
October 31, 2014/ 7 Cheshvan
Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus
Zavel Pearlman, President
Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi
Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi
Arlene Strauss on the loss of her mother Mrs. Freida Cooper.
Phyllis & Shelly Meiner on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson,
Benjamin, son of Michelle & Michael Meiner.
Shaindy & Mikey Friedman, Naomi & Dr. Isaac Friedman,
Sharon Broker and Izzy Broker on the birth of a daughter &
Gabriella & Alan Hershkowitz and Rebecca & Frank Hershkowitz on
the birth of a granddaughter & great granddaughter, Shira
Shalhevet (Rose), to their children & grandchildren Talia &
Jonathan Rose in Israel.
If you wish to have your Simcha listed on the monthly calendar (e.g.
aufruf, wedding, bar/bat mitzvah), please notify the office by mid-month
prior to the event. To be listed in the weekly announcements, notify the
office before 1 PM Thursday at 718-494-6700 ext. 0 or email
office@yisi.og . Please leave detailed messages with the wording and
spelling of names that you want placed in the announcements. Please
speak slowly and leave a call back number or email address.
Please note the following e-mail addresses
Rav Yaakov Lehrfield
Rav Ephraim Polakoff
Zavel Pearlman
Alan Zachter
Rebecca Silberman
Josh Sturm
Contact the following for requests to utilize shul facilities:
Minyanim for Simachot
Alan Zachter 347-922-1586
Building use, other than catering
Norman Koller 718-983-0255
Catering 718-698-5564
Eruv is up
Z’man Kriat Sh’ma
Friday Mincha
Chumash Shiur Rabbi Polakoff
Daf Yomi Review/Daf Yomi
Rabbi Polakoff Pre-mincha Shiur
"The History and Evolution of Tefilla."
Mishna Yomit
Shabbos Mincha/Ends
Congressman Grimm will be speaking on
the topic: "Israel and the emerging threat of
Iran and ISIS"
The Week
Earliest T&T
Halacha of the week
Motzei Shabbos
Refuah Shelaima
Chaviva Granitsky, Chaviva Shulamot Toba bas Chaya
Rachel, daughter of Judy & Yanky Ehrman who is recovering
from surgery in Israel.
We would like to thank the following for their contribution to the
Charity Fund:
Elaine & Jack Weintraub in memory of the yahrtzeit of their
mothers, Anna Sussman, Henya Ruchel bas Eliyahu, A”H &
Lillian Weintraub, Leah bas Mordechai, A”H.
Janet & Jay Goldstein in memory of Janet's beloved father,
Jack Rochkind, Yaakov ben Zev. We would like to thank
Rabbi Lehrfield for advice and help during this difficult time.
We are especially grateful that he could make the trip to the
The Weiser family in memory of their beloved father,
grandfather & great grandfather, Aharon Yehoshua ben Meyer
Aryeh, A”H father of Debbie.wewoul like thank the State
Island chevra for their generosity.
Please join us this Motzei Shabbos November 1st at 8 for an evening Art Show with
refreshments. Come early and stay late, as you have an extra hour to sleep that evening.
Doors will open at 8 PM. Look out for the brochure to come soon.
SAVE THE DATE! The 48th Annual YISI Dinner will take place on Sunday evening,
November 16, 2014 at 6 pm. Please join us as we recognize four outstanding couples:
Guests of Honor – Michelle and Richard Frohlich; Keter Shem Tov, Community
Service Awardees – Susan and Sandy Haber; Amudei Chesed Awardees – Rachelit and
Elazar Reichman; Young Leadership Awardees – Alyssa and Jesse Slater. Reservations
can be made online at For inquiries, please call Moti Schwartz, dinner
chairman, at 718-938-8851.
On Sunday November 9th Rabbi Lehrfield will be starting his Gemara Shiur that will be given
every other Sunday at 9:45 AM or after the 9 o’clock minyan in the Beit Midrash. We are
looking for $72 sponsors for these classes.
There is a 9:30pm Maariv minyan Sunday-Thursday. Please make every effort to attend.
There is also a Mishna Brurah learning group every night at 9:15pm for 15 minutes prior to
Maariv. Please come and join. If you have any questions please contact Louis Emmer at
Our bi-annual Tefillin and Mezuzzah inspection campaign will take place on Sunday
November 23 from 9AM until 5PM. Sofrim from Mishmeret Stam will be available for your
needs.We are told to inspect our holy items twice in seven years to be "mekayem" the
mitzvah properly. Any questions please call Allan Gomberg at (718) 983-7770
Due to the recent overflow of Sheimus, we are asking everyone not to bring any more
until further notice.
