Lamplighter the November 2014
Lamplighter the November 2014
the Lamplighter November 2014 In This Issue Page 2 Pastor, Continued Stitches United News Page 3 Membership Notes Poinsettia Sale Page 4 Calendar Page 5 Birthdays Guiding Shepherd ~Yuletide Wreath Sale ~Box Tops Page 6 Prayer Concerns Thank Yous Page 7 Grassroots News Birthday Party for Jesus UMW News The legendary comedian, Bob Hope, is remembered best for the many USO shows he brought to our troops while fighting on foreign soil. The first such show, however, didn't have to leave the country. Bob was doing the "Bob Hope Pepsodent Show" on radio when he was told that the Pepsodent Company wanted him to take the radio program on the road to visit one of the military air bases. His first live performance outside of the radio studio took place on May 6, 1941. They only traveled from Hollywood to Riverside, California where the March Field Army Base was located. At that time the United States still had not entered the war, and so Bob was reluctant to even do this. His first response, to the idea was, "What for? There's no war going on here. Why should we drag the whole show down there? We're doing all right without going out of the studio" Bob said that he resisted an idea that was going to change his whole life. When they arrived at the base they were met by Tom Harmon, who at the time was one of the biggest names in football in the nation, and who was also in uniform and stationed at the base. Harmon told Hope and those with him that they were doing the biggest thing for the U. S. Army since the victory at Gettysburg: they had gotten live girls past the front gate! One of those "girls" was Frances Langford, their lead singer who was replacing Judy Garland. The show was a huge hit, so huge that Bob had to think about why it was so big. Every joke Bob told got huge laughs. "One of the aviators here took me for a plane ride this afternoon. I wasn't frightened, but at 2,000 feet one of my goose pimples bailed out!" The laughter was so big Bob said he looked around to see what else was going on that was so funny, not realizing they were laughing at him. Then Hope said, "I started to understand. What I said coincided with what these guys were feeling, and laughter was the only way they could communicate how they felt to the rest of the country. I was their messenger boy. A ski-nosed Western Union. We represented everything those new recruits didn't have: home cooking, mother and soft roommates. When they heard us speak they were back in their living room with mom and dad and their pesky little brother or sister, listening to the Atwater Kent radio." Later on that would be true for troops who were sitting in North Africa or Sicily or Guadalcanal. Hope said that he understood why, when they were laughing the hardest, they were trying to hide their tears too. We know why too. They were scared and longed for the security of home. When Veterans' Day comes and we remember our vets on Sunday, November 9th, we will be giving special tribute to our World War II vets, those guys who first saw the Bob Hope USO shows. We honor them, not only for what they did, but what they did in spite of the danger they faced and the feelings they felt. Security is See Pastor, Page 2 Page 2 the Lamplighter something we all need. Sometimes when we leave the shelter of all we know that makes us feel safe, someone like a Bob Hope can help to bring it to us. Visits when we are in the hospital, phone calls from a friend when we feel low or a hug from someone who cares can mean a lot. Sometimes, however, we feel like we have gone to places where no human hand can reach us. Sorrows, depression, fears and traumatic events of all kinds can become so great that we feel truly alone. No matter how bad our situation may feel, no matter how insecure we may feel or how alone we may be, we can always know that God is there. What a comfort it is to know, as Jesus tells us, that "Even the hairs of your head are all numbered." (Luke 12:7) Sometimes only God is there to bring to us the security we desperately need, and in the presence of Christ's Holy Spirit, we have it. We can never fall any farther than into the secure hands of God! Through a fifty year span of time, from that show in 1941 until our troops took part in Desert Storm in 1991, Bob Hope was there for our troops doing his best to bring a little of the security of home to them all. Praise God we have the security that comes from knowing the love of God in Christ Jesus, a security we will continue to celebrate with the greatest of joy when we finally reach our eternal home. See you in church. Pastor, Continued God’s peace, Jeff Everyone is invited to come to the open house hosted by Stitches United in celebrating their ten years (and 25,000+ items later). Saturday, Nov 15, from 1-3pm in the church lounge Stitches United will display all