Bring It On! Were you there? Isaac W. Holtzer , State Master Councilor


Bring It On! Were you there? Isaac W. Holtzer , State Master Councilor
November, 2014
Bring It On!
Were you
Isaac W. Holtzer , State Master Councilor
This year’s membership incentive is now in full swing, so
what’s next? Between now and the end of the year, I encourage all of the Chapters to get more involved with the
Lodge that they challenged. Not only will PA DeMolay beat
the Grand Lodge, but we are going to have them help us
beat them. What does that mean? That means the Chapters should participate in the Lodge’s events; if they have a
pancake breakfast, get your Chapter there to help and get
your name out there to the Masons. Also, Masonic One Day Classes are being
planned - why not set up a DeMolay booth there? Pennsylvania DeMolay also has an
individual incentive between now and the end of the year. If you first line sign five new
members in to DeMolay you will get a cool DeMolay International Letterman Jacket for
free. Make DeMolay exciting and get the most out of it by participating in all of the programs PA DeMolay has this year and remember – Take the Risk!
A Comforting Thought
Adam T. Pritchard, State Senior Councilor
The seasonal falling of the leaves should remind us to be thankful for what we have.
The season should also remind us to prepare for Day of Comfort when we are reminded of our obligations to help the sick, distressed, and weary. There are many ways to
observe this Obligatory Day. Your Chapter may want to begin
with a fundraiser to fund activities to aid the less fortunate. Some
other ideas to consider are visiting shut-ins, buying toys for Toys
for Tots, food drives, or clothing drives. Really use your imagination to find ways to help out the less fortunate.
DeMolay enforces
a Zero Tolerance
policy with regard
to the use of alcohol, illegal drugs,
weapons, hazing,
or any physical,
verbal, sexual, or
emotional abuse of
any kind at any
DeMolay function.
This police applies
to both Active
DeMolays and
adult volunteers.
Violations of risk
management, youth
protections, or
prohibited substance policies will
result in suspension or expulsion
from DeMolay.
This publication acknowledges the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was Founder.
Keystone Crusader
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An Award for Service
Eric M. Dye, State Junior Councilor
The PMC-MSA Award is given to Past Master Councilors at the end of their term if they
have completed the requirements of the award. In order to quality, a newly elected Master
Councilor must send a letter to those in charge of the program within 10 days of his Installation, stating that he wishes to work towards the award, and a brief explanation of what he
wishes to accomplish, as well as a copy of his incoming term plan. The letter must be
signed by the Master Councilor and the Chapter Advisor.
Then, during his term, the Master Councilor ensures that his Chapter prospers and grows. By steering
the Chapter’s membership, funding, and activities, the Master Councilor can show that he has indeed
met the very specific requirements of the term, which range from membership expectations, to celebrating all obligatory days that fall within the term of office. A complete review of the requirements is
available on the PA DeMolay website via the PMC-MSA guidebook, found in the Resources area.
At the end of his term, the Master Councilor now reflects on his tenure and drafts and mails a second
letter to the program director, showcasing his accomplishments and leadership while in office, including
a detailed review of how the requirements of the award were met. It is not an easy thing to achieve, as
the Master Councilor must be fully prepared and organized in order to have an effective term.
However, the PMC-MSA isn’t just for the Master Councilor. It is for the whole Chapter. Without the rest
of the Chapter, the Master Councilor would be completely ineffective. The entire Chapter should celebrate when a Past Master Councilor receives the PMC-MSA.
Spread the Word
Alicia R. Daniels, State Sweetheart
How much awareness did you or your Chapter spread last month? This is just a friendly reminder that
although it is no longer October, which was National Dyslexia Awareness Month, that doesn’t mean
that you should stop spreading awareness. Dyslexia is such a common challenge yet many don’t even
know that they are dyslexic. There are approximately 40 million adult Americans with dyslexia, but only
2 million are aware of it. If more people would talk about it and get the word out, it could help bring better awareness. So, share small facts with your friends, family, and those you interact with in our fraternal organizations.
The next time you attend a Masonic event, look at the room and realize that 1 in
every 10 people in that room is dyslexic. Then walk up to someone and ask if
they have heard about the great things the Children’s Dyslexia Centers are doing to help kids with dyslexia be successful in life. Share how they can help and
one by one we will make a difference.
