THE TOWER TIE First Presbyterian Church of Goshen The Newsletter of the


THE TOWER TIE First Presbyterian Church of Goshen The Newsletter of the
The Newsletter of the
First Presbyterian Church of Goshen
33 Park Place; Goshen, NY 10924
The Reverend David Calvin Kingsley, Pastor
Telephone: (845) 294-7991; fax: (845) 615-1239
Robert J. Clooney, Director of Ministry of Music
Patricia Schwetje, Church Secretary
Web Page:
November 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
. . . then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life (1 Samuel 1:11)
How do you get people emotionally invested in tires? You don’t do it by talking about the tires, even if the tires
are very good. You don’t lead with mileage or warranties or the smooth ride that those tires provide to you as a
driver or passenger. All of those things may be true, but they’re boring.
Some years ago one tire company discovered a brilliant way to connect their steel-belted ring of rubber with the
human heart. They did it with a baby. They plopped a diapered little chunk of cuteness in the middle of their tire
and slowly rotated the infant as he or she looked about with wonderment. The message was quite effective.
When the welfare of my little one is secured by riding on that tire, then that’s the tire I want.
I’m writing this on the day following my stopping to get a Rules of The Road booklet for my daughter who will
turn sixteen next February. I’m sensing a connection between my baby girl’s well-being and a set of tires.
I’m also aware that the tire company’s message, while effective, isn’t true. Ultimately, a good set of tires can’t
secure the well-being of anyone we love. Good tires are important, but they’re just tires. I’d like to think there’s
something I could do or something I could buy or something I could say that would keep the people I love from
any and all risk of harm. There’s not.
What I can do is pray and give those I love to God’s care. We find a model for this kind of praying in Hannah,
the mother of Samuel. For the longest time Hannah could not conceive a child. Then, as now, this was a source
of great distress. Her prayers were mingled with bitter weeping. Hannah wasn’t shy about pleading with God.
Storming heaven’s gates, she boldly promised that if God would grant her a son, “then I will give him to the
Lord all the days of his life.” (1 Samuel 1:9-11).
This might strike us as a manipulative prayer – a mix of begging and bargaining. Not so with Hannah. What is
truly remarkable about her prayer is that her promise wasn’t empty. She didn’t forget it once her son was born,
claiming some kind of exemption because of her distressed state of mind. What God gave to Hannah, Hannah
gave back to God.
Eugene Peterson observes that Hannah was happy when her son was born. And she was even happier when she
took him back to the temple and gave him back to God in the service of the priest Eli. We can hardly imagine
giving a child back to God. For us that kind of talk is a metaphor, a nice idea. For Hannah it was real. Samuel
belonged to God, not to her.
We tend to sentimentalize babies, using the emotions they stir to sell tires and plenty of other things. How do
we take the ones God has entrusted to us and give them back to God? How do we do this with other aspects of
life – a career, a possession, a talent, a marriage? Life comes to us by grace, all of it a gift. How will you give it
back to God today?
Pastor Kingsley
On November 1, we have All Saints’ Day when we remember all the departed saints —
particularly those known to us in our congregation - who have passed on before us. Then the
long-established church calendar, which takes us each year through the cycle of Christian
observance, comes to a close on Christ the King Sunday, November 23. At this time, we
pause and give thanks and praise for the sovereignty of Christ. We sing together the traditional
Thanksgiving hymns we have known and loved over the years: “Come, Ye Thankful People
Come,” “We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing,” and “Now Thank We All Our
The very next Sunday, November 30, is Advent I when we begin a new liturgical cycle
once again with the familiar refrain, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” Just as our daily
calendars remind us to observe birthdays, anniversaries, and things to do, the church
liturgical calendar provides a time for worshippers to observe, commemorate, and
celebrate events relating to the life of Christ on Earth. On this Sunday we light the first
candle on the Advent wreath as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and his coming to
Earth to walk amongst us and, ultimately, redeem us from our sins and show us a new
way of living.
Our music ministry is active, strong, and vibrant. At this time we are preparing music for the
Advent and Christmas seasons. Come lend your voice and sing with us as the choir ministers in
song each week.
We are a church family who comes together to worship, sing, listen, pray, and serve as we live out our Christian
faith. Come be with us and share the special gift of your presence.
In closing, a blessing for all:
And now may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to
shine upon you and be gracious unto you. And may God give you His peace in your
going out and in your coming in, in your lying down and in your rising up, in your
labor and in your leisure, in your laughter and in your tears... Until you come to
stand before Jesus in that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning. Amen.