their items and answer any questions you may have. We (S.U.) would like to thank the church and the community for their prayers, support and donations. We are a non-profit (grass roots) group of volunteers. God has given each and everyone of us a talent and we are using those talents to comfort others. Here is a small example of items and how many were made and given out: Chemo hats 1,095 Winter hats 2,088 Gloves/mittens 660 Baby blankets 355 Lap blankets 1,512 We have given to 6 different hospice organizations, 2 hospital baby units, FYI (Family & Youth Initiatives), IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network), Kettering Medical, Miami Valley, Good Sam, rehab units, Cancer Centers in Springfield and in Dayton. The transporting of items was done by: Don Cameron-Dayton VA, Judy Kirkpatrick-Springfield Hospice, Hospital and IHN, Carolyn Boor-Springfield in House Rehab, Bill Scarff- IHN, Tom & Barb Lee-South View Maternity, Janet Garrett and Janet Shaver-Dayton Hospice, KMC, Colleen Smith-MVH, Margaret McIntire-Springfield Hospital, IHN, Tina Smith and Roselyn Riley-Columbus area—just to name a few. Special thanks to those of you making items of comfort. Marsha Benson, Barb Lee, Tom Lee, Jewell Eidemiller, Janet Garrett, Janet Shaver, Karen Bertke, Kim Lindamood, Donna Algren, Val Carsey, Brenda Solch, Janice Bunch, and Gerry Jarratt are some of the makers over the last 10 yrs. Our pet beds are made of left over scraps, so we waste very little fabric. We also share material with the Church of the Brethren, My Brother's Keeper and the Fairborn UMC. Come check us out, see the items we make, a list of receivers and be amazed. If you have any questions please call Anne Brewer 845-1697. the Lamplighter Page 3 The annual Charge Conference was held October 25th. There were two lists of names presented for approval, the First and Second Reading of professing members not participating without cause. The Second Reading are those members identified last year as not participating for at least 3 years prior to 2014 and have not participated this past year. The First Reading is a list of professing members who have not participated during the past 3 years. The approved list of names will be included in the next Newsletter. During October, we lost a long time constituent member, Joe Dunn to the Role of the Victorious. Joe was 88, a WWII and Korean War veteran. Our sympathy goes out to his wife, Nancy and all the Dunn family. Also, the Jon Stafford family has transferred to Lake Avenue Christian. The 2014 Directory has been published and is available in the Narthex. If you are unable to get to church and would like a directory, please contact the church office. Jess Underwood Membership Secretary Suggested cost this year is $ 9.00 each. Anyone interested in purchasing a Poinsettia for a loved one, shut-in, or a friend should indicate your choice on the appropriate line at the bottom of this page. Please fill in the form, place the money (cash or check) and the form in a pew envelope (mark it “flowers”) and place it in the offering plate or turn it in to the church office. Deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 7th. Poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve Service on December 24th. Proceeds will go to Vacation Bible School. ********************** Name_________________________________________________________________ Quantity _________________________________ $ Amount _________________ In Memory of __________________________________________________________ In Honor of ____________________________________________________________ Other ________________________________________________________________ the Lamplighter Page 4 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 5p Deep Water 2 3 8: 3 0 a S e r v i c e 9:30a Sunday School 10:45a Service 2p Puppet Practice 4:15p Youth Group 5:30p Comm Prayer 6p NA Meeting 6:30p Prayer & Share 10a UMW Exec Meeting 12p AA Meeting 7p Knitting Group 9 10 8: 3 0 a S e r v i c e 9:30a Sunday School 10:45a Service 2p Puppet Practice 4:15p Youth Group 5:30p Comm Prayer 6p NA Meeting 6:30p Prayer & Share 12p AA Meeting 7p Knitting Group 4 Election 5p 6p 6p 6p 8p Day Samaritan Kit. Ballet Brownies Education Mtg AA Meeting 11 Veterans 5p 6p 6p 6p 8p Day Samaritan Kit. Ballet Brownies Leadership Mtg AA Meeting Office Closed 5 6 7 8 4-5:30p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 6:15p Girl Scouts 7p Bible Study 7p Women’s Bible Study 9a Butterfly Learning 12p UMW Lunch 1:30p Prayer Mtg 6:30p Ballet 7:30p Choir 8p AA Meeting 1 2 - 2 p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 9a Retired Men’s Bkfst 5p Deep Water 12 13 14 15 10a Hobby Club 4-5:30p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 6:15p Girl Scouts 7p Bible Study 7p Women’s Bible Study 9a Butterfly Learning 1:30p Prayer Mtg 6:30p Ballet 7:30p Choir 