us to have a change of heart
(“repent”) but also to “move beyond ourselves” so that we have a greater awareness of God.
The book notes that Jesus gathered the many loose ends of Judaism and created a fusion,
whereby he set forth before the world an ethical code with visionary force, and with the power to transform lives, and society. I found several interesting historical insights in this book.
(Next Review: The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans or The Five Dysfunctions of a
Team by Patrick Lencioni)
The God Is Still Speaking Perspective:
“Do We Keep Remembrances and Holidays at Arm’s Length?”
"With a strong hand
and an outstretched
for his steadfast love
endures for ever;"
Psalm 136:12
As we prepare ourselves to celebrate the holidays such as; Thanksgiving and Christmas,
let us intentionally seek to be strengthened by our remembrances, not defeated because
of them. Rituals of remembrances is not only a powerful means to keep a person’s spirit
alive, like how we do with Christ every time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, or put up
a nativity scene, but it also reminds us how God has helped us through our darkest moments. But if we do decide to keep certain remembrances and holidays at arm’s length,
let’s make sure we don’t keep God at arm’s length.
16th century Spanish nun and saint Teresa of Avila talks in her poems about how falling into the arms of God was when she gained new life. We all need to “trust fall” into
the arms of God when life gets too complicated or when memories and holidays become overwhelming. Life is indeed a gift, and so is support from family and friends and
from the living Spirit of Christ.
Let us give thanks for the sheltering arms of a loving and caring God. As Christ received children into his arms (Mark 10:16), God receives us with an outstretched arm
(Psalm 136:12).
Rev. Darren T. Galindo
Senior Pastor
Sheltered in the Arms of God
I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender.
They're leading me in paths that I must trod.
I'll have no fear for Jesus walks beside me
And I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
So let the storm rage high,
The dark clouds rise,
They don't bother me;
For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God.
He walks with me,
And naught of earth shall harm me,
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
Dottie Rambo
November Worship Schedule
"Harvesting Fruits of the Spirit without Going Nuts"
2 “Dem Dry Bones” Gal.5:22-23, 2 Cor. 5:17, Ezekiel 37:1-10
Pastor Mary Herbig (Communion Sunday)
9 "Developing Patience" Gal. 5:22-23, Prv.14:29, 19:2, 1 Cor. 13:4, Eph. 4:2
16 "Kindness Builds" Gal. 5:22-23, Col. 3:12, 2 Sam. 9:7, Prv. 15:4
23 "Its, Its, Its Good!" Gal. 5:22-23, 6:9, Eph. 2:10, Ro. 12:9, 3 Jn. 11
25 7 p.m., Nu uanu Valley 53rd Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at Temple
30 "Shaping Hope"
Isaiah 64:1-9 Randy Reynoso (First Sunday of Advent)
Advent Workshop is Coming
Spiritual Life invites everyone to join us for our annual Advent Workshop
on Sunday, November 30 at 9:00 am.
Advent is a me when Chris ans wait with an cipa on for the coming
Christ. We look forward to star ng a new year on the Chris an calendar
and celebra ng the first four weeks which lead up to Christmas by sharing ourselves with those around us. Not only do we join in celebra on with other Chris ans in our communi es and around the world, we also share with others how, through Jesus, our lives have the hope of
living in peace and joy through the uncondi onal love of God.
The Advent workshop will replace all Sunday Morning classes and all are welcome. Families, elders, children, youth, and adults of all ages are invited to hear an Advent message which will be followed by the
making of Advent wreaths as well as other Advent cra s for their homes.
Spiritual Life looks forward to seeing you on the first morning of Advent. Together we will celebrate not
only the new year in the Church or new beginnings in our lives, but the newness that Christ brought into
this world as well.
“Some people believe holding on
and hanging in there are signs of
great strength. However, there are
mes when it takes much more
strength to know when to let go and
then do it.”
LGBT Spiritual Life Group – The
LGBT group will have an ou ng on
November 8, 2014. Please contact
Pastor Mary Herbig for more informa on at .
