For the schedule of Fall davening times, click . here


For the schedule of Fall davening times, click . here
For the schedule of Fall davening times, click here.
Seudah Shlishit
Parashat Lech
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Valerie and Avrami Rubinstein to
commemorate the Yarzheit of Valerie's mother, Susan Solomon, Gittel bas
Klonimus a"h.
Guess Who is Coming to Lunch - Nov 15
Friday, Oct 31
Shacharit 6:45 am
Candles 5:35 pm
Mincha 5:40 pm
Shabbat, Nov 1
Shacharit 9:00 am
Kriat Shma 10:03 am
Mincha 5:25 pm
Ma'ariv 6:36 pm
Havdalah 6:42 pm
Turn back your clocks
Sunday, Nov 2
Rabbi's Shiur 7:50 am
Shacharit 8:30 am
Mincha/Ma'ariv 4:40 pm
Monday, Nov 3
Shacharit 6:35 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm
Tuesday, Nov 4
Shacharit 6:45 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm
Wednesday, Nov 5
Shacharit 6:45 am
Rabbi's Shiur 7:50 pm
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm
Thursday, Nov 6
Shacharit 6:35 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm
Contact Us
725 Queen Anne Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Rabbi Aharon Ciment
Study: 201-530-0043
President: Yosef Rothstein
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Tired of the same faces at your Shabbat table? Want to get to know more
people in the Arzei Darom community, but not sure how?
Join the Arzei Darom Sisterhood on November 15th for its annual Guess
Who's Coming to Lunch Program.
Sign up as a host and enjoy getting to know people you don’t already know
in the comfort of your own home.
Sign up as a guest and dine at a home you haven't had the pleasure of
going to before.
The fun is in the surprise! All will be revealed on Shabbat morning in shul
when you find out who you are eating lunch with.
Deadline to register is Friday, November 7th. All hosts will be informed of
the number of adults and children they will be hosting early in the week of
November 9th.
To sign up as a Host:
To sign up as a Guest:
Event Committee: Sheryl Blass, Lori Fein, Aliza Goldgewert, Valerie Levin,
Adrianne Mittan, Nancy Rose, Elana Rosenbluth, Shira Silverberg and Chaya
Tomechi Shabbos Packing - Nov 18
Arzei Darom is packing for Tomechi Shabbos on Tuesday November 18th at
7:30 p.m. Please contact Ellie Rothstein at if you
would like to help. Please include a phone number in your response.
Children over age 7 are welcome.
Youth Programing At Arzei Darom
Youth Groups
Our Youth Director, Yitzy Frankel is back, along with our regular Shabbat
morning Youth Groups from 9:45AM - to the end of shul.
Mommy and Me Times
We are also back to our regular every other week Mommy and Me. This
year, we are looking for Moms to help out with this event. We provide lots
of assistance and guidance - no previous Mommy and Me experience
If you are interested in taking a turn, please email
Mommy and Me takes place in the left side classroom at 10:30 AM on the
following dates. All kids ages 0-3 with a parent are welcome and
encouraged to attend.
Nov 8
Nov 22
Kiddush Committee News
Families interested in sponsoring a kiddush and/or seudat shlishit should
contact Holly so that she can reserve the date on the shul calendar. Please
also let Holly know if you would like to participate in an upcoming Crock Pot
Challenge which generally takes place around Rosh Chodesh. We've been
doing these for a year and are always seeking new families to take the
Kiddush clean up is on a rotating basis, based on your last name. While we
recognize that everyone in your group may not be available each Shabbat,
we ask that you pitch in if you are assigned in that month so that the same
people are not doing the clean-up each week. We all like kiddushes and we
all make plans for lunch after shul so please be respectful of your fellow
congregants by helping out during your assigned month if you are in shul.
We also ask that you please watch your children during Kiddush to the
extent possible, and to place their finished items in the garbage cans
Nov: Segal, Wagh, Weinberger, Weinrib, Wiesel
For more information on anything Kiddush related, please contact Holly
Weiss at
Learning Opportunities
We are always looking for opportunities to strengthen our connection to
Torah. The more Torah in the shul, the better, so let us know if you have
any other suggestions.
Rabbi Ciment's new Sunday morning shiur at 7:50 am & weekly shiur on
Wednesdays at 7:50 pm before ma'ariv.
A number of Hebrew and English seforim are missing from our library. If
you have any of them, please return them so that other members will have
the ability to use them as well. If you are currently using one of the
seforim, and need to continue to use it, please contact Rebecca Segal so
that we can keep track of where our seforim are. Thank you.
Chesed Opportunities
Bikur Cholim List
If you know of someone who would like to be put on the bikur cholim list,
please email the name of the person (English and Hebrew w/ Mother's
name), and whether or not they are accepting visitors (if so, please include
location) or phone calls (if so, please include phone #) and any other details
which the person is interested in sharing with the community. The email
address is
Bikur Cholim Volunteers
Arzei Darom is looking for bikur cholim volunteers to visit the patients at
CareOne and Holy Name Medical Center on Shabbat. For those who have
volunteered in the past, the visits are gratefully appreciated. Please
volunteer and encourage your children to join you for this great mitzvah.
