Document 6589351


Document 6589351
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Shaindy Mandelbaum in memory of their dear friend and good friend of the community,
Dr. Iris Nemhauser, A"H, whose yahrtzeit is Shabbos, 15 Cheshvan.
Ongoings Goings-On
The Kollel Korner
Shacharis is 7:40 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:05
Mussaf Minyan for boys grades 5-8 Program Grades 4-8 •Mincha
To add a name to the Mi Sheberach L'cholim list,
call 917-753-7057 or email
Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –Rabbi Weinberg
Shacharis 8:30 AM
Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 8:53/9:29
Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 10:18
Following Davening- Special Chumash Shiur from Rabbi Ribner @ Kollel
BNOS 3-4 PM / NO Pirchei
Sifrei Chafetz Chaim, – Rabbi Roberts 3:25 PM
Shiur by Rabbi Ribner 3:45 PM
Mincha 4:15 PM
Shabbos Over 5:43 PM
Avos U’banim 6:50 PM
Sunday Nov 9
Earliest Bracha on Tallis Sun-Fri 6:22-6:29
Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha 4:30 PM
Mon–Thurs Nov 10-13 Shacharis 6:30 Mincha 4:30 PM Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah, Nov 14 Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 4:30 PM Light Candles 4:27 PM
Good Shabbos!
Amud Yomi : Mesechta Shabbos- Sunday-Thursday– 33b-35b
Schedule of Shiurim at Bais Yisroel
Likras Shabbos, BOYS 5-8
Fri 30 min before Mincha
Torah Academy Store Thursday 8:30—10:30 PM
• Minchas Chinuch –Sun 8 AM with Rabbi Chaim Gibber •Gemachim Info—call Bella Smith 952-927-9670
• Rabbi M. Kalatsky Thurs Shiur after 8:20 PM Parsha. •Women’s Tehillim: Mons @ 8:15 AM at Perri
Kutoff's Home or 9:15 PM at Engelson’s home,
Perspectives @ Kollel
•Jewish Library: Please circulate/donate children &
• Partners in Torah Tues 8:15 PM @ Kollel
teens! Jewish books. Th 4-5 PM & Sun 10-11 AM @ the
• Business Halacha: Ribbis in the workplace. Every Sherman home. Contact Juli Sherman 952.926-0334
Wed 8-8:30 AM upstairs at the Kollel, by Rabbi Stern. •Baby Gemach
•Order a Shtender: Call the shul office. Cost: $250.
Tefilla Class-Birchos Krias Shema with Mrs. Tzipora •Shatnez Lab, 4201 Sunset Blvd. back door,
Greenberg-Wed. 12-12:45 PM at her home.
Yoel Menashe Jeff Kreps, 612-868-3330
• Clothing Connection Gemach 952-929-9769
Davening @ Yeshiva of Mpls
Volume 10: Issue 03
Parshas Vayeira
Shabbos Nov 8
•Tablecloth Gemach summer hrs. Mon only 12:301:30 PM call Ramie Delmoor 952-210-4545
Tomchei Shabbos helps families w/ basic Shabbos necessities. Contact Rabbi Greenberg if you
know of anyone who could use this assistance, or
wants to sponsor. Sponsorship $35-week/ $150/ mo.
Daf Yomi
Sun, after Maariv, M-F after 1st Shacharis & during Shalosh Seudos
Gemara Shiur-Mesechta Shabbos w/ Rabbi Weinberg M-F following 6:30 Shacharis
Amud Yomi with Rabbi Greenberg (see above)
Sun-Thurs 9:15-10 PM
Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Weinberg
½ hour before Shacharis Sun thru Fri
Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you
Divrei Torah on the weekly parsha & community events. To submit
items for publication please contact the Office by Thurs 11 AM, of
each week. For general information regarding activities, events or
membership please contact the shul office or HaRav Yechezkel Greenberg. To receive the BYSO by e-mail, please send an email to
HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlita, Founding Morah D’asra (1990-2009)
Arnie and Hindy Frishman: Founding BYSO Editors
Congregation Bais Yisroel
4221 Sunset Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: 952-926-7867
Hall Phone 952-926-0518 Ext 4
15 Cheshvan, 5775
November 8, 2014
Parshas Vayeira
Begins in 5775
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Avigdor & Tehilla Ginsberg on their
marriage. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin & Rafi
Ginsberg and Rabbi & Mrs. Elazer & Brocha Grunberger and the entire family. May they be zoche to build a Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisrael.
The Kehilla extend condolences to Mrs. Marina Ochs and family on
the passing of her father, Papa Feivel ben Pinchos Hillelov a"h,
Hamakom Yenachem eschem B'soch shaar avelei tzion v'yerushalayim
Jewish Women's Learning Club presents the Rosh Kollel, Minneapolis Community Kollel, Rabbi Eliyahu Stern speaking on Women’s
Mitzvos and Parshas Chayei Sarah on Wed, Nov 12 at 7:45 PM at the
home of Mrs. Heidi Pergament, 11518 Cedar Pass, Minnetonka
SAVE THE DATE!! The Sofer, Rabbi Yosef Heineman, will IY”H be
coming to town Nov 23-25 to check Tefillin & Mezuzos.
If you would like to run the Torah Academy Uniform Gemach,
all it takes is one box and a few minutes to a half hour per week to
respond to requests and deliver items to some very appreciative
customers. If interested, contact Erica Goldberg at 952 929 9769.
