Immanuel Lutheran Church 1900 S. Nevada St., Oceanside, CA 92054
Immanuel Lutheran Church 1900 S. Nevada St., Oceanside, CA 92054
Immanuel Lutheran Church Pastor Marc Engelhardt: 414-967-9195 1900 S. Nevada St., Oceanside, CA 92054 760-433-2770 Pastor Marc will be in the church office: Tuesdays 12:00-6:00pm Wednesdays ~ 8:30-2:30pm “8:30-10:30am Open Door” Thursdays ~ 8:30-2:30pm November 9, 2014 ~ 9:30am You may also schedule an appointment to meet with him at another time. If you are in need of a home visit or are entering the hospital please contact the church office to let us know 760-433-2770. Prelude “The Sunken Cathedral” Welcome / Invocation In The Lord’s Service Today: Apostles Creed Hymn LW#458 “Oh Worship The King” Pastor: Organist: Music Leader: Musicians: Elder: Lay Reader: Ushers: Greeters: Sound Board: Building Lock Up: Kid Size Leaders: Coffee Server: Marc Engelhardt Nylene Naegele Annie Gill Julie Albright & Tony Rios, Joe Sampson Tim Ritter Cherié Greear Bill Faust, Pam Faust, Steve Gonzales Bobbi Nunn and Cherié Greear Kevin Belew Rick Sarkisian Pat Healy, Laura & Lexi Williams Laura Williams Thank you to Pat Healy for providing the delicious snacks for our fellowship time this morning. The altar flower arrangement this morning was given to the glory of God by Ginny Hamblett in loving memory of her husband Bob. Confession / Forgiveness Debussy/Hebble Robert Grant, William Croft based on Psalm 32 Song “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” Chris Tomlin Scripture Reading: Genesis 18:1-15 pew Bible page 12 Children’s Message “Your Grace Is Enough” Matt Maher Message: “Wait, What?” Luke 1:26-38 pew Bible page 855 Offering “Blessed Assurance (My King Is Coming)” Pete Kipley, Matthew West Prayers Of The Church The Lord’s Prayer Hymn “Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation” Blessing Postlude “Allegro Vivace” John Mason, Henry Smart G.F. Handel Ministry Contacts: Office Hours: Monday ~ 8:00 - 11:30am, Tuesday - Thursday ~ 8:00 - 2:30pm Preschool Director: Pat Healy 433-2784 Admin Assistant: Kim Nielsen 433-2770 (ext.1) Chairperson: Dan Evans 803-9656 Elder: Larry Irmer 433-8143 Elder: Bill Nielsen 631-0799 Elder: Tim Ritter 754-4768 Phone Prayer Chain: Joyce Wedeman 433-0823 Email Prayer Chain: AA Liaison: Bobbi Nunn 505-1928 This Week At Immanuel Today: Worship Service / Kid Size Adult Discipleship Class River of Life Ministry 9:30am 11:00am 5:00pm Tuesday: Learning Center Closed AHG Meeting AA Meeting 4:00pm 8:00pm Wednesday: Small Group Bible Study Music Rehearsal 1:00pm 7:00pm Next Sunday: Communion Service / Kid Size Adult Discipleship Class River of Life Ministry 9:30am 11:00am 5:00pm Stay Connected “Wait, What?” Here are three ways you can get the most complete detailed information on upcoming events at Immanuel... Genesis 18:1-15 Luke 1:26-38 Notes: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1. Check out our website Pastor Marc’s “Message” is posted online each week 2. Join Church Updates. Users can post announcements, prayer requests and needs/events with this website based program. Email Kim in the church office at to receive an invitation to join Church Updates 3. Like us on Facebook to receive updates on current events _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Children ages 3-12 If you can say or write the answer to the question below come and see Pastor Marc after the worship service with one of your parents to receive a prize. The answer will be given somewhere during the service. Fill in the blanks: Fill in the blanks: The Lord made the ________ and the _______. Adult Discipleship, Sunday, 11:00am Erle Pettus will lead a one week session on “Forgiveness”. Meet in the front rows of the sanctuary at 11:00am. Bring your Bible. Also, Pastor Marc will offer “Introduction to Discipleship” for those who would like to take first communion, be baptized or are considering membership at Immanuel. This three session class will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due by November 16! November 16 is the last day we will accept Operation Christmas Child boxes. Filled boxes may be placed on the floor under the altar. For information contact Kim Nielsen at 760-433-2770 or Poinsettia Orders Further thought for everyone: On Wednesday read 2 Samuel 7:1-17. There is a direct correlation in this passage to Luke 1:26-38. What is it? We offer you the opportunity to help decorate the sanctuary with red poinsettias this Christmas season. You can order poinsettias by placing your donation of $9.50 per poinsettia in a “Designated Offering Envelope” (found in the pew racks) marked “Poinsettia” through December 7. You will be able to take your poinsettia home after the 7:00pm Christmas Eve Worship Service. If you have questions contact Chris Irmer or the church office at 760-433-2770 (ext.1). Thanksgiving Dinner: November 23 - 5:00pm Nursery Care Available Nursery Care is available during the Worship Service for children age 4 and under. The nursery is located in our Fellowship Hall building. Please ask an usher if you need assistance. Immanuel’s congregation and Learning Center families are invited to come together for an early Thanksgiving meal. A sign up sheet is located in the Fellowship Hall where you can indicate what you would like to bring. For more information contact Pat Healy at 760-433-2784. Mark Your Calendar for These Upcoming Events Kid Size Discipleship Children ages 2-10 have the option of going to a time of discipleship in Christ that is "Kid Size." After the Children's message and song those children that are taking this option will be led to the fellowship hall. They will have their time and then be brought back into the worship service during the offering time. For more details contact Pastor Marc at or 414-967-9195. Friday, November 21 Sunday, November 23 Wednesday, November 26 Wednesday, December 3 Saturday, December 6 Sunday, December 7 Game Night Thanksgiving Dinner Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service Advent Dinner Children’s Christmas Program Church Christmas Decorating Voters Assembly Meeting 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 11:00am