Between Mincha/Maariv
One should refrain from doing anything during Chazoras
Hashatz including a Mitzvah. If one wishes to give
Tzedakah, one should prepare the coins/bills in advance
in order not to lose concentration of the berachos being
Rabbi Reisman’s Navi shiur 9 PM in the MPR
Rabbi Lehrfield Bagel & Coffee Shiur: Legends of The Gemara
9:45 in the Beit Midrash. (Please bring a Gemara Shabbos)
Rabbi Lehrfield Women’s Navi class 10 AM
Rabbi Polakoff at 8:10 pm Beit Midrash "Lighting Candles on
Erev Shabbos: Part III."
Gemara B’Iyun Masechet Kiddushin given by Reb Yidel
Morgenstern 8:45-9:30 PM Sefard Room
Baba Basra Shiur Berachot 8:00 PM, Pirkei Avos 8:45 PM &
Parsha 9:15 PM, Rabbi Y.A.Weiss.
Adult evening classes in Aleph Bais, Siddur & Basic Judaism
8 PM. For information call Jerry at 646-645-0226.
Gemara B’Iyun 8:45 PM
Early Mincha on Sunday at 1:45 in the Main Shul
Late Maariv S-Th 9:30 in the Main Shul
Bikur Cholim Appeal this Shabbos in all Minyanim
All 6th grade girls and their mothers are invited to our 6th annual JEWISH HEROINES
THROUGH THE AGES: The Matan Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah Program. Discover how
Jewish women are part of a chain across the generations and how the Bat Mitzvah can serve
as a bridge connecting the young girl to Jewish continuity. Each week we delve into the
midot of our matriarchs through different modes of self-expression such as creative dance,
music, theater, art and guided imagery. Fall 2014 sessions begin October 26. Baby sitting for
younger siblings available upon request. To register, contact Sarah Feder at 718-6989885 or
The next Young Marrieds' Minyan and Kiddush will take place this Shabbos, November 1st,
Parshas Lech Lecha. Davening will start at 9:30 in the Teen Lounge. Following davening,
Shaindy and Benji Silber have graciously opened their home (267 Martin Ave) to host a
cholent cook-off/Kiddush.
A Course on “Tefillah”, based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, will be
given by Norman Linzer on alternate Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the main shul. It will
alternate with Tuesday class given by Rabbi Lehrfield. Among the major objectives are to
understand the Rav’s conception of tefillah, to utilize tefillah as a means of developing a
relationship with God, and to enhance the meaning of one’s davening. The text is the Koren
Mesorat HaravSiddur, 2012, OU Oress, which can be purchased from Amazon for about
$21. Additional handouts will be distributed. The course will be taught seminar-style, thereby
maximizing participation. Women and men are welcome.
In order to show that everyone has a voice in our beautiful Shul, we have created a new
email, specifically for ideas to be heard. Emails will personally be
read by our President. Only emails that are signed with a name and phone number will
be considered. All emails signed will get a quick response. Our President can be reached
at 917-567-7383
For those of you who are already members, we thank you for your commitment and support.
For those of you who have not yet joined our shul, we encourage you to show your support
by becoming a member of our family. With your help we will continue to be a bastion of
Jewish life and learning here in Willowbrook. Please see a member of the Board for more
information. YISI NEW MAILING ADDRESS: Young Israel of Staten Island PO BOX
140100, Staten Island, NY 10314
If you have extra uniforms from either JFS or RJJ that are still in excellent condition,
please don’t throw them away. All Clothing may be dropped off at the FRONT DOOR of
1097 Willowbrook Road, Sunday thru Thursday between the hours of 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
only. Anything left at the side door will be thrown out with sanitation. All the clothes are
distributed very discreetly. If you are in need of clothing in any size or for any further
information, please contact Rachelit after 4:30 PM at 718-983-9664
October 31, 2014/ 7 Cheshvan
Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus
Zavel Pearlman, President
Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi
Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi
as it gets wet and ruined and invites rodents. If you have food to donate (or return) please call
for pickup Beverly Israel 718-761-4472/ 646-530-1495
The Staten Island Chevra Kadisha is looking for additional individuals, both men and women,
who are able to assist on a regular basis.
If you are available or would like additional information, contact Larry Cohen at 718-6123474. Tizku L'Mitzvos
There will be a defensive driving class at Young Israel of Staten Island on Wednesday
evening December 10th at 6:45 pm downstairs in the teen lounge. By attending this class you
will save 10% on your auto insurance for the next 3 years and reduce up to 4 points on your
NY driver license. For reservations please call Harry Schonfeld (718) 339-1300 or email .
