
November 7, 2014
Yoshito Takasaki
University of Tsukuba
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
1-1-1 Tennodai
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-29-853-6280
Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, April 2011-present
Visiting Researcher, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, April 2010-present
Technical Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Evaluation Department, April 2014present
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, April 2010-March
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, U. Tsukuba, April 2004-March
Associate Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, U. Tsukuba, March 2001-March 2004
Lecturer, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AAE), UW-Madison, January-May 2000
Lecturer, International Relations Major, UW-Madison, August 1999-January 2000
Teaching Assistant, AAE, UW-Madison, January-May 1999
Research Assistant, AAE, UW-Madison, June-August 1996, June 1998-July 2000
Researcher, Long-Term Credit Bank (LTCB) Research Institute, Tokyo, April 1988-July 1994
Ph.D., Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 2000
M.A., Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 1996
M.B.A., Business Administration, Georgetown University, May 1993
B.S., Geography, University of Tokyo, March 1988
Research fields
Development Economics; Resource Economics; Applied Econometrics; Social Experiment
Research interests
Poverty; Risk; Institution; Political economy; Community; Social network; Natural disaster; Health;
Disability; Education; Vocational training; Crime; Conflict; Rural livelihoods; Tropical forests; Shifting
cultivation; Natural resource management
Journal Articles
1. Abizaid, Christian, Oliver T. Coomes, Yoshito Takasaki, and Stéphanie Brisson. forthcoming. “Social
network analysis of peasant agriculture: cooperative labor as gendered relational networks.” The
Professional Geographer.
2. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “How is disaster aid allocated within poor villages? Risk sharing and social
hierarchy.” Journal of International Development. 26(8): 1097-1114.
3. Takasaki, Yoshito, Oliver T. Coomes, Christian Abizaid, and Stéphanie Brisson. 2014. “An efficient
nonmarket institution under imperfect markets: labor sharing for tropical forest clearing.”
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(3): 711-732.
4. Kogure, Katsuo and Yoshito Takasaki. 2014. “Long-term effects of the Cambodian genocide on
education” The Economic Review (Keizaikenkyu) 65(1): 42-55 (in Japanese).
5. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2013. “Deforestation, forest fallowing, and soil conservation in shifting
cultivation.” Theoretical Economics Letters 3(5A1): 30-38.
6. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2012. “Natural disasters, gender and handicrafts” Journal of Development Studies
48(1): 115-132.
7. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2011. “Do local elites capture natural disaster reconstruction funds?” Journal of
Development Studies 47(9): 1281-1298.
8. Coomes, Oliver T., Yoshito Takasaki, and Jeanine Rhemtulla. 2011. “Land-use poverty traps
identified in shifting cultivation systems shape long-term tropical forest cover.” Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(34): 13925-13930.
9. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2011. “Distributing disaster aid in the village: kinship, mutual help, and hierarchy”
The Economic Review (Keizaikenkyu) 62(2): 141-152 (in Japanese).
10. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2011. “Groups, networks, and hierarchy in household private transfers: Evidence
from Fiji” Oxford Development Studies 39(1): 97-130.
11. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2011. “Do the commons help augment mutual insurance among the poor?” World
Development 39(3): 429-438.
12. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2011. “Targeting cyclone relief within the village: Kinship, sharing, and capture.”
Economic Development and Cultural Change 59(2): 387-416.
13. Coomes, Oliver, Yoshito Takasaki, Christian Abizaid, and Bradford Barham. 2010. “Floodplain
fisheries as natural insurance for the rural poor in tropical forest environments: evidence from
Amazonia.” Fisheries Management and Ecology. 17(6): 513-521.
14. Takasaki, Yoshito, Bradford L. Barham, and Oliver T. Coomes. 2010. “Smoothing income against
crop flood losses in Amazonia: rain forest or rivers as a safety net?” Review of Development
Economics 14(1): 48-63.
15. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2007. “Dynamic household models of forest clearing under distinct land and labor
market institutions: can agricultural policies reduce tropical deforestation?” Environment and
Development Economics 12(3): 423-443.
16. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2006. “A model of shifting cultivation: can soil conservation reduce deforestation?”
Agricultural Economics 35(2): 193-201.
