9th November Banham New Buckenham Old Buckenham Old Buckenham Quidenham 10.45 10.55 09.30 14.30 15.00 10.50 Remembrance Sunday Psalm 70 On the Green then St Marys Matins Parish Eucharist Act of Remembrance at Memorial then All Saints Remembrance Service THE QUIDENHAM GROUP OF PARISHES Rev A Smith Mrs H Pearson Rev A Monkhouse Father Martin Smith The Church of England in Banham, Eccles, New Buckenham, Old Buckenham, Quidenham & Wilby Year A 2nd November Psalm 34: 1-10 Archdeacon Betts With Eccles and Wilby Readings Wisdom of Solomon 6: 12-16 or Amos 5: 18-24 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Matthew 25: 1-13 16th November Second Sunday before Advent Psalm 90: 1-8. 12 Banham New Buckenham Old Buckenham Wilby 09.30 11.00 09.30 09.30 Service of the Word Parish Eucharist Family Eucharist Holy Communion by Extension Team Rev A Smith Francis & Lydia Darrah/ Rev A Monkhouse Readings Zephaniah 1:7. 12-18 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Old Buckenham Banham New Buckenham New Buckenham Quidenham/Wilby/Eccles Benefice Administrator Contact Telephone Nos. Rev. Alistair Monkhouse Rev. Michael Richardson Rev. Alan Wright Rev. Alan Smith Mrs Helen Pearson Mrs Jan Burrow-Wilkes Welcome to Worship Mrs H Pearson Matthew 25: 14-30 01953 860845 01953 888958 01953 860300 01953 860550 01953 860251 01953 887520 For personal or pastoral matters please contact the Clergy Team or Benefice Administrator wolbw@supanet,.com for general enquiries and bookings Banham Cemetery Chapel New Buckenham Old Buckenham Old Buckenham Eccles 09.30 18.30 11.00 08.00 09.30 09.30 Family Service All Souls Service Parish Eucharist Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Service of the Word Team Rev A Monkhouse Rev M Richardson Rev A Monkhouse Rev A Monkhouse Team Readings Revelation 7: 9-17 1 John 3: 1-3 Matthew 5: 1-12 Please take this leaflet home for use during the week. If you know of anyone who would like Holy Communion at home, please do not hesitate to call a member of the Clergy Team. Food bank – St Mary’s Banham is collecting tinned or dried food (non-perishable) for the Waveney Food Bank. The food is distributed to people in crisis in the area from the Diss centre. Please help if you can spare something. Our Special Prayers this Week Margaret and George Aitken, Dawn Jones, Barbara Bayfield, Derek Leighton, Lillian Griffiths, Brenda Coman, Philip Hazelwood, Michael & Suzanne Butler, Tommy & Dorothy Cutting, Rosemary West, Max Bott, Betty Gardner, Richard Alun Jones, Peter Bloom, David Snelling, Ruth Hammerton, Robert Gilmour and for all those who have care of them. Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 9th November The Remembrance service for Quidenham with Eccles and Wilby will be to commemorate the dedication of the window given in memory of the American airmen of the 96th Bombardment Group stationed at Snetterton and who worshipped at St Andrew’s during WWII. There will be light refreshments at New Eccles Hall School afterwards and an opportunity to visit the museum. All Saints Church will be holding its traditional November Market in Old Buckenham Church Rooms on Saturday, 15th November from 11am to 2pm. There will be the usual stalls (including a book stall and a Fair Trade stall) so do come along and join in for a light lunch of soup, rolls and other goodies. There will also be another opportunity to purchase cards depicting images of the stained glass windows in our church. These are being sold in aid of church restoration. S t M ary’s B an h a m : Christmas Memorial Candles will be on sale at Banham Winter Fair on 29th November in the Community Centre. For details please contact Sally McGinn 01953 888183. If you want the Pew Leaflet by email or wish to include notices in the Pew Leaflet, (by Wednesday 12.00 the week prior to insertion) contact Phil Moore at or phone 01953 888333 The Coming Week Wednesday 10.00-13.00 3rd November Benefice Forum for Churchwardens & Clergy at Wilby Farm 4th November Holy Communion in OB Church Rooms followed by coffee and chat. OB PCC meeting. 5th November OB Luncheon Club Thursday 6th November Friday 18.15-19.15 20.00-22.00 7th November Friday Club at Rowancroft Youth Café at St Mary’s, Banham Saturday 8th November Monday 19.30 Tuesday 10.00 19.30 All Souls Candlelight Service of Hope & Resurrection in the Cemetery Chapel, Banham on tonight at 6.30pm followed by refreshments. All Welcome . Quidenham Harvest Supper will now be held on Friday 14th November at 7.30pm in the Cowshed. Tickets at £8 are available from Jan on 887520. D u e to co ntin u ed bu ild in g w o rk, th e S t M a rtin 's C h ris tin g le S e rvice w ill b e h e ld , b y kin d in vita tio n , in T he M e tho d ist C h a pe l N e w B u cke nh am on S u nd ay 2 3 rd N o ve m b e r a t 4pm . A ll a re w e lco m e . All Saints OB: The Holy Communion held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10.00 am will continue to be held in the Church Rooms during the winter months. St Martins NB: Despite the building work , Services continue to be held in the Chancel most Sundays. All welcome.