Yonkers Student Club Gives Back to the Community


Yonkers Student Club Gives Back to the Community
White Plains, NY
Permit #7164
Vol 109 Number 45
Yonkers Student Club Gives
Back to the Community
Kids Giving Back to You Club members Sara Smith Sell, Pamela Segura, Elijah Washington
(president/founder), Samantha Robinson, Joshua De Los Santos, Anderson De Aza and Holly
By Dan Murphy
Yonkers Rising prides itself on reporting
about the positive stories, about people, in Yonkers. And there are many people, community
groups and organizations in Yonkers who volunteer their time to help others.
Elijah Washington, a ninth-grader at Riverside High School, is a great example of the Yonkers spirit of giving back. Washington formed a
group called Kids Giving Back to You Club when
he was a student at the Dodson School, and is ex-
panding his public service group to include students at his high school, and an invitation to every
Yonkers student – and Yonkers resident – to join,
get involved and make a difference.
“I saw a story about someone who died over
bullying, and committed suicide, and I wanted
to try and do something about it,” he said. “At
Dodson we were able to hold a Project Bully-Free
Zone Day, and teach students about bullying. I
was able to talk to the younger students and exContinued on Page 8
Council Passes Laws from Wallace
Tragedy; Approve Union Contract
Yonkers City Council members at a special reception with members of the Westchester
Pulaski Association, as well as 2014 Miss Polonia Katarzyna Litwa and 2014 Miss Junior
Polonia Adrianna Grzelakowska, who are from Yonkers.
The Yonkers City Council recently passed
two pieces of legislation that came about as a
result of the Matthew Wallace tragedy: a Taxicab Bill of Rights and a measure that requires
certain businesses which sell alcohol to operate
surveillance cameras. The bills were authored
by Council President Liam McLaughlin.
Continued on Page 8
Historical Society Hosts
Annual Awards Luncheon
From left are honorees Bob Piwinski; Ed Falcone, deputy director of YPL; Branch Administrator Sandy Amoyaw; and Jason Medina. Photo by Donna Davis.
The Yonkers Historical Society held its
annual awards brunch Nov. 2 at the Riverview,
where honorees included 2014 Key to History
Award winner, historian Robert Piwinski, and
Volunteer of the Year Award winner, retired
New York City Police Officer Jason Medina.
The Spirit of Yonkers Award was presented to the Yonkers Public Library for its special
and close working relationship with the society, in co-hosting programs, sharing resources
and information, and hosting the YHS office
in the Grinton I. Will Library branch on Central Avenue.
Award winner Piwinski also inaugurated
the presentation series titled “Patron Saints of
Yonkers,” which will recognize the many individuals who have contributed to the greater
good of the city in both small and large ways.
Over the centuries since its founding as
a village in 1646, Yonkers has been continuously blessed by individuals and families who
selflessly saw a need and used their personal
assets of time and wealth to make an enduring difference. Many felt they were only caretakers of the great fortunes they were lucky
Continued on Page 10
Friday, November 7, 2014
Latimer Beats Dillon
Inlaw Ahead for City Court
State Sen. George Latimer
Evan Inlaw
By Dan Murphy
State Sen. George Latimer won the big
election in Yonkers this year, winning re-election to a second term by defeating Republican
Joe Dillon 55-45 percent.
In the race for Yonkers City Court, Democrat Evan Inlaw holds a narrow lead over Republican Ed Borrelli.
Dillon, who entered the race late, ran a
spirited campaign against Latimer, debating the senator at every opportunity, and had
enough campaign dollars to run a series of
mailings and television ads against Latimer.
But the 55-45 percent result is similar to
Latimer’s victory over Bob Cohen two years
ago, and solidifies the seat for Democrats, and
State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins easily won re-election to her fifth term, defeating Republican Robert Foti 70-26 percent, but
her hopes of becoming Senate majority leader
next year will not happen, as Republicans won
a majority of seats in the State Senate on election night.
Assemblymember Shelley Mayer and
Congressman Eliot Engel each won re-election and ran unopposed.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won
a second term on Election Day when he defeated Republican Rob Astorino by a 54-41
percent margin, with Green Party candidate
Howie Hawkins achieving 5 percent of the
A jubilant Cuomo accepted his re-election victory in an early speech, saying “You
ain’t seen nothing yet,” and pointing to his accomplishments over the past four years (the
property tax cap, supporting marriage equality
and on-time budgets) and his promise to “continue the progress made in New York State”
by getting passage of the Women’s Equality
Act, the DREAM Act, and an increase in the
minimum wage.
“Four years ago we promised to return
New York State to fiscal stability and responsibility and return New York State to the progressive capital of the country,” he said. “We
were true to our principles and delivered.
“We broke decades of gridlock and reduced taxes on the middle-class; today, we
have a $4 billion surplus and 7.6 million jobs
in New York – more than ever,” continued
Cuomo. “We made New York more progressive by passing marriage equality, gun safety
and a progressive tax code. We enrolled 1 million New Yorkers in the health care exchanges
and provided $1 billion for affordable housing. And we will not stop until our education
system is the best.”
Astorino called Cuomo to wish him well
and conceded early on election night.
“You cannot lose if you tell the truth, and
that is what we have done. We have hoisted
the flag and we will be back to reclaim it and
advance it further,” said Astorino, in what
many believed was a clue to another run for
governor in the future.
“The Republican Party has failed to reach
out to people of color for far too long,” he continued. “We are working to change that and
we need more kindness in American politics.
On behalf of the whole Astorino family, we
will never forget your generosity and will be
in touch for future battles.”
Cuomo defeated Astorino in Westchester
53-44 percent, and while Astorino’s 41 percent total statewide can be considered a decent
showing, Cuomo’s victory shows how difficult it is for a Republican to win statewide.
Editor’s Note: Election results are unofficial totals from both the Westchester and New
York State Boards of Elections.
Charter School Dedicates
Mary Goncalves Media Center
Students from the Charter School of Education Excellence with Principal Cindy Lopez, right,
Board Trustee Sobeida Cruz, far left, and Anthony Goncalves, left. Photo by Bayan Baker.
By Dan Murphy
The Charter School of Educational Excellence in Yonkers recently celebrated the renaming of its media and technology center, The Mary
B. Goncalves Media Center, which features 270
ASUS Notebooks for CSEE students. The notebooks were purchased with funds raised from the
school’s successful “Bits and Bytes” fundraiser
held earlier this year.
The fundraiser was held and sponsored by
42 Restaurant at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in White
Plains. Owner Anthony Goncalves, a Yonkers
native, stepped up to lend his support to CSEE,
and helped the charter school reach its eventual
goal of providing each student with a digital
“The support of the Gonclaves family went
a long way in changing the lives of our students
and enabling them to succeed in changing our
society,” said CSEE trustee and founder Sobeida
“I know how important it is to provide students a quality education that includes technology,” said Anthony Goncalves. “Today shows
how our fundraiser helped CSEE to continue to
Continued on Page 10
PaGe 2 - yoNkeRs RisiNG - FRiday, NoVeMbeR 7, 2014
Two Years Later: YPD
Remembers Sandy Victims
Yonkers Stuffs Buses
For Pajama Program
Members of the Yonkers Police Department on their visit to Staten Island to help victims of
Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
Member of the Women in Business Committee of the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce with
their pajamas and books for donation. Photos by Bayan Baker.
By Phil foley
As a citizen of Yonkers, I am very proud of
the role our Yonkers Police Department played in
helping people from Staten Island who were in serious trouble two years ago this November.
Last week, Lt Patrick McCormack, communications officer for YPD, sent me the following
statement about the efforts of the department on
Staten Island (I couldn’t have said it better, myself):
“As many are still recovering from the effects
of Superstorm Sandy, members of the YPD would
like to take a moment to reflect on those residents
who were affected by the storm. On Nov. 20, 2012,
approximately 27 members of the Yonkers Police
Department CLSA and the PBA departed the 2nd
Precinct with three van-loads of supplies for the
‘Tunnels to Towers’ organization and quickly went
to work.
“YPD members removed debris from the
basements of two homes badly damaged by flood
waters. YPD members also responded to a distri-
bution center and assisted in the unloading of a
full tractor-trailer of supplies, which was delivered
to the hardest hit area on Staten Island. The YPD
would like to thank all our residents who donated
items – the residents of Staten Island were very
grateful and we keep them in our thoughts.”
I spoke with Jane Doughert McGowan who
owned of the homes YPD helped that day, who told
me she only expected four people to help out. She
was completely surprised when more than 20 YPD
members showed up and gutted her basement.
“I was overwhelmed when they did the job in
two hours and very thankful to them – they were
wonderful,” she said.
Speak about irony: Jane is a retired member
of the NYPD Transit Police Department.
Keep up the good work, YPD!
Thanks to Keith Olson, president of the PBA,
and Patrick McCormack, who were there that day,
along with the CLSA. And most importantly, to the
members who did all that hard work! You made all
of us proud.
Bring Our Jobs Home
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Students from Yonkers Montessori Academy get ready to stuff the bus.
The Yonkers community came out to support
The Pajama Program, which provides new pajamas and books to kids who need them, with four
different Stuff-a-Bus events citywide.
Students from the Dodson School, DiChiaro
School and Yonkers Montessori Academy loaded
new pajamas they had collected and raised funds
for, into a bus. Additional schools participating in
the program are Family School 32, Paideia School
24, PEARLS Hawthorne School and Riverside
High School.
The Women in Business Committee of the
Yonkers Chamber of Commerce spearheaded
“Stuff-a-Bus,” and filled a bus with pajamas and
books collected. Students and Chamber women
dressed up in pajamas to celebrate the day, and the
support of a worthy charitable non-profit organization.
For more information on the pajama program,
visit pajamaprogram.org.
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Friday, November 7, 2014 - Yonkers Rising - PAGE 3
This, Too, is Democracy?...
And My Parish Closes
Phase II of Daylighting
Earns $2M State Grant
By Eric W. Schoen
Elections or City Clerk’s OfDemocracy?
fice before they are required
I am embarrassed to be a
to show them at the polling
Democrat in New York State
this week!
The New York State
I have voted in every
Democratic Party can redeem
election since I turned 18 and
itself from this terrible mismy dad died two days before
take by introducing some of
I proudly cast my first ballot.
the ways to increase voting
Have I ever voted a straight
that I have identified, which
Democratic ticket? Never.
are common throughout the
Since back in the day when
country. And apologize to
Sen. John Flynn, a beloved
the voters who received these
Republican, was on the baldisgusting threats to DemocEric W. Schoen
lot, no one in Yonkers has
voted a straight party line.
My Parish Closes
So why am I upset with the New York State
Growing up on Bruce Avenue off of LawDemocratic Party this week? Well, 800,000 Dem- rence Street, St. Denis Church was my parish
ocrats in districts throughout the state – mostly in church – even though I am Jewish. So I was parNew York City – received letters from the party ticularly saddened over the weekend to hear that
giving them grades from “excellent” down to the church is scheduled to be closed as part of the
The Saw Mill River in downtown Yonkers.
“fair” and “incomplete,” grading voters on how Archdiocese of New York’s consolidation plan.
they voted and telling them their voting records
So many of my friends attended the now
in 2014 would be watched.
shuttered grade school at St. Denis Church.
The city’s State Delegation announced last ing project, but Yonkers as a whole,” continued
To quote from the letter: “Who you vote for And my friends who attended Yonkers Public
week that the Saw Mill River Daylighting proj- Spano. “With an improving economy, new
is your secret. But whether or not you vote is pub- Schools 13 or 27 would leave class at 2 p.m. on
ect was awarded $2 million by the New York businesses moving into the city and a growth
lic record. Many organizations monitor turnout in Wednesday so that they could attend what was
State Department of Environmental Conserva- rate that ranks Yonkers as the second-fastest
your neighborhood and are disappointed by the called Religious Instruction, now referred to as
growing city in the state, we are truly a city on
inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors.”
CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine). The
The award will support water improve- the move. I want to thank Gov. Andrew Cuomo
The letter goes on to state: “We will be re- rule was that teachers could not teach new work
ment initiatives associated with Phase Three and our State Delegation for their continued
viewing the official New York county voting re- Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to the end of the day,
of the nationally-acclaimed daylighting, which commitment and investment in Yonkers.”
cords after the upcoming election to determine out of respect to the students attending Religious
Democratic Conference Leader State Sen.
will uncover more portions of the long-buried
whether you joined your neighbors who voted in Instruction.
river, including improving river banks, install- Andrea Stewart-Cousins of Yonkers noted that
2014. If you do not vote this year we will be inSt. Denis, back in the day, was the religious
ing plantings, installing a large debris chamber, the $2 million state grant from the DEC allows
terested to hear why not.”
home to the many Irish families that lived in the
separating combined sewer lines and replacing Yonkers to continue the Saw Mill River DayAnd we thought hanging chads in Palm neighborhood. The superintendent of my apartlighting improvements at Mill Street and bewater lines.
Beach County in Florida was a big deal!
ment building, Mr. Riefenhauser, wore his janitoThe Yonkers project is one of 134 state- yond. “This grant provides important financial
What’s next? Painting the fingers of voters rial uniform by day but on Sunday when he was
wide that received a combined $39.5 million in assistance for water quality upgrades that will
as they do in elections in India and Iraq? Cut- an usher at the church, he sported a suit and tie
competitive state funding as part of the DEC’s enhance the river’s appeal and make necessary
ting off the fingers of voters who don’t vote the – so proud of the honor that was given him.
Water Quality Improvement Program. The improvements to sewer and water lines,” she
“right” way as they do in Afghanistan?
St. Denis had penny socials often to raise
DEC program funds aquatic habitat restoration, said.
Fortunately, I did not receive the letter and money for the church. I could never figure out
State Sen. George Latimer added: “With
storm sewer systems and wastewater treatment
I believe that most people in Westchester were how they served as a major fundraiser for St. Deprojects across New York; Yonkers was award- the continued support of the state, the Saw Mill
not recipients of this veiled threat to democracy. nis, but parishioners and neighbors loved them.
ed the third-largest amount statewide and the River Daylighting Project in Yonkers will creDoes the state Democratic Party really feel that
My sister went to her first Mass at St. Denis;
ate even more jobs in the city, providing a boost
largest in the region.
threatening people is going to get more folks to she remembers the nuns walking up and down
“The daylighting of the Saw Mill River has to Yonkers’ growing downtown district while
vote? Or does this mailing simply turn off voters the aisles making sure everyone was paying atprovided a tremendous boost to Yonkers’ econ- creating new public spaces and parks for resiand make them suspicious of their supposed “se- tention. The nuns wore the old-time habits, and
omy, helping to spur economic development, dents and visitors to enjoy.”
cret” ballot and the electoral process?
Dad taught me to always say hello to nuns on the
Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer said she
create jobs and bring new businesses to our
If the New York State Democratic Party street – something I do to this day.
downtown,” said Mayor Mike Spano. “With is also pleased the DEC has awarded the projwants to get more people out to vote, the State
To those with fond memories of St. Denis
this new grant, Yonkers will continue to build ect such a large grant. “This project provides a
Legislature should allow early voting. More than Church and saddened to hear of its imminent cloinviting public parks, uncover the buried river wonderful example of economic development
half the states in this country allow for early vot- sure, I went through the process when Temple
that is attentive to improving the environment
and revitalize the city.
ing and no-excuse absentee balloting.
Emanu-El on Rumsey Road closed and merged
“Gov. Cuomo’s leadership has been instru- and public space,” she said. “I am proud to have
This year in Connecticut, for the first time, with Scarsdale Synagogue Tremont Temple.