(Robert H. Schuller)
Robert Clooney
Director of Ministry of Music
Since we started the Share Page, several people have given me some very cute things to share with
the congregation. Some are a bit humorous and we all can use a laugh or two each day of our lives. If
you have something to share, please give to me or leave in the church office and Pat will pass along.
Wendy Paffenroth
 Some Holy Humor - A father was approached by his young son who told him proudly, “I know
what the Bible means!” His father smiled and replied, “What do you mean, you ‘know’ what the
Bible means?” The son replied, “I just know.” “Okay,” said the Dad, “What does the Bible
mean?” “That is easy Daddy, it stands for ‘Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.”
 An old gracious lady decided it was time to pass on the family Bible to her younger brother
who lived in another part of the country. When she got to the Post Office window the clerk
asked her, “Is there anything breakable in here?” “ONLY the Ten Commandments,” answered
the elderly lady.
 There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who wake up and say, “Good morning,
Lord.” And then there are those who say, “Good Lord, it’s morning!”
 On Fundraising: The Pastor stood up to make the morning announcements to the
congregation. He said, “I have some very good news. We have enough money to pay for our
new roof. Unfortunately, the bad news is that it is still in your pockets.”
 One from our neighboring state of Pennsylvania: While driving along the Pennsylvania
highways a family caught up with an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obliviously had
a sense of humor because attached to the back of the carriage was this sign. “Energy Efficient
Vehicle; Runs on Oats and Grass. Caution, please do not step in the EXHAUST.”
 And with our Quilt show coming: Sunday after church a mom asked her daughter what she
learned in Sunday school. The daughter answered, “Don’t be scared, you will get your quilt.”
Needless to say the mother was perplexed and asked further what she meant. The little girl
just told her to wait, she will get her quilt. Later that day the mom called the Sunday School
Director and asked what the day’s lesson had been. The reply was, “Be not afraid, Thy
Comforter is coming.”
News of the Prayer Shawl Ministry
October was a month where many hugs were given by those wonderful crocheting ladies, who can’t
sit still and are always creating something for someone.
A shawl was given to our lovely, Beryl Yungman who found herself in Orange Regional Medical
Center for a few weeks. Recent reports show that she is on the mend and that she loved her blue
shawl (blue is the healing color). We hope her strength returns soon as the memorial garden is
missing her care. Glad you are getting better, Beryl.
Linda Boardman was finally presented with a loving hug as she recovered from her surgery. We are
sorry, Linda that we didn’t find out earlier that you were in the hospital, but we are glad we got you
your gift as you continue to make strides forward. I am sure you will be up and dancing very soon.
A shawl was sent to Nina Kent in Arizona who recently lost her daughter. We are so sorry for her loss
and hope that she will find some comfort in the gift we sent. We also got one out to Dorothy
Montalbano, Lisa’s mother- in- law, who was dealing with illness.
Several blankets were given to our precious little ones as they were baptized in the last month. Also
a lovely shawl was given to Pam Pylant, as she was given an adult baptism. Pam is also working very
hard in making scarves for the Midnight Runs and soon will be crocheting shawls like the rest of us.
Several baby blankets were sent to expectant mothers. The Luthin’s in Warwick got their blessed
event five weeks early and little Hazel had to be in the NICU unit for a spell. The card indicates that
she is now home and doing well and loving her wonderfully warm blanket we sent. Another baby
blanket was sent to Jack Knox’s niece in North Carolina as she awaits the birth of her second child
around Halloween. Her son was given a blanket by us five years ago, so we couldn’t let this birth
pass without one for the new baby, also. The card stated they were very grateful for the lovely blanket
and the beautiful prayers that came along with it.
This is just a sampling of the gifts that were given from our doors in the past four weeks. I know I
missed a few, but everyone who receives one feels the blessings that go with it.
Thank you ladies for all the good work you are doing. You are truly hugging so many.
God bless, and consider yourselves hugged.
Wendy Lee Paffenroth – shawl secretary
The ladies’ monthly meeting was held on Monday, October 6 and was well attended. We
shared names of those people from the church and their relatives that we knew could use
some cheer. We passed around cards for everyone to sign and to write some good wishes.
We discussed the November 22 bake sale and we will be gathering dishes and baskets to give
to those who will help us by baking some special treats to sell. We were sold out in a few
hours last year and so we hope that this year we can get more items to sell. If you can bake a
pan of brownies, some muffins, or some cookies and bring them either the evening before,
November 21, or the day of the sale we would all appreciate it. We also are hoping a few
people will volunteer to help at the table during the day. It is a great way to get to meet
people visiting the church and to “hang out” with some of us “old timers.” Please don’t be shy.
