Document 6596067
Document 6596067
UNIYERSITY OT MALAYA CEITITRE;frr COI{TINUING EDUCATION The University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education (UMCCed) invites Malaysian citizens with qualifications and work experience in related field to fill a vacancy of the following position at UMCCed: Position Lecturer Vacancy One (1) Employment type Gontract (Full:time) Salary RM3,1 00.00 - RM8,636.00 Duties and Responsibilities: Teaching Business courses in Diploma programmes offered by UMCCed. Requirernents: Candidates must have - at least a Maste/s Degree in the area of Business from higher educational institutions recognised by the Malaysian Govemment, or its equivalent recognised qualification; and teaching experience in business courses and/or relevant work experience in related industry for at least 2 years. Additional Requirements: A good command of English. Experience in curriculum development and some knowledge in procedures and processes of accreditation required by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MOA). Some experience in carrying out research in related areas of specialisation. Good interpersonal relationship with students with commitment towards student welfare. Application Procedu re: All applications must be submitted with a detailed resume comprising particulars of highest academic qualifications, work experience, last drawn salary, expected salary together with a recent passport-sized photograph by 14 November 2014 (Friday) to the following address: Head Human Capital Development Division (HuCaD) University of Malaya Ceritre for Continuing Education (UMCCed) Level 7, Wisma R&D University of Malaya Jalan Pantai Baru 59900 Kuala Lumpur General Line: 032246 3600 E-mai!: (We thank att applicants for their.expressed interest; however, only applicanfs shorf-/sfed for an interuiew witt be notified. For applicants who have not received any notification after six (6) monthsfrom the closing date, please deem your appliCation as unsurcessful.) ry