October 31 Club Meeting Student of the Month


October 31 Club Meeting Student of the Month
Next Meeting: November 7, 2014
Opener: Ned Hickok
Program: Patti Russo - Women's Campaign
School at Yale University
Greeters: Meehan, Phillips, Flug
Place: Bobby Q’s
November 7, 2014 / Volume 25, No. 19
Sunrise Rotary Club of Westport ● P.O. Box 43 ● Westport, CT 06881-0043 ● www.westportsunriserotary.com
She joined the Key Club, looking for
October 31 Club Meeting
Student of the Month
opportunity and found programs
at Westport’s Y, helping in blood
drives and similar hands on events.
But she sought something more, a
opportunity to help children like her
“malnutrition is a global issue from
which a child dies every five
The next year she set up a booth at
Club Rush for her own club - Staples
Student of the Month Committee coSave The Children. Using Dunkin’
chairs Joe Hawley and Yvonne
Donuts goodies as a lure, she
Senturia with honoree Jessica Shaw
attracted a half dozen fellow students.
Sunrise Rotary regularly recognizes
Shaw made the group active,
Nora Jinishian gave the good, the bad
a Student of the Month and so hears
including a trip to Washington with
and the ugly about daylight savings time
Save The Children staff, where they
candidates. This month the club
met with Vice President Joe Biden
recognized a social entrepreneur,
and seven senators to advocate for
Jessica Shaw, Student of the Month
who knew how she wanted to make a
children’s rights.
Sandra Koo, Jessica’s mom
difference, didn’t see a club with the
She also organized an annual
Karen Kleine, guest of Mark Mathias
same focus, so she started her own Malnutrition
Awareness event, got
Annmarie Massie, guest of Helen Garten
with remarkable success.
involved, raised $4,700
Indy Goldberg, guest of Helen Garten
The student is Jessica Shaw, a
from local businesses, and made it
Phil Sharlach, Guest of June Getraer
senior looking toward studying
“one of the most successful” student
Jennifer Clarke guest of Nick Clarke
International Relations next year. Ms.
supported fundraisers. She hopes it
Shaw introduced herself to the group
“becomes an annual event at Staples.”
Visiting Rotarians
of over 50 Rotarians by saying that
These activities, along with “raising
Jim Lang, Trumbull Rotary, Speaker
she has “traveled to over 40
awareness and marketing, grew the
Arisleyda Riehl, Stamford Rotary
countries, and lived on three
club to over 200 members in the first
continents.” And she speaks Chinese
and Spanish.
As though that weren’t enough, Ms.
Living in Nicaragua, she said she
Shaw tutors at the Carver Center in
saw extreme poverty - and quickly
came to understand that “a girl my
accomplished painter.
age in Nicaragua similar to me who
In accepting a gift card for Barnes &
lived in slums didn’t have much of a
Noble, she thanked the club for the
future - or even food on her table.”
honor, saying “it’s an honor to be
She has a brother and sister who
here.” A shared honor.
were adopted there, who both suffer
the lingering effects of the endemic
The Westport Sunrise Rotary Club
poverty that wracks that nation. Her
7:30AM every
seven-year old brother, she said, still
Morning at Bobby Q’s Restaurant,
suffers the residual of severe
42 Main Street in Westport.
malnutrition, though he’s been a
Meetings are open to all Rotarians
Jim Lang from the Trumbull Rotary
member of the family since infancy.
and their guests.
Club and 7980 PDR spoke to the Club
As a freshman Shaw “assumed
Follow us on twitter: @WSRotary
on what the Rotary Foundation does
there wasn’t much you could do to
and how Rotarians can contribute
make a difference.”
District 7980 Governor: Mukund Nori • Club President: Dennis Wong
Patti Russo of the Women's
Campaign School at Yale
University speaks at WSR on
November 7th
Speaking at Sunrise on November
7 will be Patti Russo, who is the
Executive Director of the Women's
Campaign School at Yale University.
WCS is a non-partisan, issue
neutral leadership program, whose
mission is to increase the number
and influence of women in elected
and appointed office in the United
States and around the globe. This
year the Women's Campaign School
at Yale University celebrates twenty
years of inspiring and training women
to lead.
As President of WCS, Patti leads all
of its fund raising efforts to support
the program. She speaks extensively
both at the national and international
levels to a variety of groups and
organizations interested in learning
more about women in leadership and
most specifically about our program.
The Women's Campaign School at
Yale enjoys a panoply of connections
with groups to help further its mission.
Association of University Women,
Political Parity, and national and state
Democrat and Republican parties.
Nick Notes
By Nick Clarke
Somebody complained
about my cartoon (or
drawing, as he called it)
and said that I should,
for better or worse, stick
to writing. As I am going
to England, as you
know, on Tuesday, I'd better get this
in early.
I should call this particular column
'Rambling with Clarke' It's late and I
am knackered. That is, 'exhausted'.
Knackered is an English expression
and refers to horses who are sold at
the end of their useful life. Who'd
want to be a horse? Anyway I have
been rushing around all weekend
signing contracts for enormous
amounts of money to secure
accommodations for my daughter
Jennifer and I. Although we are not
putting the old wigwam up for sale
until next Spring, the hired help want
us out so that they can scrape off the
years of grime and malodorous living.