17. Coomes, Oliver T., Bradford L. Barham, and Yoshito Takasaki. 2004. “Targeting conservationdevelopment initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic
reliance among Amazonian peasants,” Ecological Economics 51(1-2): 47-64.
18. Takasaki, Yoshito, Bradford L. Barham, and Oliver T. Coomes. 2004. “Risk coping strategies in
tropical forests: floods, illness, and resource extraction,” Environment and Development
Economics 9(2): 203-224.
19. Takasaki, Yoshito, Bradford L. Barham, and Oliver T. Coomes. 2001. “Amazonian peasants, rain
forest use, and income generation: the role of wealth and geographical factors,” Society and
Natural Resources 14(4): 291-308.
20. Takasaki, Yoshito, Bradford L. Barham, and Oliver T. Coomes. 2000. “Rapid rural appraisal in
humid tropical forests: an asset possession-based approach and validation methods for wealth
assessment among forest peasant households,” World Development 28(11): 1961-1977.
21. Barham, Bradford L., Oliver T. Coomes, and Yoshito Takasaki. 1999. “Rain forest livelihoods:
income generation, household wealth and forest use,” Unasylva 50(198): 34-42. (also published
in French and Spanish)
Book Sections
1. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2012. “Economic models of shifting cultivation: a review” In Paulo Moutinho, ed.,
Deforestation Around the World, pp.351-372, Rijeka: InTech.
Working Papers
1. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Risky coping with disasters.” (under review) (formerly “Do natural
disasters beget fraud victimization?: Unrealized coping through labor migration among the poor.”
Tsukuba Economics Working Paper 2013-002)
2. Takasaki, Yoshito and Ryoko Sato. 2014. “Promoting repeated preventive health care: Incentive and
information experiments in Nigeria.”
3. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Impacts of vocational training for disabled people: experimental evidence
from Cambodia.”
4. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Chieftaincy, employment, and schooling.” (under review) (formerly “Do
chiefly systems discourage schooling?” Tsukuba Economics Working Paper 2011-003)
5. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Fraud victimization before it is noticed: Exploring unrealized labor
migration among the poor.” (under review) (formerly “Fraud and poverty: exploring ex ante victim
data.” Tsukuba Economics Working Paper 2011-002)
6. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Learning from disaster: Community-based marine protected areas in Fiji.”
Tsukuba Economics Working Paper 2013-001. (under review)
7. Sawada, Yasuyuki and Yoshito Takasaki. 2014. “Natural disaster, poverty, and development: an
introduction.” (under review)
8. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2014. “Post-disaster informal risk sharing against illness.” (under review)
(formerly “Post-disaster informal risk sharing.” TCER Working Paper Series E-25)
9. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2012. “Do natural disasters decrease the gender gap in schooling?” Tsukuba
Economics Working Paper 2012-001. (under review)
10. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2005. “How do better soil conservation measures affect deforestation in shifting
11. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2004. “Examining the impacts of capital, credits, and land markets on
deforestation among tropical farmers,” Discussion Papers Series on International Development
Strategies, 2004-8-006, FASID.
12. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2004. “Linking deforestation and land degradation in slash-and-burn agriculture.”
13. Takasaki, Yoshito, Bradford L. Barham, and Oliver T. Coomes. 2000. “Wealth accumulation and
activity choice evolution among Amazonian forest peasant households,” University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Staff Paper Series 434.
Degree Papers
1. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2000. The Microdynamics of Conservation and Development in Tropical Forests.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Main advisor: Bradford L. Barham,
Committee: Michael R. Carter, Jean-Paul Chavas).
Selected Other Publications
1. Takasaki, Yoshito. 2013. “Randomized experiments on preventative health care among pregnant
women and infants in Nigeria,” PRIMCED Newsletter 6. (also published in Japanese)
2. Takasaki, Yoshito. 1994. “Marine transport industry in the world: intensive international competition
and global strategies of Japanese liner companies,” LTCB Research 24. (in Japanese)
3. Fujisawa, Kenji and Yoshito Takasaki. 1991. Rice Business: An Emerging Big Market. Tokyo:
Jitsugyononihonsha. (in Japanese)
2013: Hayami Conference (GRIPS)
2012: GRIPS/TWID Conference (GRIPS)
2011: Hakone Conference (GRIPS), Northeast Universities Development Conference (NEUDC); JICA
Research Institute Joint Workshop; Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER) Conference
2009: Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society; Theoretical Economics and
Agriculture (TEA) Workshop
2006: World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists; Foundation for Advanced Studies on
International Development (FASID) Hakone Conference
2002: World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists
2001: NEUDC; FASID Hakone Conference
2000: NEUDC; American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting
1999: SEPIA/UW-Madison Conference
1998: Latin American Studies Association Meeting
2014: Hitotsubashi U.
