Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy (CACPT)


Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy (CACPT)
Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy (CACPT)
October 2014 - E-Newsletter
Welcome to the Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy
In This Issue
Play Therapy Certificate Program 2015
Play Therapy Supervisor Training
Intermediate Puppetry Workshop
2015 Research Award
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CACPT Play Therapy Certificate Program
The CACPT Play Therapy Certificate Program offers unique and intensive
training in the theory and practice of play therapy. Students who
complete the thirty-day program earn 180 hours of continuing education
credits, which is one of the steps needed to become a Certified Child
Psychotherapist & Play Therapist. The program instructors are skilled
play therapists who bring expertise on a wide variety of topics. Courses
are offered in Winnipeg in March and October, Waterloo in May,
Toronto in July and August, St. John's in August.
We have listened to the feedback and we are offering our programs in
different formats this year in order to accommodate all types
of schedules:
Winnipeg, Manitoba: Level II, Wk II March 5-9, Level III, Wk I Oct.
Level II, Week I will be offered this year (2014) from October 16 20. As we continue to offer our very successful Play Therapy
Certificate Program in Winnipeg, our students will continue on in the
program that was started in the fall of 2013. Feel free to register
for individual workshops if you wish to. Location: CanadInn, Polo
Park Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Waterloo, Ontario: LEVEL I: May 7 - 11 and October 22 - 26
This program will be offered from Thursday to Monday giving those
who find it difficult to take time off work for a full two weeks the
option of training over the weekends. Location: WLS Wilfrid
Laurier University.
Toronto, Ontario: Levels I, II & III: July 6 to August 14
A full six weeks of all three levels of the Certificate Program in play
therapy will be offered in Toronto. Location: CPA - PDI offices of
the Telus Building in downtown Toronto. Easy access to public
St. John's, Newfoundland: Level I: August 10 - 21
We are delighted to announce the addition of this new Play Therapy
Certificate Program being held in St. John's next summer! Location:
To be announced.
Registration forms are available on the CACPT website. For access
to more information on each program go to:
APT Approved Provider #: 000 083
CACPT Offers
Play Therapy Supervisor
Two Day Training Program
Potential CACPT Supervisors
November 8 & 9, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Branching Out, 29 Crescent Hill Drive
North, Brampton, ON L6S 1C6
This course will provide trainees with two days (7 hours each) of
Supervisor Training that will focus on effective and ethical clinical
supervision within the Play Therapy field. Trainees will participate in
lecture and activity based learning in Session One.
Given Supervisors also take on a teaching role with supervisees; all
Supervisor trainees will present a fifteen-minute theory review as
part of sharing their Supervisory Portfolio to the total group on Day
Two. Their topic will be delegated based on a chapter in one of the
two identified text-books. This assignment will be delegated one
month before the course begins.
About the Trainer:
Theresa Fraser CYW, M.A., CPT-S
Theresa has been a supervisor of Helping
Professionals since 1983 first in her role as a
Child and Youth Worker in mental health
settings, then as a Supervisor of a Community
Mental Health Program for Adults. She has
supervised Treatment Foster Home Case
Managers and Play Therapy Interns since 2000
as an approved non-certified CACPT Supervisor.
Theresa has attended Supervisor's training in Canada and the UK in
order to gain her Certified Supervisor status with CACPT.
Theresa has taught Supervision workshops for CYW's, Front Line Child
Welfare Supervisors and most recently co-facilitated a Supervision
Workshop in February 2012 at the Michigan Association of Child and
Play Therapy. She currently writes articles about Supervision for the
Ontario Association of Child and Youth Counselors Newsletter.
Training Objectives
1. To be able to distinguish between play therapy supervision and
play therapy consultation
2. To be able to distinguish between various supervision models
used in Play Therapy.
3. To recognize the importance and impact of diversity in play
therapy supervisory relationships and service provision
4. To distinguish between ethical and legal issues that impact
clinical play therapy supervision/consultation
5. To review the required paperwork to practice as a CPT-S.
6. To practice techniques and skills that can be used to develop
effective Play Therapy supervisory relationships via role play
and tape review
APT Approved Provider: #000-083
For More Information on This Workshop Go To:
Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy (CACPT)
Presents a Two Day Workshop
Spring of 2015 Dates TBA
Lakeside Central, 7654 Conservation Road, Guelph, ON
Guelph, Ontario
NB: The October 2014 Program has been postponed to the Spring 2015.
Cheryl Hulburd MSW RSW RPT CPT
Cheryl Hulburd MSW RSW RPT CPT is a
Master's level Social Worker with
Fernie Counselling & Consulting, a
private practice in Fernie, BC. Cheryl
is registered with the British
Columbia College of Social Workers, a
Certified Family Law Mediator from
the Vancouver Legal Education
Society and a Certified and
Registered Play Therapist. Cheryl is a
Director on the Board of the Canadian
Association for Child and Play
Therapy, a member of the British
Columbia Association of Social
Workers, as well as a member of the Association for Play Therapy in the US.
Workshop Overview
CACPT would consider this workshop an Intermediate workshop in PAPT (Puppet
Assisted Play Therapy).
This course is designed for professionals working with children and families and
offers the: what, where, when and why of PAPT (Puppet Assisted Play Therapy). We
will discuss PAPT's benefits, theories, techniques and research. The art of puppetry
will be presented. Ventriloquist basics will be taught such as voice, emotion and
manipulation. Techniques for intervention in the playroom will be shared and
participants will have the opportunity for experiential learning in this course.
After the session, participants will be able to:
1. Know at least 3 benefits of utilizing PAPT and how puppets are used for
2. Compare at least 3 theoretical constructs utilizing PAP
3. Implement at least 5 new techniques to assist with play therapy assessment and
4. Have the awareness and knowledge of culturally sensitive PAP
5. Become familiar with the selection process such as human vs. animals and
various types of puppet characters.
6. Manipulate your puppet in order to provide the illusion of having another
therapist/friend in the playroom.
7. Perform the basics of ventriloquism. The combination of voice, emotion, and
movements of the puppets lips and body makes up the art of ventriloquism-hand
movement etc.
8. Construct at least 3 types of puppets for your playroom
APT Approved Provider: 000-083
Announcing the
CACPT Annual Research Award 2015
Purpose: The mission of the Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy
(CACPT) is to promote the value of play, play therapy and the Certified Play
Therapist designation and certified members in Canada. CACPT recognizes the
value of ongoing research efforts as an important function within the mission of
the Association.
CACPT will award one research grant of $500.00 to a project involving current
research in the area of play and play therapy for 2015. Applications must be
received by CACPT not later than October 31, 2014 and the study or a report of
the study is to be completed and submitted by September. 1, 2015. A decision
regarding grant applications will be made by the Research Committee by
December 15, 2014. For more information please contact:
Elizabeth Sharpe CAE
Executive Director, CACPT
Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers CPT-S
Chair, CACPT Research Committee
Happy Playing!
Elizabeth Sharpe CAE
Executive Director