Jump in with both feet. You will make some great memories, as well.
If anyone knows of someone who is a shut-in and would love a Christmas box, please leave a
note at the office with the name and address and Pat will put it in our mailbox. In the past, we
have put together anywhere from a dozen to fifteen boxes. They are all appreciated and they
bring a little joy into some members of our church family that just can’t get out as much as
they used to. We would like the names by the first Monday in December, if possible. You can
also give the names to Fran Hoffmann or Betty Lobb on Sundays at the worship services.
Thank you so much. Keep in mind if you are a cookie baker, we can use some cookies when we
package the boxes.
Our next meeting will be on November 3 around 7:00 p.m. in the parlor. We invite all the
ladies of the church to come out and join us. We need some insight on what project we would
like to do next. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you and God bless each of you. Have a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving.
Wendy L Paffenroth - secretary
Wish Page
If your group or committee has a wish, send to: – Wendy Lee Paffenroth at: and we will
try to get it on the next month’s page. Thank you.
Presbyterian Women’s Association wishes for our great bakers in the church to
donate a baked good for the November 22 bake sale. We also wish for a few new faces to join
us and help us sell our baked goods. Please see Betty Lobb or Fran Hoffmann if you are available
– or surprise us and bring your baked good either Friday night, November 21 or Saturday
morning, November 22. We are counting on you! Free plates will be available at coffee hour in
November for your donation.
Carolyn Keller is again wishing for soup and chili makers for the sale on November 22.
Carolyn will provide recipes and the jars for you. We found that this is looked forward to by so
many of our visitors. Please contact Carolyn if you can help.
Remember, if you have an item to display at the quilt show, the set up will be on Friday,
November 21. This has been an amazing show the last five years and we want it to be just as big
and impressive this year, as well. We WISH you would please loan us your treasures for the day.
If you have questions, contact Barbara Hankins or Kathy Alveras. Thank you.
Deacons’ Annual
November 22, 2014
9 AM to 4 PM
33 Park Place, Goshen
Lori Baird has volunteered to host the Community Dinner on November 8. She is planning to serve a Thanksgiving dinner.
The dinner is served from 5:30-6:30 p.m. She needs your help in preparing a food from a set menu, setting-up, and cleaning
up. Please call Lori at 845-200-5640 or e-mail at if you would be willing to help her.
This is a free dinner that is served to anyone in our community who wishes to come on the second Saturday of every month.
Hosts are needed for every month of the year. If you would like to host a dinner in the future, please contact Robin
Knoblock, chairperson of the Fellowship/Outreach Committee, at 845-313-1319 or e-mail
Linda’s Office Supplies & Special Gifts is proud to present
The 2nd Annual Historic Goshen Ornament
The second ornament in this annual series of Historic
Goshen is now available at Linda’s for $11.95.
This year the First Presbyterian Church is beautifully
represented. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to
the Church.
A limited number of last year’s ornament of the Goshen Public Library is also available.
Watoto is coming to the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen on Friday, May 22, 2015.
Watoto is a children’s choir from Uganda, Africa. This will be an uplifting evening!
Check out their website at
If you have any questions contact Mark and Paty Glasse @ 845-986-1460 or
The First Presbyterian Church in Goshen is starting a new fundraising program to support our
mission trip to Nicaragua. This program will not cost you any additional money! We are asking
you to purchase ShopRite gift cards from the church to do your shopping. You receive full face
value for your purchase. The church receives 5% from ShopRite. The more we purchase as a
congregation, the more that we have to fund the trip. Feel free to ask your co-workers,
neighbors and relatives if they want to buy gift cards, also. The cards will be sold during coffee
hour and will be available in the church office. If you have any questions contact Mark and
Paty Glasse @ 845-986-1460 or
In honor of the birth of our Savior and in celebration of this glorious season, please consider helping us to
decorate our Sanctuary with beautiful red, white, pink, and marbled poinsettias. They will be placed in the
church for Christmas Eve, December 24 and may be taken following the 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service. Kindly
consider ordering a plant in honor of or in memory of a special person(s) or loved ones, or simply to the Glory
of God and in celebration of Christ’s birth. THE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING IS MONDAY,
DECEMBER 8. All orders must be accompanied with a check. Please complete the form below and submit
with your payment of $12.99 per plant made payable to the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen (put
Poinsettias in the memo) or call the church office (294-7991), Betty Lobb (294-6344), Carolyn Keller (2945508) or Carol Gabella (342-4367).
