MARQUETTE PROVINCE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS ! Bernie Mennemeyer, Master 2300 W. Iles Avenue Springfield, IL 62704 bmenn42@hotmail.com 10/30/2014 ! ! ! TO: Faithful Navigators and Comptrollers SUBJECT: Fourth Degree Exemplification As Master of the Southern District of Illinois, I am proud to announce the Exemplification in Springfield, IL on January 31, 2015. Enclosed you will find the requirements, schedule of events, and hotel/motel lodging. Please send this information to every member of your Assembly to recruit new Sir Knights. It is imperative that each Assembly recruits and brings several candidates to this Exemplification. It is also important to have Sir Knights to observe the degree of Patriotism and for Sir Knights in regalia to assist in the ceremony. The facilities for the weekend will be The Northfield Inn and Conference Center, 3280 Northfield Drive Springfield, IL 62702. Make your reservation ASAP. Only through the efforts of each assembly in the District can we grow our membership and make this Exemplification a great success. Let’s set a record for Sir Knights joining our ranks. Help a Brother Knight complete the process. “NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE FOURTH DEGREE”. ! ! To make this Exemplification a success, we need your help to: 1. Sign up new candidates for the Exemplification and insure the Form 4 is printed, legible and complete, with membership number, council number, and required signatures as listed on the Form 4. 2. Order your banquet tickets as a group and identify who will pick up the tickets. 3. Identify candidates you wish to sit with or near your group. 4. Insure you and other Past Faithful Navigators bring their white capes and act as guards for the Exemplification. Commanders are encouraged to attend and bring their purple regalia. All Sir Knights with regalia are encouraged to bring their regalia and serve in the honor guard for the Exemplification and the Exemplification Mass. 5. Purchase an “ad” or “sponsor ad” in the souvenir booklet. 6. Dress for the Exemplification is black tuxedo with black bow tie, a white formal pleated shirt with a “standard” lay down collar that hides the band of the tie, black socks, and black footwear. Social baldric is required for Sir Knights not wearing regalia. ! ! !! ! The success of this Exemplification is yours through your support. I would like to thank everyone in advance for helping to make this Exemplification a huge success! Fraternally Yours, Bernie Mennemeyer Master, Southern District of Illinois Marquette Province Southern District of Illinois Knights of Columbus Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 ! Location The Exemplification will take place at the Northfield Inn and Conference Center, 3280 Northfield Drive, Springfield IL 62702. Reservations for overnight stays can be made by calling them directly at (217) 523-7900. Room rate is $82.00 per night plus tax (double queen). A block of rooms will be held for “Knights of Columbus” at that price until January 15, 2015. ! Candidate Eligibility A candidate for the Fourth Degree must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, a 3rd Degree member in good standing and a practicing Catholic. A current signed Third Degree Membership Card will be required at Registration. ! Required Dress The Exemplification into the Fourth Degree is a formal event. All current Sir Knights and candidates should wear a black tuxedo with black bow tie, a white formal pleated shirt with a “standard” lay down collar that hides the band of the tie, black socks, and black footwear. Servicemen may wear their formal or semiformal uniform. Clergy may dress in their appropriate attire. Ladies should wear appropriate attire for the Mass and Banquet. Ladies may wear casual dress for the Ladies Luncheon. If a changing room is required, please note the request on the ticket form. ! Costs Exemplification cost is $70.00 per candidate and $50.00 for Priests and Religious Brothers. Each candidate will receive a social baldric, 4th Degree lapel pin and one banquet ticket. Candidates are encouraged to bring their wives and/or guest(s). Additional banquet tickets must be purchased separately on the Ticket Order Form. ! Make checks in the appropriate amount for candidates only payable to Bernie Mennemeyer, Master and send with completed Form 4 (use purple Form 4 rev. date of 7/11) to the District Secretary, Gary Schmidt. ! !! ! ! Make checks for Banquet and Ladies Luncheon Tickets payable to Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 and send to the Exemplification contact below. For more information contact: Master of the Fourth Degree Bernie Mennemeyer 2300 West Iles Avenue Springfield, IL 62704 Ph. 217-546-4321 bmenn42@hotmail.com Assembly General Chairperson John Szerletich FN 1009 N 7th Springfield, IL 62702 Ph (217) 528-0081 jdszerletich@gmail.com District Secretary Gary Schmidt 5249 Primrose Lane Riverton, IL 