INTERNACIONAL CONFERENCE Green Energie and Environmental Science in Albania


INTERNACIONAL CONFERENCE Green Energie and Environmental Science in Albania
Green Energie and Environmental Science in Albania
Tirana, 1-2 December 2014
Universiteti Bujqësor i Tiranës
Fakulteti i Bujqesise dhe Mjedisit
Ministria e Mjedisit
Departamenti i Agromjedisit dhe
Agjencia Kombetare e Mjedisit
Green Partnerships Project
Bashkia Manëz, Durres
Ministria e Bujqesise dhe Zhvillimit Rural
Kyoto Club, Rome, Itali
Slovene Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry - Institute
of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor
ANTEA Cement Sh.A
Dear Colleagues and students,
In the framework of Green Partnership Project, funded by 1C-MED12-35-GREEN PARTNERSHIPS,
Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions, financed by MED Programme, the Agricultural
University of Tirana, Department of AgroEnvironment and Ecology we are delighted to extend an
welcome to you to join us in the first International Conference of Green Energie and Environmental
Science in Albania, to be held in Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, during December 1-2, 2014.
The International Conference Green Energie and Environmental Science in Albania (GEESA) to be
held in Agricultural University of Tirana in December 1-2, 2014, is dedicated to the improvement and
dissemination of knowledge on methods, policies and technologies for increasing the sustainability of
development, taking into account its economic, environmental and social pillars, as well as methods for
assessing and measuring sustainability of development, regarding energy, environment and food
production systems and their many combinations. The central theme of the conference will be renewable
energy, energy efficiency and sustainable development.
Main objectives of the conference are the following:
1. To give policy makers, researchers, technicians and other interested actors around Albania and
the Region the opportunity to present their work (curriculum innovation, research, activities,
practical projects) on sustainable development, energy efficiency and renewable energy;
2. To promote the exchange of information, ideas and experiences acquired during the execution of
projects from successful initiatives and good practices in renewable energy generation and use;
3. To discuss methodological approaches and projects which aim to integrate the issue of
sustainable and renewable energy in communities and Albania, support projects and implement
plans of action on renewable energy
4. To highlight the importance of innovation in the generation of technologies and in the promotion
of sustainable development
Last but not least, a further aim of the event will be to document and disseminate the experiences
available today. To this purpose, a book will be produced which features selected papers presented at the
conference. The acceptance of papers is subject to peer-review, and authors are requested to make sure
their manuscripts are of the highest
The scope of the Conference will cover the following areas:
Energy and environment for jobs and regional development, green economy and better
governance, financial and regulatory mechanisms, trends and predictions, models and tools;
Energy policy, climate change mitigation, renewable energy support schemes, energy efficiency,
employment generating, agriculture and forestry, financial mechanisms;
Environmental policy, waste management, wastewater management, climate change, air pollution
policy, water pollution policy, land management, biomass management, social aspects, emission
Agricultural policy, energy use in agriculture and food processing, food vs. biofuels,
sustainability of biofuels production, sustainability of food subsidies, new green revolution, Rural
and development agriculture;
Environment management systems integrated management systems and quality management
Sustainable tourism, energy systems, environment systems, green hotels;
Regional planning and cooperation, obligations and standards, regional cooperation and
networking, sustainable development across international borders;
Research, innovation and development, demand side funding, supply side funding, researchers
mobility, industry-academia partnership, knowledge based society,
Education in Sustainable Development , Governance, Environmental Awareness, Higher
Education in sustainable development, Engineering Education in Sustainable development
Renewable energy resources, forest and agricultural biomass, biofuels, second generation
biofuels, biogas, hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, wave and ocean, technical and economic
potentials, barriers, cost and benefits;
Food and agriculture (energy and water use, environmental impact, financial mechanisms,
subsidies, free trade, impact of biofuels, new green revolution, R&D, GMO, biogas, using
renewables in agriculture, solar and wind energy in agriculture)
Energy efficiency in industry and mining (cement and lime, construction material, glass, food
industry, metallurgy, chemical industry, process optimization, etc.
