Document 6593310


Document 6593310
Great leaders thrive on
challenge, which is why our
Rising Leadership Program
takes participants beyond their
comfort zone to engage in deep
exploration of leadership.
The program builds strong
connections between
participants who, as graduates
become a part of Leadership
WA’s strong and inspiring
alumni network.
Program starts 27 February
Applications for February 2015
intake are now open.
Rising Leadership Program
February 2015
A unique program that empowers
participants to gain a true insight
into themselves as leaders,
developing their personal style and
inspiring them to become the best
leader they can be.
Our leadership programs inspire and transform leaders from the
corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors, equipping them
to influence and lead in a powerful and authentic way. Leadership
WA is not about jumping through hoops to get marks, it is about real
leadership development that results in growth and realisation of
leadership potential. Our graduates are exemplary leaders in their
organisations and also in the community where they contribute their
skills to build the capacity of others.
This program is for people who are ready to explore who they are as
leaders and discover how they can reach their leadership potential.
Leaders who aspire to take on greater leadership roles and would
like to be equipped with the confidence and skills they need to do
this, are ideal for this unique program.
A: Bankwest Place, 300 Murray Street,
Perth WA 6000
P: +61 8 9369 6777
Rising Leadership Program
As a participant in the program,
you will:
•develop a strong understanding of who you are as a leader
•develop the confidence and skills to negotiate complex leadership challenges
•develop the capacity to coach
and positively influence your
teams to achieve
performance goals
•benefit from the mentorship
of experienced leaders
•learn how to engage
effectively with community,
using your skills to make a
meaningful difference in WA
“This program has
fundamentally and
permanently changed the
way I view myself and
how I impact on everyone
at my organisation”
At Leadership WA we believe that the best way to learn is through
the experience of:
• exploring the real issues of WA first-hand
• discussions with influential leaders, candidly exploring real-life leadership issues
• sharing stories, problems and solutions with peers from a diverse range of sectors.
The program is structured a round a series of carefully designed
leadership experiences. Experiences focus on key leadership
themes which the participants explore through engagement with
experienced leaders, self exploration and dynamically structured
group discussion. Learning is embedded into everyday through
reflective practise. Learning is individual, meaningful and
transferable into all contexts.
Each seminar day includes learnings from key speaker/s and work
on a community project.
Friday 27 & Saturday 28 February
Seminar 1
Thursday 5 March
Seminar 2
Friday 20 March
Seminar 3
Wednesday 1 April
Optional site visit
Tuesday 21 April
Seminar 4
Thursday 30 April
Optional site visit
Monday 4 May
Seminar 5
Wednesday 13 May
Seminar 6
Thursday 28 May
Optional site visit
Thursday 4 June
Seminar 7
Wednesday 17 June
Thursday 25 & Friday 26 June
Rising Leadership Program
Rising Leadership Program
“A life-changing experience
that opened my eyes not
only to my potential as a
leader but how I can turn
that potential into action”
Orientation: Best Leaders are the Best Learners
• Exploration of personal leadership assumptions and perspectives
• Individual leadership goals
Leading with Influence
• Leadership challenges and skills
• Individual leadership action plan
The program provides
participants with an invaluable
opportunity to:
•Identify and develop their
leadership style
•Explore the impact their
leadership has on others
Values Based Leadership
• Framing of personal values and personal leadership style
• Individual psychometric profile
Leading with Vision
• Personal leadership equilibrium
• Leadership visioning
•Investigate common
leadership challenges and
ways in which leaders can
respond to address them
The Imperfect Leader
• Personal strengths map
• Development plan
•Explore the complexities
of leadership within different
contexts through intimate
discussions with leaders
across different sectors
Trust Rules
• Establishing trust and credibility as a leader
• Decision making
•Develop an understanding
of how their skills can make
a valuable contribution to the
WA community
Challenge is the Crucible for Greatness
• Leadership resilience and team strength
Leading from your Best Self
• Individual best self
Closing: Leadership is an Affair of the Heart
• Framing the head and the heart
• Where to from here?
Rising Leadership Program
“Genuine opportunities
to develop leadership
qualities, increase
community service and
strengthen professional
networks across the State”
As a key component of the
program, participants work
in smaller groups on live,
meaningful community projects.
Past projects include:
Friendraising through Social Media
•Good Samaritan Industries
What can you Do?
•David Wirrapanda Foundation
Deadly Sistaz
•Warnbro Community High
School Parents and Citizens Building our Community
•Manna Inc
Ensuring Sustainability
•The Big Issue
The big issue for The Big Issue
Speaker sessions draw on experienced leaders who address the
theme though sharing their own leadership lessons and journey.
Frank discussion and exploration of challenges make these speaker
sessions a rich and powerful basis for learning.
Past speakers include:
Dr Michael Stanford, Group CEO, St John of God Health Care
Steve Joske CSC, Executive Director, Australian Red Cross WA
Ian Carter, CEO, Anglicare
Craig Musson, Managing Director, WAFEX
Prof Frank Daly, Executive Director, Royal Perth Group
Ross Kyrwood, CEO, YMCA of Perth
Sue McCarrey, Deputy Director General, Dept of Transport
Justine Colyer, CEO, Rise
Jill Joske, General Manager, Seaforce
Chris Leatt-Hayter, CEO, Fremantle Ports
Ashley Reid, CEO, Ngala
Mark Connolly, CEO, Papillon Resources
Ray Glickman, CEO, Amana Living
Craig Donaldson, A/Commander, Counter Terrorism & Emergency
Response Command, WA Police
Paul Nicholls, Director Strategic Projects (R&D), Curtin University
Robyn Sermon, GM Communities, Rio Tinto
Debbie Cameron, A/CEO Good Samaritan Industries
Peter Rupp, Partner, Assurance & Advisory, Deloitte
Dr Rick Fletcher, Executive Director Research Division,
Department of Fisheries
Jane Mouritz, Director of Hydillowah Farm and Wheatbelt
Coordinator for OneLife Suicide Prevention Strategy
Rising Leadership Program
Complete the online application form or call 08 9369 6777.
Complete the online application form at
Applications for February intake close 30 October 2014.
Applications are also open for the July 2015 intake.
Applicants may be considered for one or both programs.
Dates and details for the July intake are available at
Short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.
Organisational fee: $6,600
Personal fee: $550
Includes GST and all program costs.
Excludes transport to and from seminars.
“Being a part of a Leadership WA program isn’t just about being
challenged and inspired for one year. It’s about carrying what you’ll learn
in that time with you in everything you do. It’s about applying it to how you
think and how you make your mark on the world around you. I’m proud to
be a part of a network of Alumni who pull together to improve the lives of
Western Australians every single day.”
Justine Colyer FLWA, Chief Executive Officer, RISE
Leadership WA’s key objective is to build stronger communities
through our programs and initiatives. We believe that today’s leaders
have the potential to make a real difference and our alumni set the
standard. Through our Skillsbank, alumni experts from a wide variety
of professional disciplines donate their time to provide strategic
advice and support to not-for-profit entities and projects. Skillsbank
has assisted over 100 organisations in WA, providing more than 7,000
hours of community service.
To find out how you or your organisation can become involved in supporting and sponsoring
us in our vision, please call our Chief Executive Officer or visit
P: +61 8 9369 6777 E: A: Bankwest Place, 300 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000