Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15 Form A: Membership Application & Fundraising


Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15 Form A: Membership Application & Fundraising
Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15
Form A: Membership Application
FVHDA Family Membership ($30.00) & Fundraising ($20.00) - Total: $50.00
*New FVHDA families joining in January or February are eligible for a discount
please see the information package for details.
I/we hereby make application for membership and volunteering in the Fraser Valley Highland
Dancing Association for 2014/15 ending August 31, 2015. Membership will not be accepted
without the completed volunteer form and cheque returned. I have read and understand the
rules and regulations on this form and wish to be entered in the events listed. I hereby for myself,
my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims I have for
damages against the Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association, their agents or representatives,
successors and assignees, for any and all injuries or illness suffered by the dancer, at or through
FVHDA events. I acknowledge the FVHDA privacy policy and accept the volunteer commitment
Date ________________!
Signature ______________________________ (Parent / Guardian or dancer 18 or over)
Dancer Information
Name of Parent / guardian:
Name of Dancers (same family)
Date of Birth (D/M/Y)
I give FVHDA authorization to publish photos that include my children.
______ Yes
______ No
______________________________________ (signature)
I am a new parent to highland dance.
I would like the FVHDA to send me a competition orientation package. ____ Yes
____ No
For internal use:
Cheque amount:__________ Cheque #: __________ date received _______________
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15
Form B: Volunteer Commitment Form
•FVHDA membership requires a minimum of 3 volunteer hours per dancer regardless of age or level of
•Fill in one volunteer commitment form and enclose a SEPARATE volunteer commitment cheque of $75.00
for EACH dancer.
•Cheques are made payable to Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association (FVHDA).
•Cheques must be post dated for April 30th, 2015.
•Cheques will be returned to members, at the competition, upon completion of their volunteer service.
Cheques will be cashed after the February competition for members who have not fulfilled their volunteer
Dancer & Volunteer Information
Dancer Name
Dancer Age
Dancer Category
Volunteer Name
I am available to help on:
Volunteer Positions:
Nov. 22____ AM/PM
Jan. 10 ____ AM/PM
Feb. 28 ___AM/PM
Please number from 1 to 10 your order of job preference.
Take admission fee and sell programs.
2-3 hrs
Distribute competitor numbers. Complete temporary cards and forms.
Platform Signs
Change stage signs during the competition.
Sell food and beverages.
2.5 hrs
Line Up
Arrange dancers in correct order and assist them to platform.
Distribute medals, stamp pre-premier cards and fill in temporary cards.
30 mins.
Take the judgeʼs scoring sheets after the end of each set to the scoring area. 3hrs
Enter judgeʼs scores into the scrutineer scoring computer program.
Competition Setup Setting up and taking down tables, signs, cleaning, etc.
or Cleanup:
1 hr
Please check off if you have experience with:"
Line-up ____
would like to learn ____
Scoring ____
would like to learn ____
I am unable to fulfill my volunteer commitment for the dancer(s) listed above.
Please cash my volunteer cheque(s).
For internal use only:
Date contacted_________________________ Date confirmed:_________________________
Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15
Form C1: Full Season Registration Form
Dancer #1 Information:
Dancer Name:____________________________________
Birth date:
______/______/______ (m/d/y)
Full Season Dancer Package Fees Dancer #1
(4 dances / competition)
Age as of : Nov 22th _____ Jan 10th _____ Feb 28th_____
Premier!15 & under
(4 dances / competition)
City: ___________________________________________
Premier 16 & over
Postal Code : _____________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Scotdance BC / FUSTA #:___________________________
(4 dances / competition)
Scotdance BC fee
$ 3.00
Scotdance Canada fee
$ 3.00
Dancer #1 registration fees
If Intermediate - date when you move to Premier: _______
Full Season Dancer Package Fees Dancer #2
(back of your dance card)
(4 dances / competition)
Dancer #2 Information:
Dancer Name:____________________________________
Birth date:
______/______/______ (m/d/y)
Age as of : Nov 22th _____ Jan 10th _____ Feb 28th_____
Premier!15 & under
(4 dances / competition)
Premier 16 & over
(4 dances / competition)
Scotdance BC fee
$ 3.00
Scotdance Canada fee
$ 3.00
Dancer #2 registration fees
Dancer #1 registration fees
Dancer #2 registration fees
Total fees
City: ___________________________________________
Postal Code : __________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Scotdance BC / FUSTA #:___________________________
Category: _______________________________
If Intermediate - date when you move to Premier: _______
(back of your dance card)
Questions/Concerns/Category Changes:
Carla Kelly
Form A: Membership Registration & cheque
Form B: Volunteer form & $75.00 cheque
for each dancer.
Form C: Competition Registration & cheque.
Cheques are payable in Canadian
Funds to: FVHDA
Mail to: !
Carla Kelly
9029 Lyra Place
Burnaby, BC
V3J 1A9
Fraser Valley Highland Dancing Association 2014/15
Form C2: Individual Competition Registration Form
Dancer Information: please complete one form for EACH dancer
Dancer Name:! ______________________________________________________________
Birth date:
! ______/______/______ (m/d/y)
Age as of !
November 22rd ______! January 10th ______! February 28nd______
City:! !
Postal Code: ! ___________________________________________
Phone:! !
Email:! !
Scotdance BC / FUSTA #:!
Category: !
If Intermediate ! date when you move to Premier: __________________________
Event Date
#ʼs for dances entered
as per dance schedule
November 22nd
Mailing deadline Oct. 31st , 2014
January 10th
Mailing deadline Dec.
February 28nd
Mailing deadline February
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 15 & under
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 16 & over
______ dances x $7.00
Scotdance BC fee + Scotdance Canada fee $2.00
$ 2.00
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 15 & under
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 16 & over
______ dances x $7.00
Scotdance BC fee + Scotdance Canada fee $2.00
$ 2.00
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 15 & under
______ dances x $6.00
Premier 16 & over
______ dances x $7.00
Scotdance BC fee + Scotdance Canada fee $2.00
Total registration fees for dancer #1 :
Form A: Membership Registration & cheque
Form B: Volunteer form & $75.00 cheque
for each dancer.
Form C: Competition Registration & cheque.
Questions/Concerns/Category Changes:
Carla Kelly
$ 2.00
Cheques are payable in Canadian
Funds to: FVHDA
Mail to: !
Carla Kelly
9029 Lyra Place
Burnaby, BC
V3J 1A9