David Fern´ andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ


David Fern´ andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
David Fern´
Curriculum Vitæ
Bergstrasse 103 - Bk 53, 8032
urich – Switzerland
Webpage: geodavidfernandez.com
Email: geo.david.fernandez@gmail.com
Giovanni Bertotti [g.bertotti@tudelft.nl]
Sierd Cloetingh [sierd.cloetingh@uu.nl]
Sean Willett [swillett@erdw.ethz.ch]
Research Interest
Presently, my research focuses on the study of vertical motions of the Earth’s surface and
how they link to their geodynamic drivers. I study deformation structures and
sedimentation patterns as archives recording the evolution of the transitional areas of the
basin-orogen coupled system. Quantifying lateral and vertical motions through time in
these areas is critical for assessing both crustal and deep-seated deformation leading to
topography and basin development. I use a multidisciplinary approach including field
geology, basin analysis, structural techniques and kinematic and geodynamic modelling.
Academic Education
Ph.D. Candidate
Tectonic Department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Thesis: “Evolution of Orogenic Plateaus at Subduction Margins: Sinking and raising
the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau”
Advisor: Giovanni Bertotti
Licentiate (B.Sc.+M.Sc.)
Earth Sciences at Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias (Spain)
Thesis: “Late Jurassic−Early Cretaceous horizontal tectonics drives the Jbel Amsittene
anticline, in the Haha Basin, Morocco”
Advisor: Giovanni Bertotti
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Professional Appointments
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher: Earth Surface Dynamics, Geological Institute, ETH Z¨
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher: Earth Sciences Department, Faculty of Geosciences,
Universiteit Utrecht
Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher: Animal Perception of Seismic and Non-Seismic Earthquake
Phenomena, funded by Red Bull Media House
Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant: Vertical Anatolian Movement Project, TopoEurope-EUROCORES,
funded by the European Science Foundation (E.S.F.).
Teaching Assistant: Tectonic Department, Faculty of Earth & Life Sciences, Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam
Invited Talks
2014 “Neogene vertical motions in north Cyprus and south Turkey”. Division of Earth
Sciences and Geography RWTH Aachen University (4th September).
2012 “Tectonic evolution of the Central Anatolia Plateau and the northeast
Mediterranean during post-Eocene times”. ETH Geological Institute Z¨
urich (12th July).
Refereed Journal Articles
andez−Blanco, D., Bertotti G. and C
¸ iner A., 2013. Cenozoic tectonics of the
Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central Anatolia Plateau, Turkey), in “Vertical Anatolia Movements
since Miocene”. C
¸ iner, A., Strecker, M. & Bertotti, G. (Eds.), Turkish Journal of Earth
E., Rojay, B., C
¸ iner, A., Dirik, K., Melnick, D., Fern´
andez−Blanco, D.,
Bertotti, G., Schildgen, T., Garcin, Y., Strecker, M., and Sudo, M., 2013.
Plio-Quaternary Extensional Tectonics of the Central Anatolian Plateau: A case study
from the Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin, Turkey, in “Vertical Anatolia Movements since Miocene”.
¸ iner, A., Strecker, M. & Bertotti, G. (Eds.), Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences.
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Manuscripts In Preparation
andez−Blanco D., Bertotti G., Aksu A., Hall J. and Pepe F. (in prep.). Joining
the pieces of the Central Anatolia Plateau south margin: Neogene kinematics of the Mut
and Outer Cilicia basins.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti G. (in prep.). Vertical tectonics in the Miocene
marginal basins of South Turkey.
andez−Blanco D., Cassola T., Bertotti G. and Willett S. (in prep.). Thermally
activated uplift in south Turkey.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti G. (in prep.). Regional source-to-sink and
structural patterns of the Central Anatolian Plateau.
andez−Blanco D., Klaver J., Brautigam K. and Gouiza M. (in prep.). NW
Africa post-rift tectonics: fieldwork constraints from an unfitting anticline.
andez−Blanco D. and Philippon M. (in prep.). Structure and kinematics of the
Great Sumatran Fault in North Sumatra (Indonesia).
Awards & Grants
2012 Best poster award (2nd prize) - Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres ’11
“A 3D tectonic model for the Miocene evolution of the Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central
Anatolia, Turkey) based on depth-coverted seismic lines” in poster session. NAC’11
Abstract-ID 154 pp. 4, 2012.
2011 Best talk award - Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics 2011 “3D
geologic model for the Cenozoic evolution of the Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central Anatolia,
Turkey) based on seismo-tectonic analysis” on Earth Surface Processes and Tectonics,
in DRT 2011 Meeting Abstract Volume, pp.47, 2011.
