Appendix 2. Homework for module 4 to review experimental design... data analysis.


Appendix 2. Homework for module 4 to review experimental design... data analysis.
Appendix 2. Homework for module 4 to review experimental design and
data analysis.
Instructions: To prepare for this assignment read pages 1-10 in the Data Analysis Primer.
This assignment - due at the beginning of your week 4 lab - should be completed without
help from classmates. *On this assignment only, we will base a greater percentage of
your grade on demonstrated effort than on accuracy of answers.*
Part I. Experimental Design
Question 1 Isabel and Saul hypothesized that active adult dogs on a protein-pluscarbohydrate diet would gain more weight over 10 weeks than active adult dogs on a
protein-only diet with the same calorie count.
a) In the paragraph below, underline the sections of their research summary that show
weaknesses in the experimental design. Below, explain why you underlined each section.
Of 50 dogs that owners volunteered for the diet study, researchers randomly assigned 25
to the protein-plus-carb diet and 25 to the protein-only diet. Although subjects included
different breeds, ages, and exercise regimes (with walking distances ranging from 0.1 to
10 km/day), all had approximately the same weight at the start of the study. Biologists
instructed owners to continue their normal feeding and exercise regimes during the 10
weeks, except that food must be limited to the assigned treatment. Both diet treatments
included the same number of calories. Biologists weighed and measured each dog at the
end of week 10, as soon as each dog arrived at the laboratory. They used statistical tests
to compare mean weight change, body mass index, and skin fat thickness between the
protein-plus-carb group (sample size = 25) and the protein-only group (sample size = 25).
b) Suppose that the weight of each dog was recorded at both 8 and 10 weeks. Does this
result in a doubling of the sample size? Explain why or why not.
Question 2 Maxim and Camillo hypothesized that when young adult humans drink 100
mL of soda, their heart rates rise within five minutes. Which of the following
experiments (a or b) would you choose to test this hypothesis? ______
Briefly explain your choice:
Experiment a) In a classroom where 100 college students have been sitting for 20
minutes, Sasha and Maria record all students’ heart rates. Next, all students drink 100
mL of soda, and they record students’ heart rates 4 minutes later. They will test whether
the mean difference between individuals’ heart rates before and after drinking soda is
greater than zero.
Experiment b) In a classroom where 100 college students have been sitting for 20
minutes, Alex and Pat randomly assign 50 students to drink 100 mL of soda and the other
50 students to drink nothing. Four minutes later, they record the heart rates of all
students. They will compare mean heart rates of the two groups.
Part II. Data Analysis
Instructions: Use the enzyme reaction velocity data collected by all of the “Team C’s” in
this year’s 304 lab sections (available on My WebSpace) to evaluate whether the average
enzyme reaction velocities at 37°C and 55°C are significantly different from each other.
Each row of data, collected by a pair of students, includes the mean of 5 replicates
measured at 37 ° and the mean of 5 replicates measured at 55 °C.
1. Use your lab notebook paper to graph by hand the mean of each sample and
indicate the variation around each mean. Label axes clearly.
2. a. Based on your graph, is there a significant difference between mean reaction
velocities at 37 and 55 °C ? ______
b. Evaluate your certainty in your part “a” answer (using this scale: 1= very sure
of my answer, 2 = mostly certain, 3 = slightly unsure, 4= not at all sure of my
answer), and explain your rationale in the space below:
3. Write the null hypothesis for this experiment.
4. Write an alternative hypothesis for this experiment.
5. What is a p-value?
6. a. What tends to increase a t-score? Hint: look at the t-statistic formula.
b. What tends to decrease a t-score?
7. How do we use a t-score and p-value to make a conclusion about the experimental
8. Considering the following t-test results from a different set of enzyme reaction
velocity data (and given that the data meet the three t-test assumptions), write a
conclusion statement for this experiment:
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
Variable 1:
t-statistic: -4.5624
degrees of freedom: 8
two-sided t-test p-value: 0.001844
Variable 2: