ROTAS SERVICES Sunday 2 November Preacher: AM—Pete Rennie PM—Stuart Prentice 10-10.25am Prayer 10.30am Morning Service CA Theatre 6.30pm Communion Service Balloch Hall 2 November 9 November Duty Deacon Tosh Mackintosh Duty Deacon Craig Snitch Stewards Yvonne Buchan Chris Kelsey Stewards Shona Snitch Rita MacDonald Counting Team Yvonne Buchan Christine Bathgate Counting Team Tom Speirs Gordon McNeill PowerPoint Anne Hughes Ken Armstrong PowerPoint Ken Armstrong Anne Hughes Crèche Cath Martin Elma Mackay Crèche Amy MacDonald Christina MacInnes Tea/Coffee Eric Halkett Morag Halkett Tea/Coffee Gordon McNeill Eileen McNeill Flowers Flowers Eva Boag Wednesday 5 November 7.30pm Home Groups —————— Sunday 9 November 10-10.25am Prayer 10.30am Morning Service CA Theatre Wednesday 12 November 7.30pm Mission Prayer Meeting —————— CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: RECORDINGS OF SERVICES Please speak to one of the sound team or download MP3 recordings from our website: cullodenbaptistchurch.org.uk REFRESHMENTS AND FELLOWSHIP Please join us for tea/coffee in the dining area after the service this morning. INFORMATION TABLE Why not take a little time to browse the Information Table while having your coffee/tea. Pastor: Kenny Ross - Tel. 01463 792833 Elders: Ken Oates - Tel. 01463 793301 Stewart Nicol - Tel. 01463 221801 Tosh Mackintosh - Tel. 01463 798487 Church Office: Ruth McGowan - Tel. 01463 794005 culloden.baptist@btconnect.com Bulletin Items: Please send items for next week’s bulletin to the Church Office by Thursday. www.cullodenbaptistchurch.org.uk Registered Scottish Charity No SC027503 Pastor Kenny Ross Our Mission: ‘To live for Jesus and bring others to Him’ Sunday 2 November 2014 We welcome you to our service today. If you are visiting, we hope you will feel at home and pray that together we will sense God’s presence among us as we worship Him. We are pleased to have two of our young men preaching at CBC today. This morning Pete Rennie and this evening Stuart Prentice will be sharing from the word of God. We look forward to hearing what the Lord has to say through his servants today. Please do stay and join us for tea/coffee and a chat in the atrium area following the service this morning. CONGRATULATIONS Our warmest congratulations to Duncan and Rachel on the birth of their son, Liam Donald Macgregor, who was born at 10.30am on Sunday, 26 October. A brother for Kaelyn and Iris. DEACONS ELECTION 2014 We are in the process of this year’s Deacons’ Election. Please let Ken Oates know of any suggestions you would like to put forward. HOME GROUPS Wednesday and Thursday, 5/6 November, this week. If you are not part of a group and would like to join one, please speak to one of the Elders. Materials can be found at https:// www.multiplymovement.com/material — Part IV Understanding the Old Testament, No.14, God’s Covenant with Moses. There are a few copies available for those without internet access. LADIES FELLOWSHIP Thursday, 6 November, meeting for prayer, 2.30pm at Netties home. All ladies welcome. BLYTHSWOOD INTER-CHURCH QUIZ OCT. 2014 Congratulations to CBC Team who were 1st this year and won the 'Cup' - Barn C of S were 2nd and Free North Church 3rd - out of ten churches represented. Appreciation to our team - Sam MacNaughton (Capt.), Calum Urquhart, Fiona Wood and Neill Prentice with Stuart Prentice as reserve. Categories - 1) Pictures, 2) Back to School, 3) General Knowledge, 4) Sport, 5) 'Scotland' topic, 6) Music - with a Bible question in each round where possible. A good night of fellowship was enjoyed by all when over £500 was raised - Praise the Lord. - (Keith, Inverness Blythswood Support Group) FOOTBALL! Come along to Milton of Leys Primary School all weather pitch on Tuesday nights from 7-8pm for football and a run about. All abilities welcome! Bring £2. Text/call Donnie Mackinnon for any info (07786 022749). ELEVATE PRAYER MEETING There will be a prayer meeting for Elevate from 8pm to 9pm on Tuesday 4th November at Kings Factory. All welcome to attend, for more information talk to Peter MacDonald. SENIOR MEN’S FELLOWSHIP 11.00am on Friday, 7 November, in Mercure Hotel, Church Street, Inverness. All senior men welcome. The group meets on the first Friday of each month. For more information see Keith or George. ELEVATE YOUTH EVENT The Elevate youth event will be on Friday, 7 November, with doors opening at 7:15pm for a 7:45pm start. This is an inter-denominational event for young people from S3 to S6+ and there is no charge for admission. Location is the Kings Factory building, IV2 7WL. For more information see facebook.com/elevatehighland or email elevatehighland@gmail.com BALLOCH LUNCH 12—2pm, Friday, 7 November, in Balloch Hall. Invite your neighbours and friends to come and enjoy a bowl of homemade soup and a selection of home baking, served with tea/coffee. Cost £3.50, children £1.50. CYC AUTUMN SALE Date: Saturday, 8 November. Time: 10.00am to 12 noon. Because access is a problem to CYC over the next few weeks, the sale will be in the Free North Church Hall. CBC BUILDING PROJECT PRAISE EVENING An evening of Praise and Worship in Smithton Free Church on Friday, 7th November, at 7:00pm. Community Singing at 6:45pm. The evening is being organised by the Inverness Male Voice Choir who have kindly offered to host the evening on behalf of the Culloden Baptist Church Building Project. Featuring: The Highland Gospel Male Voice Choir; Balloch Primary School Choir and the Church Praise Group. Everyone Welcome! YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The YF will be meeting Sunday evening, 9 November, 6.30 until 8:30pm, at the CYC. For more information please speak to Peter MacDonald or Stuart Prentice. PRAYER If you would like prayer or to talk with someone, members of our Prayer Team, which consists of all the Elders plus Trish Rigby and Stuart and Hannah Prentice, will be available at the front of this venue following the service this morning. CSW INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH 7.30-9.30pm, Friday 14 November at Perth Baptist Church Centre, Almond View, Perth PH1 1QQ. Register your free place today. Why? We’re going to hear Kenia Gude Pérez share her testimony. Kenia is the wife of a Cuban church leader who was in prison for three years. During that time Kenia and the family were only allowed limited visits with him, they faced eviction from their home by the Cuban authorities, and their every movement was watched. The family is now safe in the US, and she told CSW that without our prayers, her family “might not be alive today”. Register at http://www.csw.org.uk/idop2014perth.htm For more information, please speak to Shona Urquhart. INDUCTION AND ORDINATION AT THE BARN CHURCH The Induction and Ordination of the new Minister at the Barn Church – Mike Robertson – takes place on Friday, 14 November, at 7pm. There will be an official service led by Inverness Presbytery, followed by a more informal celebration led by the Session Clerk Douglas Wilby, including food and tea and coffee.