Document 6594229


Document 6594229
The Bedford Buzz
Helen M. Orr – Principal
Charles Longston – Vice-Principal
59 Bedford Drive, Stratford, ON
N5A 5J7
Tel: (519) 273-1190
Fax: (519) 273-7001
November 2014
Principal’s message:
The character trait focus for the month of
November is “Courage”. “I have learned that
courage is not the absence of fear, but the
triumph over it. The brave man is not he who is
without fear, but he who conquers that fear.”
(Nelson Mandela)
November and the clocks go back. We benefit
from more light in our lives at the end of the day
and that extra hour on Sunday that feels like a
gift at this time of the year.
Municipal Elections have come and gone and
students have been hearing about how
important it is for each person to be informed
about their choice of leaders in the government
which touches us most directly, our municipality.
One of the Grade 6 classes did an excellent job
of creating informative bulletin boards around
the school outlining the process and information
in the media about candidates. Some conducted
interviews of the candidates themselves. We
welcomed candidates Dan Kane and Frank
Mark into the school to discuss the process with
students after the election had passed. We may
have some future municipal leaders within our
school. You can never begin too early to
become civic-minded.
Mrs. Eveland, the Bedford Technical Resource
Assistant, has a very special person in her life
about whom she will be telling students. Her
grandmother, Marion, is the oldest living
Merchant Marine in Canada. The Merchant
Marine played an important role in the Second
World War and Marion has several medals
which Mrs. Eveland will bring in to show. Our
Remembrance Day assembly will be held
November 11 at 10:15. It is always a touching
ceremony, with students learning and
demonstrating quiet and respect.
Dates To Remember
November 2 – Sunday – Clocks back 1 hour
November 3 – Reports go home
November 5 – Calling All Three Year Olds Kindergarten Registration
November 6 – Parent Interviews - evening
November 7 - Parent Interviews - AM
November 7 – P.A. Day – No School
November 11 – Remembrance Day Assembly
November 12 – Caribou Math Contest
– 12:15-1:00pm
November 17 – Scorpion’s Sting - Gr. 1 - 6
November 19 – Photo Retake Day
November 20 – School Council Meeting –
7:00pm – Staff Rm
November 21 – Spirit Day – Pajama Day
November 24 – 27 – Scholastic Book Fair
November 27 – Jr. Mixed Volleyball – Agriplex
1:00 – 5:00pm
Last year we had a veteran from Afghanistan
come and speak to students and in previous
years we had Mrs. Leger’s father, a veteran of
the Second World War, in attendance. In
addition, with the Festival’s production of Anne
Frank this year, we are also fortunate to have a
family here who visited the Anne Frank
museum and has offered to provide resources
to classrooms on this aspect of WWII. We ask
that students enter and exit the gym in silence
and refrain from applause for any
presentations. This year, with the recent
incident in Ottawa, we are particularly sensitive
to the need for our young citizens to strive for
peace and harmony in our world.
We hope to see parents out for the School
Council’s Internet Safety night on Wednesday,
November 5th. We will have childcare available
from Gr. 12 students at Nancy Campbell Institute.
We look forward to having families come in for
our Parent/Teacher interviews, either on
Thursday evening, November 6, on Friday
morning, November 7 or at a mutually convenient
time for you and your child’s classroom teacher.
It is a great opportunity to come together to
support your child as an educational team to
discuss strengths, weaknesses and strategies to
improve student learning.
Thanks to all parent volunteers who have been
coming in to help in learning activities, to support
teams and to join field trips. Thanks to everyone
for having your Criminal Reference Check on file
at the school. It is great to have your support and
presence. Role models are key to what students
learn, not only for the content but by the manner
in which learning is promoted in the whole
Prologue To The Performing Arts
The Canadian Opera Company will be
performing “The Scorpions’ Sting: An Egyptian
Myth on November 17 for grades 1 – 6.
Not Taking Used Toner Cartridges
Unfortunately Bedford can no longer accept used
printer cartridges as an on-going fundraiser. The
locally scheduled pick-up has stopped. We wish
to thank everyone for their support over the
years. Please take your used printer cartridges
to Blowes stationary so that they can be disposed
of properly.
Parent Lending Library
It is great to see parents using our resources
from this library, which is located in front of the
office. Please feel free to sign out these
resources at any time and return them in a timely
Kindergarten Registration Is Wednesday,
November 5, 2014
Please call Bedford School 519-273-1190 to
request a registration package and an interview.
