Ruach! DELI DAY 11 6


Ruach! DELI DAY 11 6
November 2014
M ichael A . D avis, Rabbi
11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
N ovember
Shabbat Services
Saturday, November 1
Shabbat Morning Service,
10:00 am
Lech Lecha-Gen. 12:1-17:27
Friday, November 7
Shabbat Evening Service,
7:00 pm
Saturday, November 8
Shabbat Morning Service,
10:00 am
Vayera-Gen. 18:1-22:24
On Sunday, November 9 , we will once again open our doors and welcome
the Wichita community to join us in a traditional deli meal of corned beef or
brisket with matzo ball soup and apple strudel. They will also be able to
shop for traditional Jewish favorites such as mandelbrot, kugel,
hamantaschen, knishes or chopped chicken liver. Some items sell out
quickly, so fill out and send in the pre-order sheet in this Ruach to be sure of
obtaining your favorites.
Deli Day began more than 50 years ago as Food-A-Rama, a fundraising
event to provide money for Temple operations and for the new building in
which we gather today. It has been flourishing ever since. Members of our
congregation have been busy in the kitchen each Sunday for the past two
months preparing the traditional delicacies which we’ll sell in “Uncle
Manny’s Deli.” Last year, we sold over 1000 deli meals to folks dining in
or taking them home. We hope to repeat that success this year.
Please come and enjoy this congregation-wide fundraiser and help make it a
success by your active participation. If you haven’t already done so, please
buy your tickets and share them with your friends and family. And it’s not
too late to volunteer. Just call the office and say you’d like to help and we’ll
be glad to find you a task. This is a day on which we can all come together
to have fun and a good meal, and support our congregation.
Friday, November 14
Shabbat Evening Service,
7:00 pm
Saturday, November 15
Shabbat Morning Service,
10:00 am
Chaye Sarah-Gen. 23:1-25:18
Friday, November 21
Shabbat Evening Service,
7:00 pm
Saturday, November 22
Shabbat Morning Service,
10:00 am
Toledot-Gen. 25:19-28:9
Friday, November 28
Shabbat Evening Service,
7:00 pm
Saturday, November 29
Shabbat Morning Service,
10:00 am
Vayetze-Gen. 28:10-32:3
We look forward to seeing you and welcoming your friends on Deli Day.
- Mallory Medvene, Deli Day Chair
7011 E. Central, Wichita, Kansas 67206
Office: (316) 684-5148 | Email: | w w w
My Dear Friends
In the movie, "The Dead Poets Society," the character
played by Robin Williams extols to his students the
glories of the lifestyle lived by those deceased writers
of verse (presumably before they expired). Their
poetry is larger than life, he explained, because they
were larger than life; they lived their lives in grandiose
style. He characterized this lifestyle by quoting
Horace, "Carpe diem" – "Seize the day."
"Seize the day," make the most out of each moment of
our lives. "Seize the day," take big bites out of life;
moderation is for monasteries. "Seize the day," and
shake from it every ounce of enjoyment, squeeze from
it every drop of pleasure. Living in this manner,
Williams' character related, these poets would "create
gods and cause women to swoon," which may not
have been necessarily the order of importance for
those students.
This is quite a sentiment. It was advice appropriate to
its audience: sheltered students bored with learning
what they needed to learn in school and regimented
into timidity. But, while we, too, would teach our
children to enjoy life and to make the most of living
("...if a man live many years, let him rejoice in them
all.... Rejoice, O young man, in your youth; and let
your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and
walk in the ways of your heart, and after the sight of
your eyes...." Kohelet), we know, as did Kohelet
(Ecclesiastes), that there is more to life than this.
The verse from Horace from which "carpe diem"
comes, continues beyond those two famous words:
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." "Seize
the day, put no trust in the future." [Horace, Odes,
book I, ode xi] Kohelet also said more on the subject
than I quoted above.
"...if a man live many years, let him rejoice in them
all; yet let him remember the days of darkness;
for they shall be many.... Rejoice, O young man, in
your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days
of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart,
Issue 192
Published monthly by
Congregation Emanu-El
Wichita, Kansas
Tel: (316) 684-5148
Fax: (316) 684-5140
President: David Feiertag
Rabbi: Michael A. Davis
and after the sight of your eyes; but know, that for
all these things G will bring you into judgment.
Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, and
put away evil from your flesh." [11:8b-10]
And Kohelet concludes his great work of wisdom with
these words:
"The end of the matter, when all is said and done:
Fear G, and keep G's commandments: for that is
the whole duty of man. For G shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it is good, or whether it is evil." [12:13-14]
You and I may not view G as our ancestors did, as
One who sits in heaven recording deeds and misdeeds
in the Book of Life for future judgment. But we do
wish our children to do more than to seek pleasure in
life. We want them to take responsibility in their lives;
to take big bites out of life but also to care for those
who have been bitten by life.
Judaism teaches us that there is more to life than
"It has been told you, O man, what is good and what
Adonai demands from you: to do justice, to love
mercy and to walk humbly with your G." [Micah
Instead of "Carpe diem" – "Seize the day," the
prophets might declare "Carpe Deus" – "Seize onto
G," for in G there is wisdom.