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Volume 82: Issue 3
DeMolay’s Diversity
Anthony J. Trento, State Scribe
Ritual is one of the many things that make DeMolay different from other youth organizations. Ritual
may not appeal to all of us, but to many it is very meaningful. Ritual has many levels to it; state events,
ritual tournaments, Chapter degrees, all of which you can easily become a part.
One of the easiest ways to get involved with ritual is helping out at installations.
There are plenty of installations throughout the year which you can attend and be
a part of the installing team. This is a simple yet, appreciated, service. You get to
travel to another Chapter and perform a small ritual part and the best part is there
are refreshments afterwards! In addition, it helps the State Officers out by giving
them a break from having to travel and do all of the Installations. If you’re interested Contact Bro. Adam Pritchard at if you would like to do a
part in the next upcoming installation.
Another, more intense form of ritual, is a ritual competition. This is where you compete against another
member to see who can present the ritual part the best. You are graded on both presentation and on
how well you know the exact wording of the part. This is a great way to have a nice friendly competition
and also to see how well you know a part. So, get studying for the next upcoming ritual tournament!
Finally, another super important form of ritual is Degrees within you home Chapter. Although this may
not seem important, it brings the formality back to DeMolay. In addition when bringing in a new member, being able to show the parents how well you know and can perform the ritual will really impress
them. Talk to you Master Councilor today about doing the degrees within your home Chapter!
The Exclusive Class
Lorenzo A. Rodriguez , Deputy State Master Councilor
This December, Pennsylvania DeMolay will hold one of its most exclusive events
- Grand Master’s Class. It will be held on December 5 - 7, 2014 at Patton Campus
in Elizabethtown. Grand Master’s Class is an Induction Class in which new members are formally received into our organization. This class will be dedicated to
the Grand Master of Pennsylvania, “Dad” Robert J. Bateman. But, this event is
exclusive, and only certain people are allowed to attend Grand Master’s Class;
this includes members of the degree teams, new candidates, their first line signers, and last but certainly not least Masons and parents of the new candidates. If
you would like to be a part of this induction class either first line sign a new member or contact Bro. Adam Pritchard at as he has a few
spots left on the degree teams —but do it quickly, because space is limited!
Keystone Crusader
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A Portrait of Financial Stability
“Dad” Thomas R. Labagh, Executive Officer
DeMolay International and the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite have partnered to help the DeMolay Foundation to raise half of a million dollars to improve the investment package and programs of
DeMolay International. The Scottish Rite has a semi-circular hallway at the House of the Temple in
Washington, DC, where they hang portraits of those who have given one million dollars to the Scottish
Rite Museum. They want to have a portrait of Dad Land hanging with some of the great philanthropists
of the 20th Century, and have committed to raising the million dollars required, with this twist: all the
money raised by DeMolay will be kept by DeMolay! Our share of the total to be raised comes to
$25,000 and we are committed to raising that much in 2 years. I am asking each Chapter to consider
its financial resources, and its ability to raise funds, and commit to holding a fund drive to help us meet
our goal. If every Chapter contributes and amount equal to $36 per member on the roster, we will easily make our goal. I realize that it is unlikely may chapters can do this, BUT, you have until Convention
of 2016. All I’m asking is that you put forth an effort and help build DeMolay financially for the future!
Do You Need an Installing Team?
Contact Bro. Adam Pritchard at:
Phone: (484)-363-0598 or Email:
If you need an Installing Team for your Chapter just contact Bro. Adam Pritchard at least 60 days
before the installation and he will assist you in every way he can.
Membership Statistics
New Members / Membership Goal
al-Aksa (LT)
Carlisle (LT)
Chester Pike
George Washington
Steel City
Numbers reflect total new initiates in 2014 and the 2014
membership goal as set by PA DeMolay.
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Coming Attractions
Events with no location listed are at the Masonic Conference Center in Elizabethtown.
Chevalier Traditional Observance
Nov 8, 2014
Grand Master's Class
Dec 5 – 7, 2014
DAD Training — Dec. 6, 2014 at 9 AM
Patton Campus, Elizabethtown
PA DeMolay Volleyball Tournament
Jan 9 – 11, 2015
DAD & DAD Plus—Jan. 10, 2015 at 9 AM
Patton Campus, Elizabethtown
Patriots Class and DAD Training
Feb 14, 2015
DAD Training Starts at 9 AM.
Induction Starts at 2 PM.
Held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral,
310 S Seventh Ave, West Reading, PA
Volume 82: Issue 3