2012 ESF funding TOPO-EUROPE Networking Activity (e 19.500) - Second
Topo-Europe Young Researchers Workshop on “Creation of collaborative
cross-disciplinary proposals”. Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
2012 Ph.D. Student University Exchange Grant - LifeLong Learning E.R.A.S.M.U.S.
exchange program for Doctorate students. ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
2012 ESF funding TOPO-EUROPE Networking Activity (e 9.500) - First
Topo-Europe Young Researchers Workshop on “Future and state-of-the-art of the
Geosciences: the young voice”. Comenius University, Slovakia.
2007 M.Sc. Student University Exchange Grant - LifeLong Learning E.R.A.S.M.U.S.
exchange program for M.Sc. students. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Conference Abstracts
2014 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition.
Bertotti, G. and Fern´andez−Blanco D. (2014), The Regional Geology of the South
Turkey−North Cyprus Domain: New Perspectives and Consequences for Hydrocarbon
Plays in “Tethys Evolution I”.
2014 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.
andez−Blanco D., Bertotti, G., Cassola, T. and Willett, S. (2014), Building
topography in Cyprus and south Turkey: geological constraints and geodynamic models
in GD1.2/SM6.1/SSP3.2.1/TS6.6 “Lithosphere dynamics, intraplate deformation, and
sedimentary basins - in memory of P. Ziegler”. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.
16, EGU2014-5728.
andez−Blanco D. and Philippon, M. (2014), The Great Sumatran Fault
Strike-slip Syntaxes in North Sumatra: New Insights From DEM and Fieldwork Data
Analyses in TS1.2/GD7.9 “Transpressional/Transtensional deformation at oblique
tectonic settings”. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-6092.
2013 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.
andez−Blanco D., Bertotti, G. and Willett, S. (2013), Tectonics of the Central
Anatolia Plateau between the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean in TS4.8/GM3.8
“TOPOEUROPE: Coupled deep earth - surface processes, and their role in shaping
Europe’s topography”. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-10306.
andez−Blanco D., Bertotti, G., Cassola, T. and Willett, S. (2013),
Thermo-rheological mechanism for forearc high uplift at accretionary margins:
Explaining the uplift of southern Turkey in TS4.8/GM3.8 “TOPOEUROPE: Coupled
deep earth - surface processes, and their role in shaping Europe’s topography”.
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-11575.
2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.
andez−Blanco D., Bertotti, G., Cassola, T. and Willett, S. (2012), Neogene
Vertical Tectonics of the South Margin of the Central Anatolia Plateau in Relation to
Cyprus Arc Subduction in “T33B: Links Between Tectonics, Climate, Erosion, and
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Sedimentation in Orogenic Plateaus and Marginal Basins”. AGU Fall Abstracts,
T33B-2663. [poster pdf]
2012 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. (2012), Miocene to present kinematics in
Cilicia Basin, the link between the Central Anatolia Plateau and the Kyrenia Range in
TS4.4/G6.1/GD3.8/GM3.3 “TOPOEUROPE: Coupled deep earth - surface processes,
and their role in shaping Europe’s topography”. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.
14, EGU2012-11786.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. and Attila C
¸ . (2012), Miocene tectonic
motions in the Central Anatolia Plateau interior: a seismo-structural study in the Tuz
u Basin in TS4.4/G6.1/GD3.8/GM3.3 “TOPOEUROPE: Coupled deep earth surface processes, and their role in shaping Europe’s topography”. Geophysical
Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-12244. [poster pdf]
2012 Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres ’11.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. (2012), Tectonic evolution and source-to-sink
patterns in center-south Turkey during the growth of the Central Anatolia Plateau in
“Solid Earth II”. NAC’11 Abstract-ID 67 pp. 4.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti G. (2012), A 3D tectonic model for the Miocene
evolution of the Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey) based on depth-coverted
seismic lines in poster session. NAC’11 Abstract-ID 154 pp. 4. [poster pdf] Awarded!
2011 Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics 2011.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. (2011) 3D geologic model for the Cenozoic
evolution of the Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey) based on seismo-tectonic
analysis on “Earth Surface Processes and Tectonics”. DRT 2011 Meeting Abstract
Volume, pp.47. Awarded!
2010 7th International Symposium on the East Mediterranean Geology.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. C
¸ iner, A. & Pepe, F.(2010), Anatolian
Plateau south margin: Tectonic inferences for the Miocene to present evolution in
“Tectonics and neotectonics”. ISEMG ’10 Abstract Book, pp.20.
