Congregation brith sholom
Congregation brith sholom
Congregation brith sholom President kevin hausman rabbi Michael singer Rabbi emeritus: rabbi allen juda Volume XXV No. 11 ~ NOVEMBER 2014 HESHVAN 5775 ~ KISLEV 5775 KristalLnacht Commemoration— “NOTE NOTE TIME CHANGE” Join us November 9, 1-4 PM in the Nancy Center Social Hall to view the 2013 movie, The Book Thief (PG). Starring Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson and Sophie Nelisse and based on the best-selling 2005 book by Australian author, Markus Zusak, the movie, set in WWII Germany, tells the story of a young girl who finds solace by stealing books to share with others, at the same 3me as her adop3ve parents shelter a Jew in the basement of their home. Join us as we watch the movie and nibble popcorn and, in the end, Rabbi Singer will lead the discussion of what we have just seen in the warmth of each other’s company. The event is open to the community. No reserva3ons necessary. Please bring family, friends, Jew and Gen3le, as we remember Kristallnacht and its modern message. PUBLISHED MONTHLY CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM BETHLEHEM, PA 18017 Tel: 610-866-8009 Fax: 610-866-8000 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: All information must be received in writing or copy ready by the 15th of each month. Any article received after the deadline will be published in the next Bulletin. Rabbi’s message Talking Turkey I love turkey. The smell of turkey in the oven, stuffing on the stovetop, and a little gravy overtop – ah, a little bit of paradise. And when it comes to Thanksgiving like most Americans, my ideal meal is some nice juicy slices of turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, stuffing and yes, my aunt Rose’s jello-mold. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for turkey is tarnegol-hodoo or just hodoo for short, which shares its letters with the Hebrew word for thanks – todah. Therefore, turkey in Hebrew literally means – bird of thanks. How appropriate that the food for the day itself, enlightens us to the central meaning behind the holiday. As we sit down with our families to celebrate, it is all too easy to ignore the struggle of so many in our community who struggle not just during this season but each day to provide food for themselves and their families. How many of our neighbors will be spending Thanksgiving worrying about jobs, homes, food? How many seniors will have to make decisions between buying the medicine they need or paying their rent? It is no wonder that at the end of a meal our tradition inserts the Grace (Birkat HaMazon), which in one fell swoop is both a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the food we just enjoyed, and just as powerfully a petition to God to provide food to those in need. With this sentiment in mind, I would propose the following turkey talk for the Thanksgiving table: What does it mean that…? What can I do to help…? • Over 35.5 million Americans, including over 12.6 million children, suffer from hunger or live on the edge of hunger. • 17.2 % of children in the U.S. live in hungry or food insecure households. • 4.0 % of U.S. households experience hunger. • 9.4% of Americans 65 years of age and older live in poverty. • 12% of rural households in the United States face hunger every day, an estimated. 