The Connection


The Connection
The Connection
The Newsletter of Shiloh Church, UCC
November 2014
After more than four years, Shiloh’s Bible @ Boston’s program is
alive and well. In fact, Bible @ Boston’s is exploring some new
ground. While some features will remain the same, Shiloh Church is
introducing “Ask the Pastor.”
Ask the Pastor will be a fairly regular feature of Bible @ Boston’s,
wherein persons from the congregation have the opportunity to
submit theological, spiritual, or ethical questions that involve issues
of faith and church. The first such session will be held on
Wednesday, November 19, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Boston’s Bistro
and Pub, located at the corner of North Main Street (St. Rte. 48)
and Dog Leg Rd. (Westbrook Rd.). The topic will be the theologies
of Heaven and Hell, where they came from and how they became
so central to the Christian story.
Persons may submit issues for consideration by placing questions in the offering plates
on Sundays, or by emailing them to either Carl ( or Ashley
( in the church office. You may also mail suggestions to Shiloh
Church at the congregation’s address, 5300 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, OH 45415.
Otherwise, Shiloh’s Bible @ Boston’s program will be available through December,
January and February. In December, on the 3rd, 10th and 17th, members and friends will
gather to examine the historical/critical background to The Revelation to St. John. Then,
in January, on the 7th, 14th and 21st, we will examine the literature of The Revelation to
St. John. This is the same class that Carl Robinson, Senior Pastor, moderated at the Life
Long Learning Institute at The University of Dayton. As we cautioned people in the
UDLLI program, participants should park preconceptions at the door and attempt to
quiet assumptions about the literature.
In February, Shiloh’s Bible @ Boston’s program will once again feature local experts on
the accomplishments and achievements of black Americans, as we work together in
developing God’s kingdom. The Dayton area has claimed an important role in working
toward days of equality and justice for all people. As February is Black History Month,
Shiloh will offer three speakers, on the 4th, 11th and 25th, who will help us in
understanding the ongoing struggle.
We will not hold Bible @ Boston’s on Wednesday, February 18, at that is Shiloh’s annual
Ash Wednesday service. The service will take place in Shiloh’s sanctuary, starting at
7:00 p.m. The service will feature a focus on the impact of human sinfulness, choir,
singing, an opportunity to grasp our sinfulness in the imposition of ashes, and a
commission to go and sin no more.
The staff and leadership of Shiloh Church hope that you will join us for all of these
important opportunities. Come and deepen your spirituality, as we seek together to
Live the W ord by Serving the W orld.
We share the joys, concerns and sympathies within our church
Hal Hobe, Annabel Zimmers, Pat Applegate.
Health Concerns
Honored Citizens for
Nancy Myers
Marcella Peterson
Barbara Pierce
Ellen Schmidt
Jane Schwenkel
Evelyne Holmes, Randy Purifoy, Joyce Hopkins,
Betty Karns, Smittie Lutz, Ellen Schmidt, Lenora
Walter, Bill Kingery, Lori Stevenson, Carol
Billips, Jerry Routson, Rev. Barry Johnson,
Helen Weidel, Terry Neff.
This month our Actioneers are the Shiloh Church Youth Group. This
group of 14 young adults do so much behind the scenes here at Shiloh.
In the past two months they have been very instrumental in lending
their strong backs to help with various activities here at Shiloh. They
over the last few years have helped us bring items up for the Fall Fair
from various areas. They help in bringing items up for the Women’s
Garage Sale in May. Recently they helped bring the huge and heavy
wooden boxes that pumpkins are displayed in and also helped in setting up 65 wooden
skids in the parking lot for the Pumpkin Patch. Coming up they will be helping bring all
the heavy equipment and supplies for the bake shop and will be emptying out areas of
the church in preparation for our Holiday Bazaar. These youth do so much and they
have fun doing it. It has been a true pleasure for me to see these youth continue to
grow not only in their faith but also in their excitement for doing these projects. As I
get older I find joy in watching them do these things in helping the church. This group
of young adults are well on their way to growing into fine adults for the future and their
hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks to the youth of Shiloh for Living the Word,
by Serving the World in all they do.
Pastor Jay
The Keystone Club meeting on November 9 will feature John Louis, variety artist and
entertainer, with his show “On the Edge of Illusion.” John Louis has been an entertainer
for 16 years and has performed over 5000 live shows. He was also a live performer at
the Cincinnati Zoo and makes frequent stops at Six Flags Kentucky. You don’t want to
miss this magical show with juggling, illusions, live animals, stunts and a little comedy
mixed in. Bring your family -- it is open to everyone.
Meet and greet starts at 4:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. carry-in dinner and the program at 6:00
p.m. Cost is $4 per person. If you are not a member of Keystone and would like to
attend the program, please call Shirley or Carl Bomboy (836-7257) for reservations by
Thursday, November 6.