Continued on Page 10
Continued on Page 7 mental to the success of not only the daylightyou could walk in and register and vote on the
same day. If the New York State Democratic
Party wants more people to vote, allow people to
register and vote on Election Day.
Many states allow voting by mail. Weekend
voting is popular in many states. Some states allow Internet voting. If we can send a man to the
moon we can figure out a way for those who want
to vote online to do so safely and securely.
So that you don’t think I am some bleeding
liberal who wants to destroy democracy and make
it as easy to vote as it is to buy groceries, let me
say I have no problem with voters being required
to show identification when they vote. You have
to show identification for everything else we do.
A few weeks ago, when I entered Yonkers
City Hall for a meeting, my license was scanned
into a computer system and I got some badge
that allowed me to enter and exit the building. A
bit much for entering Yonkers City Hall, but if it
makes the environment safer for the people who
4.5 STAR RATING (out of 5) for quality, service
work in the building, I have no problem with it.
If we are going to require voters to show
and satisfaction
identification, make sure the system allows voters
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Nick Sprayregen, Publisher
Daniel J. Murphy, Editor-in-Chief
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Paul Gerken, Advertising Sales
Gregory Baldwin, Administrative Asst.
Member of the New York
Press Association
Fax 914-965-2892
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NY 10701
Yonkers Rising - USPS Permit #7164
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PaGe 4 - yoNkeRs RisiNG - FRiday, NoVeMbeR 7, 2014
Allstate Agent Awarded
Allstate Insurance agent Ivette Ledesma,
whose office is located at 641 Yonkers Ave., has
received the Agency Hands in the Community
Award for her commitment to volunteering in
the community. With this award came a $1,000
grant from The Allstate Foundation for the Latino Scholarship Fund in Danbury, where Ledesma volunteers.
“Ivette is an active and respected member
of the business community, protecting customers with insurance and financial services products,” said Don Rubbo, New York regional sales
leader at Allstate. “She also makes it a priority
to dedicate her time and efforts to make a difference in people’s lives. Ivette exemplifies the
full spectrum of what it means to be an Allstate
agent and has truly become a name and face in
her community.
“Allstate believes it is very important for
corporations to take an active interest in the
communities they serve,” continued Rubbo.
“Allstate is proud to support Latino Scholarship
Fund through The Allstate Foundation.”
Yonkers Allstate Agent Ivette Ledesma
Foam Cups & Packaging
Added to Recycle Program
In a major expansion of the city’s recycling
program, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano announced
last week that residents will now be able to drop
off used polystyrene foam cups and packaging for
recycling. The initiative is a first for New York
State and places Yonkers – the state’s fourth-most
populous city – at the forefront of the national
recycling movement.
Any foam or rigid plastic product bearing
the number six designation – which includes
take-out containers, foam-block packaging found
in electronics boxes and a host of other everyday items – can be dropped off by business owners and residents in designated bins at the city’s
recycling center. Often mistakenly referred to as
Styrofoam, a trademarked name for Dow’s insulation, post-consumer foam is in high demand.
“Improving the environment is a job that’s
never done,” said Mayor Mike Spano. “That’s
why expanding our recycling program to include
polystyrene foam is so important to us. These
products – things we see and use every day in the
form of egg cartons and take-out containers – can
easily be recycled into crown moldings, picture
frames, Scotch Tape dispenser and a host of other
items. It’s just a logical, forward-thinking move
to recycle foam in our city.”
After drop-off, polystyrene foam products
will be picked up by the Dart Container Corporation and shipped to its recycling facility in Leola,
Penn. These plants will prepare the foam for a
second life as one of a score of products used in
daily activities.
Yonkers now joins cities and communities
across the country in a movement aimed at taking
polystyrene foam out of the waste stream and recycling it, as is commonly done with other plastics, glass and paper products.
Business owners and residents of Yonkers
can begin dropping off their number six foam off
Nov. 15 at the city’s Recycle Center, 735 Saw
Mill River Road. All material must be cleaned
and secured in a clear bag.
The center is open Monday to Saturday from
7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. For more information, call
Golf Discounts Offered at
County Courses This Fall
The air is crisp, the leaves are gorgeous
and the discounts are great – so grab your clubs
and head out for some late-season golf and take
advantage of the discounts that began Nov. 3 at
five Westchester County courses.
For seniors age 60 and older, Park Pass
holders pay $32 and non-Park Pass holders pay
$45; valid all day Monday through Friday only
and includes cart rental.
“Back Nine” is offered for $17 for pass
holders walking and $25 with a nine-hole cart;
non-pass holders pay $20 walking and $30 with
a nine-hole cart.
“Twilight” begins at noon and runs seven
Exchange Club Remembers
Firefighter Jef Campion
days a week. Pass holders pay $44 and nonpass holders pay $45; rates include an 18-hole
“Super Twilight” begins at 2:30 p.m. and
runs seven days a week. Pass holders pay $25
and non-pass holders pay $30; rates include a
nine-hole cart.
All discounts are valid at Dunwoodie and
Sprain Lake in Yonkers, Saxon Woods in Scarsdale, Maple Moor in White Plains and Mohansic in Yorktown Heights; offers not valid at
Hudson Hills golf course in Ossining.
For more information, visit www.golf.
Firefighter Louis Vellucci, a friend of the late
Jef Campion, who was a well-love Yonkers
firefighter, with a plague in Jef’s memory.
Jef Campion
In last week’s Yonkers Rising, we highlighted the Exchange Club’s annual Fire Prevention Dinner, which honored the crew of Yonkers
Engine Company 306 for its heroic acts. Also at
the dinner, the club posthumously honored Jef
Campion, the well-loved Yonkers firefighter who
recently passed away.
His dear friend, firefighter Louis Vellucci,
accepted a plaque, on which was inscribed a
beautiful memorial poem titled “The Power of
Exchanged Club President and Dinner
Chairwoman Ann Muro then read a poem she
had written in memory of Jef. The poem touched
upon his love for children, his paintings and artwork, and even the fact that he had posed for
Cosmo Magazine years ago.
The poem reads:
WhEn you loSt thE friEnD you lovED
you EntErED a nEW lanD
a PlaCE WhErE all thE PlanS you haD
noW hiDE BEnEath thE SanD
thoSE thingS you thought
you Still Might Do
noW Can nEvEr BE
for JEf haS gonE anD lEft uS noW
for all EtErnity
DayS anD MonthS
turn into yrarS
But tiME Cannot
holD BaCk thE tEarS
you Can’t forgEt thE Day you MEt
WhEn hE JoinED thE yfD
anD What aBout that CoSMo PoSE
oh Boy WaS JEf SExy
anD hoW hiS EyES JuSt tWinklED
WhEn ChilDrEn hE WoulD SEE
hE’D hug anD holD thEM CloSEly
anD Sit thEM on hiS knEE
Wheels For Wishes benefiting
noW WhEn you look uP at thE Sky
anD SEE a PaintED ClouD
it Might BE onE that JEf DESignED
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to MakE you rEally ProuD
SoME Say that you Will MEEt again
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hE’ll alWayS havE your lovE
By ann Muro
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HIC NYC 1427914, HIC Yonkers NY 5972, HIC Nassau County NY H2409720000, HIC Suffolk County NY 50906h,
HIC Weschester County NY Wc24767h12, HIC Rockland County NY H11586400000
FRiday, NoVeMbeR 7, 2014 - yoNkeRs RisiNG- PaGe 5
On This Day in
Yonkers History…
Film Screening & Inequality
Conference at Sarah Lawrence
One of the earliest photos of the Yonkers trolley.
A screenshot from the film “Life Sentences,” which will be shown at Sarah Lawrence
A postcard of the Jewish Community Center.
By Mary hoar
President, yonkers historical Society
Monday, nov. 10
Nov. 10, 1904: The Board of Police Commissioners, led by President Osterheld and
Commissioners Medina and Taylor, voted to
improve the condition of women prisoners at
the City Prison.