2.3 million households. • 14.5 % of American households are food insecure at least some time during the year. Meaning 1 in 7 American homes are at risk of hunger. • Food stamp participants tend to leave the program frequently. Half of all individuals who enter the Food Stamp Program stay 8 months or less and 61% exit within 1 year. • The average gross income of food stamp households is $673 per month. • According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food Stamp Program is the nation’s single most important resource in the fight against hunger. Eligible individuals must earn a net income below 130% or less of the federal poverty line. • To be eligible for free school lunches, children’s families must earn at or below 130% of the federal poverty line. (The above statistics can be found on the Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger Website) I hope you will receive this article long before Turkey Day. Therefore please, if you have not already done so – buy a pie from our Project Pie (ALL proceeds will go to our local JFS) and bring food for the Jewish Federation Young Adult Division Thanksgiving food drive. May you and your whole family sit down to enjoy some delicious turkey, and some good turkey- talk this Thanksgiving! 2 Schedule of Services SHABBAT Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the beauty of the Shabbat Services and the Kiddush that follows. Services begin Shabbat morning at 9:00 AM. DAILY MINYAN—is held in the Chapel Monday and Thursday mornings……….7:45 AM Holiday mornings……………...9:00 AM SHABBAT LEKH-LEKHA Friday, October 31 ~ Candle Lighting: 5:40 pm ~ SATURDAY, November 1 Torah Portion: Lekh-Lekha ~ Genesis 12:1-17:27 ~ Haftarah Isaiah 40:27-41:16 ~ Havdalah: 7:04 PM SHABBAT VAYERA Friday, November 7 ~ Candle Lighting: 4:32 pm ~ SATURDAY, November 8 Torah Portion: Vayera ~ Genesis 18:1-22:24 ~ Haftarah: II Kings 4:1-37 ~ Havdalah: 5:56 PM SHABBAT HAYE SARAH Friday, November 14 ~ Candle Lighting: 4:26 pm ~ SATURDAY, November 15 Torah Portion: Haye Sarah ~ Genesis 23:1-25:18 ~ Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31 ~ Havdalah: 5:50 PM SHABBAT TOLEDOT Friday, November 21 ~ Candle Lighting: 4:21 pm ~ SATURDAY, November 22 Torah Portion: Toledot ~ Genesis 25:19-28:9 ~ Haftarah: I Samuel 20:18-42 ~ Havdalah: 5:45 PM SHABBAT VAYETZE Friday, November 28 ~ Candle Lighting: 4:17 pm ~ SATURDAY, November 29 Torah Portion: Vayetze ~ Genesis 28:10-32:3 ~ Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10 ~ Havdalah: 5:47 PM Support Congregaon Brith Sholom! Purchase Giant Foods Gi9 Cards and Congrega3on Brith Sholom gets 5% of the proceeds. So when you purchase groceries you will be dona3ng to the shul. Giant Card contact BLOOD DONORS NEEDED Keep Brith Sholom in good standing. Call Miller-Keystone Blood Center at ~ (610) 691-5850 and make an appointment. “Give the Gift of Life.” Call today to schedule your appointment to donate blood on behalf of Brith Sholom Dore Ko=ler, or 610-395-3259 3 With Deep Appreciation and Thanks from the Rabbi Singer It is hard to believe that my first High Holiday season is over at CBS. I want to thank all of the people who • made it such a wonderful and meaningful experience for me, and our whole community. Hearty Mazel Tov’s go out to: • • • • Irving Kaplan and the Ritual Committee, (David Caine, Michael Berman, Paul Kottler) • who led the transition to our new Mahzor Lev Shalem, organized all of the honors, served as Gabbaim, and made the services run • smoothly. Ken Kalnitsky, our Ba’al Shacharit on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, our Ba’al Mincha on Yom Kippur, and who leyned Torah on Rosh HaShanah day 2 & on Yom Kippur morning. • on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, our Ba’al Tefillah for Kol Nidre and Ne’ilah, and who leyned Torah on Rosh HaShanah day 1. Gary Lader assisted by Josh Goldin for leading our Junior Congregation Services. • Shira Levin and Daniel