8p AA Meeting 1 2 - 2 p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 9a Retired Men’s Bkfst 10a-2p Ballet Pictures in Wesley Hall 1-3p Stitches United Open House 5p Deep Water 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8: 3 0 a S e r v i c e 9:30a Sunday School 10:45a Service 2p Puppet Practice 4:15p Youth Group 5:30p Comm Prayer 6p NA Meeting 6:30p Prayer & Share 12p AA Meeting 7p Knitting Group 5p 6p 6p 7p 8p 4-5:30p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 6:15p Girl Scouts 7p Bible Study 9a Butterfly Learning 1p Charity Circle 1:30p Prayer Mtg 6:30p Ballet 7:30p Choir 8p AA Meeting Lamplighter Deadline 1 2 - 2 p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 9a Retired Men’s Bkfst 5p Deep Water 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8: 3 0 a S e r v i c e 9:30a Sunday School 10:45a Service 12p Church Thanksgiving Dinner 5:30p Comm Prayer 6p NA Meeting 6:30p Prayer & Share 12p AA Meeting 7p Knitting Group 5p Samaritan Kit. 6p Ballet 6p Brownies 7:30p Choir 8p AA Meeting 4-5:30p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 6:15p Girl Scouts 7p Bible Study 8p AA Meeting 1 2 - 2 p Christmas Food Basket Sign ups 9a Retired Men’s Bkfst 9a Hanging of the Greens 3-7p Asbury/ Kitchen Reserved 5p Deep Water Samaritan Kit. Ballet Brownies Faith Circle AA Meeting Office Closed 30 8: 3 0 a S e r v i c e 9:30a Sunday School 10:45a Service 2p Puppet Practice 4:15p Youth Group 5:30p Comm Prayer 6p NA Meeting 6:30p Prayer & Share MISSION OF THE MONTH Angel House Orphanage & Shoebox Ministry the Lamplighter Page 5 Nov. 1 Guiding Shepherd will be holding their annual greenery sale fundraiser from Oct. 20 thru Nov. 7. The following is an order form if you would like to purchase fresh greenery: Name _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________________________ Noble Fir Ring Size Overall Diameter/Length 8-inch round wreath 24-inches 12-inch round wreath 28-inches 20-inch round wreath 36-inches candy cane 25-inches cross 32-inches door spray 32-inches Price 17.00 20.00 27.00 19.00 27.00 18.00 QTY ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ TOTAL ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Roping Item 16-foot coil of roping 75-feet supreme white pine roping Price 15.00 23.00 GRAND TOTAL QTY ____ ____ TOTAL ______ ______ ____ ______ Amy Haffelt Alec Upton Nov 2 Don Boor Nov 3 Dale Algren Nov 6 Renee Stacey Nov 8 Cherryl Huffenburger Nov 9 Bruce Macy Virginia Ross Nov 10 Jacob Rogers Loraine Russell Jaydyn Murnahan Nov 14 Allyson Owens Nov 15 Rick Smith Nov 17 Robert Strome Gavin Wiles Nov 18 Shelly Appelhans Ralph Campbell Mary Miller Nov 19 Jack Davis Nov 21 Chris Angert Nov 22 Leslie Clark Nov 24 Tom Lee Bill McIntire, Jr Nov 25 Aaron Lee Nov 26 Jameson (Kindred) Rowe Nov 27 Carolyn Boor Jamie Rogers Nov 28 George Kirby Nov. 30 Patrick Stafford Please put your order form and the payment (checks payable to Guiding Shepherd Christian School) in the school mailbox next to the church office. You will be able to pick up your greenery on Nov. 25 at the church. The proceeds from the fundraiser will help individual families with their tuition costs and help pay for classroom materials. Guiding Shepherd collects Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s Labels, and Community Market receipts for cash back and classroom materials. If you would like to help by saving these items for the school, please put them in the school mailbox next to the church office. Thank you for your support. the Lamplighter Page 6 Jeanette Zsambok Diane Brosey Dan & Karen Bertke Cheyenne Smith Scott Smith Ron & Carolyn Ossege Carol Plunkett Gary Welbaum Tom Baugh Teresa Kander Sylvia Brooks June Roberts Cathy Harvey Elwood & Maxine Leathley Marilyn Leatherman Charles & Ruth Keller Nancy Dunn Connie Urban David & Judy Grube Andrea Florence Bill McIntire Lilly Stull Don & Judy Dicken Middle East Continue in Prayer for: Frank Sweeney Justin & Megan Foutz Joan Brandt Gerald Gracy A Huge Colin & Patti Dill Linda Wittman Summer Geisel Ada Lampert Don Stevison Dorothy Skinner Randy Robinson Karen Davis Ted & Helen Chapman Marc Jennings Val Carsey Those keeping near home: Mary Miller Friends and Loved Ones: Wally Wadsworth’s daughter-in-law Wally Wadsworth’s sister-in-law Donavin Bender Nancy Keller Terry Emig Rachel Hollingsworth Lori Ramsey Suzy G Ruth Harvey Eugene Brubaker Steve Thompson Lester Miller Melissa Pierson Ruth Ann McGlophlen Tisha West Greg Pietsmeyer Robert Jones Jenny Smith Gina Roesch Ronnie & Kenny (brothers of Linda Wittman) Jerry & Brenda Souders Marge Skillings Keith Titus Kevin Beard Gene Ossege Samantha MacKay Barbara Frazier Jeff Stevison Shelley Grout Cindi (Anne Brewer’s cousin) Richard (Elaine Pooler’s brother) Virginia Feaver Janie Skillings’ Cousin, Patsy Janie Skillings’ Aunt Sissy Jane Caughlin Angeal Kae Adele Sturgill Brian (Judy Grube’s son) Rich McElwaine Stan Hicks Lavonna Headlee Glenda Moody Kerry Smith Extended Care & Assisted Living Facilities Belle Manor Ada Lampert Carmel Care Center Madge Snider Dayview Care Center Don Dicken Mildred Jenkins Lou Morris Nora Shively Bud & Margaret Young Elwood Leathley Homestead at Logan Acres Lorraine Russell Koester Pavilion Marilyn Leatherman Masonic Home Ted & Helen Chapman Wright Nursing & Rehab Center Dolores Dye Marie Achbach 10533 Pierson Circle Westminster, CO 80021 THANK YOU to all who helped with the fall dinner! I would like to thank everyone who helped at the Bake/Craft sale on October 16 & 17 at the Harvest Dinner. I really appreciated the help of both those who made something to sell at the Bake/Craft sale and those that helped out by clerking. Many thanks to all who helped make the Fall Dinner a success! Whether you put your time in, made pies, came and ate – all of your support to our annual fundraiser was very much appreciated. Val Carsey Everyone deserves a pat on the back. We will have the money totals as soon as possible and will be publishing them in a Sunday bulletin. We baked 29 turkeys, approx. 45 pans of dressing and over 90 pies. Our volunteers also put in countless hours before, during, and after the dinner to get the fellowship hall ready. The Fall Dinner couldn’t have happened without each of you pitching in. The community’s response was terrific. And yes, we’re planning for another Fall Dinner next year! Alice Sherick the Lamplighter Page 7 Celebrate! God’s vision of caring for orphaned and abandoned children in Tarime Tanzania was taken up by the First United Methodist Church in 2003 and, oh, how we have been blessed to be a part of this mission. We have had the opportunity to help children with little hope find a home, become educated, join a Christian community and thrive. We will begin our tenth anniversary celebration on Sunday, November 30, when Anna Migera will speak at our church. Anna has been with Angel House Orphanage since January 2005 when it opened and is regarded as the mother of the Angel House children. More celebration details will follow. Did you know we have individuals in our church and community who have supported the ministry or sponsored a child for the past ten years? What a blessing! Grassroots still needs additional sponsors if you are interested. For Christmas this year the needs are a pair of shoes and a mattress for each child, as well as providing the special holiday food the kids and staff look forward to each year. If you wish to contribute to the children’s Christmas, please write your checks to the church and label your gift Angel House Christmas. For more information about Angel House or Angel Secondary School, please contact Colleen Smith, Charles Frazier, Linda Hellinger, Donn Hellinger or Pastor Jeff. You can also check out the websites at: On behalf of the Angel House kids and staff, I thank you for your generosity to the children and your steadfast support. We have reason to celebrate! Donn Hellinger 11 United Methodist Women attended a luncheon at Tecumseh High School in October. The food, which was yummy, was prepared and served by the students. Afterwards we had a tour of the new school building. Many of us had not seen it before. It is impressive. Come join us on December 5th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. There will be games, crafts, ice cream, and cake. And yes, there will be a special visitor from the north pole! The November Executive meeting will be November 3rd at 10am in the church library. The November Luncheon will be held on Thursday, Nov. 6 at 12 noon. Although the party is geared for children, all ages are welcome! The program for November will be the World Thank Offering presented by Jeanette Zsambok. November 8th from 9:45am—3:00pm will be the West Ohio Conference UMW Annual Celebration. The place is to be determined. Assignments: Hostess: Faith Circle Reception: Charity Circle U.S. POSTAGE PAID TIPP CITY, OHIO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT NO. 48 We’re on the Web and Facebook! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 220 S. Main Street • New Carlisle, OH 45344 Phone: (937) 845-8435 or (937) 845-9796 Rev. Jeff Burdsall, Pastor Judy Kindred, Secretary ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED November 2014 Saturday Service…………………………..5:00 pm Sunday Worship Services…………...……8:30 am 10:45 am Sunday School……………………..……... 9:30 am The Oasis (K-5th Grade) MYC’s (6th—12th Grades) Christian Homebuilders Wesley Workers Contact us: Church: Pastor Jeff: Judy: Church Website: To like us on Facebook, login and search for “First United Methodist Church New Carlisle Ohio” and “Deep Water Contemporary Service” Nursery Available Nursery Available Nursery Available Two big sins—giving the wrong impressions and drawing the wrong conclusions.