Please e-mail Susan Taubes at, so she can add
your name to the rotation list and we can have an organized schedule each
Care One
Care One at Teaneck is seeking Shabbos host families to provide hospitality
for our patients' relatives. When illness or post surgery rehabilitation at our
facility requires a patient's stay over Shabbos, we often receive requests for
accommodations for a spouse, adult child, friend, or other family member.
We gladly provide on site RCBC supervised meals, a beautiful Shul and most
other requirements. However, when our facility is full, we try to arrange
nearby off-site accommodations for sleeping. As a token of our
appreciation, we will gladly provide delicious Shabbos meals for the host
family, as well. To pre-register as a Shabbos host, please contact Laurie
Kleid at 201-287-8560.
Social Hall Rentals
Having a party? Need space for a simcha? Know someone who is? Arzei
Darom's social hall is available for rent at reasonable prices. Please send an
email to for further information.
Important Safety Notice
PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK the doorways or the walkway leading to the doors
to the shul with your baby carriage. We understand that if it is raining or
snowing you do not want your carriage to get wet, but this is a safety issue.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Sefer dedication and Yahrzeit memorial plaques
A Sefer Or A Volume Of Shas
A wonderful way to commemorate an anniversary, honor a Bar or Bat
Mitzvah, a significant birthday, marriage, or birth, or in memory of a loved
one, is to dedicate a sefer. In addition to the label that is placed in the
volume, an acknowledgement card is mailed out.
Artscroll Hebrew/English Siddurim - $30
Artscroll Hebrew only Siddurim - $18
Stone Chumashim - $45
Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur Machzor - $30
Set of 2 Machzorim - $55
Artscroll Hebrew/English Selichot - $25
Dedicate a volume of Gemara - $36
Dedicate a volume in the Shul Library - various amounts
Dedicate a volume in the Moises ben Rafael Sarue Library - $20 each
Artscroll Children's Siddur, or other children's book - $20 each
If you would like to dedicate a sefer, please contact The form is also available on our web site.
Or click this link to be taken to the form:
Community Events
Women's Beit Midrash
YU is proud to announce an exciting semester of Women's Beit Midrash.
This 6-week program will take place at the Yeshiva University Museum (15
West 16th Street) on Wednesdays, October 29 - December 3, from 10:30
a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Sessions will feature Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Director
of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought,
Yeshiva University and Dr. Jacob Wisse, Director of Yeshiva University
Museum and Associate Professor of Art History, Stern College for Women
who will co-present on the topic of: "The Image and the Idea: An
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Art History and Jewish Thought." For more
information and to register for the courses, please visit
Emunah Shabbat Tea - Nov 1
This Shabbat please join the Libby Kolb chapter of EMUNAH invites you to
join us for our Soilder B'Emunah Shabbat Tea November 1, honoring our
local Bergen County heroes who have and are currently serving in the IDF
and Sherut Leumi, at Congregation Rinat Yisrael, promptly at 3:45. We will
hear from three of our local heroes, Mordechai Gilbert, DJ Newman and Dov
Stokar with Special Guest Speaker Sgt. Benjamin Anthony "From the Front
Lines of Combat to the Campus Battles of North America- A Journey". For
more information please contact Ronnie Faber at
JFNNJ Mitzvah Day - Nov 2
We are very excited that Jewish Federation’s annual Mitzvah Day is this
Sunday, November 2nd! Volunteers are encouraged to register online at
RYNJ Open House - Nov 2
RYNJ invites prospective parents to our Open House on Sunday evening,
November 2nd. Experience the atmosphere of Torah scholarship, academic
excellence and middot tovot created by our dynamic administration, warm
faculty and dedicated parent body. The evening will begin with an academic
fair at 7:00 P.M., followed by a program and interactive presentations at
7:30 P.M. Please register online at For more information,
please contact Mrs. Tamar Kahn, Director of Admissions, at or 201.986.1414 x338. We welcome your family to join
our family.
Torah Academy of Bergen County Open House - Nov 2
Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) cordially invites all prospective
parents and students to our Open House on Sunday, November 2nd.
Registration at 9:15; Program and Academic Fair 10am - 1pm. The Open
House will take place at TABC, 1600 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck. Please
pre-register at
We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Contact
or call 201-837-7696. Applications are now being accepted and can be filled
out online at
Heichal HaTorah Night Seder Program - Nov 3
Yosef Karduner will be joining the Heichal HaTorah Rubenstein Jr. High
Night Seder Program this Monday evening, November 3, 2014. The entire
community is invited to join us and hear Karduner's beautiful niggunim and
words of inspiration. Maariv will begin at 7:15 PM and the Kumzitz begins at
7:30 PM. Call Rav Aryeh Stechler at 201.335.0633 or for more information. This is event is cosponsored
by the Jewish Center of Teaneck.
BPY Open House - Nov 5
Ben Porat Yosef – Open House – Wednesday, November 5th at 8 pm.
