Tunisia International Conference on (ICCIS’2015), 17-19 January, Hammamet,
Tunisia International Conference on (ICCIS’2015), 17-19 January, Hammamet,
International Conference on Computer Information Systems (ICCIS’2015), 17-19 January, Hammamet, Tunisia Call for Papers: http://wccais.org/conferences1.php Researchers are invited to submit abstracts, posters or papers through EDAS or by e-mail: wccais2015@gmail.com;reporting original, unpublished research results in Computer Related Studies by November 03, 2014. ICCIS’ 2015 will have a poster session for which we will also accept late submissions; such late poster papers will be included in a special proceeding, and also candidate for journal publication. Conferences proceedings will be indexed in Conference Publishing System (CPS), a subsidiary Conference Proceedings Publication wing of the Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists (IDES). All the CPS produced contents will be submitted for possible indexing in IET INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI proceedings, Google Scholar, ProQuest, as well as other indexing services. All registered papers will be published in one of the following journals: International Journal of Information Security International Journal of Networking and Communication International Journal of Internet and Web Applications International Journal on E-Learning and Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence International journal of Information Systems International Journal of Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering International Journal of Software Engineering International Journal of Embedded Systems ICCIS’ 2015 invites original contributions on all Computer Applications Technology, including, but not limited to: Paper Submission: November 03 , 2014 Note of acceptance: November 30, 2014 Registration: December 15, 2014 Final Camera-ready: December 30, 2014 Conference Chair: Nejmeddine Tagoug King Saud University, SA Program Chairs: Mudasser Wyne, National University, USA Abdelmonim Mohamed Ali Artoli, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Organization Chair: Yacine Atef , UAE University, United Arab Emirates Zouheir Trabelsi , UAE University, UAE Local Mobile and pervasive computing Signal and Image Analysis and Processing Computer Graphics and Vision Object Classification and Recognition Artificial Intelligence Ambient Intelligence Ubiquitous Systems Pervasive Computing Computer Security Medical, Multimedia, Industrial and other Applications Local Organizing Committee Chairs: Chebbi wrida , N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Distributed computing Kidissi Zina, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Network Service-oriented Framework and Middleware Network and Application Hardware Quality of Services (QoS) Raddadi Sghaira , N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Barira Tarek , N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Degachi Achref , N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Wahid Hamdi , ISET Tozeur, Tunisia Mahmoud Sfaya , ISET Tozeur, Tunisia Bouallegue Atef , ISET Tozeur, Tunisia Mohamed Amine Harabi , Time University, Tunisia Farah Nasri , Monastir University, Tunisia Conference Venue: ElMouradi Hotel 5**** Hammamet, Tunisia