Toland for their awesome blowing of the Shofar!!! • Steve Weiner and all of the ushers. • Tammy, Nelson and Tim who worked hard behind the scenes, and who put up with me. Steve Bergstein, Ron Gunczler and Alan Cohen for leading • Birchot HaShachar and Pesukei D’Zimra. Bunnie Piltch, Francine Wolfe, and Alan Cohen for chanting Haftarah. • Sandy Wruble for learning and reading the long if not exciting book of Yonah. Miriam Singer, Michael Berman, • and Rebecca Meyer for leyning Torah on Yom Kippur afternoon and Cary Moritz for leyning Torah on Rosh HaShanah day 1 and day 2. Sam Guncler, our Ba’al Musaf Ardeth Smackey, Florence Hausman and Marilyn Doluisio who made the Torah silver sparkle. Judy Aronson, Florence Hausman, Judith Rodwin, Jannie Kay, Stephanie MillerBerman, Joan Parker, and Sandy Wruble, who made the Break-the-Fast worth the wait! And finally, to all of the congregants who led English readings, had aliyot, lit candles, opened the ark, and lifted & carried Torahs.YASHER KOACH! HEALTHY U@55+ KudostoallthewonderfulpeopleinvolvedwiththeSeptember7,2014 installationofRabbiMichaelSinger asthenewrabbiforCBS.Totheinstallationcommittee:MargoWeiner andHannahZabitz,Co-chairs,Maria Ain,FranFisher,EllenGreenberg, Florence,Kevin,andMaryEllenHausman,BarbaraPlatt,JudithRodwin, SandyWrubleandDessertMaster, JannieKay. Totheprogramparticipants:our ownSamGuncler,CBSPresident KevinHausman,CantorWartell, RabbiEmeritusAllenJuda,and specialguestRabbiJayKornsgold. Andlastly,averyspecialthankyou tomanyeventsponsorslistedinthe installationprogram.Youallmadeit averyspecialdayforeveryone!!! SEASON 3, SESSION 1 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 10:00 AM “Whats Wrong With Me?” With Dr. Larry Levin Have you ever experienced a strange chest pain, abdominal pain, dizziness/vertigo, unusual headache, edema/swelling, chronic indigestion, or any number of unusual symptoms you were not sure about what to do???? Plan to attend our next Healthy U session and get some answers from an expert. Dr. Larry Levin, Board Certified in Internal Medicine, practicing with Muhlenberg Primary Care group, will go over a variety of common topics and when to be concerned about them. This program is truly for everyone!!! Healthy breakfast served CBS members FREE ~ Guests (encouraged) $4 Reservations not necessary. Be sure to attend!!! 4 HADASSAH Are you a member? If not, join now !!!! A HADASSAH LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP is ONLY $212 (payable in 6 installments w/credit card only) until Dec. 31, 2014. Annual membership remains at $36. Enroll now on line at or call Maria Ain: 610-694-0940 or write at: for forms and information. Bethlehem/ Easton Hadassah Book and Film Club Date: Thursday, November 20, 1:30 p.m. Film: Nicky’s Family Place: Judy Lappen, 1733 Millard St., Bethlehem, 610-868-1594 MONTH NOVEMBER 4 – 16 DAY TIME 9 Sun. 1:00p -4:00p CBS Taking orders for Pies Kristallnacht Commemoration & Movie “The Book Thief” in the Nancy Center Hall 11 Tue. 7:30 PM CBS Board of Trustees meeting 14 Fri. 6:00 PM CBS Shabbat Dinner—Social Hall 16 Sun. 10:00 AM CBS Healthy U @ 55 Series continues w/Dr. Larry Levin – “What’s Wrong With Me?” 23 DECEMBER 5 Sun. 9:30a-12:00p CBS Pick up Pie orders Friday Noon CBS Latke Orders Due 6 Saturday 7:30 PM JCC Allentown 14 Sunday 10 AM—12 PM CBS 17 Wed. 12:00 PM CBS Pick up Latke Orders Simcha Club—Cantor Sussman, Rabbi Singer, hosted by Rabbi Juda 19 Fri. 6:00 PM CBS Shabbat Dinner—Social Hall Tue. PLACE CBS EVENT JDS 61st Annual Gala Honoring Rabbis & Cantors 5 The CBS Chai Bakery’s Story! Jannie Kay and Steffi Miller-Berman are the force behind the program. They’re