Organizing Institutions
Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Agriculture and Environement, Department of
Agrienvironementala and Ecology
Green Partnerships Project
Manza Municipality
ANTEA Cement Sh.A
Scientific Committee:
Fatbardh Sallaku, Prof.Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana, (Head of the Scientific Committee
Ardian Maci, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Seit Shallari, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Sergio Andreis, Director – Kyoto Club, Italy
Piero Pelizzaro, Head of the International Cooperation Unit at Kyoto Club, Italy
Veronika Valentar, Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia;
Urška Dolinar, Alianta, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Stanka Klemenčič, KGZS-Zavod Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Theocharis Tsoutsos, Associate Professor, Director of the Graduate Programmeof the
Environmental Engineering School, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Stavroula Tournaki, Chemical Engineer, MSc, Environmental Engineering School,Technical
University of Crete, Greece
Ilir Kristo, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Besnik Gjongecaj, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Sulejman Sulce, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Fran Gjoka, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Ferdi Brahushi, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Aida Bani, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Tatjana Dishinca, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Uran Abazi, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana Albert
Kopali, Prof. Ass, Agricultural University of Tirana Jamarber
Malltezi, Prof.Ass.Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana Adrian
Doko, Lecturer, Agricultural University of Tirana
Jolia Korita, Lecturer, Agricultural University of Tirana
Liri Miho, Lecturer, Agricultural University of Tirana
Etleva Jojic, Prof. Ass. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Valdete Vorpsi, Prof. Dr, Agricultural University of Tirana
Parashqevi Rrapo, Prof. Dr. Agricultural University of Tirana
Enkelejda Emiri, Prof. Dr. Agricultural University of Tirana
Organizing Committee
Fatbardh Sallaku, Prof.Dr Agricultural University of Tirana
Seit Shallari, Prof. Dr. Agricultural University of Tirana
Ardian Maci, Prof.Dr. Agricultural University of Tirana
Elison Rrota, Msc, Agricultural University of Tirana
Irena Duka, Msc, Agricultural University of Tirana
Edlira Sadiku, Msc. Agricultural University of Tirana
Conference Structure
The structure of the Conference will consist of presentations and poster divided into different themes and
dealing with issues of strategic value in reviewing the state of policy, legislation, technology transfer for
renewable generation, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Authors Guide
How to Submit an Abstract/ Instructions to Authors
The Green Energie and Environmental Science in Albania (GEESA is a forum designed to present the
technological enhancements and results of research in the field of sustainability, energy and renewable
applications. The GEESA International Conference will unite researchers in renewable energy and
sustainability from all Albania and region.
Researchers are invited to submit an abstract on the issues within the scope of the conference. An abstract
should be no more than 250 words in length, and should contain the title of the paper, the author(s)
name(s), institution, rationale and aims of the paper, keywords (up to five) and some of its results.
General descriptions of broader contexts should be avoided. Full contact details need to be provided
(author's address, affiliation and email address). All abstrasct should be addressed to the following e-mail
address: Mr. Elison Rrota: Author(s) whose abstracts have been accepted, will
receive further details about how to submit their full papers.
Researchers are encouraged to present results of their work in the specified topics. Deadline for the full
paper submission is 30th of October, 2014. All submissions will be double blind peer reviewed by two
members of the scientific committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings. Abstract_Template (We strongly advise you to work on this template).
Submission Info
Submissions should be made electronically via email to: They should be
provided in PDF or DOC/DOCX (MS/Open Word) format. All papers should describe original results
that have not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions must conform to the
format and should not exceed 6 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions
not conforming to the accepted format or exceeding 6 pages will be rejected. Authors are strongly
recommended to submit a preliminary abstract in order to get a confirmation of conformance of the article
with the topics of the conference. It is recommended to include in the abstract and full paper submission
at least three keywords characterizing the paper. For the abstract and full paper template please use the
author's guide. All papers need to be presented at the conference sessions in order to be included at the
conference proceedings.
Accepted papers will be presented at the Conference and published in the online and printed conference
The registration fee:
5000 leke /article,
No extra payment for co-authors
Registration fee includes:
Access to all conference events (sessions, keynote speeches, etc.)
A copy of the Conference Proceedings
Registration and conditions of participation
Registration is now open and authors may register until 15 November 2014. As the time for presentations
is limited, participants are advised to register as soon as possible. For those merely wishing to attend the
conference, however, the registration period will remain open until 25 November 2014. The organisers
will notify any interested delegates or organisation should there be any time restrictions for presentations.
Registered delegates will then receive further information on the preparations for the event. The decision
as to which papers will be accepted for presentation will be taken by the International Scientific
Committee, upon consultation with the organising committee. Participants registering for the event do so
under the condition that they will cover their own travel, accommodation and any incidental costs related
to their trip to Albania. The organisers are unable to pay any travel or accommodation costs of any kind.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 October 2014
Deadline for submission of papers: 5 November 2014
Deadline for registrations for authors: 15 November 2014
Deadline for registrations for participants: 25 November 2014
The Conference will be held from 1-2 December 2014. The schedule is as follows:
Conference Hall: Silvanio Pedrolio
Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Kamez, Tirana