8 NOVEMBER 2014 SHOW JUMPING Freshmans Sunday 9
8 NOVEMBER 2014 SHOW JUMPING Freshmans Sunday 9
Metro Show Jumping Incorporated Orange Spot Bakery 752 Anzac Highway, Glenelg 8th NOVEMBER 2014 SHOW JUMPING To be run under FEI and EA Rules Freshmans Sunday 9th Please support our sponsors! Splendid Work Landscape & Paving Call Shane Hammond on 0405 900 252 Computer Systems Supported by a Grant from the Smart State PC Donation Program. Suppliers of pre-mixed concrete 55 Galway Avenue Marleston, SA 5033 Tel 08 8292 5950 Fax 08 8292 5995 Ingrid Jelfs 8293 2747 0409 690 889 Fax 8293 2747 Email metro.equestrian.centre@gmail.com Closing date for Entries: Friday 31st October 2014 GROUNDS: CNR WARREN AVE & TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, GLENELG NORTH METRO SHOW JUMPING INC. RULES AND CONDITION OF ENTRY It is a condition of participation that all competitors accept and abide by the conditions listed below GENERAL 1. Under the Airports Act and terms of our lease, it is prohibited to bring any type of alcohol onto the grounds. Any alcohol bought in the canteen, must be consumed in the clubrooms and is not allowed outside. Any breach of this rule will have the alcohol confiscated and may also have a fine imposed. 2. Due to dangers of broken glass to the welfare of horses, we only allow non glass containers on the grounds. 3. I acknowledge and agree that as a condition of participation neither Metro Show Jumping Inc. nor it's committee will be held responsible for any injury or loss to horses, handlers, competitors, spectators or personal property while on the grounds. 4. I acknowledge that Equestrian activities may be dangerous and may cause injuries, disabilities and even death. It may also damage property. 5. Hot Weather policy. (forecast 40o and over) The program will be brought forward an hour, and all classes will become 2 phase competitions. (similar to the old power and speed). ENTRIES. 1. Schedules are correct at the time of publication, but the committee reserve the right to combine, alter, change the article or to cancel any class at their discretion. 2. Entry forms plus the entry fees must be lodged with the Secretary before the closing date. Entries received after the closing date will incur a late fee of $2.00 per horse per class. Riders who have not paid before the class starts will not be allowed to compete. This is an insurance requirement. 3. Entries received without the fees will not be accepted. Entries must be on the formal entry form, and signed to be accepted. Entries may be emailed or posted. 4. When a draw is posted, riders are required to come in that order unless permission is given. 5. Late entries will go on the end of the draw. In the event of a jump off they will go to the top of the draw. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. HC and Schooling horses may take part of the jump off (time permitting) but must inform the judge. All riders and horses in EA Classes must be current members of the Equestrian Australia and carry performance cards. All rider and horse EA numbers must be entered on the entry form. Horses may enter in more than 2 classes per day. Junior Riders may compete in Young Rider and Senior classes provided the horse has a current performance card. A Senior Rider may ride a Junior's horse in a Senior class A competitor who has entered, may substitute a nominated horse they are riding. With permission a rider may ask another rider to ride their horse that is nominated. Horses not nominated with another rider may not be substituted for a horse and rider already entered. Riders must present themselves in correct dress, mounted on their horse to receive ribbons etc. Performance cards must be produced to receive all prize monies. In the event of 4 horses or less entered in a class, the entry fee will be refunded and the riders may choose to ride. There will be no prize money and points will not be awarded. 16. In the event of 7 or less and more that 4 entries there will only be first and second places awarded. 17. In the event of a refund a Vet or Doctors certificate will be required, no later than 1 week after the event. The participant must scratch the horse from the class prior to the start. Then a 75% of the fee will be refunded. 18. All protests must be in writing and lodged within 30 minutes of the end of the class, accompanied by a fee of $20.00. This will be returned if the protest is upheld. The appeals committee decision is final. RIDERS 1. In all classes on official show days riders must walk the course correctly attired, light coloured jodhpurs, riding boots, mainly light coloured shirts, white ties or a ratcatcher, and hat. Sun hat is permissible. 2. If there is a problem with the course when walking, it must be brought to the attention of the judge before the start of the class. 3. Only 3 horses are allowed in the practice area at any time. This is an FEI recommended safety precaution. 