This registration is for September 2015. (Must be
4 years old by December 31st, 2015 for JK or 5
years old by December 31st, 2015 for SK.)
Results of Regional Cross Country at
Wildwood – October 15, 2014
97 of our Bedford Bulldogs ran proudly at our
regional meet. All of their hard work and
training paid off as they persevered through
the mud and did not give up as they stumbled
over tree roots. We are so proud of all of our
runners for their awesome determination.
Thank you to Mr. Barton, Mme Ilowski and
Mrs. McKee who kept pushing the team to do
their very best. A big thank you to Mme
Garner-Flood for her coaching expertise!
Here are the top 15 finishers in their age
categories: Elena (15th), Ava, Allie, Claudia
(14th), Alexandra, Will , Rowan (13th), Georgia,
Madison, Nathan (12th), Zack (11th), Clara,
Kristina (10th), Ellie, Thomas (9th), Julia, Reese
(8th), Liam, Erynn (7th), Alanah , Brayah,
Charlotte (6th),Gabe, Sammie (5th), Nicole,
Karson (4th), Luke, Makayla, Luke (2nd),
Addisyn, Avery (1st).
What a truly incredible Bedford Run Club!
Results of District Cross Country at
Benmiller – October 22, 2014
All 39 runners’ hard work, dedication and
training paid off and we celebrate their
successes! Under sunny skies we achieved
some top finishes.
Both Addisyn and Avery came home sporting
the gold medals around their necks and Clara
came home wearing a third place medal.
Other top finishers were:
Makayla (4th), Brayah (8th), Sammie (10th),
Karson (11th) and Nicole (14th). Our teams of
top runners also had some incredible results.
Both the 8 year old and 10 year old girls team
came third overall and our 9 year old girls team
1st. Such positive teamwork! We are all so
proud of all of our Bedford Bulldog runners!
Foundation For Education
The Foundation's mission is to develop and
support enrichment in the school system of
Huron and Perth counties.
If you are considering gifts to your child’s
teacher or to the school, please think about
taking advantage of donation envelopes
available for your “gift to honour” cheque to the
Foundation for a tax receipt.
Choose to protect you and your family from
the flu!
Influenza (or the flu) is a respiratory illness that
can spread quickly from person to person –
especially children. The flu shot is free and is
recommended for everyone over six months of
age. Starting in late October, the flu shot is
available at community flu shot clinics, your
family doctor’s office and at select pharmacies
(for people over 5 years and older).
For more information about the flu shot and a
schedule of clinics:
• Call Health Line at 519-271-7600 ext
267 or toll-free at 1-877-271-7348 ext
• Visit
• Follow us on Twitter @pdhealthunit
Thanks to those drivers complying with the
signage in front of the school.
There is absolutely no parking in the paved
area beside the school (near the dumpsters) or
the staff parking lot. This is a safety issue for
our students and police will be ticketing those
vehicles that are in the no parking zones.
Please pass on this information to anyone who
may be driving your child (ren) to or from
Me to We
We would like to thank everyone who donated items for our food drive. The House of Blessing also
extends their gratitude for your support!
Our next food drive will be prior to the Christmas Break, please stay tuned for more details.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic book fair is coming to Bedford November 24th-27th! Please be sure to visit the Library
during one of the following times:
Monday 8:30am – 3:30pm
Tuesday 8:30 am – 6:00pm
Wednesday 8:30 am – 6:00pm
Thursday 8:30am – 12:00pm
Note: The Library will be closed during morning nutrition break and recess.
Council’s Corner for November 2014
• Join us November 5th 6:00pm-7:30pm for the
Internet Safety Workshop for Parents.
Learn how to keep your children safe while
they use technology. Workshop will be led by
Stratford Police Officer Dave Stewart and IT
expert Steve Carfagnini. Onsite activity
available for Bedford Children during session
supervised by Grade 12 students.
• Have you joined our Facebook group? Email to be added to the group
and receive updates about what’s happening
at school and with the Council.
• Join us for the next Parent Council meeting,
November 20th at 7:00pm. All are welcome.
Bedford Parent Council Profile: Michelle
1. When did you get involved with the Parent
This is my 6th year on council. Initially I
was behind the scenes collecting and
submitting Zehrs tapes. Then I joined
council as vice chair. This year is my
fourth year as chair.
2. Why do you volunteer for the Parent
I feel that being involved in the school is
key to ensuring my children have a great
school experience. Parent Council does
many things that help to improve the
quality of school experience at Bedford.