2013: Hitotsubashi U. (Poverty Reduction, Institutions, Markets, and Policies in Developing Countries:
Toward a Theory of Comparative Economic Development (PRIMCED) Workshop); U. Tokyo
2012: Hitotsubashi U. (PRIMCED Meeting); Hitotsubashi U.
2011: Hitotsubashi U.
2010: Hitotsubashi U. (PRIMCED Meeting)
2009: Kobe U.
2006: Beijing U.
2005: Kobe U.; U. Tsukuba
2004: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); FASID
2002: FASID
2001: FASID
2000: Louisiana State U.; U. Tsukuba; UW-Madison; U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1999: UW-Madison; U. California-Santa Cruz; UW-Madison
1998: UW-Madison; UW-Madison
Rural Development
Fear, emotion, and immunization in rural Nigeria (with Ryoko Sato)
Institutions and political economy of development in Cambodia (with Katsuo Kogure)
Antenatal care and health in rural Nigeria (with Ryoko Sato)
Poverty, disability, and training in Cambodia
Community and natural disaster in rural Fiji
Tropical Environment
Community location, geographical poverty traps, and community-based programs (with Oliver T.
Coomes, Christian Abizaid, and Pablo Arroyo-Mora) – Peruvian Amazon Rural Livelihood and
Poverty (PARLAP) Project
Dynamic and spatial analyses of shifting cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon (with Oliver T. Coomes,
Jeanine Rhemtulla, and Franque Grimard)
Social network in shifting cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon (with Oliver T. Coomes and Christian
Resource extraction among shifting cultivators in the Peruvian Amazon (with Bradford L. Barham
and Oliver T. Coomes)
Theory of shifting cultivation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
(26245032), “Innovations in conservation and development in Amazonian rainforest: endogenous
community location and poverty traps,” 28,700,000 yen, PI, 2014-2018.
JSPS KAKENHI (25257106), “Randomized and natural experiments on vulnerability and socio-political
institutions among the poor,” 33,600,000 yen, PI, 2013-2016. (Co-investigator: Katsuo Kogure)
JSPS KAKENHI (23243045), “Geographical poverty traps and community-based conservation and
development in tropical forests: endogenizing the role of community location,” 37,400,000 yen,
PI, 2011-2013.
JSPS KAKENHI (22223003), “Poverty reduction, institutions, markets, and policies in developing
countries: toward a theory of comparative economic development,” 12,383,000 yen, Coinvestigator, 2010-2014 (PI: Takashi Kurosaki).
JSPS KAKENHI (21402018), “Antenatal care and health in rural Africa: randomized program evaluation,”
10,500,000 yen, PI, 2009-2011.
JSPS KAKENHI (21653022), “Micro spatial analysis and network analysis of Amazonian traditional
agriculture,” 2,500,000 yen, PI, 2009-2011.
JSPS, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers for Bongo Adi (P07019), “Social capital,
community development and poverty: the impact of cultural norms in Africa,” 2,200,000 yen, PI,
JSPS KAKENHI (17330060), “Poverty and disability in a post-conflict country,” 14,100,000 yen, PI,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan, KAKENHI (17653026),
“Methodological innovations in livelihood studies in tropical forests,” 3,100,000 yen, PI, 20052008.
JSPS KAKENHI (16402012), “Household and community surveys on sustainable development in
traditional societies in the South Pacific,” 11,100,000 yen, PI, 2004-2008.
Sumitomo Foundation, Environmental Research Grant, “Livelihood, community, and the environment in
the Pacific islands,” 2,000,000 yen, PI, 2003-2005.
JSPS KAKENHI (14530043), “Community and sustainable development in tropical forests in Southeast
Asia,” 2,500,000 yen, PI, 2002-2003.