4. Competitors may bring food for horses on the grounds but must a. pick up all binder, baling twine, and wire and must be placed in bins provided b. spread manure evenly over the ground. Do not put in bins nor leave in piles and do not put around the trees c. All straw and left over feed must be removed from the grounds. d. Sawdust only is permitted in the stables for bedding. NO STRAW 5. Competitors may stay over night and may camp on the northern side of the grounds (airport side). Stables may be booked, and yards may be erected after the last class of the day. They may not exceed 4 sq. metres. These must be dismantled by 7.30 am to make way for the day competitors. 6. No yards are to be erected on the southern side of the arena, or in front of the stables. 7. Trucks and floats must not park immediately in front of the stables. The exception is if you have booked stables. 8. It is a West Torrens by-law, and an insurance requirement, that all dogs are to be on hand held leashes at all times. Dogs are not permitted on the main arena at any time and anyone breaching this requirement will be asked to leave the premises. All dog droppings MUST be picked up by the owners. 9. When hosing down a horse, this must be done in the designated wash bays only. All manure must be removed by the owner of the horse. A fine will occur if manure is left. Constant offences will see the removal of the bay. Horses are not to be fed in the wash bays. 10. Manure must not be put around the base of trees, nor in bins, but must be spread thinly over the ground. METRO SHOW JUMPING INC. SATURDAY 8th November 2014 Walk course at 8.00 am. First CLASS commences at 8.30a.m. Sharp CLASS 1. ENCOURAGE 80cm Table A. Article 238.2.1 Entry Fee $6.00 Ribbon for a clear round CLASS 2. CLASS 3 CLASS 4 ENCOURAGE 90cm Table A. Article 238.1.1. 1st $20. 2nd $10. 3rd $5. ribbons to 6th place Entry Fee $7.00 HEIGHT JUMPING 100cm Table A. Article 238.2.2 1st $30. 2nd $15. 3rd $10. Ribbons to 6th Entry Fee $8.00 HEIGHT JUMPING 110cm Table A. Article 238.2.2 st nd rd 1 $55. 2 $35. 3 $10. Ribbons to 6 CLASS 5 th HEIGHT JUMPING 120cm Table A. Article 238.2.2 1 $65. 2nd $35. 3rd $20. Ribbons to 6th Entry Fee $10.50 HEIGHT JUMPING 130cm Table A Article 238.2.3 1st $80. 2nd $4 0. 3rd $20. Ribbons to 6th Entry Fee $12.00 st CLASS 6 Entry Fee $9.50 Closing date for entries: Friday 31st October 2014 All entries must state the rider's EA number, the horse's number and PIC number Entries, with fees only to: Metro Show Jumping Inc. P.O. Box 729 Marleston Business Centre SA 5033 Fees may be paid by EFT to Metro Showjumping Inc BSB 105116 Account No 057171240 Please add receipt number on entry form when paid by EFT SUNDAY 9th FRESHMANS STARTING AT 9.AM. 2 RINGS RING A 40CM and up 10cm each height RING B 80CM AND ABOVE (NO LIMIT) Don’t forget it is the last of the Fieldbrook Saddlery Comp. for this year. NAME OF HORSE EA NO $6.00 1 $7.00 2 $8.00 3 $9.50 4 I WILL REQUIRE ______STABLES @ $10 PER DAY PLUS $25.00 DEPOSIT EACH ELECTRICITY PER DAY FEE FOR CAMPING PER DAY SUB TOTAL METRO MEMBER’S DISCOUNT 10% SUBTOTAL FOR EVENTS All deposits will be refunded if the stables are left clean, and must be collected at the end of the Show. DEPOSIT understood the conditions of entry to the Metro Showjumping Grounds and agree to be bound by them I have read and accept the Rules and Regulations and the Disclaimer and confirm that I have 5. Each competitor must fill out and sign their own form. 4. Entries must be signed by the rider(s). UNSIGNED ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. per class late entry fee and will go last on the draw, and first in the jump off. Contact Phone Number _________________________________________ _______________________________________________Post Code ___________ $10.00 $10.00 TOTAL ENTRY FEE Address ___________________________________________________________ Rider's Signature____________________________________Date _____________ GRAND TOTAL Email _________________________________________________________________ 3. Late entries received after the closing date will incur $2.00 per horse 2. Credit Card entries will incur the fees charged by banks (currently 5%) and may include $3.30 authorisation fee 1. Fax or Email entries will only be accepted with credit card details CONDITIONS 6 $10.50 $12.00 5 CLASS NOTE: All riders who are not ESA Members must pay a $10.00 Insurance fee per day and fill in a disclaimer upon arrival RECEIPT NO._______________ BSB: 105 116 Acc No: 057171240 Account Name: Metro Showjumping Inc PAYMENT MAY BE MADE BY CHEQUE OR EFT, TO: PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CODE (PIC) NUMBER___________________ RIDER’S EA MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _________________ __________________ ESSENTIAL OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NAME OF RIDER HORSE