CBU 101 – Orientation to Christian Brothers University


CBU 101 – Orientation to Christian Brothers University
CBU 101 – Orientation to Christian Brothers University – Orientation is for all first year students. The purpose of the
course is to bring about the best possible transition from high school to university life at Christian Brothers University.
Successful completion of CBU 101 is required for graduation from Christian Brothers University. Pass/Fail Grading. One
semester; zero credit
Dr. Kelli Hefner
Dean of Academic Services
33 Barry Hall
CBU 101 Textbook, as well as handouts and posts on Moodle.
Mengestu, Dinaw. (2007). The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears. New York: Penguin Publishing.
The primary goal of this course is to help students succeed academically, personally, and socially in your first semester
and subsequent semesters at Christian Brothers University.
Student Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate ability to communicate appropriately orally and in writing.
Students will demonstrate ability to manage time and structure a schedule after meeting with their advisors,
departments, and academic schools.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of academic integrity.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Lasallian tradition of faith, service, and community.
Class Attendance:
You must attend class regularly. According to the CBU catalog, if a student misses 20% of the classes of a course, the
professor can assign a failing grade. Remember, this class is required for graduation. If you are an athlete, it is your
responsibility to let Dr. Hefner and your Peer Counselor know when you’ll miss for athletic events prior to you missing
Student’s Responsibility:
All students are responsible for attending class, completing assignments, and participating. This will require that the
student keeps up with the various class meeting locations that will be sent via email and Moodle. It will also require that
assignments are completed and submitted through the Moodle Course Management System. Students are expected to
participate in course discussions with the Fresh Reads discussion group leaders, Peer Counselors, department chairs,
formation leaders, administrators, and other “faculty” of Orientation.
Opening Speaker (Panel) – meet in University Theater
Fresh Reads Discussion – see attached sheet for location
What to expect Monday morning and the transition from High
School to College with Peer Counselors – see attached sheet for
August 23
Essay for The Beautiful
Things must be
submitted to
by 9/1; Introduce
yourself on Moodle by
September 9.
Syllabus (both for CBU 101 and other classes); Moodle Course
Management System; Etiquette in the classroom and meeting
with professors; Campus Resources – meet in Theater
August 26
Time Management; Goal Setting; Concerns about the
transition; Dealing with those concerns – meet in PC
September 2
Meet Your Majors – with Department Chairs and faculty – You
will receive an email with your exact location.
Learning Styles
In-class Study Skills
Note Taking
Active Reading
September 9
Faith – Service – Community – The S.O.S. board will discuss
September of Service, 30 days of good deeds; Br. Dominic
Ehrmantraut, director of Mission and Identity, will discuss
CBU’s core values – meet in the Theater
Test Taking Skills and Strategies; using the resources on
campus – The Writing Center, The Math Center, and other
tutoring services – meet in PC Classroom
September 16
Responsible Behavior of a College Student – What are the
rules, what is just smart, and what is the law? – meet in PC
Complete Think About
September 30 It by October 31.;
Advisor Meeting sheet
to be completed and
given to PC
October 7
CIRP Survey must be
October 14
completed online by
Preparation for Midterms – Led by Peer Counselors – meet in
PC Classroom
Essay Writing Strategies – led by Writing Center Consultants
and Dr. Panetta -- check email for meeting locations
Writing Center Information
Plagiarism and Cheating
Fall Break
Assignment – How do
you spend your
time…really? PC’s will
check for this on 9/2;
Academic Convocation
in the theater 8/28 at
5:00 pm – you must
Assignment – How you
should spend your
time? Schedule due
9/9; your PC will check
your schedule.
Assignment – Meet
with Advisor by 9/30;
you must meet with
you academic advisor;
you can find out who
your academic advisor
is by visiting
BannerWeb, checking
Student Records,
under your Academic
Transcript or checking
on DegreeWorks
through BannerWeb.
September 23
October 21
Reflection – How is it going? How did you do on your midterms? What changes do you need to make to be successful in
the second half of the semester? – meet in PC classroom
October 28
The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears – follow up on the
book prior to Dinaw Mengestu’s visit– meet in PC classroom
November 4
Advising and Registration – you will meet with your academic
school and advising coordinators to discuss DegreeWorks and
planning for the Spring 2015 semester
Information Literacy with the Library – you will be emailed
your location
November 11
Sustainability and Study Abroad -- Led by Dr. Jordan and
Sustainability committee, as well as Dr. Forsdick and students
who have studied abroad – meet in Theater
Formation and Final Exam Preparation – meet in Theater
Final Exam preparations – “What I like about CBU”
Presentations – meet in Theater
In-class writing
assignment and
discussion; “What I
like about CBU”
Presentation is due to
PC by December 2;
Think About It is due
by 10/31.
