Holy Family Catholic School, rooted in the teachings of Jesus... God, neighbor, and respect for all. The school, supported by...


Holy Family Catholic School, rooted in the teachings of Jesus... God, neighbor, and respect for all. The school, supported by...
Falcon’s Quill
Holy Family Catholic School, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, models the virtues of love of
God, neighbor, and respect for all. The school, supported by the entire community, cultivates a
passion about and provides the foundation for academic and life-long learning in a safe, nurturing,
and challenging environment.
November 11, 2014
786 26 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO
P 970.242.6168
F 970.242.4244
11/11 - 2pm Veteran’s
Day Salute in Gym
11/13 - 8am School mass
at IHM with
Fr. Mike
11/14 - Spirit Day
11/20 - 8am School Mass
at IHM with Fr. Don
11/24 - 11/28 No School
11/30 - First Sunday of
Don’t forget to
record your
volunteer hours!
Go to www.holyfamilygj.org. Scroll to the very
bottom and select
Issue 14
Principal’s Corner
Dear Parents,
We are very blessed to live in a
country that has been and is
protected by those in our armed
forces who fight for our freedoms.
Their bravery and dedication to
protect and serve our country is
courageous and heroic. They have
put their lives on the line and
continue to do so every day. They
however are not alone, Joshua
1:9 “ Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and courageous. Do not be
frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the LORD your God is with you
wherever you go.”
We are never
alone. The Lord is always at our side.
Just like our community and family
that rallies and protects each other.
Archbishop Broglio said: “We enjoy
great freedoms in the United States.
Let us never forget the men and
women who have laid their lives on
the line to defend and protect our
precious liberties. The annual
celebration of Veterans Day invites
us to remember those killed in the
line of duty, those still suffering the
effects of their generous response in
times of national need, and, of course,
everyone who has retired from active
duty. We cannot forget the sacrifices
of so many. We sense an obligation to
express our gratitude, and we
certainly remember them in our
God of peace,
we pray for those who have served
our nation
and have laid down their lives
to protect and defend our freedom.
We pray for those who have fought,
whose spirits and bodies are scarred
by war,
whose nights are haunted by
too painful for the light of day.
We pray for those who serve us now,
especially for those in harm’s way.
Shield them from danger
and bring them home.
Turn the hearts and minds
of our leaders and our enemies
to the work of justice and a harvest
of peace.
Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor!
May the peace you left us,
the peace you gave us,
be the peace that sustains,
the peace that saves us.
Christ Jesus, hear us!
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!
Please join us for our salute to
veterans this Tuesday,
11th at 2:00 in the Gymnasium. We
will be honoring all who have served.
following the program in the MultiPurpose Room.
God bless,
Mrs. Gipson
Falcon’s Nest
Attention all HFCS Parents:
No one can be in the classroom,
allowed to volunteer or drive for a
field trip until they have a completed
background check and a Shield the
Vulnerable certificate on file. The
background check takes at least 72
hours from the day you bring in your
application until the results are in.
Georgia DeBever ~ Grandmother of Megan
Gary Chancy ~ Grandfather of Nick Lhotka, &
Annabelle and Jace Carter
The Seabert Family ~ Family of Kathy Pike
Danny Huber ~ Son of Frank & Gwen Huber
You may pick up an application at the
office or on our website:
Sadie Harper ~ Cousin of Akelia Whitney
Nuala Whitcomb ~ Kindergarten Teacher
Morgan Rister ~ HFCS Student
Jiwen Yang ~ Grandfather of Zachary Smith
Frances Wells ~ Great Grandmother of Kiara
Roman Longo ~ HFCS Student
Thank you for your collaboration in
keeping your children safe.
Communications between school and home
have never been more important - for weather
notification, emergency alerts or other general
Please make your
check’s out to HFCS
not Falcon’s Nest.
We are having
difficulties depositing
Please also write
“Falcon’s Nest” in the
memo on your check.
Thank you.
The next Scrip
order date is:
Family Name:____________________________
We have had a number of our school library books
returned this year to the Mesa County Public Library.
Please parents, double check all library books to make
sure our HFCS library books are being returned to our
school. Once they have been deposited to the Mesa
County Library it’s near impossible to ever get them back…they assume
the books are donations to their book sale. Thank you for helping out
with this small but very important detail.
Phone No. _______________________________
Anita Keenan, School Librarian
Please provide the phone numbers you prefer
us to leave voice and/or text messages on.
Please return this to the office.
Phone No.________________________________
Attention All parents (especially
Phone No.________________________________
Pre-School - Kindergarten) !!!
T ha n k yo u f or yo u c o op e r a ti o n.
Falcon’s Quill Deadline
If you would like a blurb or flyer in the newsletter,
kindly submit via email to yolanda.bellgardt@hfcsgj.org at least one week prior to publication. The
newsletter is completed every Monday by 12
noon. Thank you for your cooperation.
The State of Colorado requires us
to have a copy of your child’s
immunizations on file.
make sure you furnish us with a
You may fax it to
970.242.4244, or you may email it
to: yolanda.bellgardt@hfcs-gj.org.
Please call Yolanda if you have
any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you
to all
who brought
a donation
to wear pink on October
21st. We collected
$542.37 for cancer
Wed. 11/12
Thu. 11/13
Fri. 11/14
Mon. 11/17
Tues. 11/18
Pigs in a Blanket
Cheese Pizza
Scrambled Eggs
Macaroni &
Baked Beans
Green Beans
Stromboli w/Pizza
Hash Browns
Green Beans
Carrots & Dip
Orange Slices
Carrots & Celery
Fruit Cocktail
Dear Parents,
Holy Family School is once again offering the i-Ready program in our school. This is a web based computer program that can be used as
support or enrichment for your child’s education in reading and math. This interactive computer program tailors math and reading lessons
according to their needs that are acquired from a diagnostic assessment that is taken in school. This program will provide a comprehensive
report on the needs of your child and then your child can enjoy the lessons at home or at school to support their learning needs. There is still
time to sign up your child in this program. If you would like to get your student signed up, please return this completed form to the office and
we can set up a time. You can call the office and set up a time at 242-6168. Please contact me if you have any questions about this program.