Nov.10, 1908: The Ewing Circle Ladies of
the GAR gave Mayor Warren a picture of the
signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The picture was to be placed in the new City
Nov. 10, 1914: A strike by women employees at the Federal Cooperage factory ended
when the company refused to accede to the demands. The women returned to work at a new
piecework rate, replacing flat pay of $1 a day.
tuesday, nov. 11
Nov.11, 1776: British 71st Regiment halted at Col. Philipse’s home.
Nov. 11, 1907: Trolley service came to a
standstill when a high-tension fuse blew out
on Main Street between Riverdale Avenue and
Market Place.
Nov. 11, 1921: All citizens of Yonkers paid
tribute to deceased war veterans at an Armistice Day parade and program. At precisely 11
a.m., all traffic halted and people stopped what
they were doing. After a moment of silence, at
the conclusion of the silent tribute, the factory
whistles and church bells were sounded.
Nov. 11, 1985: Yonkers was found guilty
of segregating schools and housing.
Wednesday, nov. 12
Nov. 12, 1880: The first lecture under the
auspices of the Young Men’s Catholic Association was held at St. Joseph’s Hall.
Nov. 12, 1952: The last trolley run was
made in Yonkers.
thursday, nov. 13
Nov. 13, 1892: The new Immaculate Conception Church (St. Mary’s) was dedicated by
Archbishop Corrigan.
Nov.13, 1893: Five Yonkers representatives were allowed to take their seats on the
Westchester County Board of Supervisors after being denied admittance for more than 18
Nov. 13, 1928: More than 1000 people paraded after the laying of the cornerstone of the
new Jewish Community Center at South Broadway and Guion Street. Mayor Fogarty and
Judge Charles Boote were among the speakers.
friday, nov. 14
Nov. 14, 1888: Saint Andrew’s Golf Club
of Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, the first golf club in
the United States, opened with just six holes.
Saturday, nov. 15
Nov. 15, 1930: Six men and one woman
were arrested as members of Westchester’s
“largest bootleg ring.”
Sunday, nov. 16
Nov. 16, 1851: Archbishop John Hughes
blessed Immaculate Conception Church and
gave Confirmation.
Nov. 16, 1888: Weller & Welsh, Yonkers’
largest dry goods located at 5 North Broadway,
was destroyed by a gas main leak. It rebuilt in
the same location.
For more information on the Yonkers Historical Society, Sherwood House and upcoming
events, visit www.facebook.com/YonkersHistoricalSociety. For information on membership
in YHS, call 914-961-8940 or email yhsociety@aol.com.
and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging,
required hospitalization or a loved one died while
taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time,
you may be entitled to compensation.
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Celebrating our 125th Anniversary
Sarah Lawrence College will present a
screening of the film “Life Sentences,” an unusual
perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as
part of the eighth annual Other Israel Film Festival
on Sunday, Nov. 9 at 4 p.m., in the Donnelley Film
Theatre of the Heimbold Visual Arts Center.
The film, directed by Nurit Kedar and Yaron
Shani, will be screened in Arabic and Hebrew with
English subtitles, and followed by a question-andanswer session. This event is free and open to the
“Life Sentences” tells the story of a man
whose life embodies the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When his mother learns that her Arab husband was conducting terrorist bombings, she
moves her children to an ultra-orthodox Jewish
community in Canada. When they learn about
their father as adults, they choose to connect with
their roots differently, one becoming ultra-orthodox and the other Muslim.
This screening marks the first year that Sarah
Lawrence College is an official partner of the Other Israel Film Festival. Since its founding in 2007,
the festival has aimed to promote social awareness
and cultural understanding of the Arab population
in Israel through the use of dramatic and documentary film.
Also at Sarah Lawrence College, a group of
leading scholars, policy-makers and activists from
around the country will convene for a major conference Nov. 14 and 15 to discuss how liberal arts
institutions should respond to increased inequality
in the United States. SLC, known as one of the
country’s most progressive institutions of higher
education, will host the interdisciplinary conference, “Liberal Arts in an Unequal Society.”
For information and registration, visit slc.
“The United States has entered a new gilded
age, with dizzying inequalities in wealth and income accompanied by a steep decline in social
mobility,” said conference co-organizer David
Peritz, politics professor at Sarah Lawrence. “This
vast increase in inequality has inescapable implications for the content as well as the value of a
liberal arts education and for the social roles that
colleges committed to the liberal arts should embrace. By bringing together a diverse and innovative group of scholars, policy makers and activists,
we hope to spur a conversation that will continue
long after the conference concludes.”
Participants representing major U.S. institutions of higher learning, municipal governments
and policy and advocacy organizations will address four interconnected themes:
* The nature and causes of the rapid growth
of inequality in the contemporary U.S., and its
consequences for American society, culture and
* The historical role of liberal arts institutions in shaping a liberal culture in the U.S. and
the importance of this culture, not only in sustaining, but also in expanding access to American democracy;
* The fact that access to liberal education also
serves as an important vehicle for the transmission
of unequal cultural capital and privilege; and
* The vital question of how liberal arts colleges can work effectively to respond to and counteract inequality in their own institutions, surrounding communities, and in American society
as a whole.
Dine. Drink. Discover.
3 COURSES | $20.95 LUNCH | $29.95 DINNER
To join the Exchange Club of Yonkers contact
Vice-President David Tubiolo at 646-596-3375
PAGE 6 - Yonkers Rising - Friday, November 7, 2014
Legal Notices
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Most cash paid for paintings, antiques, furniture,
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Notice of formation of Easton
Engineering & Inspection
PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with
the Sect’y of State of NY
(SSNY) on 08/08/14. Originally formed in VERMONT
on 01/15/14. Office location: Westchester County.
SSNY has been designated
as agent of the PLLC upon
whom process against it may
be served. SSNY shall mail
process served to: EASTON
Purpose: any lawful act.
#6579 10/03 – 11/07
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Notice of formation of Phoenix Machine Shop & Hydraulics, LLC, a domestic
Limited Liability Company
(LLC), filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY)
on 09/03/2014. Office location: Westchester County.
Principal office of Phoenix
Machine Shop & Hydraulics, LLC: 134 south 9th ave,
Mount Vernon, N.Y. 10550 .
SSNY designated as agent
of Phoenix Machine Shop &
Hydraulics, LLC upon whom
process against it may be
served. SSNY shall mail process to Leopoldo Burke 134
south 9th ave, Mount Vernon, NY 10550, upon whom
and at which process may be
served. Purpose: Marketing
Notice of formation of
StrongBolt Locksmiths LLC,
a domestic Limited Liability
Company (LLC), filed with
the Secretary of State of NY
(SSNY) on 08/28/2014. Office location: Westchester
County. Principal office of
StrongBolt Locksmiths LLC:
128 Saratoga Avenue Yonkers NY 10705. SSNY designated as agent of StrongBolt Locksmiths LLC upon
whom process against it may
be served. SSNY shall mail
process to Orlando Ivey 128
Saratoga Avenue, Yonkers
NY 10705, upon whom and
at which process may be
served. Purpose: Locksmith
Barry Nesson Law P.C., 700 White Plains Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated September
24, 2014, I, the Referee will sell at public auction in the lobby of the Westchester County
Courthouse, 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., White Plains, New York 10601, on the
17th day of November, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. premises in the City of Yonkers, New York
known as tax map number Section 5; Block 5036; Lot 18
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of a filed judgment and terms of sale. A third
party Bidder shall be required to deposit 100% of the approximate judgment amount
due upon the Judgment of Foreclosure, being $19,000.00 or 10% of the bid, whichever
is greater.
Index Number: 51951/2014
Dated: October, 2014
Bijal Jani, Esq., Referee
#1305 10/17/2014 – 11/07/2014
New York 10583
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated July 23,
2014, I, the Referee will re-sell at public auction in the lobby of the Westchester County
Courthouse, 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., White Plains, New York 10601, on the
10th day of December, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. premises in the City of Yonkers, New York
known as tax map number Section 4; Block 4704; Lot 15. This property had previously
been sold at public auction on September 5, 2014.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of a filed judgment and terms of sale and
shall be required to deposit 100% of the approximate judgment amount due upon the
Judgment of Foreclosure, estimated to be $22,500 or 10% of the bid, which ever is
Index Number: 70138/2013
Dated: November, 2014
Christopher B. Meagher, Esq., Referee
#1314 11/07 – 11/28
October 31, 2014
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: A Public Hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Yonkers on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. sharp,
in the Ceremonial Courtroom, Yonkers, New York (building is accessible to the handicapped), on applications for Appeals from the Building Commissioner’s decisions and
applications for Variances under the provisions of G.O. # 4-2000, as amended:
# 5409– Area Variance – James J. Veneruso, Esq., on behalf of 382 Warburton LLC,
owner, on premises know as 382 Warburton Avenue, Block: 2146, Lot: 46, Zone: B
# 5396A– Area Variance- James G. Dibbini, Esq., on behalf of 70 Jackson Street LLC,
owner, on premises know as 70 Jackson Street, Block: 186, Lot: 132, Zone: A
# 5418–Area Variance– Andrew Romano, Esq., on behalf of Edward Moodie, owner, on
premises know as 12A Landscape Avenue, Block: 32, Lot: 49, Zone: A
# 5419–Area Variance– Andrew Romano, Esq., on behalf of Waverly Parkside Apts
LTD, owner, on premises know as 207 S. Waverly Street, Block: 195, Lot: 13, Zone: M
#6581 10/03 - 11/ 07
# 5420–Area Variance– Marie Brooks, owner, on behalf herself, on premises know as
204 Elm Street, Block: 455, Lot: 26, Zone: B
#6580 10/03 – 11/07
Notice of formation of Barbara Rue,LLC Arts. Of Org.
filed with the Sect’y of State
of NY (SSNY) on 9/9/2014.
Office location: Westchester.
The street address is: 626
Route 22 Croton Falls, NY
10519. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC
upon whom process against
it may be served. SSNY
shall mail process served to:
Barbara Rue PO Box 893
Croton Falls, NY 10519. Purpose: any lawful act.
Notice of formation of
Chauncy Property LLC. Arts.
Of Org. filed with the Sect’y
of State of NY (SSNY) on
Oct. 2, 2014. Office location: Westchester County.
SSNY has been designated
as agent of the LLC upon
whom process against it may
be served. SSNY shall mail
process served to: c/o Walsh
& Amicucci LLP, 2900 Westchester Ave., Ste. 205, Purchase, NY 10577. Purpose:
any lawful act.
Notice of formation of Oma’s
Pride LLC Arts. Of Org. filed
with the Sect’y of State of NY
(SSNY) on August 1, 2014.
Office location: Westchester.
The street address is: P.O.
Box 561, Chappaqua, NY
10514. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC
upon whom process against
it may be served. SSNY shall
mail process served to: Alexander Linss, P.O. Box 561,
Chappaqua, NY 10514. Purpose: any lawful act.
#6582 10/10- 11/ 14
#6583 10/10 - 11/ 14
#6584 10/17 – 11/21
Notice of formation of Let Me
Drive U, LLC Arts. Of Org.
filed with the Sect’y of State
of NY (SSNY) on 8/29/14.
Office location: Westchester
County. The street address
10710. SSNY has been designated as agent of the Let
Me Drive U LLC upon whom
process against it may be
served. SSNY shall mail process served to: Jorge Baez,
Centuck Station P.O. BOX
10710. Purpose: any lawful
Notice of formation of Momentum Partners, LLC. Arts.
Of Org. filed with the Sect’y
of State of NY (SSNY) on
DATE. Office location: Westchester County. The street
address is: 793 Webster
Avenue, New Rochelle, NY
10804. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC
upon whom process against
it may be served. SSNY
shall mail process served
to: Kim Snyder, Momentum
Partners, LLC, 793 Webster
Avenue, New Rochelle, NY
10804. Purpose: any lawful
Notice of formation of 26
Arts. of Org. filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY)
on 10/08/14. Office location:
Westchester Cty. SSNY has
been designated as agent
upon whom process against
it may be served. SSNY shall
mail a copy of process to the
LLC: 19 Deerfield Ave, Eastchester, NY 10709. Purpose:
Any lawful purpose.
#6585 10/17 -11/21
#6586 10/17 -11/21
#6587 10/17 – 11/21
# 5421–Area Variance– Joao C. Santos, owner, on behalf himself, on premises know as
43 Crestwood Avenue, Block: 4557, Lot: 33, Zone: S-50
# 5422–Area Variance– Matthew M. Calvi, Esq., on behalf of Frank Multari, owner, on
premises know as 944 Saw Mill River Road, Block: 3242, Lot: 16, Zone: CM
Notice of formation of NEW
LLC,a domestic limited liability company(llc) filed with
the Secretary of State of NY
(SSNY) on 9/11/2014. office
location: westchester county.
Principal office of new design remodeling llc: 419
whiteplains rd 4a eastchester ny 10709 ssny designated as adgent of new design
remodeling llc upon whom
process against it may be
served. SSNY shall mail
process to damien earthman 195 meagher ave bronx
ny 10465, upon whom and
at which process may be
served. Purpose: Marketing
Notice of formation of Benedictos CPA, LLC, a domestic
Limited Liability Company
(LLC), filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY)
on 10/07/2014. Office location: Westchester County.
Principal office of Benedictos
CPA, LLC: 23 Stephenson
Blvd. New Rochelle, N.Y.
10801 . SSNY designated
as agent of Benedictos CPA,
LLC upon whom process
against it may be served.
SSNY shall mail process
to Gloreyn M Benedictos,
23 Stephenson Blvd., New
Rochelle, NY 10801, upon
whom and at which process
may be served. Purpose:
Public Accountancy
#6588 10/24 - 11/28
#6589 10/24 - 11/28
SERVICE LLC, Articles of
org.filed N.Y Sec. of State
(SSNY) 9th day of October,2014,. Office in Westchester Co. at 140 Huntley
Drive, Ardsley, New York
10502. SSNY design. Agt.
Upon whom process may
be served. SSNY shall mail
copy of process to 140 Huntley Drive, Ardsley, New York
1002. Reg. Agt. Upon whom
process may be served :
Speigel & Utrera, P.A., P.C.
1 Maiden Lane, NYC 10038
1800 576-1100 Purpose:
Any lawful purpose.
#6590 10/24 - 11/28
Friday, November 7, 2014 - Yonkers Rising - PAGE 7
Seniors and Health Care
Harley Can Help Make
Your House a Home
Hospital Holds Symposium
On Navigating Cancer
White Plains Hospital will hold an informational symposium called “Navigating a Cancer
Diagnosis: What You Need to Know Now” on
Thursday, Nov. 13 at the Scarsdale Public Library.
Free and open to the public, the program is
intended to inform patients and family members
who have been affected by cancer about treatment, support, research and financial resources
available to them in the community. Presenters
include Dr. Joshua Raff, chief of hematology
and oncology and director of the Digestive Cancer Program at White Plains Hospital; Dr. Sara
Sadan, director of breast and women’s medical
oncology at White Plains Hospital; and Dr. Pamela Weber, director of the hospital’s Imaging
Center at New Rochelle.
Raff will present an introduction to cancer
diagnosis, explaining the common steps, tests,
terms and goals of treatment; Sadan will review
frequently asked questions about cancer, including those surrounding nutrition, activity, second
opinions, Internet use and clinical trials; and Weber will discuss radiology tests commonly used
and illness management.
The symposium will be held from 7 to 8:30
p.m. at the Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted
Road, Scarsdale; refreshments will be provided.
Advanced registration is requested.