Jewish life must be a balance between "Carpe diem,"
and "Carpe Deus," between enjoyment and
responsibility. Perhaps Kohelet said it best: "To
everything there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under heaven." [3:1]
Or, "Take big bites out of life, but share your lunch,
too. And keep the Pepto handy."
Hebrew Short Course:
Joy – Simcha
Happiness – Osher
Gladness – Samecha
Enjoyment – Hanaeh
Delight – Ta’anug
Love – Ahava
Warmth– Choom
Hug – Chibook
Laugh – Tzochayk
Smile – Chiyuch
-Rabbi Michael Davis
Ruach! Editor:
Judy Eichhorn
Ruach! December Issue
November 15, 2014
Please e-mail all information to: or send it to
Congregation Emanu-El.
From the President
My Dear Fellow Congregants,
Despite my best efforts, fall is upon us. The corn and soybeans
have been harvested, the wheat has germinated making the
fields look like a golf course, and we’re waiting for a good freeze
to dry out the milo so we can get it in the bin. The sweaters have
been retrieved from their plastic, vacuum-sealed bags (have any
of you had great success with those bags? Most of the time I
can’t get the little seals to stick together and when I retrieve them
during the season’s change they’re full of air again). I’ve cut
down all the sunflowers that shielded the front of our house,
spread seeds for next spring’s growth, finally closed the
swimming pool for the year, and I’ve even made a fire in the
fireplace. It’s time to face the fact that summer is over. Grrrr!
Despite my grudge against the cold, November is one of my
favorite months. The sky in Kansas may turn grey much of the
time and the north wind may begin to chafe my face but it’s a
month full of joy and thankfulness.
The first reason to be thankful is Deli Day (November ninth).
People have been working in the kitchen for months preparing for
this day. It’s such a wonderful way to build community, make
some fabulous food, and raise much needed funds for Emanu-El.
Every time I pass by the kitchen I hear talking and laughing and
the delicious smells that emanate from the kitchen make my
stomach growl with anticipation. The good humor extends to the
actual Deli Day. It’s a lot of work, but everyone come in, rolls up
their sleeves, puts on their best faces, and makes it a marvelous
day. I encourage everyone to come and lend a hand even if you
only have a couple of hours to spare. We will appreciate the
extra person-power and it’s a great way to get to know your
fellow congregants.
The second cause for my thankfulness is Veteran’s Day
(November eleventh). I know some people feel uncomfortable
walking up to a veteran and offering simple gratitude. I felt the
same way. I thought it would sound silly to go up to someone and
say, “Thank you for your service.” But a couple of years ago I
was visiting my in-laws in Florida. I was making a run to the
grocery store in my father-in-law’s car. Carol’s dad is a retired
United States Army Colonel. As I was putting the groceries in the
back seat, a kid from the store was gathering shopping carts. He
stopped and said, “Is that your car?” I assumed he wanted to ask
me a question about the Jaguar convertible (yes, it is a sweet
ride). I told him it was. The young man came over, shook my
hand and said, “Thank you for your service to our country.”
“Excuse me?” I exclaimed.
“Your license plate says you served in the Army.” I forgot that my
father-in-law had vanity plates with the Army’s logo on them. I
explained to this kid that it was not my car but I would happily
forward his appreciation to the rightful recipient. I’m not ashamed
to tell you that as I got in the car and started to drive off I got a
little choked-up at this very kind and noble gesture. It took just a
moment of his time to say “thank you.” And though I never had
the honor of serving our country, his words touched me as
deeply as if I had. So please take a minute out of your day to
wish our veterans well and thank them for their service.
Next I am thankful for my parents’ wedding anniversary. Though
my joy is tempered by my father’s (z”l) absence, I am grateful
that my parents’ union literally made everything in my life
possible. So thank you Mom for making an honest man out of
Dad and bringing me (and my two sisters) into this world.
And then there’s Thanksgiving. Its very name says it all. I don’t
know about you, but to me it is the secular Pesach. Okay, there’s
no Seder, but it’s a meal planned way in advance. Friends and
family travel from all over the world to sit and eat together. The
house is cleaned up and the kitchen cabinets are cleared out.
Instead of telling of our Exodus from Egypt we talk about our
escape from our jobs, the airports, and snowstorms. We
reconnect as families. A friend of mine told me that every
Thanksgiving he sees the same people, hears the same jokes,
has the same fights, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Most importantly we look out for the strangers in our midst. We
make sure that on this night they have some place to go and be
part of a family. So this year I encourage you to reach out to
those members of our congregation who may be looking to share
a Thanksgiving table this year. Please let Joy in the office know if
you would like a place to go or if you have extra room at your
table. I guarantee you that the more you give, the more grateful
you will become.
Finally, I am thankful that this year my mother’s birthday falls on
Thanksgiving. I’m not so foolish as to reveal Mom’s age, but I’ll
just say, it’s a number that ends in a zero. Carol and I are looking
forward to preparing for this double celebration as we surround
this wonderful woman with family, food, wine, and presents. I
hope my niece and nephew will be able to join in on the
celebration so our immediate family can be complete. But
whoever comes will be in for a great night!