Save the date .......January 18, 2015
Please plan on joining us Sunday January 18 for the Chili
There is a lot going on so please watch the green table in the narthex for more
information and for order sheets. Help us keep Shiloh BRIGHT!!!!!
THANK-YOU NOTE SALE: Choose from three different thank-you notes designed and
hand cut for us by graphic designer Ashley Smith. $8 for a pack of 12. Great for
yourself or as a small gift.
FIREWOOD SALE: An extension of the sale at the Patch. Local wood from Shiloh
yards and split by our manly Shiloh men!!! There is plenty of wood for you to buy:
anything from a $4 bundle to make one fire, all the way up to a cord which (what a
deal!) would be delivered by our manly Shiloh men!!!!!. Contact Tia Smith or Brian
FROZEN CASSEROLE SALE on Sunday, Nov.16. We will have the same selections as
before the Fall Fair with the addition of the manicotti which was served at the
Celebration Dinner (and Tia won't lose any orders this time!).
Pre-BAZAAR BOX LUNCHES on Wed. Nov.19 and Thurs. Nov 20. Choice of soup and
sandwich plus fruit or dessert for $5.
CHRISTMAS CARD SALE begins Sunday, Nov 30. Two different designs by Ashley
Smith with messages that keep Christmas holy (and red foil in the envelopes!).
FRESH/FROZEN SOUP SALE: Watch for order forms for your favorite soups once
the kitchen elves have finished with casseroles and box lunches. The Salatas' dry soups
in jars are available now.
*IMPORTANT* Read ALL about It!!!
As many of you have heard recently our Paper Retriever program here at Shiloh has
ceased to exist. This is what we know. Paper Retriever has been sold to another paper
company and until we receive contact from the new owners, paper will not be picked up
here at the church. Our guess is that this situation will not be resolved until the end of
the year. We will stay on top of this as much as we can and will inform the
congregation immediately if something changes. We would like to continue being good
stewards of the environment and make ourselves available to the community as a site
for recycling. Until we can secure a company who can do this, we are at a standstill. We
apologize for the inconvenience. However, we still encourage you to recycle your
papers by placing them in your own recycle can at your house. If anyone would like to
help the church by taking papers each week to their homes for recycling, that would be
much appreciated.
Remember to still keep bringing in your aluminum cans for recycling. We have three
locations where you can drop off aluminum cans: the choir room, outside the women’s
restroom on the lower level and a receptacle in Omega Hall.
Any questions, please let me know.
Pastor Jay
News From the Bake Shoppe....
Thank you to all who donated ingredients, money, and your baking expertise during Pie
Days and Baking Week!
We do have order forms available for you to pre-order your holiday pies. Please turn in
your order forms to Patty Farinet. You may pick up your pre-ordered pies Sundays
November 2, 9, 16 or during the Holiday Bazaar.
You are invited to come help decorate and set up the Bake Shoppe booth at 8:30 a.m.
Thursday morning, November 20, 2014.
Invite your friends and neighbors and shop the Holiday Bazaar Friday and Saturday
November 21 & 22 and don't forget to stop by the Bake Shoppe to purchase your
holiday cookies, cakes, breads, and pies!
See you there!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming. Candies, nuts and candles from the TROPHY
NUT COMPANY are on sale by the Women’s Board through November 9 for
delivery November 16. Delicious and distinctive gift boxes, candles and an assortment
of nuts and candies are available. Pick up your brochure(s) and order blank(s) in the
Narthex - we can also use some help in selling these products outside the church.
Please take brochures to your families and friends too. Call Becky Cyphers at 572-6429
for further information.
The public is invited to attend G. F. Handel's "Messiah: SCC Choral Invitational Concert".
The concert, sponsored by the Sinclair Community College Music Department, is
on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Shiloh Church, UCC, 5300
Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, OH 45415 (N. Main & Philadelphia).
Free parking. In lieu of admission, the public is invited to bring a non-perishable food
The concert will feature the SCC Chorale, Chamber Choir, Women's Ensemble, Lutheran
Church of Our Savior Chancel Choir (Oakwood/G. Minneman), Shiloh Church Sanctuary
Choir (Northmont/M. Barnhill), Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir
(Fairmont/ N. Long), and orchestra members of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra.
Nolan Long, SCC Professor of Choral/Vocal Music, will conduct the performance.
For additional information, please contact the SCC Music Department at 937-5124580 or Nolan Long at 937-512-4057 or
Where will you be on Thanksgiving Day? Most of us will enjoy a feast of
traditional Thanksgiving foods with family or friends and will not question whether
we can afford to buy the food to prepare this meal.
Not all of those in the Dayton area are so fortunate. Many families are struggling
daily to put food on the table and are unable to provide the Thanksgiving meal so
many of us take for granted –- let alone food for the entire day. But you can help!