2010 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. (2010), Inferences for the Miocene to present
evolution of the Anatolia Plateau south margin in TS4.2/GM5.7 “Topography
Evolution of Europe: Uplift, Subsidence and Sea Level Change (Topo-Europe)”.
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 12, EGU2010-8075.
2009 Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology Annual Symposium.
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
andez−Blanco D. and Bertotti, G. (2009), Vertical movements in the Central
Anatolian Plateau margins: South margin - Manavgat Basin
Other Publications
2012 Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology Annual Report 2011.
Fern´andez-Blanco, D. & Bertotti, G. Neogene vertical and horizontal tectonics in the
Tuz G¨ol¨
u Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
2012 Geo.Brief May 2012.
Fern´andez-Blanco, D. “Orogenic plateaux research: A case study in the Central
Anatolian Plateau, Turkey”
Fieldwork Experience
2014 [1 week]
Crete Island, S Greece
Neotectonics & geomorphology investigation.
2013 [4 weeks]
Great Sumatran Fault & Aceh Basin, N Sumatra
Active structures and stress investigation.
2012 [2 weeks]
External Betics, SE Spain
Structural fieldwork and mapping.
2011 [2 weeks]
East Iberian System, NE Spain
Structural and stratigraphic fieldwork.
2010−2011 [7 weeks]
Taurus Mountains, S Turkey
Tectono-sedimentological & regional structural geology investigation.
2009 [3 weeks]
Pontides Mountains, N Turkey
Tectono-sedimentological & regional structural geology investigation.
2008 [5 weeks]
External High Atlas, NW Morocco
Detailed structural geology investigation.
2000−2007 [13 weeks]
Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain
General geology field camps of University of Oviedo
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
Mapping and structure recognition fieldwork
May 2012
Palæozoic and Mesozoic rocks at the External Betics (1st year B.Sc. VU Amsterdam).
Structural and stratigraphic fieldwork
June 2011
Palæozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Iberian System (2nd year B.Sc. VU Amsterdam).
Faults and palæostress analysis: theory and practice
Oct 2009 − 2011
Lectures and practicum in Structural Geology II (3rd year B.Sc. VU Amsterdam).
Professional Service
Leadership of Professional Organizations
2011− Leader, co-founder and principal organiser of the BRIDGe Network - Basic
Research Integrating Disciplines in Geosciences (Formerly known as YTE - TopoEurope
Young Researcher Network).
2006−2008 Co-founder and co-organiser of GEODA - Ge´ologos Estudiantes
Organizados de Asturias.
Workshops Organized
2012 Principal organizer of the Second Topo-Europe Young Researchers Workshop on
“Creation of collaborative cross-disciplinary proposals”. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2012 Principal organizer of the First Topo-Europe Young Researchers Workshop on
“Future and state-of-the-art of the Geosciences: the young voice”. Bratislava, Slovakia.
2009 Principal organizer of the Vertical Anatolian Movement Project (V.A.M.P.)
Workshop on “Evolution of the south Turkey offshore and implication for the Central
Anatolian Plateau”. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
International Activities & Mobility
2012 [3 months]
Guest scientist
Earth Surface Dynamics Group, ETH Z¨
urich Geological Institute
2010 [1 month]
Visiting scientist
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
2008−2009 [9 months]
Exchange M.Sc. student
Geosciences of Basins and Lithosphere, Tectonics and Structural Geology, Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam
Community Involvement/Outreach
2014 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.
Co-chair and Judge of the Outstanding Student Poster, in TS1.2/GD7.9
“Transpressional/Transtensional deformation at oblique tectonic settings”.
Workshops and Summer Schools Attended
2013 “9th Topo-Europe Workshop”, Certosa di Pontignano, Italy [24h.]
2012 “2nd Topo-Europe Young Researcher Workshop”, Utretch, The Netherlands [16h.]
2012 “1st Topo-Europe Young Researcher Workshop”, Bratislava, Slovakia [16h.]
2011 “7th Topo-Europe Workshop”, Davos, Switzerland [32h.]
2010 “Third VAMP Workshop: State-of-the-art knowledge of the Central Anatolian
Plateau”, Bratislava, Slovakia [16h.]
2010 “Summer School and Workshop on Modelling Surface Processes on Geological
Timescales”, Davos, Switzerland [40h.]
2009 “Second VAMP Workshop: Evolution of the south Turkey offshore and
implication for Central Anatolian Plateau”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [16h.]
Postgraduate (Ph.D.) Courses Attended
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Nederlands.
2011 “Oral Presentation Skills” [16 h.] by Marieke de Boer (owner of HRD
Trainer/Coach/Management Consultants).