I could go on and on about how thankful I am. I could talk about
my gratitude for living in Kansas and being involved in
agriculture. I could tell you how thankful I am for my lovely bride,
for that I sing opera, for being president of Emanu-El, and for that
our congregation is a beacon of Judaism on the Great Plains. But
I will end it here by saying we all have much to be thankful for
this year. Sure there have been and will be sorrows but that
pales against the joys that surround us. Still, make sure that as
you sit down to enjoy this season you take a moment and share
the joys of our community with your family, your loved ones, and
your congregation.
David Feiertag
BTW: While I’m on the subject of giving thanks, I want to take a
moment and recognize Barbara Davis. Ms. Davis took it upon
herself to hire a crew to spruce up the campus in preparation for
the High Holy Days. Thank you for stepping up and giving
Emanu-El this lovely gift.
Connect. Learn. Belong.
Take a Step Ahead.
The Global Day of Jewish Learning—November 16, 2014
“ Torah is the shared inheritance of all
the Jewish people. It does not belong
to a special sect or an elite group of
the Jews. We each get an equal share.”
—Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz
400 Communities. 40 Countries.
Thousands of lives touched through
our shared Jewish texts.
This year’s theme is Heroes, Villains, Saints
and Fools: The People in the Book.
Join us. Be a part of the Global Day.
to register today.
The Temple kitchen is the place to be this fall! On
September 28th, Jene Fisher and her crew of Rebecca
Evy Gregg,
Maria Jacobia, Koki
Lane, Sunny Levy, Noele Martin, Cyndie Ponder
and Doris Weller made 80 packages of hamantaschen
to sell in Uncle Manny's Deli.
On October 12th, Maria Jacobia chaired the blintz
committee. With the help of Laura King, Lauren
Lentz, Jan Luth, Mallory Medvene, Cyndie Ponder,
Ellie Shore and Doris Weller, they made 80 packages
of blintzes to sell in Uncle Manny's Deli.
There was a good crew of potato knish makers in the
kitchen for the October 19th afternoon cooking
committee. The group of Marla Amsden, Leah
Barnhard, Susan Downs, Mallory Medvene, Cyndie
Ponder, Ellie Shore, Paula VanAndel, Janna
Wagner and Doris Weller made 630 knishes, which
equates to selling 101 packages!
Thank you to those who helped Mallory Medvene
make delicious rugelach on Wednesday, October
22nd. Those who helped included Noele Martin,
Donna Perline, Paula VanAndel and Doris Weller.
On October 26th, ninety loaves of strudel were put into
the freezer thanks to the committee chairs: Paula
VanAndel, Terri Moses and Kim Gollin and the
muscle behind the rolling pins: Marla Amsden, Evy
Gregg, Maria Jacobia, Mallory Medvene, Ellie
Shore and Doris Weller and last, but certainly not
least, Wayne VanAndel. He put up with all of us
women in the easy feat!
There is one LAST cooking Sunday left before Deli
Day, and we need YOU! We have three items to
make: matzah toffee, coconut macaroons and
matzah balls! The start time is 9:00 am on Sunday,
November 2nd. Please come help and join the fun!
If you can't help in the kitchen this Sunday but want to
help with Deli Day, there are still boxes of matzah ball
mix in the kitchen. Sign your name and take some
boxes of matzah balls to make at home for the matzah
ball soup we serve and sell on Deli Day. Bring them
back cooked and put them in the freezer for Deli Day.
Thank you to all those who have helped in the kitchen
for Deli Day. Your help is much appreciated!
-Tammy Wagner
Global Day of Jewish Learning:
“Heroes and Villains, Saints and Fools: The People in the Book”
Sunday, November 16th – 10:00 am - Brunch and Learn at Congregation Emanu-El
This is our third year taking part in the annual “Global Day of Jewish Learning.” It will be held on Sunday,
November 16th. We will be joining with 400 communities in 40 countries around the world engaging in
wonderful, interactive learning. Regardless of your Jewish background or knowledge, this is a great
opportunity for us to come together, to look at Jewish texts, and to discuss our own insights. A project of
Aleph Society and world-renowned Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, the Global Day is an opportunity
for Emanu-El to experience global Jewish unity by delving into the meaning and importance of this year’s
theme: “Heroes and Villains, Saints and Fools: The People in the Book”.
Our specific topic is "Eve: Separation and Wholeness in the Garden of Eden." We will explore the
creation of human beings through the story of Eve and how she came about through an act of splitting.
This session will look at how the first people became independent, separate beings with conflicting desires,
and the resulting quest for wholeness.
Please join us as our community members will have the opportunity to learn together and, in doing so,
create a stronger, deeper sense of togetherness, amongst ourselves and with Jews around the entire world.
Our participation is an example of the diversity and vibrancy of global Jewry working together and
creating together.
Brunch: $4.50. RSVPs to the Temple requested (not required): 684-5148 or
Sisterhood News Brotherhood News Once again, Sisterhood provided a fantastic Break
the Fast meal following the High Holiday Services.
Thank you to the more than 40 families who provided
the food and funding to make this wonderful
occasion possible. We had well over a hundred folks
sitting down to enjoy a meal together. It’s a great
way to start the New Year and a lovely warm and
welcoming end to our beautiful Holiday Services.
November, the High Holidays and Sukkot are over with, Deli
Day is coming up, and at the end of November is
Thanksgiving with its cooler weather.