Family Promise: Sept. 21-28th, 2014 by Dwight Ovi Coordinator
This cycle of Family Promise was enjoyable and a bit challenging. Several of my regular overnight hosts
were not available so I asked a few new folks to help including Anita Barend. Things must have gone fine
as the only thing missing the next evening was a large bag of cold cereal which I think our guests ate. Our
other overnight hosts included Terri Lau and her son, Cory, who spent the weekend, Ann Leake from
Kaumakapili church, Edison Chong, and yours truly who spent 2 evenings. Food was supplied by Herb and
Nellie Lum (Chinese food), Yvonne Nakata and her family who provided roast chicken, curry, and veggies,
The Shen’s who brought an assortment of food, Karen Mun who made her island famous meatloaf, Zippy’s Chili complements of several folks who donated money, Kaumakapili Church who provided a spaghe dinner, and the UCC Youth who prepared le overs and ac vi es on Saturday night.
Our guests this me were two Chuukese families and a local family. Many worked late in the evenings so
dinner was saved for them to eat from 10:00 pm un l 1:30 am. Several of the youth were older from age
7-15. I no ced very well behaved youth who prepared meals for their parents who worked late. Several
youth played cards and taught me a new way to play “crazy eights”. Many had homework to do which
was always done before games were allowed.
One family took it upon themselves to sweep and mop the dining area. This was done without being
asked. The facility for sleeping was rearranged to take advantage of the cool breezes as it was a hot week
for sleeping.
The total number of volunteers this cycle was 32 with 26 from our church. The total number of hours expended were 217. A shout out to Sean Yoshishige and Cory Lau who went way out to help during this cycle. Cory spent two nights with our guests and was there during set up and take down.
Dona ons of money to buy breakfast supplies. diapers, milk, juice, bananas, plates, bowls, utencils, etc
were provided by Franklin and Maddie Young, Jane Bacon, Nora Chong, David and Elllen Chun, Sadie
Wong, Sylvia Young, Bea Ing, Marge Mow, Elizabeth Buckland, Gwen Nishimura, and Alison Leong.
Set up and clean up was done by Michelle Hashimoto and sons, Harrison Fong, Frank Alip, Cory Lau, Anita
Barend and yours truly.
Washing of linens was done by Gwen Nishimura, Michael Young, Frank Alip, and Bob Okimoto.
Our next and last cycle for Family Promise will be scheduled for December 14-21, 2014. If you wish to help
or donate see me or sign up in early December right a er church. I’m always looking for new folks to help
and spend an evening with our homeless families.
They are really good folks and very apprecia ve.
Haven’t heard so many thank you’s for many years.
Please take a moment to read the thank you le er
from one of the teenagers who par cipates in Family Promise. It is posted on the Sanctuary Courtyard
bulle n board.
Stewardship Corner
“Consider for a moment that everyone on earth has the same amount of me in every day. President or
paper boy, housewife or execu ve, farmer or financier – they all have exactly 24 hours in each day. Some
people take that me and build rela onships, dream dreams and make plans, cul vate their walk with God,
develop new skills and live lives of adventure. Some people watch a lot of TV.
What differen ates people isn’t the amount of me available to them, but the manner in which they exercise their gi s and talents within the available me. We can waste me; we can spend me; or we can invest our me wisely. That’s what stewardship is about: faithfully developing and using our gi s, talents
and resources within the amount of me God has allo ed to us.
Biblical stewardship touches every area of our lives. It requires a basic commitment to present ourselves
completely to God as his servants, with no strings a ached. This is the difference between the great I will
and the great Thy will. Whether we realize it or not, we face this decision many mes in the course of each
day. Our answer to this ques on will determine how we manage the me, abili es, money, truth and relaonships God has placed under our care. A wise steward will treat things according to their true value,
treasure the things God declares to be important and hold with a loose grip the things that God says will
not ma er in the end.”
Por ons from a Stewardship ar cle by Dr. Kenneth Boa (
Precious Legacies Stewardship Message
Lammy Y. L. and Constance Yee Ching Endowment for Chris an Educa on
Notes shared by Linda Ching Sledge, daughter of Lammy and Constance Ching, for
the establishment of this endowment
Constance Yee (1918-2009) and Lammy Y.L. Ching (1917-1998) were dedicated, lifelong members of UCC Judd Street from the me of their bap sm as a family in 1952 to the end of their lives. They served joyfully
in every phase of church life, from manning the luau take-out sta on to sewing the red cushions on pews to
taking key leadership posi ons on church and denomina onal commi ees. S ll, it was the UCC-Judd Street
adult educa on program that remained dearest to their hearts. Lammy was an ac ve presence in adult Bible study classes, taught senior high Sunday School, and eventually led adult classes of his own, using texts
as challenging as C.S. Lewis's Mere Chris anity.
