Document 6593184


Document 6593184
Fall 2014 – Saber Ordering Information Current as of Oct 23, 2014 The saber is a long-­‐standing tradition in both the military and the Corps of Cadets. Cadets generally order their sabers in the fall of their junior year in time to have them prior to the Ring Dance in the spring. Juniors wear and use their saber for the first time at the Ring Dance and will carry them as seniors. [For those that do not order a saber, the Corps maintains a limited number of sabers, donated/loaned by alumni, for their use. These are maintained in the Corps Tailor Shop.] For those who plan to commission, the sword they order is normally that of the service in which they plan to commission (Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force). Those who are in the Citizen-­‐Leader track generally order the Army saber. As you’ll note below, the cadet can have the saber personalized. Cadets are made aware of the ordering process and order them individually, not as a class or group. Those that are interested in purchasing a saber for a cadet as a gift can do so by going directly to the site. IMPORTANT NOTE: The (higher) prices on the slides below reflect the customization that is done for Corps sabers. The prices on Marlow White’s site are base prices without any customization. Below is the information that is provided to the cadet serving as the Saber Representative to their classmates: • The Saber Representative shares ordering information will all interested cadets. The Saber Representative serves as point of contact for coordinating key dates. • All cadets interested in purchasing sabers can contact Marlow White to place orders. Marlow White must have all orders by December 5, 2014 • Saber manufacturing may take up to 90 days with the factory closing for the Christmas holiday. Not getting the orders to Marlow White by 12/5 runs the risk of production delays • Once completed, the manufacturer will send the sabers to Marlow White. We verify each saber, add the appropriate accessories, and ship everything to the cadets •
Points of Contact: Elizabeth ( and Stephen ( are the Marlow White points of contract for all saber questions and orders. We can be reached at 800-­‐255-­‐6136. All sabers and swords are hand-­‐crafted by WKC in Solingen, Germany. WKC is the oldest and most experienced ceremonial sword manufacturer in the world Available ceremonial saber styles: US Army, Navy, Navy Premium, and Air Force. All styles include the custom Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets blade etch Custom blade etches include the following personalized information: Cadet name Graduation year Company Alpha Company
Bravo Company
Charlie Corps
Delta Company
Echo Company
Foxtrot Company
Golf Company
Highty Tighty
Hotel Company
Hotel Forever
India Company
Kilo Battery
Lima Company
Raiders Co
Ut Prosim