Coming right up is Deli Day –
our traditional celebration of
fundraiser. Thanks to all of
you who have turned out each
Sunday to cook mandelbrot, hamentaschen, knishes,
and cabbage roll casserole all the way back to the end
of summer. In order to insure that you will be able to
purchase all of those delectable items, please look for
the Deli Day order form elsewhere in the Ruach and
send it in. We have sold out early in past years, so
sending in your order prior to the day is the best way
to insure that you will be able to get everything that
you want. Equally importantly – please remember to
share your tickets with your friends. We need a big
turnout to insure success. I’m sure most of you have
bought tickets and products from your friends to
support their congregations and schools. This is your
chance to ask them to support your congregation in
Please note: No Sisterhood Coffee Talk in
November - see you Monday December 1st at 7:30.
Hoping that all of you are enjoying the beautiful fall
weather as we brace ourselves in preparation for the
winter. Looking forward to seeing you on Deli Day.
- Mallory Medvene, Sisterhood Leadership Circle
Thank you to Sisterhood October Chairperson, Betsy Redler, and the following members for hosting an October Oneg Shabbat: October 10 Margot Kelman & Jamie Smartt Sherri Alter & Paula VanAndel October 17 October 24 Friends and Family of Deena Eichhorn in honor of her Bat Mitzvah October 31 Elly Fitzig & Betsy Redler Back in October we had the annual erection
of the sukkah coordinated by the
Brotherhood. Those brave souls that came
out to erect the sukkah were Sukkah Chief
Engineer Mark Ross, Mark Levy, Charlie
Gaynor, Ken Fruhauf, Alan Grossman, Sandy Fitzig,
Daniel Solomon, Sean Amore, Bruce Gesson, Joe Ross,
Mark Meyers, David Feiertag and Peter Grant. The
sukkah went up in record time, it seems, and after putting up
the sukkah, those hardy souls that stayed around were treated
to a feast of BBQ kosher hot dogs, chips, pop and the fixins’.
What more can you ask for?
With Deli Day coming up, the Brotherhood
will be coordinating the parking of
vehicles so if you want to volunteer for
something on Deli Day and want to
commune with nature and love to be
outdoors, then helping to park vehicles is for you. Just call
the Temple and let Joy know that this is what you want to do
and what time you would like to do it.
The Brotherhood Roast, which will be in February, has its
Roastee all lined up -- dentist extraordinaire, Steve Zacker!
If you have ever met Steve, you know he is a likeable guy but
I have heard stories about when he gets you in the dentist’s
Back in October the Brotherhood had a membership brunch
with Bob Lutz, Wichita Eagle sports columnist. A great time
was had by all and more will be written about this excellent
brunch in the December column.
Remember, Uncle Schmuley wants you for the Brotherhood
Board. Yes you, Jewish men of Wichita, we need a few good
men to be on the Brotherhood board to help run the
Brotherhood and to help plan Brotherhood events. And as
always, if any Temple member has ideas for future
Brotherhood events, please tell any Brotherhood board
member your ideas. The Brotherhood Board meets on the
1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Temple. If
you have any ideas for Brotherhood and cannot make it to our
meetings you are welcome to call Brotherhood Co-Presidents
Mark Levy or Peter Grant or any Brotherhood board
member and let them know. So long ‘til December.
Shalom – Peace be with you
- Peter Grant, Brotherhood Co-President
Sunday, November 9, 2014 ✡✡ Advance Purchase Order Form – Deadline: November 5th ✡✡
Name: _______________________
Telephone: ____________________
Cell Phone: ____________________
Address: ________________________
E-Mail: __________________________
Apple Strudel (contains walnuts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
Cabbage Roll Casserole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
Challah (small) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00
Chopped Chicken Liver (½ pint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
Cheese Blintzes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00
Coconut Macaroons – Plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00
Coconut Macaroons – Dark chocolate dipped . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00
Hamantaschen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00
❑ Apricot
❑ Cherry
❑ Nutella
❑ Poppy seed
❑ Prune
❑ Strawberry
❑ Variety Pack
Mandelbrot (contains pecans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matzah Toffee without nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matzah Toffee with pecans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Noodle Kugel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Potato Knishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rugelach – Traditional (nuts and cinnamon) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rugelach – Chocolate chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rugelach – Variety pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total $______
Complete meals, sandwiches, and soup will be available for Take-Out in Uncle Manny’s Deli
Order Pickup – Sunday, November 9th, starting at 11:00 a.m.
Please send this form:
ü By mail to Congregation Emanu-El Deli Event, 7011 E. Central, Wichita, KS 67206
ü By email to
ü Or drop off at the Temple office during business hours (T – F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Thank you for supporting Congregation Emanu-El
Dillons Cards Are Now Available
an easy way for you to help raise money for
the Temple!
All you have to do is purchase a $5 Dillons card from
the Temple and reload the card with any Dillons’
and use it to shop. Cost will be $5, but the cards
loaded with $5. The Temple will receive 5% of
the amount you spend. You can reload your card at any
You do not have to purchase a new card when
balance is empty.
You can use your Dillons card for groceries, gasoline at
Kwik Shop or Dillons, or prescriptions at the pharmacy.
- Joe Massimini
December 25th
Congregation Emanu-­‐El will once again take over the preparing, packing and delivering of Christmas Dinner for Senior Services' Meals-­‐On-­‐Wheels program. Rachel Showstack &
Cuitlahuac Ch avez
The Showstack Chávez family became
members of Congregation Emanu-El in
October 2014. Rachel Showstack is
from the San Francisco Bay Area in
California, and Cuitláhuac Chávez is
from La Palma, Michoacán, México.