Homework: Attend
Dinaw Mengestu’s
presentation in the
auditorium at 8:00
Based on your major,
November 18 you will complete a
review of an article
that you find on the
library database
November 25
December 2
Final Reflection
assignment should be
posted to Moodle
December 9
Moodle and email:
CBU 101 will be set up on the Moodle Course Management System. It is your responsibility to keep up with the course
announcements and assignments that are posted on Moodle. If you have a question about Moodle, contact Dr. Hefner
at kelli.hefner@cbu.edu or Jennifer Soler-Rodriguez at jsolerro@cbu.edu. You are responsible for reading and
responding to your CBU email. There are lots of important announcements that will come from the Registrar’s Office,
the Business Office, and from Academic Services. Also, your professors will contact you through your CBU email, as it is
the “official” email that CBU uses. READ IT!!!
There is a primary professor of record, Dr. Kelli Hefner (kelli.hefner@cbu.edu), who is responsible for assigning a grade;
however, there are several other faculty: your Peer Counselor, your department chairs and deans, Dr. Emily Forsdick,
Campus Ministry, Ms. Melody Nabors, the writing center tutors, the Library Staff, Dr. Ben Jordan, and the sustainability
committee. You are expected to give each presenter and faculty member the utmost respect, attention, and courtesy.
No texting, facebooking, tweeting, instagramming, talking, or sleeping. Respect yourself by treating the faculty of this
class with respect.
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, you must be registered with the Office of
Disability Services. Contact Ms. Karen Conway-Barnett at kconway@cbu.edu or 321-3536 if you need to register or
pick up your accommodations sheets for this semester. (Do this for all of your classes.)
Academic Honesty:
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a moral, mature, honest nature. Failure to meet that expectation will
be dealt with accordingly. This includes being dishonest to the professor, plagiarism, cheating, etc.
All work that has been assigned is done thoughtfully, and students are expected to complete it in a timely manner. Dr.
Hefner does not accept late assignments.
CBU 101 is a P/F class, and for a student to pass, he/she must have a 70% average. This grade is based on assignments
completed and participation (which means you must be here physically and intellectually ).
Your grade will be based on the following:
Participation (including Moodle Posts)
Schedules (how you spend your week and how you should spend your week)
Advisor Meeting
Campus Clarity Think About It
What I like about CBU presentation
The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears Essay
Attending Academic Convocation (8/28 at 5:00 pm)
Attending Dinaw Mengestu’s presentation (11/4 at 8:00 pm)
Library Assignment
Midterm Reflection
Final Reflection
250 pts.
250 pts.
100 pts. total
100 pts.
200 pts.
200 pts.
200 pts.
100 pts.
250 pts. In class
100 pts.
50 pts.
50 pts.
1850 pts.
Outside of Class Events:
There are three events outside of CBU 101 that are required: (1) CBU Serves during Welcome Back Weekend; (2)
Academic Convocation 8/28; (3) Dinaw Mengestu’s visit to campus 11/4.
One of CBU’s core values is service, and so we incorporate this into our First Year Experience and CBU 101. You must
participate in CBU Serves, September of Service, or another project scheduled with Dr. Hefner. You may participate in
all; however, at least one project is for a grade for CBU 101.
The Syllabus:
The syllabus may be revised, adapted, or modified throughout the semester to better sever the needs and objectives of
the class. Any changes that include additional readings or assignments will be presented to the students in a timely
PC Classrooms:
On days where we’ll meet as a PC class, you’ll meet in the following locations:
BU 103 – Amelia Gattuso
BU 104 – Aaron Lazalde
BU 111 – Maria Dopico
BU 112 – Abigail Lockard
BU 358 – Taylor Flake
BU 357 – Kiran Ashok
BU 226 – Keyara Baltimore
BU 225 – Amber Campbell
BU 224 – Rachel Stires
BU 223 – Mordecai McAfee
BU 222 – Madyson Levy
STJ 10 – Heather Huff
BU 102 – Sean Rowland
N 235 – Payton Powers
N 241 – Patrick Woody
AH 005 – Ashley Williams
AH 153 – Whitney Steper and ThuHien Vo
AH 155 – Sushma Kalava and Rachel Depperschmidt
CW 105 – Florence Tamari
CW 309 – Aanchal Malhotra
CW 320 – Allison Fairly-Kirkpatrick