The Matsushita International Foundation, Research Grant, “Micro study of sustainable development in the
Amazonian rain forests: impacts of agricultural policies on deforestation and land degradation,”
1,000,000 yen, PI, 2001-2002.
Research Activity Honorarium, University of Tsukuba, 2012, 2013
Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Honorable Mention, AAEA, 2001
Henry Taylor Doctoral Dissertation Award, AAE, UW-Madison, 2001
Runner-up, The Award for Outstanding Research on Development, Global Development Network, 2000
(with Bradford L. Barham and Oliver T. Coomes)
Graduate Student Travel Grant, AAEA, 2000
University Dissertator Fellowship, UW-Madison, 1999-00
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, The Institute for the Study of World Politics, 1998-99
Global Studies Scholarship, UW-Madison (funded by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation), 1997-98, 2000
David Granick Research Award in Economics, UW-Madison (funded by The Mellon Foundation), 199798
Foreign Travel Fellowship, UW-Madison, 1997
Higher Education Degree Program, FASID, 1994-97
Foreign Study Program, LTCB Research Institute, 1991-93
Tuition Fellowship, U. Tokyo, 1985-88
Japan Scholarship Society Scholarship, 1984-88
Teaching Responsibilities
U. Tsukuba (all courses were taught in English unless otherwise noted)
Economic Development I 2007, 09, 11, 13
Economic Development II 2006, 08, 10, 12, 14
Economic Development, 2001, 03, 05
Environmental Economics, 2002
Microeconomics, 2001
(Average course evaluation on these lectures: 4.3 out of 5)
Research Workshop, 2008-14
Seminar in Economic Development, 2001-02, 05-09
Seminar in Economic Studies, 2008-09
International Economics, 2005-09
Economic Development, 2001-04, 06, 08
Environmental Economics, 2001-05, 07, 09
(Average course evaluation on these lectures: 3.7 out of 5)
Seminar in International Studies, 2001-10
Sustainable Development, 2008, 09 (co-taught in Japanese)
Japan and the World, 2001-02, 04, 06 (co-taught in Japanese)
Japanese Society, 2005 (co-taught)
Freshman Seminar, 2002 (in Japanese)
Applied Econometric Analysis (TA for Jean-Paul Chavas), 1999
World Hunger and Malnutrition, 2000
Seminar in Environment and Development, 1999
Supervising and Advising
U. Tsukuba
Katsuo Kogure, Economics, 2011, Assistant professor, Hitotsubashi U.
Koichi Ushijima, Economics, 2010, Post-doctoral researcher, Nihon U.
(Main advisor)
Abiyot Seleshe Yimber, 2015 (expected)
Bopharath Sry, 2015 (expected)
Sifiso Blessing Nkomo, 2015 (expected)
Ram Hari Gire, 2013, Director, Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics
Vernon John Kikabi, 2013
Keziahruth Wanjiku Njeri, 2013
Emilian Karugendo Nestory, 2011, Senior Economist, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
Debosree Banerjee, 2011, Ph.D. Student, Agricultural & Development Economics, U. Göttingen
Renato Concha Urday, 2011, Mexican Embassy in Japan
Ryoko Sato, 2009, Ph.D. Student, Economics, U. Michigan
International Political Economy (IPE):
Bui Thi Van Anh, 2009, Expert, Assistant to Deputy Governor, State Bank of Vietnam
Andrew Nyirenda Chipiliro, 2009, Macroeconomist, Malawi Ministry of Economic Planning &
Angela Uforo Shayo, 2009, Economist, Tanzania President’s Planning Office Commission
David Sirita Kolitagane, 2007, Section Head, Revenue Policy Department, Fiji Ministry of Finance
and National Planning
Miriam Usayi, 2007, Chief Agricultural Economist, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Zimbabwe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Alpheus Bongo Adi, 2003, Ph.D. Student, Agricultural Economics, U. Tsukuba
Cristina Day Lacap, 2003, Program Assistant, The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the
Management of Human Settlements, Philippines
Phyllis Kariuki Wairimu, 2003, Assistant Lecturer, Kenya Methodist U.