When the UCC-Judd Street sponsored Chinese immigrant ci zenship school had a sudden need for professional leaders, Connie and Lammy (recent re rees) offered their services for free. Drawing upon her experience as a reading specialist and supervisor of teachers, Connie developed curriculum and texts. Lammy, a
former high school principal, oversaw a team of teachers. Their efforts resulted in a church outreach program that became a na onal model for community voluntarism and earned Lammy the Thomas Jefferson
Award for Na onal Service presented to him in 1994 at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. It is their
family's fondest hope that the Lammy Y.L. and Constance Yee Ching Endowment Fund would support programs in the life of the church dedicated to the same faith-based study and service as that exemplified by
Connie and Lammy.
Youth News
Penny Carnival Prep Con nues
The Youth and Young Adults con nued prepara ons for our 22nd annual Penny Carnival during the month of
October. We hope to have a very successful Penny Carnival this year and regardless of the monies raised
what really ma ers is that we’re able to show our support for the children, parents, and staff of Lanakila Elementary School, who is our beneficiary this year. Pictures and a report from our Penny Carnival will be in
next month’s Mercury.
Community Service Opportunity
Our Youth and Young Adults will be helping Lanakila Elementary School with their Campus Beau fica on Day on Saturday, November 8 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. We will be
assis ng them with yard work, pain ng, scrubbing, and other general clean up as needed. Anyone who is interested in helping can contact Randy at 286-2103 or email Lunch will be provided.
Chris an Ikebana 101
Eleanor Okimoto proudly
displays her crea on.
Dawn Young and Brenda Asato
beaming over their arrangements
who cares
Do anything…with anything…at any me! are the tenets of the Sogetsu School of Ikebana, a school
known for their expressive, “radical” style of flower arrangement.
Sensei Charmaine Yee-Hollison taught us how to arrange yellow mums and heliconias using the lines of
the heliconias, filling and un-filling space with mums while crea ng mass with backyard greenery. We
even learned to bend and curl lavender-colored reeds to jazz up our arrangements.
Charmaine’s assistants, Grace Kam and Robin Hollison (Charmaine’s hubby), roamed the classroom to
help us with placement of flowers and greens and create a balanced arrangement. The finished pieces
were bold and breathtaking!
new backdrop
Some flower arrangement ps learned: Cut and recut stems
3 a mes
before arranging.
Odd numbers are desirable. In crea ng centerpieces, the tallest point should be no higher than your
Chinese Chris an Associa on Celebra ng 137 Years
Year of the Horse Banquet
Location: Golden Palace Chinese Restaurant at 111 N. King St, 2nd
When: November 8, 2014
Fellowship - 5:00 p.m.
Seven Course Chinese Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Lion Dance - 7:00 p.m.
Cost: $25 per ticket or a table of 10 people for $250.00
Contact: FCCC - Cyril Wong @ 946-6195 or Sidney Wong @ 395-5292
St. Pet. - Barbara Vlachos @ 955-6868 or Gerald Liu
@ 732-0621
UCC - Gertrude Hara @ 391-3312 or Dennis Yuen 487-5864
St. Eliz - Bill Eng @ 949-6251 or Arleen Young @ 262-7358
Deadline is October 30th.
Program - Music - The First Chinese
Church Ohana
Proclamations - Senator Suzan ChunOakland and Rep. Takashi Ohno
Guest Speaker - Rev. Franklin Chun of
Canon of St. Andrews Cathedral
Door Prizes - Table center pieces and a
grand prize.
2015 UCC - Judd Election Results
Vice Moderator:
Roy Chang
Trudie China
Buildings and Grounds
Commi ee:
Richard Young
Membership Commi ee
Donna Chang
Missions Commi ee
Dwight Ovi
Moderator’s Report
Congratula ons to Roy Chang, Vice-Moderator;
Trudie China, Board Secretary; Donna Chang,
Membership Chair; Dwight Ovi , Missions Chair;
Spiritual Life Commi ee
and Richie Lau, Spiritual Life Chair, and Richard
Young , Buildings and Grounds, on their elec on
Richard "Richie" Lau
to the Board of Directors. The nature of Congrega onal Churches is that it’s members decide the
Aha Pae'Aina Delegate:
church’s direc on by vo ng. Sound vo ng proceWendy Mow-Taira
dures are of the utmost importance to the way
consensus is reached. Our elec on process was
Nomina ng Commi ee
fair and secure thanks to Bre Kurashige, NomiMember:
na on Chair, and his Nomina on Commi ee
Alison Leong
which conducted the elec on.
also would like to thank our members, families, and friends of UCC-Judd for their dona ons to the church
through this community-minded program. The dona on from the members will go to their designated accounts. The dona ons from Foodland and Western Union will go to our Capital Improvement Fund.
