November 9, 2014 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration


November 9, 2014 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration
November 9, 2014
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration
Good Morning!
Malo e lava mai!
Nisa bula vinaka!
In this Reconciling Congregation, all people are welcome, safe and cherished.
Presiding in worship today: Rev. Linda Holbrook.
Lay Liturgist: Marty Crayton.
Rev. Sadie Stone is with the youth at Glide Memorial UMC.
With the sounding of the chimes, we are gathered as a family of faith.
Please stand as you are able where indicated by an asterisk (*).
Children’s activity packets are available in the entry way.
Prelude / Pavan / Craig Penfield
Carolyn Lamcke, organist
Lighting the Candles
The Ushers distribute the Attendance Registers during the prelude.
Welcome / Rev. Linda Holbrook
Choral Call to Worship / The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us / James McCray
*Processional Hymn / All People That on Earth Do Dwell / No. 75
*Call to Worship / Marty Crayton
Leader: God of Life,
All: you are as near to us as our breath.
Leader: Touch our eyes,
All: that we may see you in one another.
Leader: Open our ears,
All: that we may hear your voice in the cries of the oppressed.
Leader: Enter our hearts,
All: that we may be filled with your love toward all people.
Leader: Come, O God of life and breath and wholeness.
All: Be with us now. Show us the way to new life and
grant us the courage to be people of your Way.
The Children in Our Midst / Rev. Linda Holbrook
Greeting & Celebration / Rev. Linda Holbrook
*Passing of the Peace
Anthem / Gracious Spirit Dwell With Me / K. Lee Scott
Gracious Spirit, dwell with me, I would gracious be;
Help me now Thy grace to see, I would be like Thee;
And, with words that help and heal, my life would Thine reveal;
And, with actions bold and meek, for Christ, my Saviour, speak.
Truthful Spirit, dwell with me, I would truthful be;
Help me now Thy truth to see, I would be like Thee;
And, with wisdom kind and clear, Thy life in mine appear;
And, with actions brotherly, speak Christ's sincerity.
Holy Spirit, dwell with me, I would holy be;
Show Thy mercy tenderly, make me more like Thee;
Separate from sin, I would and cherish all things good,
And whatever I can give Him who gave me Thee.
Mighty Spirit dwell with me, I would mighty be;
Help me now Thy pow’r to see, I would be like Thee;
’Gainst all weapons hell can wield, be Thou my strength and shield:
Let Thy word my weapon be, Lord, Thine the victory.
Gracious Spirit, dwell with me, I would be like Thee!
Upstream Worship Celebration
November 9, 2014, 8:45 a.m.
Prayers of the People / Rev. Linda Holbrook
The Lord’s Prayer / No. 895
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
*Scripture Reading / Romans 8:26-27 / Coral Baglin
(The New Testament, pg.148)
Prayer of Preparation / Diane Allen
Hymn / Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart / No.500 vs.1-4
Sermon / Rev. Linda Holbrook
Sung Response / Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart / No.500 vs.5
Scripture Lesson: Romans 8:26-27
Message: Rev. Linda Holbrook
Our Vision:
The Children in Our Midst
The Mission at Our Doorstep
A Place of Hospitality and Grace
The First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto
Rev. Linda Holbrook and Rev. Sadie Stone, Co-Pastors
Mark Shaull, Director of Music
Lepani Verebasaga, Lay Leader, Fijian Language Ministry
Invitation to the Offering / Marty Crayton
Offertory / In This Moment of Remembrance / Dale Wood
*Doxology / Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow / No. 94
*Prayer of Dedication of Gifts & Self / Marty Crayton / Unison
God of steadfast love, we praise you. We thank you for listening when
we call to you in times of need. You guide us in your good path where
we will find all you give us. You alone do wonders: you bring transformation, creating new life out of death. Enable us by your Spirit to live as
people of gratitude who give out of our abundance to help others to
experience your love and grace. We ask this in the name of Christ our
Lord. Amen.
*Closing Hymn / Every Time I Feel the Spirit / No. 404
*Thanksgiving for Worship and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Benediction / Rev. Linda Holbrook
*Sung Response / Shalom to You / No. 666
*Alleluia / No. 186 vs.1
*Postlude / Nachspeil / J.L. Krebs
Altar flowers are given to the glory of God and for Marion Hollar,
sweet 23 year old, on her birthday from parents Mark and Michele Hollar.
All are invited to a time of refreshment and conversation
on the patio following worship.
In honor of the thanksgiving season we'll give thanks to God for the
many Simple Gifts in Our lives. At our new time 8PM.
The 10:45 am worship service is webcast live each Sunday. To view it go to DVD’s and CD’s of the 10:45am worship service are
available to borrow in the library or to purchase by contacting the church office.
All printed music in the bulletin is used with permission, all rights reserved, under license numbers:
CCLI #3233940, CVLI:503824185, and A-718504. Hymns from the United
Methodist Hymnal, all rights reserved, Copyright © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House.
WORSHIPcast License #6584.
Our electronic giving page is open! Whether you are a long time member,
or just joined us, you can give with just a few clicks at
As always, your generosity makes our mission possible! Thank you!