I am about to move into a condo in
East Norwalk with a stunning view of
the river. But you knew that, didn't
you? It was in the TImes yesterday.
And I say to meself, “boy, how things
have changed.” If had a view of
anything when I was young, it was
the sewer. My friends and I were
constantly moving from flat to flat
(apartment to apartment in the USA).
Sometimes we lived in the basement.
Sometimes in the attic. It didn't seem
to matter, as we spent so much time
in the pub. Ah, youth. Of course, the
fellows who rose to the top towed the
line, studied hard every night, didn't
go to the pub and where are they
now? I don't know. I know where I am
and I did go to the pub on most
nights. I wouldn't trade it but if I had
studied a bit harder instead of going
to the pub, I might be as rich as
Charlie or Eric by now. Still, it was fun
and isn't that what being young is all
about? We were a bit deprived,
though. No cars, no internet, no cell
phones, no girls. By the time we had
all that, we had no hair and
sometimes no teeth. That's not fair, is
it? I'd complain, but who can I
complain to? Besides, it's too late
now. And I do have a nice kayak and
a new pad overlooking Norwalk
Harbor. And I'm going to England for
two weeks on Tuesday. By horse I'm
so broke. And of course, I had my
lovely wife Mary for at least thirtyeight years. We traveled the world,
drank in pubs, rode bicycles around
New York, lived in tiny apartments.
Mary confided to her Mother that she
knew my love was true because I
bought her a bicycle. And I must
admit, I didn't buy my girl friends
bicycles very often. Earrings, yes but
seldom bicycles. By now you are
probably getting a bit tired of this
ramble. Well, you can stop reading
right now and then you won't have to
put up with it. Go and read Roy's
notes. He writes important stuff about
Sometimes that can get a bit boring
too. He should liven it up a bit. Make
up stories. Like "George the architect
arrested when building collapses."
Dennis Wong deported to Hawaii.
Nick Clarke accused of... Well, you
get the idea. We'd sell a lot more
Criers, don't you think?
A letter of appreciation
Dear President Dennis Wong
Hope my email find you well and fine,
first of all I would like to introduce
myself to you , my name is Mostafa
Bekheit From Cairo, Egypt , past Rotaract
member of Rotaract Club Of New Cairo
Egypt D 2451 and current member of
Rotary E-Club Of New England USA D
7930 . I work as Data Specialist at IBM
I am sending you that email to THANK
you for giving me the chance and
sponsoring me to attend ARYLA program
for this year, by the time I gave up hope
to be sponsored by any Rotary club back
in Egypt, you gave me your hands and
gave me the chance and the opportunity
to benefit for such amazing program that
I did enjoy and it did changed and
affected me in a direct way. Please hope
I can take few minutes from your time
and tell you how much ARYLA program
made a change in my life.
First I will start with sharing Rotary
Project and to know what does Rotary to
for community, as having “Homes for
Heroes” project and some of the
Rotarians who did share their stories of
how that project started and what was
the inspiration behind it. Getting to be
introduced to ARYLA participant and see
who is sharing the same passion and
dreams, that put is a MIC groups and feel
that I am not alone in. Walking through
the culture walk was defiantly a very
daring step for me to take, to be able to
stand up and share with people too
much personal things that giving me the
courage and break all the bounders and
feel there is nothing I need to be shy
from in that room that is who I am and I
feel that is my family.
Building up our professional life with
The Crier – November 7, 2014 - Page 2 of 4
how to achieve our goals by building up
SMART goals, and how to scale those
goals to be able to achieve them, also
working on how to do self promotion
“elevator pitch” that was very import
part that I did make use of it very well.
Adding to that series some Interview tips
and how to take care of every little detail
that can help to get a job like how to get
dressed, my attitude while waiting and
inside the interview , following up with
the recruiter, How to write a Resume
and cover letter. The most interesting
part that by the time I was in ARYLA I did
not have a job and I was job hunting and
as I get back home in Egypt I started my
job hunt journey and in every step while
getting my new job I was taking
advantage of all that learning that I had
in ARYLA and I did apply it one by one
and at the end it did pay off by getting a
new job now that I started early
September. So that was a very live
example of how ARYLA did have a direct
impact on me.
For the Modern Issue Challenge, I
Believe that was one of a kind Practice to
apply and go through in real life. From
my own experience throughout my
service in Rotaract and trying to attract
sponsorship and get companies to share
and participate in our service project
that has a very important cause we had a
very huge gap in how to get them
attracted and to believe in our aim or
convenes them that if they joined or
funded that project how much it will be
beneficial. In such away to have a live
experience to apply that practice in
personal through ARYLA was so much
important for me apply all knowledge
that I had from all the guest speakers
who came and giving us the main keys of
how to apply that knowledge, adding to
that ARYLA staff and facilitators who was
supporting us through our journey to get
to reach out for our goal, I cannot say
that Thank you will be enough for that. I
am looking forward to make use of that
knowledge and apply it through my
service in Rotary and also to spread it
out for other people who can make a
good use of it.