For more information and to register, call
Being Aware of Fraud is
First Step to Avoiding It
Bring Harley home today!
Harley is a young male dog younger than 2
years and weighing about 55 pounds. He is affectionate and loves attention. Harley has long legs
and likes to stretch them by taking a long walk or
running in the play area. He is a good ball player
and will give the ball back with no problem.
Harley is smart and has learned some basic commands at the shelter. He is dog-selective,
so he would have to meet any dog that he might
be living with. He would do best with older kids
and while not a requirement, a house with a yard
would be great for this boy.
Visit Harley at the Yonkers Animal Shelter,
1000 Ridge Hill Blvd., between 11 a.m. and 4
p.m. weekdays, or noon and 4 p.m. weekends.
For more information, call 914-377-6730 during
hours of operations or 201-981-3215 at any time,
or email lesliem147@gmail.com.
Medicare & Health Care
Coverage for Seniors Explained
A free presentation of the Westchester Library System’s Seniors Out Speaking project,
“Demystifying Medicare,” is being given a number of times across the county this month at various locations. It will not only help those who want
to make changes in the coverage they already have
during this fall enrollment period, but people soon
to be 65, planning their retirement, or assisting
relatives and friends with their medical decisions.
As important as Medicare is, health care coverage for seniors is a thorny subject for anyone to
understand, and it is the goal of WSOS speakers to
break it all down. This engaging, interactive program outlines the basic structures of Medicare and
private insurance and lays out the costs associated
with all the various parts.
Topics include original Medicare, Medicare
Advantage Plans, prescription drug plans (Part D),
Medigaps (supplemental plans), and various costsaving programs (MSPs, Extra Help, EPIC, etc.)
SOS has been serving.
For people who are still working, WSOS has
scheduled some events in the evening. Those who
prefer not to go out at night can attend other locations during the day. Dates include:
This, Too
Continued from Page 3
It is not an easy process when you have
grown up from Nursery School to adulthood in
a church or temple and it closes. When Temple
Emanu-El was built, it was constructed to accommodate 600 families. Prior to its closure, the
number was down to around 100. Unfortunately,
economics comes into play when religious leaders must make difficult decisions.
Whether you are Jewish or Catholic, your
synagogue or church is more than just a building
Monday, Nov. 10 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at
the Ossining Community Center, 95 Broadway;
Thursday, Nov. 13, 6:30 to 8:45 p.m., White
Plains Public Library auditorium, 100 Martine
Tuesday, Nov. 18, 7 to 9:30 p.m., Clinton St.
Center, 1A Clinton St., Pleasantville;
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 7 to 9:30 p.m., Fox
Center, 198 Carpenter Ave., Mt. Kisco;
Friday, Nov. 21, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
Multipurpose Center, 11 Olympic Lane, Ardsley;
And Monday, Nov. 24, 9:15 a.m. to 12:15
p.m., Phelps Hospital Center auditorium, 701 N.
Broadway, Sleepy Hollow.
Walk-ins are welcome, but pre-registration is
requested at 914-231-3236. Additional dates and
locations being set up will be added to the WSOS
calendar at www.westchesterlibraries.org/seniorbenefits-information-centers, which also gives the
locations of the group’s Senior Benefits Information Centers, where individual counseling is provided free of charge throughout the year.
Residents can also contact the WSOS
Helpline for a counseling call-back, at sbic@wlsmail.org or 914-231-3260.
By Julissa Javier
Social Security assistant district manager,
With all of the holiday shopping going on this
time of year, both in stores and online, there is no
better time to remind you to beware of fraud – as
you never know where it is lurking.
When it comes to doing business with Social
Security online, there is little to worry about – all of
our online services are protected by strong Internet
security protocols and you should have confidence
that they are safe and secure. But, there are other
ways identity thieves and criminals can obtain personal information and cause you significant harm.
Here are some tips to help keep that from happening:
* If someone contacts you claiming to be
from Social Security and asks for your Social Security number, date of birth or other identifying
information, beware. Don’t provide your personal
information without first contacting Social Security to verify if the agency is really trying to contact you. It could be an identity thief “phishing” for
your personal information.
Call Social Security’s toll-free number at
1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to verify.
* If you receive a suspicious call, report it by
going to http://oig.ssa.gov/report, or call 1-800269-0271 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Provide as much of the following information as you
know: The alleged suspect’s and victim’s names,
addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers; a description of the fraud
and the location where the fraud took place; when
and how the fraud was committed; why the person
committed the fraud (if known); and who else has
knowledge of the potential violation.
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing
crimes in America. If you or anyone you know
has been victim of an identity thief, contact the
Federal Trade Commission at www.idtheft.gov, or
1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338) or TTY 1-866653-4261.
Another form of fraud people fall victim to,
is businesses using misleading advertisements that
make it look as though they are from Social Security. These businesses often offer Social Security
services for a fee, even though the same services
are available directly from Social Security free of
By law, such an advertisement must indicate
that the company is not affiliated with Social Security.
If you receive what you believe is misleading advertising for Social Security services, send
the complete mailing, including the envelope, to:
Office of the Inspector General, Fraud Hotline,
Social Security Administration, P.O. Box 17768,
Baltimore, MD 21235. Also, advise your state’s attorney general or consumer affairs office and the
Better Business Bureau.
If you see or hear what you believe is misleading advertising related to Social Security, you can
also report it by calling 1-800-269-0271 between
10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., or by visiting http://oig.
Protect your investment in Social Security
and do your part to report potential fraud. We rely
on you to let us know when you suspect someone
is committing fraud against Social Security.
Reporting fraud is a smart thing to do – and
the right thing to do. Visit Social Security’s Office of the Inspector General at http://oig.ssa.gov.
Learn more about identity theft and misleading
advertising by reading our publications on the subjects, at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs.
Celebrating our 125th Anniversary
Arab nish an
prov speakin
or a particular priest or rabbi. It is the spirit of
the congregants who will rise up and find comfort
in a new home and make the best of a difficult
As Cardinal Dolan said in a news release announcing the changes: “There will be many who
are hurt and upset as they experience what will
be a change in their spiritual lives, and I will be
one of them.”
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.
com and follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers.
Catch the Westchester Rising Radio Show featuring Dan Murphy and Eric Schoen on Thursdays
at 10 a.m. on WVOX 1460 on the A.M. dial.
Saint Joseph’s Family Medicine
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Yonkers, NY 10705
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Saint Joseph’s Medical Center
127 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
(914) 378-7000
PAGE 8 - Yonkers RIsing - Friday, November 7, 2014
Yonkers Hosts Community
Services & Health Fair
Teens Accept Sustainability
Award to Standing Ovation
Health Techs Everald Alexander and Tonya Copeland with Yonkers Veterans Affairs Director
Lou Navarro. Photos by Ed Whitman.
Omega Award recipients Jennifer Sloan, Elijah Washington, Samantha Robinson, Curt Collier, Anderson De Aza and (front) Josh de los Santos. Photo courtesy of Omega Institute for
Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck.
Veteran Leonard Duncan speaks with Steven Alston.
By Hilary Johnson
Most of us will never know what it feels
like to receive a standing ovation from 500 people, but that’s just what happened recently for
some young people from Groundwork Hudson
Valley when the organization received an award
from the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck on the
evening of Oct. 24.
The Yonkers teens spoke to a capacity
crowd at the opening ceremony for the annual
Where We Go From Here conference, organized
by the educational and retreat center, which included such notables as CNN commentator and
green-jobs pioneer Van Jones, the evening’s
keynote speaker, and Indian anti-GMO crusader
Vandana Shiva.
The four teens – Joshua de los Santos, 17;
Elijah Washington, 14; Samantha Robinson,
17; and Anderson de Aza, 15 – spoke about the
work they do at Groundwork and what the organization, a non-profit that revitalizes neglected
communities through an array of on-the-ground
environmental projects, has meant to them.