2010 “Win-Tensor package for palæostress analysis” [4 h.], by Damien Delvaux (Royal
Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium).
2010 “Academic Writing” [21 h.] by Catriona O’Daly (Vrije Univesiteit Amsterdam)
2010 “GeoSuite software” [16 h.] by Fabrizio Pepe (Universit`a degli Studi di Palermo).
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
2009 “Integrated Studies of Crustal Evolution: A Global Perspective” [24 h.] by Walter
D. Mooney (U.S. Geological Survey).
2009 “The Eastern Alps, Carpathians, Dinarides, Hellenides and beyond” [32 h.] by
Stefan Schmid (University of Basel).
Delft University of Technology, The Nederlands.
2011 “Problem-solving & Decision-making” [8 h.] by Carlos Coimbra Cardoso and
Petra Badke-Schaub (Delft University of Technology)
2011 “Leadership, Teamwork and Group Dynamics” [8 h.] by Carlos Coimbra Cardoso
and Ana Silva Pereira Da Luz (Delft University of Technology)
2011 “Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills” [16 h.] by Johan den Hartog (Delft
University of Technology)
2011 “Think-Tank: Formulating propositions, drawing abstracts, constructing posters”
[5 h.] by Ianus Keller (Researcher/Designer at For Inspiration Only).
2011 “When good research goes bad: avoiding some pitfalls” [5 h.] by David Koepsell
(Delft University of Technology)
2011 “How to take the best of your supervisory team” [12 h.] by Hilma Bleeker and
Sandra de Koning (Delft University of Technology).
2011 “Mindmapping techniques” [5 h.] by Gustaaf Vocking (Trainer/Coach
professional at Haagse Hogeschool).
2011 “Comprehension-maintained speed reading” [5 h.] by Gustaaf Vocking
(Trainer/Coach professional at Haagse Hogeschool).
2011 “Advanced Topics in Seismic Data Processing” [40 h.] by Piet Gerritsma (CTG
-Center for Technical Geoscience-).
2009 “Tibet, the Himalaya and the Development of the Asian Monsoon” [8 h.] by Peter
D. Clift (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
Universiteit Utrecht, The Nederlands.
2009 “Tectonic setting and significance of ophiolites in the Eastern Mediterranean
region” [16 h.] by Alastair H.F. Robertson (University of Edinburgh, Scotland).
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Graduate Extra-Degree Courses Attended
Graduate (M.Sc.) Extra-Degree Courses Attended
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Nederlands.
2008 “Diagenesis of Sedimentary Rocks” [180 h.].
2008 “Reflection Seismics” [180 h.].
Oviedo University (Asturias), Spain.
2007 “‘Ramon Querol’−Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production” [45 h.].
2006 “Global Positioning System (G.P.S.)” [45 h.].
2006 “Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) technology” [45 h.].
Software Experience
Mapping and G.I.S.: ArcGIS 9.3, QGIS, Global Mapper 13, Google Earth Pro.
G.P.S.: GPS Pathfinder Geoexplorer 3C, Garmin, Trimble Juno SB.
Structural, Geotechnics & Geophysics: Midland Valley Move & 2DMove, WinTensor,
Golden Software Surfer 9, AllWorks GeoSuite, Stereonet 8, Dips, FaultFoldForward 6,
Design & Graphics: Adobe Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6, InDesign CS6.
Edition: LATEX 2ε , Microsoft Office 2010/11, OpenOffice.
User: Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac environments.
Spanish: Mother Tongue (Native)
English* : Fluent
Italian: Good−Moderate
Dutch** & French: Moderate−Low
*[2007] TOEFL (103/120), Brooklyn English School TOEFL IBT Center.
**[2009] Absolute Beginner (NT2−L1), VU Amsterdam Language Center.
David Fern´andez-Blanco Curriculum Vitæ
Bertotti, Giovanni, Prof. Dr.
Delft University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Room: 3.13 Stevinweg 1 2628 CN Delft - The Netherlands
Tel. (department): +31 15 278 60 33 Email: g.bertotti@tudelft.nl
Cloetingh, Sierd A.P.L., Prof. Dr.
Utrecht University Gebouw voor Aardwetenschappen
Room Z.001 Budapestlaan 4 3584 CD Utrecht - The Netherlands
Tel. (department): +31 30 253 50 86 sierd.cloetingh@uu.nl
Willett, Sean, Prof. Dr.
urich Geologisches Institut
NO E 33 Sonneggstrasse 5 8092 Zrich - Switzerland
Tel. (department): +41 44 632 69 51 swillett@erdw.ethz.ch
Last updated: November 3, 2014