In ARYLA I felt like I have an amazing
family that I am so much attached to
them, a family that I value so much as
everyone from the participant, staff and
facilitators had a great impact in my life
and I was able to learn something new
that really changed my life for better, all
the team building actives, and family
debrief was so much important and fun
at the same time. Very one did break out
from his/her confront zone and we all
acting as one unit one family, I wished if
we could have more time to get to know
each other more not only my family but
other families as well and I think that is
my only comment for ARYLA giving a
good chance for the participants to know
each other well, will make a very huge
difference while their interaction during
the actives.
At the end I want to thank everyone
from ARYLA Staff and facilitators and for
really that RYLA was not going to be that
much beneficial without their amazing
effort that they put and welling to give
more, no matter who is older or who is
younger I felt that we all a great family
that complete each other. I want also to
say that I would like to offer some of my
time to service for the 2015 ARYLA even
for planning or participating as
facilitator, I cannot be away from ARYLA
amazing family and also giving back to
the program and keep more people to
come and have a chance to benefit for
that amazing program. I have done a
small presentation about ARYLA in 2
Rotaracat clubs here in Egypt still iam
working to improve my Presentation ppt
that i will email you the final version of it
by end of week.Thank you again for
giving me that amazing chance to be part
in ARYLA Program.
Best Regards
Mostafa Bekheit
Member of
Rotary E-Club of New England
RI D 7930
Photo Gallery
George Masumian, Ted Freedman,
John Canning and Anne Beers receive
Paul Harris awards from Tom Lowrie
for reaching $1,000 in contributions to
the R.I. Foundation
Frankie Smith gets into the Halloween
spirit at the 10/31 WSR meeting (Photo
by Paul Lenihan)
Harrison Hathaway, Nicole Mathias,
Justin Philips, Jimmy and Ray Stagg
at RYLA event on 10-31 (Photo by Mark
Club Announcements
Mark Mathias - November 14
Ira Bloom - November 18
John Hendrickson - November 19
Jeff Mayer - November 26
Roy Fuchs - November 27
Mia Wiggers – November 30
► Dennis Wong: the Membership
Committee and the Board of Directors
have approved the application for
membership to the Club by Karen
Kleine. If anyone has any concerns or
questions, please contact Ron Holtz.
Submit Club Announcements &
Happy Hollers to:
The Crier – November 7, 2014 - Page 3 of 4
Club Meeting Schedule
Sunrise Rotary Club members serve as
greeters and deliver the openers at the
Club meetings on a rotating basis. If a
member is unavailable on the assigned
date, it is essential that he or she find a
replacement and submit the name to:
November: Meehan, Phillips, Flug
December: Adams, Jaffe, Keenan
January: A. Smith, Kirby, Horne
February: Rossi, Galan, Cady
Meeting Openers
November 14: Jennifer Tooker
November 21: Paul Lenihan
November 28: No Meeting
December 5 George Sichel
December 12: Yvonne Senturia
December 19: John Canning
December 26: No Meeting
January 2: No Meeting
January 9: Janis Collins
January 16: Steve Cowherd
January 23: Eric Zielinski
January 30: Jane Ross
Jan 5 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Feb 2 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Mar 2 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Apr 6 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
May 4 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Jun 1 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Jun 6 Sat – Tue Jun 9 - Rotary
International Convention in São Paulo,
WSR Board of Directors
President: Dennis Wong
President Elect: Jeff Cohen
Past President: Bob Galan
Secretary: Rick Jaffe
Treasurer: Jeff Cohen
Sgt. at Arms: Roy Fuchs
Member at Large: Charles Adams
Member at Large: Mildred Bunche
Member at Large: Helen Garten
Member at Large: Ron Holtz
Member at Large: Sheila Keenan
Member at Large: Justin Phillips
Member at Large: Mario SaCouto
Member at Large: Elizabeth Wong
Member at Large: Nora Jinishian
November 14: Marshall Mayer Young Pioneer Disaster Response
November 21: Jim Marpe – State of
the Town
December 5: Harold Levine Neighborhood Studios, Bridgeport
December 12: Vincent & Nancy Westport Library
December 19: Mat Gibson –
Kurdistan, The Moving Piece in the
ISIS Puzzle
Gillespie Center Schedule
On the first Saturday of each month, two
Rotarians are assigned to deliver and
serve meals to the homeless at the
Gillespie Center. Please contact Mildred
Bunche mildred_d_bunche@sbcglobal.net
December 6: Garten & FuchsLuscombe
Club Calendar
Are you a committee chair scheduling a
meeting or an organizer of a Club or
Rotary event? Please submit the info for
the Club Calendar to:
Dec 1 Mon - Board of Directors meeting
at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower
Room, 5:30-7:00pm
Dec 6 Sat – Rotarians serving meals at
the Gillespie Center, 4:45-5:45pm
Hal Levy
Roy Fuchs
Nick Clarke
-----------------------------------------Crier Deadlines:
The deadline for all input for The Crier is
Noon on Tuesday for that week’s edition
and must be supplied by web form to
the editor.
The Crier – November 7, 2014 - Page 4 of 4