Among Christians, Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy N
Among Christians, Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy N
Touching Lives through Christ by Reaching Out, Bringing In, Lifting Up, Sending Forth NOVEMBER 9, 2014 T WENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Among Christians, Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve Apostles and other followers of Jesus, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31. For this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described by some Christians today as the "Birthday of the Church." 4315 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411 Phone: 423.698.6951 • Fax: 423.629.5193 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP AT 10:45AM Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost (Commitment Sunday November 16) THE GATHERING Welcome and Announcements Rev. Mark C. Davis Prelude PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Choral Introit Sing to the Lord a New Song Chancel Choir *Hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Karle Erickson UMH 400 *Prayer of Confession Patient God, forgive our impatience. Help us wait faithfully, as we prepare to hear and receive, not only your word, but your very presence in our lives and in our world. Fill our lamps with your grace, that we might be ready to receive your forgiveness, and celebrate your unity with us. In your holy name, we pray. Amen. *Affirmation Faith Romans 8:35, 37-39 UMH 887 *Gloria Patri MEINEKE Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World without end, Amen. Amen. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD Children’s Time with Ms. Karen All children ages 3–9 are invited to come to the altar for a moment with our Family Life Ministries Coordinator, Mrs. Karen Stoll. *Hymn Bless Thou the Gifts (sing twice) Scripture Reading Sermon Ecclesiastes 5:10 I Timothy 6:10 “God’s Artwork” UMH 587 Pew Bible OT 617 Pew Bible NT 210 Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher RESPONSE TO THE WORD Worship with Our Tithes and Offerings Offertory Rev. Mark C. Davis My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Chancel Choir, Brainerd Bells Douglas Wagner *Offertory Response OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayers of the People Lord’s Prayer UMH 895 *Hymn I Surrender All SENDING FORTH UMH 354 Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher *Benediction Leader – As light for the world, go forth for God. Use the gifts He has given you to paint a beautiful world for others. People – We go now to light the way. In the name of Christ. Amen. *Response He Giveth More Grace Chancel Choir arr. Fred Bock *Postlude Organist – Mr. Jeff Scofield Music Director – Dr. Rebecca Atkins *Please stand as you are able. Upcoming Special Dates to Put on Your Calendar . . . Nov 9th–16th Nov 23rd Nov 30th Dec 7th Dec 14th Dec 18th Dec 24th Dec 28th Stewardship Series Commitment Sunday Nov. 16 Giving Thanks for Christ the King Christ the King Sunday Hanging of the Green at 5 p.m. 1st Sunday in Advent Children’s Christmas at 5 p.m. 2nd Sunday in Advent Christmas Cantata at 10:45 a.m. 3rd Sunday in Advent Scenic City Chorale Concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18 Candle Light Communion at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve One Worship Service at 10 a.m. Christmas Sunday PRAYER CONCERNS Donna Akers Oma Atkins Ann Barrows Jack Berry Calvin Bush Jackie Bush Carolyn Caldwell Mary Moore Clements Viola Hudson Bob Lewis Tina McKenzie Jean Miller Sally Nash Betty Northcutt Ann Sasser Joyce Taylor Joyce Vaughn Mary White Geraldine Witt Congregation, Children, Youth, Pastors & Staff of BUMC The flowers on the altar today are in honor of the 93rd birthday of Gene Bales and the 4th birthday of his youngest grandson, Nicholas Bales Devine. Johnston Woods Retreat Center Family Camping Trip November 21-23 Reservation form and payment due by Nov 17, to Karen Stoll or Kelcy Chambers. Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child gives shoeboxes filled with small gifts to children worldwide who would otherwise have no Christmas gifts. If you would like to pack a shoebox, please fill it with small toys, art supplies, and hygiene products as well as $7 to cover the cost of shipping. You may bring your shoeboxes to the atrium at the church any time before November 18th. We will deliver them to a drop off center for you. Thank you. Finance Information Finance Monthly Need MTD through 11/2/14 Received MTD through 11/2/14 General Budget $54,167 $13,542 25% $12,671 23% Building Mortgage $13,463 $3,366 25% $2,578 19% Finance Yearly week 44 Need YTD Received YTD through 11/2/14 through 11/2/14 General Budget $650,000 $550,000 85% $530,947 82% Building Mortgage $161,559 $136,704 