If your child will be having a Bar or Bas Mitzvah this year (Nov,
2014- Sept 2015) please contact
the shul office so arrangements
can be made for the complementary JCC membership and the Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund
When writing checks to the
shul, please make a notation as to
how your payment should be applied or credited. Thank you.
Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayeira, Nov 7 Latest Kiddush Levana Friday 11/7 @ 7:03 AM CST
Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 4:35 PM Light Candles 4:35 PM
Revised From BYSO Archives
At the end of this week’s Parsha, Avrohom Avinu is tested with the
Akeida when Hashem asks him to bring his son Yitzchak as a sacrifice.
Avrohom traveled with Yitzchak to the mountain that Hashem had
designated, and they began walking together. The Posuk says ‫וילכו‬
‫שניהם יחדו‬- “and the two of them went together.” Rashi points out
that the Torah is highlighting the greatness of Avrohom. At this point
Yitzchak had no idea that it was he who was to be the sacrifice; he assumed they were going to slaughter an animal. So he was certainly going with enthusiasm to fulfill the word of Hashem. Avrohom knew that
he was going to sacrifice Yitzchak, yet the Torah equates the two and
The BYSO is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Moshe & Marcie Murray
l’ilui nishmas Yaakov ben Dov Ber, Marcie’s Father
‫ישראל‬. That is what Klal Yisrael stand for: always working on eradicating
any ‫ ספק‬through our enthusiasm for Mitzvos.
It isn’t so challenging to perform the Mitzvos of the Yomim Tovim
with enthusiasm. They are Mitzvos which occur only once a year, and
they are very exciting to do. In the month of Cheshvan, though, there
are no Yomim Tovim. For the entire month, we just have a regular
schedule, going through each day performing the daily Mitzvos, without
any unique Mitzvos – not even a fast day -- to generate enthusiasm. The
concept of ‫ ספק‬which means the lack of enthusiasm might possibly
creep in. This is the challenge of this month, and perhaps that is the idea
of the addition of the name ‫ מר‬which has the same value as the word
Our job is to learn
from Yitzchak and
not fall into a monotonous routine,
but rather keep our
enthusiasm strong
even for the seemingly “regular” everyday
During this month,
when we have no
Sukkah, Arba Minim, or Matzah to
occupy us, we
should concentrate
on re-energizing
our observance of
the everyday Mitzvos – Tefilla,
Limud Hatorah,
Tzedaka, Tzitzis,
Tefillin, Kashrus,
Taharas Hamishpacha – and ignite
in ourselves the
same enthusiasm
for them that
comes more naturally with the seasonal Mitzvos.
Contact the Yated or pick up a
form at shul to subscribe by mail
says that “they went together.” Avrohom’s enthusiasm was no less
than that of Yitzchak.
After Yitzchak is informed by his father exactly what is about to take
place, that it is he himself who is to be sacrificed, the Torah repeats
and says ‫וילכו שניהם יחדו‬- “and the two of them went together.”
Rashi explains that even though Yitzchok was now aware of what
was going on, their hearts were equal, meaning to say that his enthusiasm was comparable to Avrohom’s, and his excitement for the Akeida was just as great as his father’s.
The Ohr Gedalyahu quotes R’ Naftali Tropp that we have a rule
that ‫אין היקש למחצה‬. When we compare two things, the comparison
has to be reciprocal. If the word ‫( יחדו‬the first time) tells us that
Avrohom’s enthusiasm was equal to Yitzchak’s, it also teaches that
Yitzchak’s enthusiasm was just as great as Avrohom’s, even though
he wasn’t yet aware of the true intention of his father. Avrohom was
aware what a great Mitzva he was about to perform, and the level of
his enthusiasm was certainly commensurate with the greatness of the
Mitzva. Yitzchak, though, was under the impression that they were
planning on performing a regular sacrifice. Even so, his enthusiasm
matched that of his father.
We are being taught a tremendous insight into how the Avos lived
their lives, investing the utmost effort into performing every single
Mitzva, big or small. This is an important lesson for us to learn. Every Mitzva requires the same level of enthusiasm. Even the Mitzvos
that seem to be “small” or “everyday” should be carried out with the
same enthusiasm as the ones that seem to be “big” or “important.”
The current month of the Jewish year is Cheshvan. The Minhag is to
call it Mar-Cheshvan. Mar is translated as bitter, signifying that the
fact that this month doesn’t have any Yomim Tovim..
I would suggest (as I mentioned one Shabbos morning) that perhaps
there is something more behind this appellation. The numerical value
of the word ‫ מר‬is 240. The nation of Amalek tried to destroy the
Jewish people. ‫ עמלק‬also has the numerical value of 240. The
word ‫ ספק‬which means doubt also equals 240. We know that words
that share the same numerical value are related in some way. Amalek’s whole purpose was to destroy our relationship with Hashem.
They therefore endeavored to introduce Safek, doubt, into all that we
did. When one is not sure of himself and of what he is doing, he can’t
have the proper enthusiasm for what he is doing. It is the enthusiasm
with which we do the Mitzvos that really forges our relationship with
Hashem. We say that a person who is enthusiastic is “on fire.” The
word ‫ אש‬has a numerical value of 301. If we take the situation of ‫ספק‬
(240) which Amalek tries to create, and add the enthusiasm, the) ‫אש‬
(301 we come to a total of 541, which is the numerical value of