Ika Ana Lotuma Falefehi, 2015 (expected)
Harold Irumba, 2015 (expected)
Reshimi Kumari, 2015 (expected)
Leonard Mushani, 2013
Amartuvshin Tserennadmid, 2011, Senior Officer, Mongol National Statistical Office
Habel David Lisasi, 2011, Tanzania Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
Jane, Wairim, 2011, Economist, Kanya Ministry of State for Planning
Paul Waweru Ngugi, 2011, Economist, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Carlos Sebastian Aguirre Guevara, 2011, Third Secretary, Ecuador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Trade and Integration
Alma Cortes, 2009, Economist, Nicaragua Ministry of Finance
Wondielyn Quintero Manalo, 2007, Senior Financial Analyst, Power Sector Assets and Liabilities
Management Corporation, Philippines
Raquel Kimie Pereira de Sousa Tsukada, 2007, Research Student, Kiel Institute for the World
Economy, Advanced Studies Program in International Economic Policy Research
Xuan Wei, 2007, PhD Student, Agricultural Economics, Michigan State U.
Hidayat Ullah Khan, 2007, Director, Quality Enhancement Cell, Kohat U. Science & Technology
Ulrick Peter Mumburi, 2005, Economist, Bank of Tanzania
Shah Imam Ali Reza, 2005, Assistant Chief, Bangladesh Ministry of Planning
Alice Bitu, 2003, Diplomat, Mission of Romania to the European Union
Tesfaye Alemayehu Gebremedhin, 2003, Ph.D. Student, Economics, U. Sydney
Dil Bahadur Rahut, 2003, Ph.D. Student, Applied Economics, Bonn U.
(Placements after graduation are shown)
Supervised 14 undergraduate theses and 14 undergraduate independent studies, 2001-2010
Editorial Board
Editorial Board, Economies, 2012-present
Editorial Board, International Political Economy, U. Tsukuba, 2004-2005
American Economic Association; European Economic Association; Agricultural and Applied Economics
Association; Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Japanese Economic Association
Agricultural Economics (3); American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2); Asian Economic Journal;
Conservation Biology; Economic Development and Cultural Change (2); Environment and Development
Economics (4); Food Policy; International Political Economy; Japanese Journal of Rural Economics;
Journal of Development Economics; Journal of Environment and Development; Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management (2); Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America; Regional Environmental Change; World Development (6)
Australian National University (dissertation); Austrian Science Fund (research grant); International
Association of Agricultural Economists (conference papers); University of Tsukuba (research grant)
(The numbers of reviews are in parenthesis if they are more than one)
Other Services
Conference Program Committee, Japan Economic Association, 2013
Resource Person, South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, 2004-present
Resource Person, Poverty Environment Network (PEN), CIFOR, 2004-present
Member, MDBs Workshop, Japan Center for International Finance (Ministry of Finance), 2004-2006
Member, FASID-GRIPS Development Strategy Research Program, 2001-present
Vice President, Taylor-Hibbard Club, AAE, UW-Madison, 1996-97
Committees at U. Tsukuba
Faculty Search Committee, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014
Steering Committee, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHSS), 2014
Reorganization Committee, GSHSS, 2013-present
Budget Committee, Doctoral Program in Economics (DPE), 2013-present
Admission Committee, DPE, 2012
Faculty Development Committee, GSHSS, 2011-present
Curriculum Committee, DPE, 2010-2012
Course Manager, Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM), 2010-present
Course Coordinator, PEPPM, 2009-2010
Admission Committee, College of International Studies (CIS), 2009-2010
Faculty Search Committee, GSHSS, 2008-2012
Budget Committee, DPE, 2008-2010
Steering Committee, CIS, 2008-2010
Placement Committee Chair, CIS, 2008-2010
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJWBGSP) Committee, 2001-2008
Admission Center Committee, CIS, 2005-2007
Budget Committee Chair, Doctoral Program in International Political Economy (DPIPE), 2004-2007
English Curriculum Committee, CIS, 2004-2007
Curriculum Committee, DPIPE, 2002
Placement and Public Relations Committee, CIS, 2002-2003
Computer and LAN Committee, CIS, 2002
Curriculum Committee, CIS, 2001
Budget Committee, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, 2001
Japanese (native); English (fluent); Spanish (basic)

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