Without the enthusiasm, dedication and
time that these parents offer the school,
our children would miss out on things such
as Family Fun Night, guitar lessons
through the music program, smart boards,
new gym equipment or the games that are
painted on the blacktop. My children have
mentioned all of these things with
excitement and that makes me happy.
3. What are your activities and what do
they involve?
As the chair, I run the meetings and
support other parents and committees in
what they are doing. I am part of the
communication committee that started and
runs our facebook group, sends out
council communication to the parents and
and responds to the council email,
As part of the finance committee, we carefully
track Parent Council funds and prepare for
our annual fall budget meeting where we
decide as a council which items to fund for
this year. The budget meeting is November
20. I am looking forward to giving to the
school to improve programming for our
children. I am also part of the special events
and fundraising committee which runs such
things as Games Night, the past Fall Feast
and Family Fun Night. On November 5, we
are supporting an Internet Safety Workshop
for Parents. I am a coordinator for Family
Fun Night which is our main and largest
fundraiser. It takes many volunteers to make
this happen. The kids have a great time! I
also have applied for ProGrants from the
Ministry. This year, it was approved to fund a
Family Arts Night. Watch your newsletters for
the date, likely in February. In the past, the
Family Arts Night has been a fun and
entertaining evening for Bedford bulldogs and
their families.
4. What do you think are the benefits
of volunteering for the Parent
There are many benefits. There are great
people that are part of Parent Council that
have become friends. I enjoy the
camaraderie that we have and I admire
their dedication. I feel comfortable at the
school and talking to teachers, staff and
administrators. Many of them know me
and I know them because of my
involvement. My children see that I think
that their school experience is important to
me and that service to the community is
important. Most importantly, I feel that I
am a part of directly enhancing the quality
of the school experience through
feedback given to the school and board as
well as purchases we have made for the
school and our children. Come out and
see for yourself.
Child Care Survey
November 2014
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
In support of the Full-Day Kindergarten program
initiatives, Avon Maitland District School Board is
determining which schools have enough parental
interest to offer before and after school programs
for four and five year olds and potentially children
aged 6 to12. At this point, we are asking all
families at these schools to share their tentative
childcare needs for September, 2015.
Avon Maitland District School Board is providing
access to a Before and After School Care survey
through a link on our board website
Why should the survey be filled out?
Each school board in Ontario has a responsibility
to determine if there is a need for before and after
school programs for four and five year olds at
each Full Day Kindergarten school. Potentially,
programs including children aged 6 to 12 could
be developed based on need. Surveying families
about their childcare needs is a priority.
Why does the Board need this information
Once sufficient interest is determined, especially
for schools that do not currently have before or
after school programs, it can take several months
to establish a provider and have the program in
place for the following September. We appreciate
this information coming in early. This is not a
registration form.
Who should complete the survey?
You should complete this survey if...
you are interested in before or after school
program for children entering JK in Sept 2015
are interested in before or after school
programs for children currently in JK through
grade 5 (or aged 3 to 12 before December 31st of
the next school year)
My school already has a before and after
school program, should I still fill out the
Yes. Even if a before and after school program is
already established in your school, there is the
chance that a separate program for four and five
year olds can be established. If we know the age
of all your children who may enrol or who are
currently enrolled, we can assist in the planning
with program staff.
What will the survey ask?
Families will be asked to provide information
about how many children may be attending,
their respective grade and ages, whether care
is requested on PA Days or other noninstructional days, which school, which days
of the week, and suggested times.
When should it be completed?
We are asking families to complete the survey
on-line by November 30th.
What if I cannot access the survey online?
Should any families require a paper copy of
the survey, please request one from the
school. Please ensure that it is returned to the
school by November 30th.
Who is providing Before and After School
Avon Maitland District School Board has
agreements with area daycare providers who
will run before and after school programs at
viable schools. Please see the board web site
for a detailed current listing.
How much will it cost?
Prices vary according to the provider. Please
check the board website for examples of
current costs. Please note that costing may
not be similar across the regions, and costs
are subject to change.
Note: In the event that during a school year, a
daycare provider is no longer able to provide
a before and after school program for four
and five year olds, and a replacement
program cannot be offered by another
provider, AMDSB may offer the program at a
current 2014-15 rate of $32.00, which is
subject to change for 2015-16. Times
operated and fees subject to change. Fees for
non-instructional days are additional, if
offered. Program status will be reviewed
annually and is dependent on viability.