Aurora Citlali Chávez-Showstack was
born in Austin, Texas in November
2011. Both Rachel and Cuitáhuac are
faculty members in the department of
Modern and Classical Languages and
Literatures at WSU.
If you wish to make a contribution to one of the Temple funds, please make your check payable to: Congregation
Emanu-El _______ Fund, and mail it to the Temple office. Please mark your envelope in the lower left-hand corner
with the name of the fund to which your donation should be directed.
B uilding Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
In memory of Thelma Schwartz.
Sarah Feiertag
Happy Birthday wishes to Dan Morgen and Barbara Davis.
Rochelle Levitt
Library Fund
C aring C om m ittee Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
In memory of Thelma Schwartz.
Stephen and Linda Bauer
C em etery Endow m ent Fund
Rabbi's D iscretionary Fund
(Sarah Feiertag – 634-2836)
(Sam Lentz – 683-3840)
(Send information to the Temple)
Foundation Fund
Sam & Rie Bloomfield Fund
(Leah Barnhard – 832-0435)
In memory of Thelma Schwartz.
Elly and Sandy Fitzig
Flow er Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
In memory of Florence Morgen.
Dan Morgen
G eneral Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
In appreciation of the birthday wishes simchagram.
Evy Gregg
Sharon and Kent Olmstead
Thank you for your congregation's hospitality during
the High Holy Days.
Melanie & Pete Hudes
Sim cha Fund
(Kim Gollin – 733-5640)
Riva Rodova
W elcom ing Team Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
Jay Price
Youth Fund
(Send information to the Temple)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - -
SIMCHA GREETINGS: October Birthdays and Anniversaries
___ 1
___ 3
___ 4
___ 5
___ 6
___ 8
Doris Weller (B)
Mark Ross (B)
Tom Ruby (B)
Mary & Marc Kaplan (A)
Lynne Greenberg (B)
Hilary Zarnow (B)
Jerree Hicks (B)
Alan & Linda Grossman (A)
Dick Merriman (B)
Rachel Feiertag (B)
Cyndie Ponder (B)
Claudia Blackburn (B)
Joel Fromer (B)
Don Hirschman (B)
Donna Perline (B)
Carol Grant (B)
Deborah Fromer (B)
Laura King (B)
Daniel Solomon (B)
Sandy Fitzig (B)
Paula VanAndel (B)
Nancy & Mark Blum (A)
___ 31
Carol & Peter Grant (A)
Jennifer Vincent (B)
Keila Ross (B)
Noele Martin (B)
Rabbi Arthur & Claire Abrams
Terri Moses (B)
Julie Cohen (B)
Paula & Wayne VanAndel (A)
Vinnie Reed (B)
Jan Luth (B)
Your name as you wish it to appear on the Simcha Greeting: ________________
_____________________________Amount enclosed ($1.00 each) ___________
Payable to: Temple Sisterhood
Send to: Kim Gollin, 936 Cedarwood Ct., Andover, KS 67002
The Congregation Emanu-El community extends its
heartfelt condolences to the Morgen Family on the loss of
longtime Congregation Emanu-El member
Florence Morgen
Florence, beloved wife of Dan for nearly 67 years, passed away on
September 30th. She is survived by her sons, John and Robert (Becky),
her daughter, Dana Morgen (Doug Fay), eight grandchildren, and
nieces and nephews. Florence was a member of Congregation
Emanu-El and the Congregation Emanu-El Sisterhood for many
years. She was also a member of Hadassah and B'nai Brith Women.
She will always be remembered for her gentle soul, her kindness,
and her smile. Her funeral was held on October 2nd. May her
memory be a blessing to all who knew her.
It is with great sadness to report
the loss of long-time Temple
member, Florence Morgen. Not
only will she be missed by the
Morgen family, she will also be
greatly missed by her Temple
family. She was beloved by both.
Please keep husband Dan, sons,
John & Robert and daughter, Dana
and their families in your thoughts
and prayers.
Jewish Blessing of the Mourners:
Those who are worn out and
crushed by this mourning, let your
hearts consider this: this is the
path that has existed from the time
of creation and will exist
forever. Many have drunk from it
and many will yet drink. As was
the first meal, so shall be the
last. May the master of comfort
comfort you. Blessed are those
who comfort the mourners.
-Cyndie Ponder,
Caring Committee
Save Your Stuff!!
Congregation Emanu-El will be having a garage sale and we need
your stuff. We will start collecting soon. Watch your email and
Ruach for details. In the meanwhile, please save your stuff for the
Big CE Garage Sale!
Congregation Emanu-El Adult Education
As a recent adult convert I have tortured Rabbi, our elders, and just about
anyone who was foolish enough to make eye contact with me with questions
about what it meant to "be a Jew" or "live a Jewish life." You have all
patiently spent countless hours with me talking about religion, faith, customs,
culture, and traditions that make us Jews. That I rarely got the same answer
to the same question points to how our diversity makes us a stronger
I am looking forward to chairing the Adult Education committee. In the
coming weeks, we will be sending an on-line survey to the membership
hoping to learn more about what topics or issues interest you and our
committee will use that insight to build a lecture and event series for 2015
that we hope will educate, inspire, delight, and entertain not only our
membership, but the greater Wichita Jewish community and those who may
just be curious about Israel and its people.