85% $150,613 93% Modern Giving Comes to BUMC! Brainerd UMC is excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps: 1) Visit the church website at 2) Click on the Giving button, 3) Click on the Create Profile button, then 4) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. UMW will have a box in the Atrium to collect personal care items (soap, deodorant, comb, brush, tissues, wet wipes, shave cream, disposable razors, dental care items, wash cloths) and food items (granola bars, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, fruit cups and pudding cups) for the Mustard Seed homeless ministry. GIFTS TO THE CHURCH Operating Memorial Fund Building Fund In Memory of Charles Murray by: Earl Marler Patricia Greene Dathyne Covington Gene Blaes Robert Fehn Ruth Benton Katherine & Donald Seagle J.L. O’Kelly, Jr. Allen & Beth Leatherwood In Memory of Sue Veazey by: Georgia Nicholson In Memory of Peg Butler Joe Clark Barney Robertson by: Dave & Barbara Ann Hopkins Wednesday Night Dinners Come join us for food, fellowship & fun! This Wednesday, the $7.00 meal will be: Ham, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, and Cake. By Tuesday at 3:00 pm, please call or email Jenny to make a one-time or permanent reservation:423-698-6951or BUM Youth need YOU! As we renovate the youth lounge, we ask that you or your Sunday School class join us by meeting some of the following needs: (In order of importance) 1. New refrigerator-stainless steel 2. Ping pong table 3. Foosball table 4. Lounge chairs for small group room 5. TV wall-mount capable We welcome new/old items, discounted items, or any monetary donations. We are looking to complete renovations by November 14. For donations or more information, contact youth director, Katy Burnette (863) 370-9267 or Brainerd’s unofficial interior designer, Kathy Dunbar (423) 653-7747. As some of you know, our students have been able to partake in Wednesday night meals thanks to the generosity of many Sunday School classes here at Brainerd Church. To show our appreciation, BUM Youth would like to invite all members to our Open House Thanks luncheon on Nov 16 following the 10:45 service. This meal is FREE and includes a walk-through of our newly renovated youth lounge. Please make reservations in the Narthex or email Katy Burnette at BUMC Weekly Events Sunday, November 9 8:45 a.m. Oasis Contemporary Worship, Fellowship Hall 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 3:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Meeting, Lower Conference Room 4:00 p.m. Youth Band Practice, Rec Room 5:00 p.m. Making Sense of the Bible, Kingsbury Room 5:00 p.m. SHINE (grades 3-5), Children’s Wing 5:00 p.m. Youth Rec and Worship, Gym & Youth Area 6:00 p.m. Gospel Jam, McFerrin Chapel Monday, November 10 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts, Scout Cabin Tuesday, November 11 10:00 a.m. Scenic City Chorale Rehearsal, Choir Room 10:30 a.m. Circle #2, Carolyn Shaerer’s House 12:30 p.m. Ladies’ Bridge, Truman Brooks Room 6:00 p.m. Envy Dance, Gym 6:00 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal, Handbell Room Wednesday, November 12 11:00 a.m. Circle #4, 3:00 p.m. Girl Scouts, Room 329 4:30 p.m. Open Gym for Youth, Gym 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Dinner & Programs,, Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. iLIFE Groups, Rec Room 6:15 p.m. Experiencing God, Library with Mark 6:15 p.m. The Heart of Christianity, Kingsbury Room with Dennis 6:15 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 6:30 p.m. Knitters’ Group, Asbury Room 7:30 p.m. Oasis Band Rehearsal, Fellowship Hall Thursday, November 13 10:30 a.m. Circle #5, Library Friday, November 14 8:00 a.m. TN Conference on Social Welfare, Fellowship Hall 11:00 a.m. Chattanooga Hive Homeschool Group, Gym 5:30 a.m. USA Dance, Gym Saturday, November 16 12:00 noon Organ Practice, Sanctuary WORSHIP SERVICE AT 9:00AM Welcome Announcements Prelude *Opening Hymn I Love to Tell the Story UMH 156 *Passing the Peace Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Worship with our Tithes and Offerings Scripture Reading Sermon Ecclesiastes 5:10 and I Timothy 6:10 Pew Bible OT 617 and Pew Bible NT 210 “God’s Artwork” *Closing Hymn Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher More Love to Thee, O Christ UMH 453 *Benediction Postlude Depart to Service Pianist: Terry Sanford *Please stand as you are able. Staff of Brainerd United Methodist Church The Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher ~ ~ Senior Pastor The Rev. Mark Davis ~ ~ Outreach Pastor The Rev. Terri Lowe ~ ~ Congregational Care Pastor Dr. Rebecca Atkins ~ ~ Director of Music Jeff Scofield ~ ~ Organist Karen Stoll ~ ~ Director of Family Ministries Kelcy Chambers ~ ~ Preschool Director Katy Burnette ~ ~ Youth Director