Shiloh is again collecting food to supply a family of four with enough food for the
entire day: breakfast, holiday dinner, and a light evening meal.
Beginning October 26 and again on November 2, 9, and 16 we will be distributing
grocery bags with an attached shopping list of non-perishable food in the Narthex
before and after all of the worship services. Simply take a bag, fill the bag with
the food on the list, and return the full bag to the Chancel the following Sunday,
or no later than November 23. Items to purchase include boxed cereal, canned
fruit, canned soups, boxed crackers, peanut butter, jam or jelly, boxed stuffing
mix, cranberry sauce, boxed instant potatoes or macaroni & cheese, canned
sweet potatoes, canned green beans, canned fruit juice, and boxed roll mix.
Remember, all food items should be unopened, non-perishable, and capable of
feeding a family of four.
If you wish to contribute toward meat, milk, and pumpkin pies, place a check to
Shiloh Church in the offering plate and note “Food Pantry” on the memo line.
Last year we had over 125 bags filled with our Thanksgiving Day donations. This
year we hope to fill even more bags to address the great need in our community.
Help make Thanksgiving a joyous occasion for those in need by sharing your
bounty with others. What better way to express our thanks to God for all we
have been given!
Holiday Bazaar
Sign up to help
Tell your friends & family about it
Come & shop
Take a flyer and share it
November 21 from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. & 22 9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.
The following listing of memorial contributions shows those being honored as well as
those who have made gifts that were received prior to October 22, 2014.
In memory of Vee Keever
Jeanette and Jim Patton
Carl and Shirley Bomboy
In memory of Vee Keever
Sandra Slezak
Laymon and Nellie Hoskins
Byron and Barbara Shaw
Behnken Financial Services
Mona Hobson
Montgomery County Department of Jobs and Family Services
To honor our Administrative and Budget Office Volunteers who are:
Pam Carr
Becky Cyphers
Patty Hines
Jeanne Huston
Connie Neef
Jeanette Patton
Linda Peterson
Jean Sollenberger
From Ashley Pack and Judy Peck
Life Line Screening on December 6, 2014
Shiloh Church-United Church of Christ is pleased to offer a preventive health
event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health
screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings
on 12/6/2014. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems
related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic
aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs
which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat
which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women,
used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes
4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member
discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register
for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above
$129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or
Youth Calendar
2- Youth Gathering (What does it mean to serve?)
9- Youth Gathering (What does it mean to be a giver?)
16- Youth Gathering (Holiday Bazaar items brought out)
21-22 (Holiday Bazaar hoping to see all youth there)
30- Youth Gathering (What is Advent)
7- Extra Practice for youth for Christmas Musical
10-11 Music Rehearsal for Christmas Musical
14- Christmas Musical (10:30 am and 7 pm)
21- Youth Gathering (Fun Activity)
Fall is coming upon us and our youth. School is back in session for all of our youth. Our
focus over the next few months will be to share some of our time with the youth
outdoors, having discussions and spiritual development occur. Their secondary focus
also over the next several months will be in mentoring and fun activities with some of
our younger youth who will be coming up in the program in the next several years. We
encourage all youth to participate in these activities and continue to use their time,
talent and treasure in creating God’s kingdom. If you are interested in being a part of
this ministry, please email me at
Youth Bells and/or Choir starts at 4:30 pm every Sunday with our Youth Gathering to
follow after. We encourage all youth to participate each week in these activities so that we
may nurture one another in their spiritual development and faith journey.
May we be enriched and empowered by the spirit to give thanks for the many blessings
of our youth in this world.
God Bless
Pastor Jay
November 2:
November 9:
November 16:
November 23:
November 30:
All Saints Sunday
I Thessalonians 2:9-13
Matthew 23:1-12
“Authentic Faith”
We seek to live in Christ.
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13
“Keep Alert”
Be aware of God’s provision.
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
I Thessalonians 5:1-11
Matthew 25:14-30
“Live in the Light”
Have the courage to act.
Christ the King Sunday
Ephesians 1:15-23
Matthew 25:31-46
“When Did We See You?”
Seeing in the light of Christ.
First Sunday of Advent
I Corinthians 1:4-9
Mark 13:24-37
The end is coming.
