Excellent Auction Of Mary A. Dye Of Cumberland, Md.


Excellent Auction Of Mary A. Dye Of Cumberland, Md.
Excellent Auction Of Mary A. Dye
Of Cumberland, Md.
Saturday November 8, 2014
Auction Starts 9AM • Doors open at 7AM
Preview Friday, November 7, from 5-7pm
W onderfulEstateAndD ownsizing Auction.M anyG reatItem sIncluding:AntiquesAndCollectibles,CurioCabinets,
LonghornBullHorns,Furniture,W ellerPotteryVase,CrocksAndJugs,AntiqueCastIronCupidClock,ClocksAnd
ElginPocketW atches,Handm adeSilverJewerly,CastletonChina Set,AntiqueBookends,N FL Jerseys,Craftsm an
PowerToolsAndHandTools,High EndChristm asItem sAndHom eD ecor,SaltD ogg SaltSpreader,Toys,Postcards,
LeadSoldiers,Advertising Item s,G raderBlade,ChainSaws,TroyBiltW eedTrim m erTB 32,CB D rum Set,StepAnd
ExtensionLaddersSwordFoundInTheW allOfTheHouseIn1842(Pre-CivilW ar),EstateCoinsincluding G old&
SilverCoins,CollectorD olls,AndM anyM oreThingsBeing UnpackedD aily!
TO BE HELD AT: 13331 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite A • Hagerstown, MD 21742
Terms: Cash or good check. 6% MD sales tax & 10% buyer’s premium. Positive
ID required for Bidder’s Number. Announcements day of sale take precedence.
Not responsible for accidents. Refreshments will be served in the new snack bar.
Auctioneer: Chad Lemen
Watch auctionzip.com for updates and photos
for these auctions. Auctioneer ID#22976