When they finished, the crowd leapt to their
feet with thunderous and sustained applause,
according to Curt Collier, deputy director for
Groundwork Hudson Valley.
“It was great to see how the audience deeply appreciated them,” he said. “They were the
center of attention, and it was terrific for them to
have the opportunity to see so many other people who are energized about the environment.”
Council Passes
Continued from Page 1
Health care professionals at the fair.
The Yonkers Department of Veterans Affairs and Mayor Mike Spano recently hosted the
city’s seventh annual Community Services and
Health Fair at the Yonkers VA Medical Group at
124 New Main St.
Yonkers VA Director Lou Navarro explained: “We want to give our veterans and their
families access to multiple community resources in one convenient location.”
Yonkers Student
ing events and legislation in his first term.
“I really commend Elijah for organizing
this club to educate and prevent bullying in the
schools,” said Sabatino. “What could be better
than peers influencing peers and working together
to stop all forms of bullying.”
Sabatino will attend the club’s first executive
committee meeting this month.
The club also has seven adult advisors, including Head Advisor Pam Segura, an AmeriCorps/Department of Interior VISTA at Groundwork Hudson Valley. Washington is also a
volunteer for Groundwork Hudson Valley and
recently took a trip to Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, where Groundwork was honored (see related story on this page).
“Keeping our environment clean will definitely be part of the club’s future projects,” he
“Elijah Washington is a dynamo! His efforts
to build this club to bring together other young
people to make a difference in the community, as
he has been doing already at Groundwork, have
quickly drawn the attention of local civic leaders.
He is a natural organizer, whose enthusiasm is
truly infectious,” said Holly Malekian of Groundwork Hudson Valley, and KGBTY Club adviser.
Washington has contacted all YPS principals,
and Superintendent Yarzulo, to seek guidance and
support. “I would love to see people join our club,
and learn something they can share with others,
and help us build a better future,” said Washington. “Please visit our website, and contact us or
make a donation, volunteer and join. We will be
coming to a neighborhood near you soon.”
One easy way to help is to visit the website
at www.kgbtyclub.wix.com/kgbty--a and buy a Tshirt for a $15 donation.
Current members of the club include Washington, Joshua De Los Santos, Samantha Robinson, Anderson Antonio De Aza Jimenez, Alexandra Nieves, Adrian Diaz, Pamela Segura, Sara
Smith Sell, Shirley Robinson, Curt Collier, Armando Rivera, Michael Dwyer and Holly Malekin.
Continued from Page 1
plain to them the difference between bullying and
just being mean, and how to prevent bullying and
the dangers that come from it.
“We need to stand up to bullying, and if we
see it, speak out about it and confront the bully
and ask them what they plan to accomplish by
bullying someone,” continued Washington, who
received letters of congratulations from Mayor
Mike Spano and former Yonkers Public Schools
Superintendent Bernard Pierorazio for his antibullying efforts at Dodson.
Washington also started a peanut butter and
jelly drive at Dodson to help feed the hungry.
“I saw a feed-the-children commercial,
which my mom always made a donation to, that
touched me, so I took the step with a PB and jelly
drive, and our second drive brought in 450 jars,
which we gave to local shelters,” he said.
After taking a year to acclimate to high
school and focus on his studies, Washington renewed his passion this school year to revitalize
the Kids Giving Back to You Club. “Over the
summer I realized that my life’s mission is to help
others, and that’s what this club – and the members of this club – is all about,” he said.
The club plans on presenting an anti-bullying campaign from a student perspective this
year, along with another peanut butter and jelly
event, (we would encourage any local restaurants
to help Washington with meals for the homeless)
and possible future events to help seniors.
“I want to use the club to help seniors by visiting them and start a reading group or an event
that can make them feel better about their lives,”
he said. “We know how stressful life can be for
seniors and we want to go to them and bring them
some joy.”
Washington and the Kids Giving Back to
You Club have already received support and encouragement from City Council Minority Leader
Michael Sabatino, who has worked on anti-bully-
“These bills passed unanimously and
would not have been possible without the efforts of the Wallace Family,” said McLaughlin.
“If these laws can help make our city just a little
bit safer, and protect the life of just one child or
help solve just one crime, then we have done
our duty as public servants.”
The Taxicab Bill of Rights for both drivers
and passengers ensures that residents will have
the right to a clean cab to take them to their
destination with a driver that knows the city’s
streets. Drivers will also be required to call 911
in the event of an emergency, rather than dumping an incapacitated passenger at the side of the
road, as was the case in the Wallace tragedy.
The camera legislation was supported by
the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce and the
Yonkers Downtown Business Improvement
District. The Chamber also indicated that most
businesses already have this technology.
McLaughlin said it will make the city safer
by setting uniform time periods for businesses
that sell alcohol to retain security tapes for police to access them in the event of an incident. It
has the added benefit of reducing insurance premiums for these businesses significantly, which
more than pays for the cost of the technology,
according to the Chamber.
The bills now head to the mayor’s desk for
The council also unanimously approved
the recently-negotiated contract between the
City of Yonkers and Local 1897 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees Union. The new 11-year contract
for white-collar city employees is retroactive to
2009 and will expire in 2020.
Spano and AFSCME, the third union out
of seven that has recently settled with the city,
agreed to the contract earlier this month.
“This is a contract that works for workers and Yonkers taxpayers, and I am proud to
say we got it done,” said Spano. “I applaud the
AFSCME leadership for negotiating in good
faith and agreeing to a contract that is fair to
our workforce, but also reflects the reality of our
economic times.”
The new contract calls for an 18 percent
salary increase over 11 years, with all retroactive payments being paid forward over a five
-ear period. Under the new agreement, Local
1897 members will also contribute more to the
During their tenure as seasonal “Green
Team” employees and volunteers at Groundwork this year, the young people have built a
riverside “pocket” park in Yonkers for elderly
municipal housing residents, restored hiking
trails at Bear Mountain State Park and Shenandoah National Park, built local community gardens, and helped run Groundwork’s farmers’
market in Yonkers.
Several of them also traveled to places
like Chicago and Yellowstone National Park to
work on environmental initiatives and represent
Groundwork, which receives funding from the
Environmental Protection Agency and the National Park Service.
“We are so thankful to the Green Team
youth for taking such active and important
roles in their communities,” said Robert “Skip”
Backus, chief executive officer at Omega and
visionary behind the Omega Center for Sustainable Living.
The four youth were selected to represent
Groundwork Hudson Valley as it received the
$10,000 Leadership in Sustainable Education
Award from the Omega Institute.
Also speaking that evening for Groundwork were Collier and Science Barge Education
Director Jennifer Sloan, who shared her passion
for teaching school children how growing fresh
food off the grid, using only solar and wind
power and rain water irrigation, offers hope for
future generations.
costs of their employee health care.
Effective next year, current AFSCME
members will contribute 10 percent of the cost
of a family plan and 20 percent for an individual
plan, while new employees will contribute 15
percent and 25 percent, respectively.
Contract reforms also include salary adjustments for all new hires, reducing the salary
scale for new AFSCME members by 15 percent
across the board. The union also agreed to a
reduction in the number of personal days and
an increase in the probationary period of new
employees – reforms that will save taxpayer
“Our agreement with AFSCME and council approval of the contract illustrates that when
the city and union leaders come together – in
true good faith – we can come to a compromise,
achieve savings and reforms, and do it all in a
way that works for taxpayers and employees,”
said Spano. “The AFSCME contract continues
to pave the way for us to settle with the other
unions. We believe we are close in settling the
remaining contracts, as many of our recent negotiations have been fruitful.”
“This fiscally-responsible contract is an example of the good that can happen when both
sides come together and make concessions that
are in the taxpayer’s best interest,” added Council President McLaughlin. “These givebacks
will reduce costs over the term of the agreement, avert layoffs and save taxpayers (money),
while still giving our hard-working employees
the salary increases they so rightly deserve.”