Customer Total Dona ons: $33,649.00
Total Dona ons for Give Aloha 2014: $40,297.47
Foodland Dona ons Total: $5,561.16
Western Union Dona ons Total: $1,087.31
O'ahu Reschedules 'Aha Mokupuni
The Fall 'Aha Mokupuni of the O'ahu Associa on has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 15,
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Nu'uanu Congrega onal Church (2651 Pali Highway, Honolulu). If you signed
up earlier, but are no longer able to a end, please call or no fy the church office.
UCC - Judd Announcements
PORTRAITS FOR THE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY – Photographers from the House of Photography will be at
the church on Sundays November 2 and 23 (this is a change in date from what was previously announced), to take family portraits for our upcoming pictorial directory. Photo sessions will be held before (9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.) and a er church service (11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) only. The photographers will take a break during the service.
There is no charge for the photo session. A few weeks a er the photo session, proofs will be available
for members to preview. Members will be able to purchase photos. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE PHOTOS. All family portraits will be included in our 2015 Pictorial Directory. Please plan accordingly.
100th ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOKS WILL SOON BE ON SALE Our 100th Anniversary Cookbooks are now at the printers and
will soon be available for purchase. Our original goal was to
collect 200 recipes. However, we have more than doubled
this goal and the cookbook will contain over 400 recipes from
over 100 contributors. One interes ng feature to this cookNEW YEAR’S CHINATOWN PARADE ON
book is that we have included selected “Golden Classic ReciSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 - In celebrapes” from the JOY OF EATING a UCC-Judd cookbook printed in
on of our 100th Anniversary and in
1985 for the church’s 70th Anniversary and “Silver Classic Rechonor of our church’s early beginnings
ipes” from BACK TO THE FUTURE, a cookbook distributed in
in Chinatown, UCC-Judd will be one of
2005 for our 90th Anniversary. Many of our senior members
the par cipa ng groups in this parade.
gave us permission to re-print their “best” and/or “most speThe parade route is a short route from
cial” recipes that they have used for decades. Families were
the State Capitol to Chinatown on Spealso asked to submit favorite recipes in “In Memory of” a famcial accommoda ons will be made for
ily member who had submi ed a recipe in the past but has
senior members who wish to par cinow passed away. A cookbook order form is included in this
pate in the parade but may not be able
issue of the Mercury.
to walk the parade route. Come and
celebrate the “Year of the Sheep”, our
goal is to have at least 100 par cipants
in the parade.
Precious Legacies Project
The Precious Legacies Project encourages all members and friends to make a print
contribution to a final product that will be published in 2015 for the 100th Anniversary of
our church. Your 2015 contributions can be turned in to the office or to Edison Chong at
November Birthdays!!
birthday is a blessed event for you are God’s gift. Your fellow brothers and sisters in
Christ wish that your special day is filled with joy and happiness .
Thomas Ark
Eldora Chang
Karen Chun
Pei Mian Chung
Brett Kurashige
Richard Lau
Bette Lum
Lawrence Mun
George Mow
Liam Nishimura
Gwynelle Nishimura
Faith Okawa
Justice Shen
Cynthia Suzuki
Choi Yuk Wong
Deborah Yee
Jon Yoshishige
Lily Yuen
If we missed someone’s birthday, please call the Church Office and let us
know. Happy birthday from the Membership Committee!
UCC-Judd Street Prayer
Hospitalized & Long-term Care:
Mabel Cock, Kaneohe
Gracie Mow, Kina Ole Estate
Daily Prayers for Health & Healing:
Membership class with Pastor Darren
Sundays, November 9th and 16th at 11:45 a.m.
Pastor Darren will be offering a membership
class. If you are interested please contact him
1 Corinthians 12:26
"If one member suffers, all suffer together
with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it."
Jeannine Ark
Jane Oshiro
Stephen Bischoff
Doy Pahukoa
William Chee
Amy Pang
Beatrice Ing
Yoshiko Smallman
Rev. Harold Jow
Lee & Lydia Kamiya
Shirley Tuthill
John and Rose Park
Nancy Lau
Cheryl Tom
Donna Wong
Clayton Lau
Natasha V.
