K N X a d v a n... E T S 5 - ... y
K N X a d v a n... E T S 5 - ... y
Domotechnolog y organizes ! KNX advanced COURSE ETS 5 - in English The training takes place on : * Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Friday 19 June 2015 The training center is located at: Domotechnology BVBA Dikberd 14 unit 1A 2200 HERENTALS Belgium Purpose of the advanced KNX programming course with ETS 5. Based on the available materials, the knowledge of programming with ETS 5 will be deepened. Also the more specific techniques such as heating are put on the program. This course is available to anyone who already has a KNX basic certificate and wishes to have more knowledge of KNX. Contents : * Heating * Light depended dimming * Security * Visualisation : general examples * Logical functions * How to make the installation ‘Fail-Safe’ * How to use ‘Flags’ Required knowledge : You have the KNX certificate issued by a recognized training center, that you will receive when you succesfully completed the exam of the basic course. The course manual and the exam is offered in English. The training itself as well as the PowerPoint used will be in English. Domotechnolog y organizes ! Registration form KNX advanced course ETS 5 Duration : 4 days including the exam. Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 June 2015 Every day from 8:30 am till 5:30 pm Friday 19 June 2015 till 4:30 pm Participation fee : 550,00 EUR (excl. VAT) for 4 days training. Included : - Location and organization by Domotechnology BVBA - Sandwiches at noon, a small snack during morning and afternoon break. - Providing all necessary materials (such as : PC’s, components,…). - After a successful test you receive the KNX certificate and a voucher for a KNX ETS app worth 49,00 EURO (excl. VAT) NAME : COMPANY : STREET : ZIP CODE: TEL : CITY : FAX : MAIL: V.A.T. : KNX clientnumber : Registers for the KNX advanced course that will take place on Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Friday 19 June 2015. Your registration is only valid after payment of participation fee, 550,00 EUR (excl. VAT), on behalf of Domotechnology BVBA BNP PARIS BAS IBAN BE88 0013 9042 1541; BIC GEBABEBB stating “Advanced course ETS 5 June 2015” Signature Domotechnology BVBA Dikberd 14 unit 1A 2200 HERENTALS Date TEL : 014/72.00.30 FAX : 014/72.00.35 MAIL : training-center@domotechnology.be