Visitation BVM School Back to School Nights Dear Parents,
Visitation BVM School Back to School Nights Dear Parents,
Notification from: Visitation BVM School Dear Parents, Everyone is reminded of the Back to School Nights for next week. Grades 6, 7, and 8 parents are invited on Tuesday, September 16 beginning at 7:00 PM in the Gym, followed by sessions in homerooms. Grades 1 – 5 will have their Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, September 17 beginning at 7:00 PM and then homerooms. Every family is asked to send at least one parent as a representative for your child/teenager. Thank you for your help and cooperation! Hot Weather Help: Please continue to send in water bottles with your sons/daughters whenever the humidity and heat are supposed to be high. We hope there are not too many more days of this heat. Volunteers are reminded to follow all directives for picking up your badges at the desk. Each volunteer must sign for his/her badge. Both Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts are having sign up times currently. Scouting develops character and is a great opportunity for healthy interaction and values-based activity. Please consider letting your child join scouts of all levels. Car Rider Traffic Patterns: Please be so kind as to observe the traffic guidelines around our school. These were sent home in printed form and are designed for your safety and your children’s/teenagers’ safety. There is no car traffic permitted in the front of school at arrival or dismissal times. Thank you. Paperwork: Please return all needed items such as emergency cards, acceptable user signatures, volunteer forms and other such items to our school if you have not done so already. SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Attention sixth graders! Alpha will be offering childcare for its upcoming Fall session and needs volunteers to watch the children. We will meet Thursday evenings for 10 weeks beginning Sept. 18th. Contact Mrs. Michele Doman @ 267-934-6454 if you are interested in earning Confirmation service hours by babysitting for the Alpha course: Thursday evenings from 6:50 to 8:50. It has been a wonderful beginning to the school year; many blessings be with you and your families. Sister Diane Marie, Principal HOME AND SCHOOL NEWS Volunteers needed/volunteer IDs: Volunteers are needed in several areas throughout the year. Help is especially needed for lunch duty, the copy room and the dances. All volunteers need the necessary clearances. Even if you are cleared by another group within the parish you still need to complete a Volunteer Form before a volunteer ID can be distributed. Forms went home on the first day of school and are available on the website under Resources for Parents/Home and School/Volunteer Information. Please contact Erica Murphy at with any questions. Upcoming Home and School Events: Home and School Meeting: Tonight at 7:00 PM in the computer room. All are welcome and encouraged to come. Visitation Derby – A Night at the Races (Saturday, September 27, 2014) Doors open at 6:00pm, first race starts promptly at 7:00pm. We hope to see you there! High School Information Night (Tuesday, October 7, 2014) A great opportunity for all local junior high students to meet representatives from a variety of high schools Junior High Homecoming Dance (Saturday, October 11, 2014) This dance is a combined Home & School/CYO-sponsored event. The first dance of the year! Any questions, please contact Celeste Merritt at Trunk or Treat (Sunday, October 26, 2014) All students are invited to ‘trunk or treat’ from car to car in the front parking lot. DJ and prizes included. Great time for all ages. Don’t forget to decorate your car too! Technology News: Grade 5 – 8 Parents: With your students, please read, sign and date the Google Apps for Education Agreement sent home in the Wednesday envelope on September 10. Every student, grades 5 – 8 must return the signed agreement before they will be allowed to participate in Technology class or access any school computers. Review your OptionC information Please log in to the OptionC parent portal (click here) and verify your address, phone numbers, and email addresses. You will have until 10/18 to make changes. If your family is new to Visitation BVM this year or your child is in Kindergarten, you will be receiving a letter in the next week (sent home with your child) that contains your login credentials. If you are an existing Visitation BVM family and need help with your username or password, please email us at Attached are the vouchers for the Gino's Fundraiser referenced in the previous email. CYO NEWS Fundraiser: Support CYO activities by taking your family out to dinner at Gino’s Restaurant and Pizzeria. Print this voucher to take with you. Visitation Fall Sports Season Begins—Fall sports are underway and seasons are officially opening this week. Please refer to the CYO website calendar for game locations and times. Best of luck to our Varsity and JV Volleyball, Field Hockey, Soccer and Football teams!! Game times and locations are posted on the master schedule on the CYO website. Please come out and support our teams. Pee Wee Soccer begins this weekend. Good luck to all participants. We hope you have a great season. Visitation’s CYO Fall Sports Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, September 14 at 9 am in the Upper Church: All JV and Varsity participants of our 2014 fall sports season should meet your coaches and fellow team members and assemble by the Lower Church steps by 8:45 am, wearing your Visitation Sports Jerseys. We will then process to the Upper Church. If it is raining, please assemble in the Lower Church. Pews will be reserved at the front of the church for our teams. Donuts & Beverages will be served following Mass in the school gym. Visitation CYO Family Dinner Night Out at Gino’s Restaurant and Pizzeria--Thursday, September 18. Come out and enjoy a Family Dinner Night Out with Visitation CYO at Gino’s Restaurant and Pizzeria in Eagleville. You must present a voucher and Gino’s will donate 10% of all our dinners to Visitation CYO! Load up the family and head over to Gino’s for a wonderful "Family Dinner Night Out". ALSO GOOD FOR TAKE-OUT! Info about the restaurant: IMPORTANT UPCOMING CYO DATES: Sunday, September 14, 9 am CYO Fall Sports Mass Thursday, September 18 CYO Night at Gino’s Restaurant Monday, October 6, 7:30 pm CYO Board Meeting Friday, October 10- Sunday, October 12 Homecoming Weekend Sunday, October 12, 9 am Fall Pee Wee Sports Mass To ensure that you continue to receive these emails, please add to your Email Address Book. Need help? Click here for detailed instructions. To unsubscribe to notifications from Visitation BVM School, please click here. Message delivered to you by One Call Now. If you have any questions or are interested in the notification services provided by One Call Now for schools, employers, property managers, religious groups, sports teams, and businesses, please visit our web site or contact our friendly Client Services Folks at 1-877-698-3262. View our privacy policy. © 2007 - 2014 - One Call Now
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