Evelyn Lau
Margaret Yee
Richard K. H. Lau
Wai Chee Yee
Eleanor Lee
Dennis Yuen
Pearl Ma
Margaret Young
Gary Ann Cordeiro
Derek Mow
Phyllis Valentine
Ruth Ching
Please notify the office at 536-8418
when you no longer require intercessory prayers, and to add or remove a
name from the list. If you would like
more information about those listed,
please contact Membership Chair,
Donna Chang.
Getting to know Anelle our Church Custodian!
I would first like to say what an awesome privilege it has been working here. Thank you for making me feel very welcomed. I would like
to tell you a little about myself. I am born and raised here on the Island and grew up in Kaneohe. I am married to my wonderful husband for 23 years. We are active members of our church, New Life
United Pentecostal Church. We have two awesome kids. My daughter Brandi and her husband will soon be stationed in Okinawa and
they gave me my wonderful grandson Dominic who I am absolutely
in love with. My son Cameron is in high school and he is involved in
our church with the multimedia ministry. My husband and I were a
part of the puppet ministry at our church for many years until the
Lord called us into a different direction. My hobbies are crafting and
playing the piano. I hope that I can be a blessing to United Church of
Christ as you have been a blessing to me.
The Thanksgiving Special Offering will be received on Sunday, November 23
Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 4:00
The church office will be closed on
Tuesday, November 11 in
observance of
Veterans Day.
Rev. Darren T. Galindo, Senior Pastor
397-1977 (emergencies)
Pastor Mary Herbig, Pastor,
Senior & Spiritual Life
815-979-5124 (emergencies)
Randy Reynoso, Director of Youth & Young Adults
Cayanna Herrera, Director of Music Ministries
Eli Buckland, Church Secretary
Anelle Graham, Custodial Worker
ar cles due
November 15
9:15 Staff (BR)
9:45 Program Staff
11:00 Issei
Wedding (S)
9:15 Staff (BR)
9:45 Program Staff
9:15 Staff (BR)
9:45 Program Staff
5:30 100th Anniv
9:15 Staff
9:45 Program Staff
5:30 BOD (BR)
Directory Photos 9-1
11:45 Stewardship
11:45 Men's T (S.
11:45 Membership
Class (PO)
12:00 Missions
11:45 Membership
11:45 Worship
(RM 6)
9-1 Directory Photos
9:00 Advent Activities
11:45 Special Cong
Met (S)
12:00 Pastoral Relations
11:45 Membership
Class (PO)
12 ROL
9:30 FW (BR)
4:30 PPC (BR)
5:30 Personnel
9:30 FW (BR)
5:45 Spiritual Life
9:00 Healing Touch
9:00 PPS Chapel (S)
PPS Turkey
Interfaith Service
9:00 Healing Touch 9:30 FW (BR)
4:30 PPC (BR)
9:00 PPS Chapel (S)
11 Veteran's Day
Office Closed
9:00 Healing Touch
9:00 PPS Chapel (S)
November 2014
3:00 Issei (S)
5:45 Girl Scouts
27 Thanksgiving
Office Closed
28 PPS Closed
11:00 Issei
4:00 Liliha Parade
6:15 Bell Practice
5:45 Girl Scouts
7:30 Choir Practice
6:15 Bell Practice
7:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Vesper @ 15
Craigside Reh. (S)
6:15 Bell Practice
7:30 Choir Practice
8:30 LTK
11:00 Issei
8:30 LTK
9:00 - 12:00
DE cluttering
Parrish Hall
8:30 LTK
11:00 Issei
8:30 LTK
8:30 LifeLine (RM
LGBT Group
( See Pastor Mary)
8:30 LTK
9:30 ACS (Rm 6)
All articles limited to 250 words.
Mercury articles due: 11/15
ACS - American Cancer
FW - Faith Walk
PPS - Pali Preschool
LTK - Luk Tung Kuen
ROL - River of Life
MPR – Multi Purpose Room
CR – Cry Room
Rm 6 – Classroom 6
PO – Pastor’s Office
PH – Parrish Hall
S – Sanctuary
BR – Board Room
12:00 Study with Randy Reynoso
10:30 Worship Service (S)
9:15 Toddler Time (CR)
9:00 Women’s Study (BR)
9:00 Adult Educa on with Pastor
Mary Herbig (BR)
9:00 Children/Youth Sunday
UCC-Judd St Weekly Sunday