Perhaps we'll find even more answers to our lingering questions.
If you are interested in joining our committee or if you have ideas, please let
me know. I can be reached at 316.259.1095 or
- Sean Amore
Doris Weller shared this beautiful description of
her trip to Israel:
I was most fortunate in September, prior to Rosh
Hashanah, to join our Israel and American
Orthodox family members for major family
simchas in Israel!! I was apprehensive initially as to
whether I would connect with my three United
flights to Tel Aviv, as I was traveling by myself,
but airline folks helped considerably. My
generations of Israeli family were most loving and
caring! My Efrat niece arranged for both of us to
tour and take photos of the Sarah Wetsman
Davidson Tower at Hadassah Hospital, as well as
the pediatric section of the old hospital in
Jerusalem. My Jerusalem niece arranged for a visit
to the Israel Archives; plus, she is a docent at the
Israel Museum and took us on a tour of the Dead
Sea Scrolls. My NJ niece showed me, when the
women's section of the Wall was crowded, the
method of inching up and even sitting adjacent to
the Western Wall. Our family simchas included an
amazing outdoor Jerusalem kibbutz garden
wedding of over 400 guests who had such energy
and enthusiasm as we danced with my great
nephew, the groom, and his sweet new bride, for
hours. And the excitement with celebrations
continued for days with Shabbat Sheva Brachot
with both elegant lunches, dinners, and
commentaries connected with the portion of the
week, and relating them to the bride and groom.
The groom's mom and each of his two sisters
presented. Another great niece, a Hebrew
University student, was a fantastic translator for
me! And, if all that celebration was not enough,
another great niece delivered, at Hadassah Hospital,
a much-wanted infant son. It was a thrill to hold the
newborn and welcome a new generation. It was
unbelievable to me, in Israel, to celebrate with four
generations of our family. Larry's sister and I were
the 4th generation!!! I had the opportunity to see
which high schools in Efrat (a settlement about 12
miles from Jerusalem) my great nephews attend,
interact with other great nephews who were in the
Israeli army and a great niece who is in the
National Service; plus, interact with their 11 year
old brother, who, at a Shabbat service led the
congregation amazingly well in davening. When I
questioned his dad about the very high level of his
young son's performance, he said, "Shmu likes to
ham it up." What a magical Israel Family
Happening I did in eight days!!!
“In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe
in miracles.” - David Ben-Gurion
Gift Shop
The Youth Group would
like to thank everyone that
donated food for the food
drive! They look forward
to updating you in the next
Ruach about their Fall
Regional Conference in
Kansas City and the
Hanukkah fair!
- Julie Fruhauf
Come check out our new
cutting boards in the Gift Shop.
They are made right here by
our own Barney Barnhard.
Any questions?
Email Julie Fruhauf at or call
- Sunny Levy
Save the
Dr. Stephen
Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation
Celebrating 80 Years with Duo Dimitri – the
MKJF's 2015 Annual Campaign Kick-Off
This year, the Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation
celebrates 80 years of serving as the philanthropic
heart of OUR
community. Our
history is only
But our mission
same: to assure
the health and
future of Jewish
life here at home,
in Israel, and
Duo Dimitri
Join us at our 2015 Annual Campaign Kick-Off
featuring the classical sounds of Duo Dimitri! Plan to
attend this special event on Sunday, November 2 at
Crestview Country Club at 3:00 pm. There is no
charge to attend; all we ask is that you make your
pledge to the MKJF's 2015 Annual Campaign that
day. A light afternoon reception is included. RSVP by
Wednesday, October 29 to Carolyn Marie at 686-4741
or Everyone is welcome to join us.
Duo Dimitri is made up of Luba Agranovsky on
piano and Dimitri Kasyuk on flute. They tell their
poignant and touching story, interwoven with their
beautiful music. They have performed together for 29
years and have been married for 28 of those. In 1990
with the assistance of the Jewish Agency, the couple
moved to Jerusalem. They now live in the US and tour
the world sharing their music and their story. For
Dimitri, the performance is a mitzvah.
Both Luba and Dimitri are graduates of the Gnessin
Academy of Music in Moscow and the winners of
numerous Russian piano and flute competitions. Since
winning both the Israel Broadcast Authority
Competition and the "Carlo Solvia" International
Chamber Music Competition in Casale Monferrato,
their international career took off. The Duo has made
numerous recordings for Israeli radio and TV as well
as appearances with Israeli orchestras. Luba and
Dimitri share their experience because of all the help
they received from the Jewish world along the way.
This has been a year of crisis. In Israel and Ukraine,
conflict has put many Jews in turbulent environments,
risking their personal and collective security. Our
partner agencies, including the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency for
Israel, have been working tirelessly to ensure the
safety of Jewish individuals, institutions, and
communities. Help us carry our legacy into the future.
The MKJF has been supporting, sustaining, and
revitalizing Jewish life here at home and across the
world for 80 years. Today our work is far from
finished. And we need your support. Make sure to join
us at our campaign kick-off with Duo Dimitri as we
begin our celebration of OUR HISTORY, OUR
mailbox for more information!