Don’t forget our adopted families. Please redeem your pledges & contribute today. Their
needs are great & their resources are few. Checks should be made payable to YISI Adopt-aFamily and returned in the envelopes provided or they can be given to any board member.
The Shimras Haloshon Group for women Will meet this Shabbos at the home of Chaya and
Josh Spierer - 16 President Street from 3:15-4:15. Come and join us and learns way to
elevate your speech and relationships with others
This week's Shabbos women's tehillim group will be hosted by Libby Dornhelm
48 steers Street 5PM followed by an Amen party. If you would like to host tehillim or
sponsor an Amen party in z'chus or memory of a loved please contact Chanie Maslow at 718
477 9575 or
Please say Tehillim for our children seeking refuah:
The MTA Open House will take place on Sunday, November 9th. Registration begins at 9am,
and programming starts at 9:30am. MTA is located at 2540 Amsterdam Avenue, New York,
NY 10033. Parking will be available. Interested students and parents can pre-register at For more information, please contact David Leshaw, Admissions
Director, at or 212-960-5400 ext. 6676.
Furniture - Email a photo of the furniture to or call 718
983 8136.
Centerpieces - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM
Clothing - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM. Drop off at the FRONT DOOR
of 1097 Willowbrook Road, Sunday thru Thursday between the hours of 5:00
PM to 7:00 PM only
Food Pantry - Noga Kugel 718-494-8451.
Bikur cholim gown gemach Debbie Berkovits call 718 494-1905
There will be regular morning and afternoon groups this Shabbos.
For those families who participate in house groups after Shabbos afternoon groups, please
submit a house groups schedule along with a list of children involved in your house groups
and the names of the group leaders to Rebecca as soon as possible.
This week's teen Shalishudos has been sponsored by Seymour and Bella Burack in honor of
their grandchildren. Thank you and tizku lmitzvot.
NCYI Boys Basketball is Back. 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Tryouts will take place this
Wednesday night at 7:30 pm in the YISI gym.
Bracha Rivkah bat Miriam Leba
Kayla Rus bat Chaya Rachel
Refael Avrohom Gershom Tzvi ben Emunah
Refael Pisachya Yaakov HaLevi ben Aviva Sarah
If you would like to add a name to our list of people needing a refuah, please email the office
at or call 718-494-6700 ext. 0
As you are aware, Nachas unlimited has successfully raised funds to ease the lives of sick
children in our community. If you or anyone you know has a child in need of assistance
directly related to the illness, please call Rachelit at 718-983-9664. All calls are confidential.
AMIT News: Call Myra Lanter to reserve your tickets for JOSEPH And the AMAZING
TECHICOLOR DREAMCOAT. Performances are at the State Theatre in New Jersey
onSaturday night December 27 at 7 PM and Sunday December 28 at 2 PM. Cost is $15.00.
Last day to order is Monday, November 10.
In addition to "political" action, Israel would greatly benefit from "economic" action at this
time. One of the best ways to show your solidarity with Israel in her hour of need is to buy
Israel bonds. The single role of Israel Bonds is to strengthen Israel's economy. If you have
not yet made a purchase of an Israel bond in 2014 please make it NOW! Rates are as high as
3.88%. Limited time only Please contact our Israel Bonds representative, Robert Lunzer
212-446-5835 or For current rates and prospectuses visit,
Basketball Clinics for 5th and 6th grade boys are here! Join us for 8 exciting 1 hour
sessions of Basketball Clinics with Ari Reich. Clinics will include drills, games and more!
When?: Mondays from 7:00 - 8:00 pm; Where?: YISI GYM; Cost: $100 for YISI members,
$125 for non-YISI members; First Clinic: Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm; How do I
sign up my child?: Email: or call 917-566-0420 and speak to Rebecca ASAP
to reserve your spot!
Kindergarten and Primer Boys and Girls Sports Clinics are here!!!! Have your children
join us for 8 exciting 1 hour sessions where they will learn to throw, catch, and develop many
necessary and fun athletic skills! When: Sundays from 10:00-11:00 am; Where?: YISI Teen
Lounge; Cost: $100 for YISI members, $125 for non-YISI members; First Clinic: Sunday,
November 9, 2014 at 10:00 am; How do I sign up my child?: Email: or
call 917-566-0420 and speak to Rebecca ASAP to reserve your spot!
We are looking to start clinics and clubs for children of all ages. Some great ideas are in
the works so watch your emails and announcements! If you would like to help out in
anyway please contact today!