always looking Three years ago Passover, some of our best bakers for more men or women to join in either in the kitchen, with the thought they could improve on the kosher-for-Passover paperwork or distribution. baked goods available in our local supermarkets. In Give either one a call find out what you can do . Perhaps you have addition, they’d raise a bit of money for the synagogue a fry-cook hidden in you just waiting to while having a good time promoting our kosher kitchen. burst out to make a few hundred latkes for the Chanukah. They were right on all counts. Passover baking has continued and Chanukah Gourmet Latkes have joined the party. 6 7 1st CBS Shabbat Dinner of 5775 6:00 PM Friday, November 14, 2014 This year, we will welcome Shabbat with a variety of Shabbat Dinners. Foods and styles will be typical of different times and places from Lodz to Lanai with some stops in between. Where shall we start this celebration? We will begin with the classic Ashkenazi dinner; beginning with chicken soup mit knadelach right through stewed fruit and cake with a special, non-traditional option.* There might even be gribenes for the sentimental risk takers. *There will be a special dessert treat: the Pi~Pies, Apple, Blueberry or Pumpkin for your delectation. Let us know if they taste like your bubbie’s. Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 12 for the November 14 Shabbat Dinner Family:____________________________________ # Adults @ $15:__________ # Kindelach @ $5 (5-13 yrs.):___________ Little Ones (<5): N/C (Maximum charge not to exceed $45) Double Chai: ♦ Austin Hedden in honor of Marla Freedman’s birthday ♦ Steve Bergstein and Nanci Goldman in honor of the 48th anniversary of Steve’s Bar Mitzvah The Mahzor Initiative was successful. The Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who supported this initiative. 88 members/families purchased 237 mahzorim for themselves, the shul, or both. We hope the mahzor enhanced your appreciation of the High Holiday service with its history comments and explanation of individual prayers in the margins. If you would like to buy a mahzor for next year or dedicate one to the shul, please call the office. There are still 65 left. Make out checks to “CBS –Shabbat Dinners” or pay w/credit card by calling the office. C LUB WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH ~ 12:00 Noon Mark your calendars with these five future Shabbat dinner dates: December 19 (2nd Candle Hanukkah) January 9 March 20 (1st Day of Spring) February 20 April 17 (Post-Pesach Pasta Party) NEWS FROM JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Please join us in a support group for adult children caring for aging parents. Weekly meetings at 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays for 12 weeks, excluding Dec. 24 and 31. At Jewish Family Service, 2004 Allen St., Allentown. Co-facilitators: Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper and Susan Sklaroff-Van Hook. Pre-registration is required. Call 610-821-8722 or email A contribution of $5 per session would be appreciated but is not required. Featuring Cantor Ellen Sussman, hosted by Rabbi Allen Juda Come and meet Rabbi Michael Singer Congregation Brith Sholom 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem Call to make your reservations 610-866-8009 8 It is with gra3tude that we acknowledge the following gi9s given to the synagogue in memory of or to honor and commemorate the people or events men3oned. It is a sacred obliga3on and a unique privilege for each of us to be able to show such tradi3onal support and respect for our heritage and loved ones. (Minimum contribuons