Café Chevre – "Cool Jews with Cool Views" –
Sprinting to Victory with David Arst
Join Café Chevre for our next "Cool Jews with Cool
Views" with David Arst on Thursday, November 20
at 11:45 am at Congregation Emanu-El. This past
August, David won the gold at the 2014 ITU Sprint
Triathlon World Championship in his age group. What
an exciting achievement! David has been an avid
triathlon competitor for over 30 years and will share
his experience competing on the world stage. David is
a member of Congregation Emanu-El and has a law
practice with his daughter.
Cost for lunch is only $5.00. Reservations are
STRONGLY REQUESTED; they help us to prepare
the right food just for you. Make yours by Tuesday,
November 18 by calling the MKJF office at 6864741 or email Carolyn Marie at
Please remember: Everyone is invited to Café Chevre.
Invite a friend! It's our lunch and learn program with
topics of interest to all!
Dates to Remember:
Sat., November 2 – MKJF 2014 Annual Campaign
Kick-Off w/ Duo Dimitri – 3:00 pm – Crestview
Country Club
November 9-11 – Jewish Federations of North
America General Assembly in National Harbor,
Thurs., November 20 – Café Chevre "Cool Jews
with Cool Views" w/ David Arst – 11:45 am – CE
Save the Dates:
Tue., December 2 – MKJF Board Meeting – 7:00
pm – CE
Thurs., December 18 – Café Chevre Celebrates
Chanukah! – 11:45 am – CE
- Sandy Sherry Diel, Director
Wichita Jewish Community School
Attending Hebrew school is just one piece of the
puzzle in our students’ Jewish education. Parents do a
lot to encourage their children’s learning by showing
enthusiasm for and interest in what the kids are
learning during school. Each week, the teachers at
WJCS provide information on their classes in the
weekly newsletter. In the newsletter, you can see
what was covered in classes, pictures of the students
engaged in activities, and updates on upcoming
These newsletters also provide a great
springboard for questions and further discussion.
Another way parents encourage their children and
reinforce what they are learning is through PAKs
(Parent Activity Kits). At the end of September,
WJCS created a number of Rosh Hashanah PAKs for
interested WJCS families. Each kit had a picture
book, craft activity that related to the book, holiday
recipes, and DIY Rosh Hashanah cards—all were
activities that the families could do together to help
celebrate and/or think about the holiday. In the future,
we will provide more PAKs, centered around
holidays, Shabbat, stories from the Torah, etc.
Parents also encourage a child’s Jewish learning by
reading Jewish books with them. Both synagogues
have libraries, catering to both young readers and
older kids. I also try to provide books for families to
“check out” in the Teacher Resource room. Stop by
and take a look!
Upcoming Classes and Events:
Sunday, November 2 - Judaic Studies and Hebrew
Wednesday, November 5 - Hebrew Class
Sunday, November 9 - Judaic Studies and Hebrew
Wednesday, November 12 - Hebrew Class
Friday, November 14 - Friday Night Services at
Congregation Emanu-El
Sunday, November 16 - Judaic Studies and Hebrew
Wednesday, November 19 - Hebrew Class
Sunday, November 23 - Judaic Studies and Hebrew
Wednesday, November 26 - No Hebrew Class
Sunday, November 30 - No Judaic Studies and
Hebrew Classes
If you have not enrolled in PJ
Library, and your child is under
eight, I encourage you to do so. PJ
Library provides Jewish books to
children ages six months to eight
years. Each child enrolled receives
an age appropriate book in the mail each month! You
would be amazed at how quickly you can build up a
fabulous Jewish library in your own home! These
books address Jewish holidays, values, life events,
people, and much more. Children do not need to be
enrolled in the school to enroll in the program. If you
are interested in enrolling your child, contact me.
- Jamie Smartt, WJCS Director
The next Hadassah Book Club meeting is
Sunday, Dec 7th - time and place are yet to
be determined. Book being reviewed: The
Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro.
Almost twenty-five years after the infamous art heist at
the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum—still the largest
unsolved art theft in history—one of the stolen Degas
paintings is delivered to the Boston studio of a young
artist. Claire Roth has entered into a Faustian bargain
with a powerful gallery owner by agreeing to forge the
Degas in exchange for a one-woman show in his
renowned gallery. But as she begins her work, she
starts to suspect that this long-missing masterpiece—
the very one that had been hanging at the Gardner for
one hundred years—may itself be a forgery. The Art
Forger is a thrilling novel about seeing—and not
seeing—the secrets that lie beneath the canvas.
The next Hadassah Board meeting is Tuesday,
November 11 at 7:30 pm at Hebrew Congregation.
HMO “Latkes and Laughter"
December 13th, 7:30 pm, place TBD.