We are looking for sponsors for our weekly Shalishudos. Your sponsorship allows close to 60
of our youth to have a meaningful Shalishudos experience every Shabbos afternoon, complete
with great nosh, Divrei Torah and singing. Please see Wayne Greenberg or Rebecca or Effie
Silberman if you wish to sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved one.
LOST--White gold bracelet lost on the way to shul on Shabbos Oct.18th. If found,
please call 718-761-.0649.
Please keep your eyes and ears open for news about more upcoming events! We are looking
forward to a fun-filled November and December! Check out our youth bulletin board for
pictures, event info, and more! If you have any questions regarding the youth department
please feel free to contact Rebecca Silberman at
Comedy Cafe Night 8, Saturday night January 10, 2015, stay tuned for more
Save the date!! Hatzolah of Staten Island is hosting a blood drive on Sunday December 14th
at the Young Israel. Give blood, save a life
Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) cordially invites all prospective parents and
students to our Open House on Sunday, November 2nd. Registration at 9:15; Program and
Academic Fair 10am - 1pm. The Open House will take place at TABC, 1600 Queen Anne
Road, Teaneck. Please pre-register at We
look forward to seeing you! Questions? Contact or call 201-8377696. Applications are now being accepted and can be filled out online at
Bruriah High School's Open House will take place THIS Sunday, November 2nd at 9:30
am at JEC's Bruriah Campus - 35 North Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Separate workshops
for parents and prospective students! Presentations followed by a lunch reception and
opportunity to mingle with administrators, faculty, Bruriah alumnae and current students!
Pre-registration appreciated but not mandatory at For more information,
visit the Bruriah website or call 908-355-4850.Find out why Bruriah continues to lead the
way in Torah and General education after more than 50 years of excellence, and learn more
about our exciting new, state of the art STEM laboratory (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics), opening this year! For more information and to pre-register online, please
visit or call 908-355-4850.
(Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy) Open House for prospective students and their parents on
Tuesday, November 11, 2014. The program will commence at at 7:00 pm and will be held at
the Jewish Educational Center's Elmora Campus - 330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208.
Learn about RTMA's exciting new Beit Medrash initiative, stimulating Zionism curriculum,
innovative Kashrut course, exceptional college preparatory and extra curricular opportunities.
For more information and to pre-register online, please visit or call 908355-4850.
Private tutor available - reasonable rates - please call 917-583-2957 or email
Brooklyn Decorative showroom looking for a full time inside sales person. Will
provide training. Sales and design experience are an asset. An outgoing
personality is a must. Send resume to
Part time girl needed in medical office in the neighborhood. Please call 718-9828790
Speech Language Pathologist/ Language based tutor with three open spots
available for the upcoming school year. Please email or
call 7184735891 to discuss.
Business Application Analyst go to PANYNJ.GOV and click on careers.
A dynamic Shommer Shabbos marketing company based in Staten Island is
seeking an experienced administrative assistant.
Requirements: You must be able to work in a fast paced start up environment
and fit into an informal yet focused and demanding culture. Must have excellent
communication skills (both verbal and written).Must be highly tech savvy and
proficient with Microsoft suite (word, excel, outlook, internet research). Be fast
on the computer (keyboard shortcuts) Must be self driven, organized, detail
oriented, responsible and demonstrate effective time management skills. Must
Posses great research and analytic skills. Responsibilities: As an administrative
assistant you'll work closely with the CEO and marketing team. You will be
responsible for inviting and securing speakers for our conferences, conducting
online research, communicating with industry executives via email and phone,
processing registrations, managing event prep and onsite event needs, and
general customer service. Your contribution will be important to the
achievement of our future growth plans.We are accepting resumes from
candidates that are either seeking Full or Part Time work. email resume to
Looking for full time babysitter/housekeeper. Please call 646-247-6177.
Bubby style babysitter available full time or part time in my house in
Willowbrook, or in yours. Please call 347-881-7806
Morah Chana is available to tutor your child in all Hebrew subjects at your home
or mine. Please call 718-698-3598 or 917-538-2123
MEMORY OF MRS. CHAYA NEWMAN, A"H The JEC Alumni Network presents
Charlie Harary on Tapping Into Your Inner Greatness on Motsai Shabbos, Dec 6 at 8PM at
the Jewish Educational Center's Bruriah High School campus. Event in memory of Mrs.
Chaya Newman, a"h, beloved former principal of Bruriah, and is open to men and women!
Suggested couvert $10. Program followed by Melave Malka. Info: .Exclusive donor recognition reception with Charlie Harary at
7:30 for donors of $360+ and Young Alumni Donors of $180+. RSVP required 908-355-4850 x6248