LAPORTE COUNTY / HARBOR BEAM NOVEMBER 2014 146.970 / 441.950 (W9LY) Echolink Node: 193001 146.610 (K9JSI) AMATEUR RADIO WHO WE ARE President: A BRIDGE TO FRIENDSHIP Brian Salzer KB9HMR Vice President: John Phillips KA9PGC Secretary: Barb Cave KA6OJX Treasure: Ken Osborne N9ZIP Board Members: Ron Broviak, WA9RON Dan Foster, KC9GFO Scott Tharp N9NKK Trustee W9LY: Dan Sheetz W9DWS Trustee K9JSI: John Rozinski, N9CJR Tower Site: Communications: Matt Lasayko, KC9KUD Dave Kaufman NU9I Repeater Committee: Matt Lasayko Ron Broviak Dan Sheetz John Rozinski Ken Osborne, Todd Saboff Dan Foster, Dave Kaufman Mike Broviak, Curt Yeater Internet: Stan Vandiver Mike Broviak, Todd Saboff Field Day: John Phillips NEWS LETTER: Ken Osborne Ken Osborne John Phillips Dan Foster Bob Smith Activities: John Phillips VE TESTING: Fund Raising: Scott Tharp John Rozinski Ken Osborne Troy Harrison Ron Broviak Mike Broviak PUBLIC RELATIONS Barb Cave MEMBERSHIP: Troy Harrison MEETING NOTICE: Next LaPorte County Amateur Radio club meeting is Monday November 17th 7pm @ THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LAPORTE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB P.O. Box 148, Michigan City, Indiana 46361 WEBPAGE: EMAIL: FACEBOOK: lpcarc In This Issue 2015 OFFICERS WINDING DOWN XMAS PARTY HAMFEST A 501 (c) (3) Public Charity # 35-1390856 ARES EMERGENCY COORDINATOR: TO Dan Foster, KC9GFO RACES OFFICERS: Ken Osborne, N9ZIP Ken Maynard, W8KRM Dan Foster, KC9GFO SKYWARN: Ken Osborne, N9ZIP “It is not the class of license the Amateur holds, but the class of the Amateur that holds the license.” THE LaPorte County Amateur Radio Club LaPorte County / Harbor Beam PICTURE OF THE MONTH WINDING DOWN 2014 Will Boys & Girls, our next meeting is our last meeting for 2014. Our December meeting will be replaced with our Chirstmas Party. Soon we will be closing the books, prepairing our fininacial reports, geting ready for tax season. CLUB MEETING I mention tax season, because dontations to our club could be tax deductable. If you need a tax deduction, consider donating to our club. Maybe you have a radio that could be sold at out Hamfest. Maybe you hit it big at the boat, and the tax man is going hit you hard this year. Hey, it could happen, just not to me. Our next club meeting is Monday, November 17th at 7pm CST Our club is 501 (c) (3), a Non-Forprofit Charitable Organization. Helping our club with a donation could also help you at tax time. We will freeze our books after the Christmas party, so donations needs to be recieved before then. Join us for a burger before the meeting With the Holidays right around the corner, we wish everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. The LaPorte County / Harbor Beam is published on the Saturday, before the monthly club meeting, 12 times each year, as a service of the LaPorte County Amateur Club; for it’s members and those interested. Inquires and submissions should be sent to the LaPorte County / Harbor Beam Editor at our e-mail address 2015 OFFICERS Saturday Morning Breakfast is held at Schoops’s at 8:00am in the morning, in Michigan City. Come and join some good friends and club members for breakfast. Thursday Morning Breakfest is held at B&J’s American Cafe, at 8:00am. B&J’s is located 607 Lincolnway, LaPorte. Come out and join some good friends for breakfest. Amateur of the Year 2014 Once again we are looking nominations for our club’s Amateur of the Year. This award is presented at our Christmas Party. It is awarded to a member who gave back to the club or Amateur Radio. So who do you have in mind for this award? Last month members elected Officers and Board Members for 2015. Those elected take office on January 1, 2015 for a one year term. In 2015 your Officers and Board Members are.......... President: Brian Salzer KB9HMR Vice President: John Phillips KA9PGC Secretary: Barb Cave KA6OJX Treasure: Ken Osborne N9ZIP Board Members: Ron Broviak, WA9RON Dan Foster, KC9GFO Scott Tharp N9NKK Trustee W9LY: Dan Sheetz W9DWS Trustee K9JSI: John Rozinski, N9CJR Contact Brian with your nomination. PAST WINNERS ARE: 2003 TODD MILLER, 2004 DAN VANDERPLOUGH AND KEN OSBORNE, 2005 RON AND ROWENA STAHOVIAK, 2006 TROY HARRISON, 2007 TODD AND BARB MILLER 2008 DANNY SHEETZ 2009 RICH OBERLE 2010 JOHN PHILLIPS 2011 JOHN PHILLIPS AND PAT MALLOTT 2012 DAN FOSTER AND STAN VANDIVER 2013 RON BROVIAK AND BARB CAVE 2014 ?????????? Per our By-Laws, the Past-President is a non-elected Board Member. Our Trustees was a simple yes or no vote to retain. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS XMAS PARTY HAMFEST Next month we’ll have our annual Christmas Party. This year it will be Saturday December 13th 6pm at the Tower Site. The club will provide the main dish, and soft drinks. This year, to cut cost, our cooks will prepair the main course, on site. Donations of $5.00 will be collected to help defry our cost. Family and friends are welcome. We ask for side dishes. The count down has began, we have only three more meetings before the event. The committe is already hard at work, contacting vendors, and getting things ready. GIFT SWAP This year we wanted to try a gift swap, at the party. So here are the rules. Those who bring a gift well recieve a gift. The limit of the gift is $10.00, and it should be wrapped. When you place a gift on the table, a clip board will be there to write your name. When the gift exchange is to begin, a radom number will be choosen, that person gets the first pick, of the gifts. So if number 22 is chosen, they go first followed by 23, 24 25..... When the numbers run out we go back to number 1, 2, 3... Steal A Gift.............................. If you see