Great Plains Region Business meeting in Skokie IL
Nov 1-2. New Regional Board installed - Teree
Farbstein, Regional President. Congratulations to
Tiffany Zacker - new Region Organization Vice
President and to Kim Gollin - new Region Vice
President, Fund Raising/Marketing
- Kim Gollin, Hadassah Wichita Chapter President
November Yahrzeits
Name of Deceased
Yahrzeit Dates
Burney Rae Galamba
Ewald Larley Gregg
Mildred Horwitz
Albert Minsky
William Rishkes
Max I. Beren
Florence Shore
Lewis B. Solomon
Kathy Kamen Boyle
Joseph Kamenesky
Gertrude Schore
Lewie Wolkow
Charles Youngheim
Mary Kreisman
November 7
November 7
November 7
November 7
November 7, Cheshvan 14
November 8
November 8
November 8
November 9
November 11
November 11
November 11, Cheshvan 18
November 11
November 13
David Arst, David Arst, Sr., Alisa Arst
Adam and Jenny Gregg
Charlotte Friedman, Bernie Gelman
Ted Shlechter, Joyce Freedman
Seth Merrell
Sue Shefman
Ellie Shore
Reta Kamen, Harlan Kamen, Sherri Alter
Dee Abels
Ellie Shore
Les Padzensky
Name of Deceased
Yahrzeit Dates
Mel Saffier
Milton Staub
Sam Wagner
Trudy Heineman
H. Robert Weinstein
Marian Papish
Leah Berkowitz
Morris Perline
Viviane Boas
Charlotte Staub
Linda Saffier
Sue Shefman
Scott Wagner
Paul Mareth
Phyllis Weinstein
David Papish
Dee Abels
Marty Perline
Rene Boas Peres
Sue Shefman
November 14
November 14
November 14, Cheshvan 21
November 15
November 15
November 16, Cheshvan 23
November 17
November 18
November 20
November 20
Name of Deceased
Yahrzeit Dates
Leo Gelman
Ida B. Morgenstein
Louis L. Bennett
Morton Levand
Ben H. Levy
Alpha Pepper
Lynn Elyse Schnyder
Adolph Brick
Abraham Glazer
Bob Gelman
Dan Morgen
Sonny Ropfogel
Linda Saffier
November 21
November 21
November 22
November 22
November 22, Cheshvan 29
November 22
November 22
November 23
November 23, Kislev 1
C. Henry Nathan
William Silver
Tola C. Chuzy
Freama Shatkhan
Ysher Shatkhan
Ruth Solomon
Dorothy Cohen
Ida Bloomfield
Karole Martin
William Lawrence Rosenberg
Mallory Medvene
Toba Schnyder
Rita Funschelle, Larry & Kimarie Funschelle, Wendi & Mike
Diane Schoendorf, Andrea Forbes
Zhanna Pekarsky, Nataliya Gofman
Zhanna Pekarsky, Nataliya Gofman
Buz Solomon
William Cohen
Tammy Wagner
Thomas Rosenberg
November 23
November 23
November 25
November 25
November 25
November 25, Kislev 3
November 26
November 27
November 27
November 27
Name of Deceased
Yahrzeit Dates
Scott Allan Fine
Belle Levand Finkenstein
Jean Panish
Henry Wallenstein
T.O. Cornett
Sylvia Shaffer
Bobby Murray Capers
Helena Richmond
Helen Shamberg Beutler
Michael Friedman
E. Karl Benignus
Harry Rosenberg
November 28
November 28
November 28
November 29
December 1
December 1
December 2, Kislev 10
December 2
December 3
December 3
December 4
December 4, Kislev 12
Norman Fine
Janelle Glickman
Priscilla Cohen
Reta Kamen
Warren and Pam Shaffer
Elizabeth Behrman
Alana Friedman
Evy Gregg, Adam Gregg
November 2014
Cheshvan/Kislev 5775
10:00 am Shabbat
Morning Service
7:30 pm CE Wine and
Nosh (Pam/Kenny
Fruhauf’s home)
9:00 am Deli Day Cooking
Committee: Matzah Toffee and
9:30 am WJCS Hebrew Class (CE)
10:35 am WJCS Judaic Studies
3:00 pm MKJF 2015 Annual
Campaign Kick-Off w/ Duo Dimitri
(Crestview Country Club)
Office closed
11:00 am – 6:00 pm CE Deli Day
9:30 am WJCS Hebrew Class (CE)
10:35 am WJCS Judaic Studies
Office closed
9:30 am WJCS Hebrew Class (CE)
10:35 am WJCS Judaic Studies
10:00 am CE Global Day of
Jewish Learning “Heroes,
Villains, Saints and Fools: The
People in the Book” – Brunch &
Learn (CE)
Office closed
9:30 am WJCS Hebrew Class (CE)
10:35 am WJCS Judaic Studies
Office closed
5:30 pm WJCS Hebrew
Class (CE)
7:30 pm CE
6:30 pm Global Faith
in Action - Amazing
Faiths Dinners
(various locations)
7:00 pm Shabbat
Evening Family Service
10:00 am Shabbat
Morning Service
7:30 pm
Hadassah Board
Meeting (HC)
5:30 pm WJCS Hebrew
Class (CE)
6:45 WJCS Committee
7:00 pm Shabbat
Evening Service with
WJCS students
10:00 am Shabbat
Morning Service
5:30 pm WJCS Hebrew
Class (CE)
7:30 pm CE Board
11:45 am MKJF Café
Chevre with David
Arst (CE)
7:00 pm Shabbat
Evening Service and
November anniversary
10:00 am Shabbat
Morning Service
No WJCS Hebrew
Office closed
Office closed
7:00 pm Shabbat
Evening Service
10:00 am Shabbat
Morning Service
No WJCS Hebrew or Judaic
Studies classes