62561 Ph. 217-971-6624 pswgls0809@yahoo.com Marquette Province Southern District of Illinois Knights of Columbus Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BANQUET AND LADIES LUNCHEON TICKET ORDER FORM Banquet and Ladies Luncheon reservations and money must be received no later than January 24, 2015. Assembly Name, Number: _______________________________________________________ Address: City: State: Zip: ________________________________________________________ Phone: E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________ Tickets will be picked up by: ______________________________________________________ IF YOU WILL BE DINING WITH A CANDIDATE, PLEASE PROVIDE HIS NAME BUT DO NOT INCLUDE THE CANDIDATE IN THE NUMBER OF TICKETS ON THIS ORDER FORM. THE CANDIDATE’S TICKET IS INCLUDED WITH HIS REGISTRATION. ! ! ! ! ! Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Banquet – No. of Tickets X $32.50 (Do not include Candidate) = $ ________________________ Ladies Luncheon – No. of Tickets X $20.00 = $ _______________________________________ Total Amount $ ________________________________________________________________ Ladies may dress casual for Luncheon ONLY. Appropriate dress is required for the Mass and Banquet. Please note the number in your group that will require a changing room between the Luncheon and Mass. Please note any special dietary needs for either Ladies Luncheon or Banquet: ! ! ! Check made payable to: Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 Return completed form and check to: Gene Mitchell 3319 Ridgewood Unit #73 Springfield, IL 62704 ! ! ! You may order tickets as a group. Please provide the name of the person who will be picking up the tickets in the space provided above. Please list the individual names below and on the back of this form and note any candidates in your group. Marquette Province Southern District of Illinois Knights of Columbus Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 !! On January 31, 2015 the Marquette Province – Southern Illinois District of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus will host an Exemplification of the Fourth Degree at the Northfield Inn and Conference Center, 3280 Northfield Drive Springfield, IL 62702. Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 will sponsor this degree work. We are asking each Assembly, Council and Brother/Sir Knight to consider sponsoring an advertisement in the Exemplification Souvenir Program Book. Costs of the ads are: Full Page $100.00 and 1/2 Page $60.00. 1/4 Page ad $45.00 and 1/8 Page ad $35.00. A 3-Line Sponsor ad is $25.00 and a single line Patron Ad for Sir Knights and their wives is available at $10.00 each. ! Assemblies should honor their Faithful Friar and Faithful Navigator and his Lady with Sponsor Ads. Additionally, businesses are invited to place their business or corporate advertising in the book. Please share this information with businesses owned or operated by K of C members and ask them to advertise in this book so that we may build a useful directory of businesses we as Knights of Columbus would want to patronize. ! ! ! AD ORDER DEADLINE IS: January 17, 2015 to be included in the Souvenir Program Book I am e-mailing my print ready ad in pdf format. . FULL PAGE 5 ½ X 8 ½ $100.00 . 1/4 PAGE AD $45.00 . PATRON AD (3 lines) $25.00 . ONE HALF PAGE $60.00 . 1/8 PAGE AD $35.00 . SPONSOR AD (single line) $10.00 . Please design an Ad for me ! Print Ad information on the back of this form or include typed copy. A proof will be e-mailed or faxed for approval. Special Messages: Special messages from an individual only may be printed in the book such as “In Memory of” _____________________________________________________________ ! ! Congratulations or Welcome Sir Knights at $10.00 for a single line or $25.00 for 3 lines. Sponsor/Patron Ad or Special Message: _______________________________________________ ! ! _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ADVERTISING CONTRACT – Please Type or Print: !! ! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________ OR Assembly Name and No.: ________________________________________________________ Address: City: State: Zip: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: Fax: E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________ Amount paid: Amount Received: by Assembly _____ ______________________________________ PRINTED NAME OF AUTHORIZED SIGNER AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________________________ Mail completed ad form and payment to: Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 Tim Kennedy 2014 Blackhawk Rd Springfield, IL 62702-1311 ! ! Phone: (217) 836-6212 E-mail: MRDD65@comcast.net OR Bishop Griffin Assembly 0201 Joe Williams 416 West Elm Buffalo, IL 62515 (217) 553-6459 E-mail: sangamojoe@aol.com ALL ADS AND PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 17, 2015 TO BE INCLUDED IN THE SOUVENIR PROGRAM BOOK – NO EXCEPTIONS