a gift that someone recieved and you really like it, or you don’t want them to have it, (hahaha) you can steal it from them. For a $5.00 donation to the club, you can steal someone’s gift, and give them yours. There is no limit on the number of steals, as long as $5.00 is donated for each steal. If someone stole your gift, of course you can steal it back. If someone stole a gift, you can steal it from them. It should be alot of fun. This is our club’s first fundraiser, for 2015. Again we ask for your help. This is an event that takes several months to prepair for. If you would like to help, in advance, contact Brian or Ron. In this addition, you will find a Hamfest Flyer, please print it out, please pass them out. If you know of a store or someone who might be a vendor, ask them to come, and give them a flyer. CHECK US OUT Did you know, you can see allot of photos of our club’s events on FACEBOOK. We also post updates, and news before the news letter comes out. What started out as an experiment has turned out a great way to keep you informed. As with any FACEBOOK group, members can post comments, it is an open group, so anyone can post pictures. Several members are Admin’s so we monitor the page closely. Look us up at LAPORTE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB. We have recently been posting the printed addition of NEWSLINE to our Face Book Page. Our club also has a web page at LPCARC.ORG. If you want to sign up for our News Letter, you can sign up to receive it there. It also has allot of information about our club. Minutes of October 20, 2014 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President John Phillips with Pledge of Allegiance. Each one present introduced themselves. At the request of Secretary Barbara Cave we dispensed with reading of the minutes of the September meeting as they had been published in the newsletter. No corrections or additions to the minutes. Treasurer’s report by Ken Osborne Ron made a motion to accept the report, Scott seconded, motion carried. Committee Reports. Dues of $15.00 a year are due January 2015. Ballots for election of officers for 2015 were passed out. Three volunteers will tally the ballots. Repeater, Ken reports a problem with K9JSI last evening. Todd and Ken worked with the software and problem was corrected. JOTA was rained on, cub scouts we excited to talk on the air. We are welcome to come back next year. This was the 6th year we have been there for JOTA. All officers are retained for next year, Ron and Scott have been elected to the board. Ron led the discussion of upcoming Hamfest on February 28, 2015. Entry Fee will be $7.00. Table charges will increase to $15.00. There will be a change in foods and prices. Mike will purchase a Bao Feng radio for a door prize. He will purchase additional Bao Feng radios to be sold with the profits to the club. Christmas party will be sat December 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Tower site. The club will provide the main dish, members are asked to bring side dishes. We will have a White Elephant gift exchange of $10.00 or less. A $5.00 per person donation at the door, 10 years and under free. Soda Pop will be available, bring any other drinks you want. The party is open to friends and family of members. Ken needs to know how many are coming to Christmas party. RSVP to the website. Nominations for Amateur of the Year are needed by November 17 meeting. Please contact Brian Salzer, President, by email before the November meeting. Next meeting will be November 17, 2014 a 6:00 p.m. at Knights of Columbus in La Porte. Motion to adjourn by John, Seconded by Mike, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Cave. Secretary. LaPorte County Amateur Radio Club ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY EVERY ONE IS WELCOME SATURDAY DECEMBER 13th 6:00pm till ??? LOCATION: The Repeater Tower Site in the family room This is a family event. Family and friends are welcome. DONATION: $5.00 for adult children under 13 free Payable at the door Main Course & Soft Drinks provided: Please bring a side dish or desert Please RSVP by E-Mailing the club HAMFEST Saturday, February 28, 2015 7:00am-1pm CST LaPorte Civic Auditorium 1001 Ridge St, LaPorte, Indiana Vendors & Tables Tables Reservations Contact General Admission $7.00 PHONE (219) 575-8146 Talk-In 146.610 (131.8) Tables $15.00/per FREE PARKING Electric $5.00 extra Food Concessions VE TESTING 9am Door Prizes per Vendor (Limited Access) ADVANCE RESERVATIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE BY FEB. 7th No Refunds Reservations can be mailed to: LPCARC PO BOX 148 Michigan City, Indiana 46361 CABIN FEVER HAMFEST is sponsored by the LaPorte County Amateur Radio Club Visit for updates and information GET ON BOARD JOIN IN THE FUN WITH AMATEUR RADIO LaPorte County Amateur Radio Club Meeting Calendar for 2014 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Meeting 20 17 17 21 19 16 21 18 15 20 17 13 Location LP LP LP LP TS TS TS TS TS LP LP TS LP= LaPorte Knights of Columbus TS= Tower Site, U.S. 35 & Schultz Rd. Annual Christmas Party Sat Dec 13th 6pm Cabin Fever Hamfest MORE EVENTS ARE IN THE PLANNING STAGE, WE WILL HAVE THEM HERE AS WE KNOW THE DATES EVENTS ARE ALSO POSTED ON FACEBOOK As always, we need your feedback. Do you know of an event coming up, Do you have some news of interest, or just like to commentendar on our news letter. Give us you feed back! You can reach the News Team @ ADVERTISMENT PURCHASE and save up to 70% off of retail prices. QSL Cards, Business Cards, Post Cards & More. A portion of every sale goes back to the club. Visit: Use the referal code “lpcarc” for your savings