Report Card on Red Tape Reduction


Report Card on Red Tape Reduction
Queensland Treasury and Trade
Report Card on Red Tape Reduction
Number 5 - November 2014
We are delivering on our
commitment to reduce red tape.
The Government has now progressed more than
500 specific red tape reduction initiatives, with
over 370 of these reforms now implemented.
We are pleased to release the latest Report Card on
Red Tape Reduction, which highlights the strong
progress the Government is making on its promise to
cut red tape.
We recently announced another
common-sense reform to reduce
red tape.
From 2015, small and
medium businesses will only
need to lodge payroll tax returns twice a
year, rather than monthly.
It’s just one of the many ways the Queensland
Government is growing the economy and
supporting small business.
the payroll tax
threshold, so more
businesses pay less tax
the number of
health and safety forms
businesses need to fill in
We have
processes, reduced
duplication and
removed costly and
the need for
unnecessary permits and
By removing unnecessary
regulation, reducing compliance
costs and simplifying processes,
we are freeing up businesses,
community groups and individuals to
focus on what matters; building a great
State, with great opportunities.
Supporting Small Business
20% targe
t is
This is a significant achievement
and shows the Government
is tracking well against
our 20 per cent target
($569 million).
Queensland Treasury recently assessed a range of
government regulatory reforms and estimated
the benefits to business and community
were valued at $425 million per year.
This means around 7,000 Queensland businesses
will save more than 40,000 hours and $2 million.
millio n
“CCIQ applauds the State
Government on this initiative. The
State Government has again proven
itself committed to this vital pillar
of economic reform.”
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland
5 September 2014
Hon Tim Nicholls MP
Treasurer and Minister for Trade
* Estimated savings are based on the average annual impact of the regulatory change over a ten year period.
Lisa France MP
Assistant Minister for Finance,
Administration and Regulatory Reform
Queensland Treasury and Trade
Each year business and community will save ...
Kindy and childcare less reporting
Pool fence modifications - less
red tape, just as safe
$1.5 million $10 million
Online fire safety building
Planning and development
$30 million
Removed restrictions on
choice of hot water systems
Property sales - removed
time wasting paperwork
Removing the requirement for
mandatory rainwater tanks
Waste levy repealed - cheaper
waste disposal
Provisional licences automatic
upgrade from P1 to P2 licence
Eco-tourism - less paperwork
and more access
Reduced payroll tax reporting
for small businesses
Simplifying regulation of
plumbing works
$2 million
$18 million
Self-assessable codes for
land clearing
Party Safe Registration –
register parties online
No more rego stickers time and money saved
Gem miners pay lower fees less administration
$44 million
$60 million $88 million $3.1 million $1 million
$1 million
Do you have ideas on ways the Government can reduce regulatory burden?
If so, please contact the Office of Best Practice Regulation on (07) 3222 0555 or