to each of the funds are: Temple Fund/$10; Library Fund/$18; Prayer Book Fund/$25; Capital Improvement Fund/$36) PRAYER BOOK FUND In appreciation of our honor Maur & Doe Levan In memory of beloved grandparents, Ernest & Freda Grotsky Norm & Sandy Wruble In memory of Joseph Riskin The Riskin Family In loving memory of Harold Weinstein Louise Weinstein In memory of Julius Gross Ervin & Shirley Gross In appreciation of my participation in Yom Kippur prayers and services Joel Cohen In memory of Steven Katz, brother of Stephanie Katz Harry & Ruthie Shleifer LIBRARY FUND In appreciation of our honor on Yom Kippur Eugene & Lisa Meyer In honor of Eugene’s birthday Eugene & Lisa Meyer In honor of Rachael Bochner’s birthday Eugene & Lisa Meyer In honor of Mary Meyer’s 91st birthday Eugene & Lisa Meyer In memory of William Rosenzweig, beloved brother and uncle Michael, Frances, Wendy & Norman Kaufmann In memory of my wonderful grandmother, Rose Brown Linda Redding In memory of beloved mother, Louise Ungerleider on the occasion of her yahrzeit Pamela Ungerleider In memory of beloved mother, Helen Stein Pearl Stein In appreciation of my honor on Yom Kippur Marla Freedman In appreciation of our honor on Yom Kippur Gary & Jennifer Lader In appreciation of my honor on Yom Kippur Ruth Kugelman In memory of beloved mother, Helen Stein Mildred Dubin TEMPLE FUND In appreciation of Rabbi Singer’s kindness Larry & Ina Levin Mazel tov to Shira on beautifully and effortlessly blowing Shofar on first day of Rosh Hashanah Larry & Ina Levin In appreciation of our honor on Yom Kippur Larry & Ina Levin In memory of beloved mother, Biena Goldman Steve Bergstein & Nanci Goldman CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND In appreciation of our honor on Yom Kippur Andrew & Flora Pestcoe In honor of Francine’s Aliyah on 2nd Rosh Hashanah Jon & Francine Wolfe In honor of Shira beautifully chanting the haftorah on the 3rd anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah Larry & Ina Levin In memory of Steven Goldblat Casey Goldblat In memory of Steven Katz Stephanie Katz In memory of Isadore Israelite Muriel Lipschutz ETZ HAYIM FUND In honor of Daniel Toland and Shira Levin blowing the Shofar Jay & Fran Fisher ENDOWMENT FUND With thanks for the honors given us on Yom Kippur and with gratitude to God for the privilege of worshipping with Brith Sholom Alan & Roz Cohen “Bring a gift to the Sanctuary And carry a blessing from the House of God” 9 WEEK OF NOVEMBER 1, 2014 Charles Bienenstock 8 Heshvan * Benjamin Fink 8 Heshvan Samuel Berger 10 Heshvan Rachel Gross 12 Heshvan Martin Hesse 12 Heshvan WEEK OF NOVEMBER 8, 2014 Marshall Allen 15 Heshvan Libby Cohen 15 Heshvan Martin J. Piltch 15 Heshvan * Meyer Sonnenfeld 15 Heshvan * Elias Tabachnik 15 Heshvan Sylvia Milestone 16 Heshvan * David Simon 16 Heshvan * Louise Ungerleider 16 Heshvan Bernard Fisher 17 Heshvan Erwin Juda 17 Heshvan * Anna Kessler 17 Heshvan * Leon Roth 17 Heshvan WEEK OF NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Robert M. Feller 22 Heshvan * Leo Silverman 22 Heshvan * Fannie Alshutz 23 Heshvan Miriam Berger 23 Heshvan * Simon Cooperman 23 Heshvan * Frank L. Gittler 23 Heshvan * Bertha Good 24 Heshvan * Frances Singer 24 Heshvan * Ben Goodman 24 Heshvan * Roy Klein 24 Heshvan * Julius Turnauer 24 Heshvan WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22, 2014 * Rose S. Kaufman 29 Heshvan Henry Brotleit 29 Heshvan * Leo Friess 29 Heshvan * Elmer Adams 30 Heshvan Frances Ghersin 1 Kislev * Helen Tubis 1 Kislev * Myer Weiss 1 Kislev Samuel Brown 2 Kislev * Rose Glazier 2 Kislev Jakob Kaufmann 2 Kislev * Milton Riskin 3 Kislev