Whole Community Coordinated Response and Recovery MCDEMA 2014 Mid‐Winter Education Conference  November 11‐13 


Whole Community Coordinated Response and Recovery MCDEMA 2014 Mid‐Winter Education Conference  November 11‐13 
Whole Community Coordinated
Response and Recovery
MCDEMA 2014 Mid‐Winter Education Conference November 11‐13 Golden Moon Convention Center Mississippi Civil Defense Emergency Management Association will hold its 2014 Mid‐
Winter Education Conference November 11‐13, at the Golden Moon Convention Center in Choctaw, Mississippi. This year’s Mid‐Winter Education Conference will begin at 3 p.m. on Tuesday and conclude before noon Thursday. Federal, state, and local governmental leaders have been invited to speak during the session, which will also feature sessions on topics of interest to county emergency managers and first responders across our state. Vendors will have interesting displays, there will be a lessons learned session featuring local emergency managers, training sessions in a variety of disciplines and fields of practice, and the conference will include reports from MCDEMA officers and committee chairs dealing with plans of work for the 2015 fiscal year, and 2015‐16 officer nominations. MCDEMA officers and board have secured a favorable overnight sleeping room rate of $69 per night, plus any applicable taxes. Please call 1‐866‐447‐3275 to make room reservations, and use the conference code GMCDEM4, to receive the room rate of $69.00 per night, plus applicable taxes. Tuesday night in the Exhibit Hall will allow c0nference participants to visit with vendors and share some entertainment to assist the MCDEMA scholarship program. Prior to the start of the conference, there will be a MCDEMA, MEMA, Office of Homeland Security, and Mississippi State Department of Heath sponsored advanced ICS position‐specific training for Incident Commander. There will be a separate notification of that education program and registration form available for your review in coming weeks. This Mid‐Winter Education Conference education program has been developed with the focus on providing information and tools to assist local government in these uncertain times. Budget shortfalls have caused everyone in state and local government to manage time and resources efficiently and effectively. We urge you to attend, but if you are not able to attend the meeting, MCDEMA active members may submit in writing to Secretary/Treasurer Cindy Galey your nomination for Officers and Board of Directors elections. If you have any questions concerning the MCDEMA 2014 Mid‐Winter Education Conference please contact: Conference Chair John Elfer Desk – 601‐636‐1544 E‐Mail – johne@co.warren.ms.us Or Secretary/Treasurer Cindy Galey Desk – 601‐833‐8561 E‐mail – mcdemasecretary@gmail.com MCDE MCDEMA 2014 Mid‐Winter Conference Registration Form November 11 ‐ 13 The Golden Moon Convention Center Choctaw, Mississippi 39750 NAME: _____________________________________________________________ AGENCY: ___________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ________ PHONE: _____________________________ CELL PHONE: ______________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Conference Registration Before 10/22/14 ............................................... $195.00 Conference Registration After 10/22/14 .................................................. $225.00 Conference Registration Daily Rate (Not offered after 10/22/14)…………….$85.00 (Only meal included is lunch on Wednesday, October 12th) Guest/Meals Only Tickets ....................................................................... $100.00 P.O. # for invoice and Amount, if not prepaid ............... P.O. # ______________ YOU MAY ALSO FAX REGISTRATION TO: 662‐325‐8954 Credit Card Number Visa Exp. Date MC Amex Security Code Make Checks payable to: MCDEMA MSU‐ES GCD Box 9643 Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762 I understand that if I do not cancel by e‐mail or in writing to MSUES‐CGT prior to October 15, 2014, I will be responsible for full payment of the Conference Registration. Signature Date I have dietary restrictions or food allergies and my meals at the conference should be: Gluten‐free_________ No Red Meat_________ Vegan___________ Please notify Tom Ball at 662‐325‐3141 by October 30, 2014, of any special needs you may have under ADA to take full advantage of conference offerings. Tentative Agenda 2014 Mississippi Emergency Management Mid‐Winter Education Conference Golden Moon Conference Center 13:00 p.m. 13:00 p.m. 15:00 p.m. 18:00 p.m. 20:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Institute 11:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Participant Registration Opens Vendor Registration Opens MS EM 101 – Current Issues in Mississippi Emergency Management – Tommy Malone, Leake EMA; Clifford Galey, Brookhaven‐Lincoln EMA; Brian Adam, Hancock EMA; Greg Flynn and Kent Buckley, MEMA Recognition of Veterans‐John Elfer, Conference Chair Vendor Social/Scholarship Fund Raiser/Silent Auction Recess Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Breakfast Buffet‐all participants General Assembly Welcome – Brian Adam, President Prayer – Raven James, Chaplain Pledge – W.T. Quinton, Chairman of Board of Directors MBCI Color Guard National Anthem Maiko P. Anderson, MBCI Chief; Austin Tubby, MBCI EMA Director; Phil Pickle‐MBCI Director Fire Services; Jeff Mayo, EMA Director Neshoba County; Robert Latham, MEMA Executive Director State Response Agencies Updates and Statewide Issues Break Intro/Speaker‐Jamie Roberson, Yazoo Delta Levee Board Cesar A. Quiroga, Ph.D., PE, Senior Research Engineer for Texas A&M Transportation Spill/Accident Response Protocol ‐Susan Perkins, MEMA State Response‐ SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENTS Luncheon Buffet Intro/Speaker‐W.T. Quinton The Hon. Lynn Fitch – State Treasurer Wednesday afternoon 13:00 p.m. Breakout Session Disaster Finances First‐Larry Bowman and Chris Fields 13:00 p.m. Training Session IMT‐EOC Operations – Mike Burns‐Limited Class Size (Must attend all sessions to get credit) 13:00 p.m. Breakout Session Data Management‐John Giesemann 14:00 p.m. Break 14:15 p.m. Breakout Session MDWFP Special Response Team’s Resources‐Capt. Al Crawford, MSgt. Tracy Tullos 14:15 p.m. Training Session IMT‐EOC Operations‐Mike Burns‐continued (Must attend all sessions to get credit) 14:15 p.m. Breakout Session Electronic IAP‐John Giesemann 15:15 p.m. Break 15:30 p.m. Breakout Session NWS Update – Jackson, Memphis, Slidell, Mobile 15:30 p.m. Training Session IMT‐EOC Operations‐Mike Burns‐ continued‐(Must attend all sessions to get credit) 15:30 p.m. Breakout Session Electronic IAP‐John Giesemann‐ repeated 16:30 p.m. Breakouts/Training Sessions Conclude 16:30 p.m. Visit with Vendors in Lobby 17:15 p.m. Buses to Banquet – Buses start running every 15 minutes to the Beach Club for Awards Banquet 18:00 p.m. Awards Banquet‐MCEM, Years of Service and Special Presentation 19:30 p.m. Band Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00 a.m. County Directors Breakfast with Mr. Latham 7:00 a.m. Breakfast Buffet‐ participants 8:30 a.m. General Assembly Intro/Speaker‐Tommy Malone, Director Joe Andy Helton, President of Mississippi Association of Supervisors 9:00 a.m. General Assembly Intro/Speakers‐Clifford Galey Lessons Learned‐Long Term Recovery – Winston County; Itawamba County MCDEMA Business Meeting 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Adjournment – Evaluation Sheets