If you signed up your student in May for i-Ready, then they are still active but need to take another assessment. They can do this at home or
at school. Please let us know if you prefer to have them take the assessment at school so that we can make arrangements.
It is a great program and a wonderful way to keep your child engaged in learning. For just $32 your child will be registered with i-Ready for
this school year. Parents can go onto the i-Ready “Take A Tour” site and view an i-Ready Overview, a sample of diagnostic test items and
online lessons, i-Ready reports, and a general program overview. This is an interactive site so parents can somewhat experience i-Ready at
Thank you and God bless,
Mrs. Gipson
Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Grade and Homeroom: __________________________________
Parent’s Name: ___________________________________________________
Telephone # ___________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________
(Please make checks payable to Holy Family Catholic School or HFCS)
Grand Valley Life Teen (our newly
formed Catholic youth group) invites
you to attend our Inaugural Mass,
Light in the Darkness, on Saturday,
November 15th at 4:30 at St. Joseph
Catholic Church.
All Grand Valley
youth are encouraged to attend and
experience this dynamic, youthfocused mass followed by fun and
fellowship. Questions? Call Julie
Halberg at 243-1525 or Robin Maddox
at 628-4691.
Job Opening at Holy Family
Catholic School
Cafeteria Supervisor
Responsibilities include but are not
limited to the following:
Ordering food & supplies, planning
menus in accordance with USDA requirements,
supervision of cafeteria employees, daily production
records for USDA, up keep of the kitchen, serve and
preparation of meals. Food service card required.
Compensation commensurate with experience. Full
time benefits offered.
Apply at front desk.
Applications taken until November 19.
If students are interested in the
youth choir that sings at
Sunday masses, please
contact the parish you are
registered at:
Help Support Holy Family Catholic School in our
recycling and fundraising efforts by donating
empty computer inkjet and laser toner cartridges.
Not only will you save valuable landfill space and
prevent pollution, but you will also assist HFCS
in raising money for student
programs and classroom needs.
Empty Cartridges = $ for our
Thank you to the
families who
have baked
cookies for our
Veteran’s Day
Reception. We
appreciate your
Mrs. Whitcomb’s class had the
most parents who baked cookies
for the Cookie Harvest.
They won a Pizza Party!!!!
St. Joseph
Javier de los Santos
Gwen Huber
Carpool Sign-up
Complete the following information and turn in to the office. A list will be put together and made available by request.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Area & Cross Section: ________________________________________________________
Day Phone: ____________________________________ Evening Phone: ___________________________________
After the events of last Friday, we wanted to give you some information of
Shelter in Place vs Lockdown:
is used when the student population needs to be controlled, but a full scale Lockdown is not
necessary. The Shelter-In-Place would be appropriate in situations that might not have the potential risk of harm or injury to
students or staff, but still allow for students to be kept in their assigned classroom or allow movement through the school
building if authorized by the administrator. ALL STUDENTS WOULD BE REQUIRED TO STAY INSIDE THE BUILDING.
Typically, the purpose of a Shelter-In-Place is to keep students safe and secure and control hallway traffic while a search or
investigation is conducted, or as severe weather passes. The school principal will determine if the event or issue warrants a
full scale Lockdown or a Shelter-In-Place.
The most typical uses of a Shelter-In-Place would be:
 Severe weather
 Reports of a law enforcement concern in the vicinity of the school
 Dangerous condition of the school grounds.
A Lockdown
procedure helps protect staff and students from a threat, inside or outside the building (or in very close
proximity), such as an armed intruder. It is used when it may be more dangerous to leave the building by a directed
evacuation than it is to stay in a secured room.
DO NOT PANIC. Lockdown situations are highly controlled events where police and school officials are together and in
coordination following predetermined procedures that will best insure the safety of all involved.
Whether we are in lockdown or Shelter in Place, we will assure that parents are kept in contact at all times through text
and/or phone calls. If you did not receive a phone call or text last Friday, please contact the school with the phone
numbers you prefer us to contact.
Please know that your child’s safety is our number one concern and we take every precaution possible to ensure that they
are safe. We kindly ask that you not call the school so that we can use every possible resource to manage the
school. We will communicate with you as we are advised by authorities. It is important that we keep as many phone
lines open as possible, as this is our means of communicating with authorities. Do feel free to call in case of an emergency.
Please know that our school is constantly working to keep our students safe in any situation that may arise.
A Lockdown procedure is used when:
 It is considered safer to stay in a secure classroom or protected area when there is a potential threat (internal or
external), dangerous condition (hazardous material spill), or severe weather that may be encountered and;
 There’s no possibility of uncontrolled fire, explosion, or toxic chemical fumes.
Why not prepare with a
Holy Family Catholic School
Fleece Neck Warmer
Name: _____________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Color :
Quantity: ___________
Colors: Red with white lettering or blue and white with red
lettering. Lettering is: HFCS
Color :
Small fits Pre-School to 2nd graders.
$10 each. Holy Family receives $2 for each one sold.
Sample available in the office.
Quantity: ___________
Large fits 3rd graders - adult
Color :
Quantity: ___________
Please make checks out to Mary Rister
Total $ __________