Thank you for helping us honor Christmas with festive flowers!
Yes, I would like to order Christmas poinsettias for the Sanctuary as follows:
Total @ $12.99 each = $_____________due
Please make checks payable to the First Presbyterian Church (put Poinsettia in the memo) and place in the
offering plate or give to Betty, Carolyn, or Carol.
Given by:________________________________________________
(Kindly PRINT as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.)
To the Glory of God and:
In memory of:____________________________________________
In honor of:______________________________________________
In celebration of:_________________________________________
To honor the birth of Jesus Christ:__________________________
Name:_____________________________ Phone:______________
Darcy McDowell
Derek Holt
Dina Viebrock
Joan Columbus
Emma Glasse
Kathy Stringer
Michael Knoblock
Sara Hankins
Jeff Totton
Sarah Grace Puelzl
Pat Green
Ria Chionchio
Kiersten Holt
Taylor Knoblock
Egidio Walsh
David Kingsley
Bob Montalbano
Emma Boardman
Beth Laskoski
Julie Turi
Robert Fitzpatrick
Brian Taylor
Kathy Alevras
Amy Fontana
Elizabeth Ukejianya
Jon Hourahan
Anthony Chionchio
Danielle Diglio
Robert Kingsley
Sue Stenson
Craig and Arlete Shaeffer
If you are also celebrating a special day, we wish you much happiness. If you would like your
birthday and/or anniversary included, please give your dates to Pat in the church office.
Sue and Adam Whitson who are expecting their first child. The happy grandparents are Dave and
Wendy Paffenroth.
Mark Keller and Kristen Mollicone on their marriage on September 26, 2014.
Ray and Sue Ruckdeschel
1695 Christmas Cove Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
We are having a Potluck Luncheon on Sunday, November 16 following the worship service.
Last Name:
A – H – bring a vegetable or salad item
I – P – bring a dessert
Q- Z – bring a casserole or meat item
Christian Ed wants you to know…
We are currently collecting non-perishable foods for the Thanksgiving Basket Project that is coordinated with
the Goshen Ecumenical Food Pantry pick-up date in November. As a result, we MUST have all items in by
Sunday, November 7. There is a large collection box in the narthex - you can't miss it - decorated with leaves
and the requisite pilgrim.
The Giving Tree will be up in the narthex by November 16.
The Sunday school has made the gift tags and has also decided the tree needs some more homemade
ornaments which they plan to provide and place! We must have the bagged gifts in place under the tree by
the first week in December.
BA Long
You are invited to come on out to the Goshen High School for a night at the theater as the Drama Club
performs “Anne Frank and Me.” Starring among its cast are two of our own church members, Sam Boese and
Hannah Warner. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8. Tickets are
available at the door.
Every year, the Presbytery of the Hudson River charges every member church an assessment according to the
current active membership. Our recorded active membership is currently 343 and our assessment per
member (not per family) for 2014 is $30.50, which is a total of $10,461.50 to be taken from our operating
budget. As of September 30, 2014 $6,215.00 has been collected. Please assist with this expense and write a
check for your family assessment, if you haven’t already done so, and either mail it to the church or place it in
in the Sunday offering plate. Thanks for doing your share.
The following members or friends are going through a time in which they have asked for prayer by
the church. Please keep the following people in your prayers:
Vince Ahrens
Rosa B.
JoAnna Becerril
Anthony Capaccio
Bruce and Jean Crandall
Joe Destefano
Everyone serving in the Military
Ben Fisher
Graham Glasse
Barbara and George Hankins
Bill Howell
Carolyn Keller’s father
Roberta Kinnamon
Robert Lobb
Riley Martin
The McCloud Family
Dorothy Montalbano
Jean Musgrave
Nina and Jason
Ann Ott
The Ptak Family
Tim Richardson
Tom Sawyer
Bryan Scott and Family
Fred Smith
The Family of Joe and Jenn Spoor
Elmer Stevens
George Tietz
Kenya VanZandt
The Weinberger Family
Orra Wood
Beryl Yungman
Dedra Altizer
Millie Augere
The Barron Family
Emily Barry and Family
Rick and Sue Bossley
Sarah Burrows
Mary Carr
Steve and Carol Coon
Shannon Decker
Bob Dennis
Sally Dorritie
David Dzierzek
Evie and Family
Mary Lee Farris’ sister
Norm and Sharon Frelinger
Rebecca Garloch
Kate Goodspeed
Dorothy Gott
Kevin and Sara Hankins
Carol Hoffman
Susan Johnson
Rosemary Joy
Bob and Barbara Kennedy
Laura and Tom Kennedy
Jeff Knox
Liz LaMontanaro
James Magee
Gavin Martin
The Family of Melissa Martucci
Andy Marussich
Evelyn Mercado
Jeff Monroe
Joseph Montalbano
Jude Monteleone
Eileen Myslinski
Richard Nash
Nick K.