Yetta Steinberger 3 Kislev WEEK OF NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Sidney Hausman 7 Kislev * Paul Jaslow 8 Kislev Joseph Kaplan 8 Kislev * Julius Neuman 8 Kislev Milton Sanders 8 Kislev * Emanuel Perkin 9 Kislev Morris Rosenzweig 9 Kislev Patricia Soffer 9 Kislev * Bernard Deutch 10 Kislev * Harry Philip 11 Kislev Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Charles Meil * Ida D. Marcus Samuel Garber Isidore Juda Jean Waddell 12 Heshvan 13 Heshvan 14 Heshvan 14 Heshvan 14 Heshvan Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 9 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 * Amelia Fraivillig * Dora Goldberg * Bessie Schwalb * Max Himmel * Samuel Goldstein * Esther Hyatt Milton Milestone James Lott * Florence Bratspies Morris Kaplan Ernest Moritz 18 Heshvan 18 Heshvan 18 Heshvan 19 Heshvan 20 Heshvan 20 Heshvan 20 Heshvan 20 Heshvan 21 Heshvan 21 Heshvan 21 Heshvan Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 * Louis Wiener * Rosa Kline Sara Shear Pearl Weissler * Lena Cornfeld Gustav Faeder * Louis Lax Paula K. Moses * David Greenberg * Louis Mahler Bernis Mayer 24 Heshvan 25 Heshvan 25 Heshvan 25 Heshvan 26 Heshvan 26 Heshvan 26 Heshvan 26 Heshvan 27 Heshvan 27 Heshvan 28 Heshvan Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 * Betty Herzon * Ben Bratspies Ida Movsovich * Ben Sheckter * Jack Wolf * Eugene Spitz * Fae Gidaley * Rebecca Koller * Eva Miller * Gussie Friedman Bertha Green Bessie Pozefsky 3 Kislev 4 Kislev 4 Kislev 4 Kislev 4 Kislev 4 Kislev 5 Kislev 5 Kislev 5 Kislev 6 Kislev 6 Kislev 6 Kislev Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 * Sylvia Riskin * Rose Abroms * Dr. Robert Jaslow * Tillie Barsky Daniel Kottler * Martin Neuman * Freda Levitt Sabina Diamond * Ida Salmanowitz 11 Kislev 11 Kislev 11 Kislev 12 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 10 NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 8 Heshvan 5775 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8 Kislev 5775 8 Kislev 5775 Friday Saturday 1 Wisdom of Talmud Class Parashat LechLecha 7:04p 2 3 4 5 6 7 9th of Chesh- Living La Vida 11th of Chesh- Hebrew in a Torah Reading - 14th of Chesh- van, 5775 Tova Class— van, 5775 Heartbeat Class— 101 Class 7:30 van, 5775 7:30 PM PM 7:30 PM 8 4:32p 9 10 11 12 13 14 Kristallnacht Commemoration Living La Vida Board of Hebrew in a Torah Reading - Shabbat Dinner Tova Class— Trustees mtg. Heartbeat Class— 101 Class 7:30 6:00 PM The Book Thief 1:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM PM 16 17 18 19 20 21 Healthy U @ 55 + 10:00 AM Dr. Larry Levin “What’s Wrong with Me?” Living La Vida 25th of Chesh- Hebrew in a Torah Reading - 28th of Chesh- Tova Class— van, 5775 Heartbeat Class— 101 Class 7:30 van, 5775 7:30 PM PM 23 24 25 26 27 Pick up Pie orders 2nd of Kislev, 3rd of Kislev, 4th of Kislev, 6th of Kislev, 9:30 AM—12 Noon 5775 5775 5775 5775 7:30 PM Wisdom of Talmud Class Parashat Vayera 5:56p 15 4:26p Wisdom of Talmud Class Parashat Chayei Sara 5:50p 22 4:21p 28 Wisdom of Talmud Class Parashat Toldot 5:45p 29 4:17p Wisdom of Talmud Class Parashat Vayetzei 5:42p 30 8th of Kislev, 5775 11 Congregation Brith Sholom Non-Profit Organization PERMIT no. 461 U.S. Postage Paid Lehigh Valley, PA 1190 West Macada Road Bethlehem, PA 18017 CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM pResident kevin hausman Rabbi Michael singer Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Allen Juda Volume XXV No. 11 No.3 NOVEMber 5775 ~ KISLEV Volume XXV march 2014 2013 HESHVAN adar 5773~nisan 5773 5775 Tel: 610-866-8009 Fax: 610-866-8000 email: Visit our wesbsite at PUBLISHED MONTHLY 12