Message from the Director


Message from the Director
Message from the Director
Western Regional Members,
By this time hunting season is in full swing for most of our members and the
testing season has concluded. To those of you who participated in the WR tests
this year we thank you and hope that your experience was both pleasurable and
successful. Every effort was made to ensure both.
During the test in Walla Walla on October 24th –
26th the Western Region hosted a “Meet and
Greet” for DKV President Michael Hammerer
and his wife Christine. The event took place at
The Brik restaurant, in Walla Walla.
Hammerer’s, gracious as ever, took the time to
speak with all that attended and during their
comments to the group indicated they were both
honored and thankful to have the opportunity to
visit the Western Region.
VGP Test (L To R) Jeff Martin, Jörg Kaltenegger,
Michael Hammerer, Randy Blanchard, and Francois
Aldrich. The stars in front are Atlantis von der
Riverfield and Cayenne vom Hidden Creek
Judges Jörg Kaltenegger, Michael Hammerer,
and Francois Aldrich present Randy Blanchard
his VGP Urkunde and score sheet.
During the weekend we held a VGP,
Solms, and Zuchtschau. The Judges
for the VGP were Senior Judge
Michael Hammerer, Jörg Kaltenegger,
and Francois Aldrich. There were
three dogs tested in the VGP including
Cayenne vom Hidden Creek – VGP
Prize 2 with 266 points; Atlantis von
der Riverfield – VGP Prize 3 with 302
Click here to read the full results.
The Solms was judged by Senior Judge Michael
Hammerer, Francois Aldrich, and Jeff Martin. There
were five participants in the Solms including Payton
von Kings Crossing – Solms Prize 1, Jäger vom
Trocken Bach – Solms Prize 1, and Kora vom
Trocken Bach – Solms Prize 2.
Click here to read the full results.
Leader Joe Furia and Judge Jeff Martin
watch as Jäger vom Trocken Bach starts
his blind retrieve in the Solms
VGP Judges Jörg Kaltenegger, Michael
Hammerer, Francois Aldrich, and Gunner Dr. Phil
Michael Hammerer was the
Formwertricher for the five dogs
evaluated during the Zuchtschau. The
participants included: Adult Males Einzige vom Trocken Bach “V”; Jäger
vom Trocken Bach SG1; Bronn von der
Raucherei SG2; Adult Females - Kora
vom Trocken Bach “V”; Junior Females Dixie vom Speidel SG.
Click here to read the full results.
This winter the WR Board of Directors will be planning for next year’s testing
schedule. Please provide input to your Directors. We have already had persons in
California and Montana express interest in hosting tests.
Enjoy you hunting season.
Frank O’Leary
Western Regional Director