Local 1897 President, Danny Mangieri
said he is proud an agreement with the city was
reached, through the negotiating process that
benefits membership and the city as a whole.
“With contract negotiations now behind us, we
can put our full energy into keeping Yonkers
running and maintaining our city’s great quality
of life,” he said.
AFSCME Local 1897 is made up of 39
white-collar employees who serve as managers
in the city’s departments of Public Works, Information Technology and Housing and Buildings.
Four city unions are still without a new
contract and have been working for more than
five years without one.
Finally, the City Council also recently
celebrated Polish-American Heritage Month
in Yonkers and was joined by members of the
Westchester Pulaski Association, as well as
2014 Miss Polonia Katarzyna Litwa and 2014
Miss Junior Polonia Adrianna Grzelakowska,
who are both from Yonkers.
Send your letters and opinions to us at
Friday, November 7, 2014 - Yonkers Rising - PAGE 9
Yonkers Resident Frank
Riti Honored by Kiwanis
‘Green’ Walking Tour Shows
Off Yonkers’ Sustainability
Underground at 66 Main St.
Mayor Mike Spano presents a proclamation to Frank Riti.
Science Barge Capt. Bob Walters with a large gourd that was grown on board.
Riti with brother Sam, and family.
Brad Tito, Yonkers’ director of sustainability, led the tour.
Riti with Rosemarie Cornaccio from the Kiwanis Club.
Photos by Ed Whitman
Yonkers resident Frank Riti, who has served
as the lieutenant governor of the Bronx-Westchester-South Division of Kiwanis International
since 2013, was recently honored for his leadership of Kiwanis and his service to the community. Mayor Mike Spano presented Riti with
a proclamation at the event, held at Westchester
Over the 2013-14 year, Riti has successfully led the 12 Kiwanis Clubs in his division. The
clubs are: Bronx Shore, East Yonkers, Fordham,
Hartsdale, Joseph Michael Wuest Club of Morris
Park, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Golden K,
North East Bronx, Parkchester, Riverdale, Westchester Village and Yonkers.
Riti said he believes in Kiwanis because it
is an organization of volunteers whose members
give of their time and energy to give back to their
To aid in fulfilling the goal of Joseph Aiello,
governor of New York State Kiwanis District,
Riti encouraged all of his clubs to participate
in the Governor’s Project, centered on Autism
Awareness. They also supported the first lady’s
project of working with Treats for the Troops,
which sends gift packages to young men and
women serving overseas.
Riti’s career has centered around health
care. He was the head of occupational therapy
in nursing homes located in Westchester and the
Bronx, and many years of service to this field
and is now retired and living in Yonkers.
He has a large family of six siblings and
many wonderful nieces and nephews.
Rob Hothan discusses his “green”-friendly building downtown.
Photos by Donna Davis
Send your letters and
opinions to us at
Mayor Mike Spano welcomed a large
crowd of attendees to the second annual
Yonkers Green City Walking Tour last week,
which started at the train station. For the first
time, it was hosted in conjunction with the
newly-created Yonkers Green City Advisory
Committee, an 11-member committee formed
by Mayor Mike Spano under Executive Order
No. 15.
The committee serves as the city’s environmental advisory body, provides guidance
and recommendations to the mayor, engages
residents and community stakeholders, and
advocates for and supports the implementation
of sustainability policies.
Committee Chairman Brad Tito, the city’s
director of sustainability, led the walking tour
to visits of the Groundwork Hudson Valley
Science Barge, the Sarah Lawrence Center for
the Urban River at Beczak, a large-scale solar
rooftop at i.Park, mixed-use geothermal lofts
at 66 Main St., and Van der Donck Park.
PAGE 10 - Yonkers RISING - Friday, November 7, 2014
Hollywood Comes to
The Olde Stone Mill
Charter school students enjoy learning with new notebooks.
dining room at Olde Stone Mill where filming took place
The beautiful Olde Stone Mill
Restaurant in Tuckahoe, overlooking the banks of the Bronx River,
was recently chosen as the location for the filming of the upcoming
movie “Ricki and the Flash,” starring Meryl Streep, Rick Springfield,
Kevin Kline and Sebastian Stan.
In the film, Streep plays a partying rock star trying to reconnect with
her children.
It was four years ago that location directors visited the Olde Stone
Mill, seeking possible venues for future films shoots. This year, because
of its ambiance and exceptional décor, the Olde Stone Mill provided
the perfect setting for this Meryl
Streep film.
The Olde Stone Mill was converted to a French Bistro overnight
for the film’s dining scenes, and
Chef Michael Gallo even prepared
French cuisine for the stars.
We are all looking forward to
this film’s release, scheduled for
June 2015!
Actress Meryl Streep films a new movie in Westchester.
Phase II
Continued from Page 3
supported this work, and I commend the City
of Yonkers for its vision to see it to completion
and the DEC for its support.”
The Daylighting of the Saw Mill River is
a multi-phase project that includes a new urban
river and parks through the center of downtown
Yonkers. Phase One the daylighting, known as
Van der Donck Park, has earned national, statewide and regional recognition, including the
“National Recognition Award” by the American Council of Engineering Companies, “Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award” by
the New York State Society of Professional
Engineers, “Project of the Year” by the Westchester/Putnam Chapter of the New York State
Society of Professional Engineers, “Project of
the Year” by the Construction Management Association of America, “William White Award”
by the American Planning Association, and the
“New York Honor Award” by the American Society of Landscape Architecture.
Phase Two, which broke ground in March
2014, will create a new 20,000-square-foot
park. Known as Mill Street Courtyard, the park
will uncover 100 feet of the river and transform
an alleyway into a European-style piazza. The
park will also include a pedestrian and vehicular bridge, bike path, public artwork from local
artists and a new pedestrian gateway that will
provide seamless access to and from Van der
Donck Park.
Phase Three of the project will create a
1.25-acre park in an area of the city known as
“Chicken Island,” the site of a future large scale
development project. The city has already purchased and will soon demolish several properties to expose the currently inaccessible river,
which is also blocked off by a large fence and
invasive plant life.
The project, which has secured millions of
dollars in state and city funding, is expected to
create 100 construction jobs.
The daylighting is funded by grants from
New York State Empire State Development,
state DEC, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation and the City of Yonkers.
CSEE Chairman Eduardo LaGuerre with Anthony Goncalves.
Photos by Bayan Baker
Charter School
Continued from Page 1
provide their students with the tools, and technology to succeed.”
The media center is named after Anthony’s
mother, Mary.
The Charter School of Educational Excellence, Westchester’s first charter school, is a
kindergarten-through-eighth-grade public school
that has nationally-acclaimed teachers, and has
received accolades for its literacy program. The
school was named a Reward School for 2014
by the New York State Education Department.
CSEE has been awarded the International Reading Association Exemplary Reading Program
Award and is a validated school for Best Practices in Literacy by NYS Education Department.
CSEE continues its efforts to expand and
improve the lives of students in Yonkers and beyond, and hopes that in the future it can build a
charter high school in Yonkers.
There is a waiting list for parents who wish
to have their students enrolled at CSEE, which is
a tuition-free public school. For more information, visit www.charterschoolofeducationalexcellence.org or call 914-476-5070.
Yonkers Historical Society President Mary Hoar, far right, with honorees and Mayor Mike Spano, Council Majority Leader Michael Sabatino, Assembly member Shelley Mayer and State Sen.
George Latimer. Photo by Donna Davis.
Historical Society
Continued from Page 1
enough to have amassed and it was their ob-
ligation to give back. There has not ever been
a shortage of saints throughout its 300-plusyear history. The multi-part series will bring
back to life many of the great deeds of the
now-buried generations.
From churches, to hospitals, to even train
stations, these people were true Patron Saints
of Yonkers and should be recognized for their
great works.
Thanks to Peg Murphy, YHS luncheon
For more information, call the Yonkers
Historical Society at 914-961-8940 or email