Kelly Bayer 11/01
Andrew Ferguson 11/01
Neil Hazel 11/01
Frank Ruby 11/01
Sue Cox 11/02
Sharon Dabbelt 11/02
Christina Pepper 11/02
Wilma Smart 11/02
Susan Kentner 11/03
Sara Rosenberg 11/03
Panelin Worley 11/03
Jean Hodson 11/04
Terri Patton 11/04
Doug Chapman 11/05
Jean Hawkes 11/05
Sara Ellish 11/06
Esther Wise 11/06
Marilyn Jones 11/07
Barbara Richardson 11/08
Vicki Bradley 11/09
Zelta Fogt 11/10
Carmen Oliver-Clauss 11/10
Lindsay Kreill 11/11
Alison Roberts 11/11
Ruth Hussong 11/12
Roberta Harbach 11/13
Madonna Parke 11/13
Norman Englert 11/15
Michael Patton 11/15
William (Gene) Schneider 11/15
E. Jayne Ziegler 11/15
Delber James 11/16
Ronin LaBreck 11/16
Doris Burton 11/17
Betsy Clapp 11/17
Jeff Blase 11/18
Nancy Goodbar 11/18
Joyce Goff 11/19
Bradley Clapp 11/20
Richard Rapp 11/20
Burch Zehner 11/20
Robert Stevenson 11/21
Jason Blase 11/22
Mallory Wachter 11/22
John Shumaker 11/22
Howard(Sam) Haynes 11/24
Elizabeth Rabius 11/24
Judith Roeder 11/24
Janet Settle 11/24
Betty Kosicki 11/25
Curtis E. McWilliams 11/26
Lisa Salata 11/26
Stephanie Barrett 11/27
Brennan Callahan 11/27
David Hogg 11/27
David Menke 11/27
Barbara Pierson 11/27
William Dabbelt 11/29
Janice List 11/29
Melody Moore 11/29
Kids Institute meets Monday - Friday
from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
November 2014
9a Fall Association
M eeting
9a –1p Candy M aking
5p Barnhart P arty
2 All Saints
4 Election Day
8:30 Prayer Service
9am Nursery Care begins
10:25a Liturgical Worship
1p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
4:30p Youth Bells/Choir
5p Youth Gathering
6p Discovery Time
7p Discovery Time
Carl out through
November 17
6:30a Men’s Prayer
Breakfast –Perkins
8:30a Women’s Prayer
6:00p Quilters-MURR
7p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
7p Bible Study
9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR
9a Christmas Mouse
10a Staff Meeting-SCR
6:30p Knitters and
7:30p DT Rehearsal—Choir
10a Bible Study
7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
8:30 Prayer Service
9am Nursery Care begins
10:25a Liturgical Worship
1p Christ Eternal K ingdom
M inistries
4:30p Youth Bells/Choir
5p Youth Gathering
5p K eystone Club
6p Discovery Time Rehearsal
7p Discovery Time
9a Christmas Mouse
530p W om en of
N ote R ehearsal
7p Zum ba w ith
Casie M ay
7p M essiah Solo
6:30a Men’s Prayer
Breakfast –Perkins
8:30a Women’s Prayer
6:00p Quilters-MURR
7p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
7p Bible Study
9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR
9a Christmas Mouse
10a Staff Meeting-SCR
6:30p Knitters and
7:30p DT Rehearsal—Choir
16 Fellowship
9a Christmas Mouse
7p Zum ba w ith
Casie M ay
9a Table Drop off
6:30a Men’s Prayer
Breakfast –Perkins
8:30a Women’s Prayer
6:00p Quilters-MURR
7p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
7p Bible Study
8:30 Prayer Service
9am Nursery Care begins
10:25a Liturgical Worship
1p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
4:30p Youth Bells/Choir
5p Youth Gathering
6p Discovery Time
7p Sinclair’s M essiah
9a Christmas Mouse
9a Setup Décor
7p M essiah
Orchestra R ehearsal
7p Zum ba w ith
Casie M ay
8:30 Prayer Service
9am Nursery Care begins
10:25a Liturgical Worship
1p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
4:30p Youth Bells/Choir
5p Youth Gathering
6p Discovery Time
7p Discovery Time
8:30 Prayer Service
9am Nursery Care begins
10:25a Liturgical Worship
1p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
4:30p Youth Bells/Choir
5p Youth Gathering
6p Discovery Time
7p Discovery Time
9a Christmas Mouse
530p W om en of
N ote R ehearsal
7p Zum ba w ith
Casie M ay
7p Fundraising
10a Bible Study
7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
M essiah I nstruments
9a-1p Candy M aking
9a Holiday Bazaar
9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR
10a Staff Meeting-SCR
6p Bible @ Boston’s
6:30p Knitters and
7:30p DT Rehearsal—Choir
8a P ie Day
9a Holiday Bazaar
10a Bible Study
7:00p Ensemble Rehearsal
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
9a-7p Holiday Bazaar
3p Gazebo W edding
9a-2p Holiday Bazaar
3:30p M essiah Dress
9a Shiloh Quilters-MURR
10a Staff Meeting-SCR
6:30p Knitters and
7:30p DT Rehearsal—Choir
6:30a Men’s Prayer
Breakfast –Perkins
8:30a Women’s Prayer
9a Setup Decor
6:00p Quilters-MURR
7p Christ Eternal
K ingdom M inistries
7p Bible Study