Amy (Thompson) Nguyen
Alice Paffenroth
Velma Peters
The Family of Marina Peterson
Rachel Reeves
Loretta Richner
Ted Sandstrom
Kevin Schuler
Fred Schwarz
Dorothy Sevcik
Stephen Skyer
The Smith Family
Louise Spencer
David Paul Spradlin
Peggy Srirach
Bill and Jean Strong
Jean Stukey
Butch Turley
Kim Valentini and Family
Wendy Bynum-Wade
Molly Wanat
Jo Wolfe
Anne Wood’s dad & brother-in-law
Sharon Worden
Phyla Wright
The Family of Larry Zakreski
(If you or someone you know would like to be on this list or if you would like to take a name off the list,
please call the church office and the name(s) will be included/omitted next month.)
Maney-Hawkins Meditation Garden
Benefit Concert Results
Thanks to all our Twist & Shout friends and fans that came out to support the Beatles Tribute Concert for the
Meditation Garden! Support from church membership was low, but the folks who helped out were terrific.
Extra thanks to Lori Baird and Tina McCloud! We were able to raise $700.00 towards the maintenance of the
garden in 2015 and look forward to increased participation by church membership for the next benefit in
Thanks again, Wayne George
P.S. The garden looks BEAUTIFUL!
Memorial Pavers
To order a memorial paver to honor or remember a loved one, please see Pat in the church office.
The cost of each paver is $100. We now have six orders on-hand. We will place another order when we
have a total of ten.
13 Niches Remain for Purchase in the Memorial Columbarium
Each niche allows for double or single interment with four purchase options:
Payment in Full = $2,500
12-Month Payment Option = $250 / month for 12 months ($3,000)
24-Month Payment Option = $130 / month for 24 months ($3,120)
36-Month Payment Option = $ 90 / month for 36 months ($3,240)
“Stewards of Our Garden”
Thank you to our dedicated Stewards for keeping the garden neat!
The NOVEMBER and early DECEMBER Steward’s Schedule:
Beryl Yungman and Karen Bende:
Barbara and George Hankins:
Jen and Gregg Piller:
November 1 –November 15
November 16 –November 30
December 1 – December15
It takes only a few minutes of your time to pick up any litter, pull a weed, or sweep a few pavers clean, and you
can help keep our garden beautiful! Contact Pat in the church office to sign up.
Call the church office (845-294-7991), Rev. Kingsley, or Wayne George (914-213-4093)
For any information you may need about The Maney-Hawkins Meditation Garden.
Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, guided and
empowered by the Holy Spirit, we shall seek to use our gifts
through worship, ministry, and mission, to gather the Church
in from the world, to continue to nurture one another, to
serve a world still broken, and to exemplify through common
values and purposes Christian discipleship to the greater
glory of God.
Class of 2015
Kathy Alevras
Wendy Bynum-Wade
Elizabeth (BA) Long
Louise Spencer
Sue Varden
Orra Wood
Class of 2016
Cliff Bartley
Geri Corey
John Redman
Tom Sawyer
Mal Stewart
Jo Wolfe
Class of 2017
Robin Knoblock
Karen Magee
Anne Tuthill
Grover vonPentz
Rob Warner
Clerk of Session: Sue Varden
Class of 2015
Laura Colacci
Carol Gabella
Tina McCloud
Gregg Piller
Jennifer Piller
Nancy Smith
Hannah Warner
Class of 2016
Wendy Donohue
Bill Eustance
Gina Gruber
John Gruber
Carolyn Keller
Kathleen Kingsley
Lisa Montalbano
Class of 2017
Diana Bowe
Diane Church
Lori Kilmer
Mary Kingsley
Charlie vonPentz
Nancy Warner
Cheryl Zis
Moderators of Deacons:
Carolyn Keller and Carol Gabella
Presbyterian Women:
Robert Clooney, Director of the Ministry of Music
Pat Schwetje, Church Secretary
Kim Hoernig, Church Treasurer
Richard Paulus, Financial Secretary
Anne Wood, CLP – Mission Pastor to Sullivan County