Prospective parents of children for grades Toddler (2.5) through 8th, are
invited to learn about BPY, its outstanding and progressive academic
program, child-centered environment, and extraordinary community.
Contact Ruth Roth at 201-845-5007, x16, or for
information. RSVP appreciated, not required.
The Frisch School Open House - Nov 9
The Frisch School invites all 8th graders and their parents to our Open
House on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Kindly register at Come and experience the innovative formal and
informal educational opportunities provided to our students to foster their
individualized intellectual and religious growth.
We look forward to seeing you. The Frisch School, 120 West Century Road,
Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel. 201-267-9100 Email:
Yavneh Academy 5K Run - Nov 9
Yavneh Academy will be hosting the 10th Annual Benjamin Schwartz
Memorial 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk at the Garden State Plaza on
Sunday November 9, 2014. It's a morning of fun for the whole family. The
proceeds of this race benefit Yavneh Academy's scholarship needs. Come
run, walk or cheer on your friends. For more information or to register a
runner or walker, please visit
Yeshivat He'Atid Open House - Nov 11
Yeshivat He'Atid cordially invites all prospective families to our Open House
on Tuesday, November 11, at 8:00 at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Discover
how our top-tier educators, innovative learning techniques & individualized
instruction are creating bright futures for our students. Visit for more details and to RSVP.
To schedule a tour, contact Ora Kornbluth at 201.374.2272 or
Jewish Women's Health Symposium and Brunch - Nov 16
On Sunday, November 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Holy Name
Medical Center will be hosting a free Jewish Women's Health Symposium
and Brunch. The featured speakers are Sharyn N. Lewin, MD, a board
certified gynecologic oncologist specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and
management of ovarian and other gynecologic cancers, and Dr Joshua
Gross, a breast imaging radiologist. The speakers will discuss overall
gynecologic health, issues related to wellness, prevention, and genetics including Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) syndrome and
Lynch syndrome, which is an inherited condition that increases risk of colon
cancer and other cancers.
The event will be held at Holy Name Medical Center's Marian Hall, 718
Teaneck Road, Teaneck and there will be free parking.
We look forward to greeting you at the brunch. Please make sure to make a
reservation by either calling 201-833-3336 or emailing
LPS Open House - Nov 20
Elementary school, invites you to an Open House on Thursday, November
20th at 9:30 a.m. To RSVP or to schedule a personal tour, please contact or (201) 871-1152 ext. 505. We look forward to
seeing you there!!
Care One HOD Lecture - Dec 2
Come join us for a community event at Care One at Teaneck! "Halachic
Organ Donation: Is it permissible? A Discussion on Organ Donation in
Jewish Law". Brain-stem death is not well understood even amongst most
physicians. Come learn the medical and halachic issues surrounding brainstem death and hear about the latest controversial Israeli legislation on
organ donation.
Date: Tuesday December 2, 2014
Time: 7:00pm registration 7:30pm lecture
Place: Care One at Teaneck 544 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
RSVP: to Laurie Kleid at 973-908-3420 or
Robert Berman received an MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of
Government, an MBA from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College,
and his BA from Yeshiva University. He is also a graduate of Gruss Kollel
and Yeshivat Hakotel. Previously a freelance journalist (published in New
York Magazine, the Jerusalem Post, Jewish Week, Moment Magazine,
Jerusalem Report, etc), he is founder and the director of the Halachic Organ
Donor Society,
Lamdeinu Fall Semester Classes
Please join Lamdeinu for our Fall semester with exciting new classes
beginning on Monday September 8. Register for Parshanut HaMikra,
Talmud, Parashat HaShavua, Yirmiyahu, and our miniseries on Haftarot and
Jewish Philosophy.
This semester, we are pleased to offer evening classes (beginning Tuesday
October 21) and a health and wellness option of morning yoga (beginning
Wednesday October 29).
For more information and registration, please visit us at
Mikvah appointments now available online!
Appointments may now be booked online for the Teaneck Mikvah
( You must make an online appointment
to use the Mikvah on Friday night or Yom Tov, other times walk-ins are
welcomed. If you have a special circumstance, please call Miriam Feman at
the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, and she will do her best to accommodate your
needs. The Keylim Mikvah is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Please
call the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, with any questions.
Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County
Tomchei Shabbos is desperately seeking drivers for Wednesday night
deliveries. Please contact Chani Schmutter 201-833-2320 or email, if you are able to help out.
We have many opportunities for volunteers to help out, with anything from
deliveries to administrative assistance. For more information, click here.
About this message
This message is being sent to you as a service of Congregation Arzei Darom.
To add an announcement, please send the information, including the contact person, to: by noon on Wednesday to be included in that week's announcements.
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Go to and create an account, if you already do not have one. Then just look for a group called
Arzei Darom, and submit a request to join.
To sign up for the Arzei Darom Yahoo Group - click on the following URL or copy/paste it into the address bar of
your browser window:
These groups have been created as a means for members to communicate with one another, and send messages,
greetings, or other announcements to everyone else.