Can I apply for a subsidy?
Yes. For more information about subsidies in
Perth County, please contact the City of
Stratford Social Services Department at 519271-3773 or 1-800-669-2948, ext 154 and
speak to an Intake Clerk or email
Thank you for providing this information. We
look forward to your continued support.
Personal information on this form is collected
under the authority of the Education Act and
will be used to determine the viability.
Enterovirus D68 Information
What is enterovirus D68?
Enterovirus D68 (EV‐D68) is one of many
non‐polio enteroviruses.
From mid‐August to September 16, 2014, a
total of 130 people in 12 states in the U.S.
(Alabama, Colorado,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, and
Pennsylvania) have been
confirmed to have respiratory illness caused by
As of September 15, 2014, there are
confirmed EV‐D68 cases in Alberta and in
Ontario. While increases in hospitalizations for
respiratory illness have been attributed to the
recent increase in EV‐D68 in North America.
What are the symptoms of EV‐‐D68
EV‐D68 can cause mild to severe
respiratory illness.
Mild symptoms may include fever, runny
nose, sneezing, cough, and body and muscle
Most of the children who have gotten very
ill with EV‐D68 infection had difficulty
breathing, and some had
wheezing. Many of these children had asthma
or a history of wheezing.
How does the virus spread?
Since EV‐D68 causes respiratory illness,
the virus can be found in an infected person’s
respiratory secretions,
such as saliva, nasal mucus, or sputum.
EV‐D68 likely spreads from person to person
when an infected person
coughs, sneezes, or touches contaminated
What time of the year are people most
likely to get infected?
In general, the spread of enteroviruses is
often quite unpredictable, and different types
of enteroviruses can be
common in different years with no particular
pattern. In North America, people are more
likely to get infected
with enteroviruses in the summer and fall.
We’re currently in middle of the enterovirus
season, and EV‐D68 infections are likely to
decline later in the fall
Who is at risk?
In general, infants, children, and teenagers
are most likely to get infected with
enteroviruses and become ill.
That's because they do not yet have immunity
(protection) from previous exposures to these
viruses. We believe
this is also true for EV‐D68.
Among the EV‐D68 outbreak in the United
States, children with asthma seemed to have
a higher risk for severe
respiratory illness.
How is it diagnosed?
EV‐D68 can only be diagnosed by doing
specific lab tests on specimens from a
person’s nose and throat.
Respiratory illnesses can be caused by
many different viruses and have similar
symptoms. Not all respiratory
illnesses occurring now are due to EV‐D68.
Anyone with respiratory illness should contact
their doctor if they are having difficulty breathing,
or if their symptoms are getting worse.
What are the treatments?
There is no specific treatment for people with
respiratory illness caused by EV‐D68.
For mild respiratory illness, you can help relieve
symptoms by taking over‐the‐counter medications
for pain and fever. Aspirin should not be given to
Some people with severe respiratory illness
may need to be hospitalized.
There are no antiviral medications currently
available for people who become infected with
How can I protect myself?
You can help protect yourself from respiratory
illnesses by following these steps:
Wash hands often and well.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with
unwashed hands.
Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or
eating utensils with people who are sick.
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as
toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick.
Since people with asthma are higher risk for
respiratory illnesses, they should regularly take
medicines and maintain control of their illness
during this time. They should also take advantage
of influenza vaccine since people with asthma
have a difficult time with respiratory illnesses.
What should people with asthma and children
suffering from reactive airway disease do?
CDC recommends:
discuss and update your asthma action plan
with your primary care provider.
take your prescribed asthma medications as
directed, especially long term control
be sure to keep your reliever medication with
if you develop new or worsening asthma
symptoms, follow the steps of your asthma action
plan. If your symptoms do not go away, call your
doctor right away.
parents should make sure the child’s caregiver
and/or teacher is aware of his/her condition, and
that they know how to help if the child experiences
any symptoms related to asthma.
Where can I get more information?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:‐polio‐enterovirus/abou
Perth District Health Unit:
Huron County Health Unit:
By Phone:
Call Health Line to speak with a Public
Health Nurse at the Perth District Health Unit.
Call 519‐271‐7600 ext 267 or toll‐free at
1‐877‐271‐7348 ext 267. Monday to Friday,
8:30am to 4:30pm.
Contact the Huron County Health Unit at
519‐482‐3416 or 1‐877‐837‐6143
Social Media
Perth County: Follow the Perth District
Health Unit on Twitter at: or on
Facebook at