UMW will be selling their hand-made Greeting & Christmas cards on
the Patio after church TODAY. Custom-made all occasion cards will be
available for purchase on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis. Orders
will NOT be taken. All proceeds go to the UMW’s mission fund. Contact
Great Decisions Special: Iraq, ISIL, and Hong Kong
Kohlstedt Hall, TODAY, 12:15-1:30, Tom Fingar will lead another discussion
of international hotspots, this time focusing on developments in Iraq and
Syria, and the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
He will also explain the causes and context of recent pro-democracy
demonstrations in Hong Kong. A light lunch will be served.
The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival’s touring production of
William Shakespeare's “As You Like It” will be held in our sanctuary
on November 15th. 6 p.m. performance, 7 p.m. post-show Q&A with the
cast, followed by a one-hour Playshop. Complimentary admission for show
and Playshop, but RSVP for Playshop required:
Annual Women’s Retreat: Pick up a registration form at the Welcome
Center or in the October Insights Newsletter.
Housing Need: A woman new to our community and church is looking for
short-term (and possibly long-term) housing. Would you be willing to let
her stay with you for a short time? If so, call Janet Nicholls at 321-9039 or
Linda Grossman at 369-9779.
The OIKOS Young Adult Small group meets every other Wednesday in
the Wesley Room of the church at 7 p.m. We're studying Stephen
Prothero's book “God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the
World.” Next meeting Nov. 19.
Couples Fellowship Group: 2nd & 4th Sundays each month from 12:15
to 2 p.m. in the Wesley Room. No meeting today, see you on the 23rd.
Snack-n-Chat Sign-Ups: The Snack-n-Chat signup chart is in the Education
Building. Please stop by and sign up. Thank You!
Tuesday Trekkers: We start at 9:30am on all Tuesdays with 20 minutes
of yoga warm-up stretches, followed by introductions and announcements.
The walk starts at 10am sharp. During the month of November we will be
meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the sports field at the end of Geng
Road, just off Embarcadero Road. Hope to see you there. Call Patty
Bellardo (650) 387-5256 with questions and suggestions.
We lift the names of those asking for prayer, with thanksgiving for
the healing already being received: Kiran Keyes, Verl & Ann Clausen,
Ruth Smith, Emilie Sweet, Lela Jones, Alice Green, and Emmanuel
Ballesteros (Conrado Basco’s brother-in-law).
We lift the names of those who have passed away:
Helen Shrader passed away on 10/31; a memorial was held on 11/6.
Robert Buell passed away 9/23.
To add your name to the prayer list, fill out a Prayer Request Card and place in the
offering plate. Our "ongoing prayer list" (for persons who are homebound, battling
long-term illness, or serving overseas) may be found on our website.
YOFPA -- Youth of First Palo Alto: Contact Rev. Sadie Stone at or 650-323-6167 x.102.
Sunday, November 9th – 8 a.m.GLIDE Service Trip Sunday Morning.
Saturday, Nov. 15th - Youth 2015 Tour Pit-Stop Los Altos UMC 3:30–
5:30 p.m. In preparation for Youth 2015, some of the bands from the event
are touring the nation bringing a concert series around the country. Lucky
for us the Western Jurisdiction Pit Stop is just down the road in Los Altos.
We’ll get a small preview of what Youth 2015 in Orlando has to offer!
November 9, 2014
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Coats and Blankets Collection: Mimi Sheffer (daughter of Marylee Sheffer,
former Associate Pastor of First Church) works as the school counselor for
Hayfork Elementary School in Hayfork, California. They are in need of
coats and blankets for children 1st - 8th grades. Bring your donation to the
narthex on Sunday or to the office during the week. Contact Ellen Haffner
with questions 650-326-1221.
Custodial Help Wanted: First Church is looking for a custodial person to
cover late night concerts. Schedule is occasional/as needed. Please contact
Thomas Garner at for details.
Check our online calendar at for the latest schedule information.
Church Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed weekends.
Sunday November 9
12:00 p.m. Snack-n-Chat, Patio
12:00 p.m. UMW Card Making, Millennium Room
12:15 p.m. Great Decisions Special, Kohlstedt Hall
Monday November 10
5:00 p.m. Breaking Bread, Kohlstedt Hall
6:30 p.m. Stephen Ministry Training, Patio Room
7:00 p.m. Fiume di Musica Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Tuesday November 11
1:30 p.m. UMW Executive Committee Meeting, Patio Room
10:00 a.m. Tuesday Trekkers
7:30 p.m. Finance Committee, Patio Room
Wednesday November 12
10:00 a.m. Wesley Class, Channing House, 5th floor lounge
Thursday November 13
10:00 a.m. Advent Study with Pastor Linda, Patio Room
6:30 p.m. Advent Study with Pastor Sadie, Patio Room
6:45 p.m. Handbells Rehearsal, Sanctuary
8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Kohlstedt Hall
Saturday November 15
3:30 p.m. Youth Group - Youth 2015 Tour Pit-Stop, Los Altos UMC
6:00 p.m. Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” performance, Sanctuary
Sunday November 16
8:45 a.m. Upstream, Chapel
9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Pat’s Place (Lower Level)
9:45 a.m. Bible Class with Richard Schramm, Wesley Room (1st Floor)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Preschool - Butterfly Room (1st Floor)
Grades 1st - 5th, Rainbow Room (2nd Floor)
Jr High/High School, Stuart Youth Center (Lower Level)
10:45 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Celebration
11:30 a.m. Fijian Bible Study, Chapel
12:00 p.m. Fijian Language Worship, Chapel
8:45 AM and 10:45 AM
625 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
650.323.6167 Office
650.323.3923 Fax
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