Gate of Heaven Parish Pastor
Gate of Heaven Parish Pastor
Gate of Heaven Parish Reverend Matthew J. Mason, Pastor THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF All Saints Church St Matthew Church 163 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 9 Jefferson Road Whitefield, NH 03598 Established 1857 Erected 1877 Established 1886 Erected 1906 St Agnes Church St Patrick Church 769 Presidential Hgwy Jefferson, NH 03583 65 St Patrick’s Church Rd Twin Mountain, NH 03595 Erected 1901 Erected 1915 Our Lady of the Mts. Shrine 2470 Route 302 East Bretton Woods, NH 03575 Erected 1908 WEEKEND MASSES RECTORY OFFICE DAILY MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. Saint Matthew Church in Whitefield Sunday 8:00 a.m. Saint Matthew Church in Whitefield Sunday 10:30 a.m. All Saints Church in Lancaster Sunday 5:00 p.m. All Saints Church in Lancaster 163 Main Street Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584 Phone: (603) 788-2083 Fax: (603) 788-5553 E-mail: Monday: 7:30 a.m. (St. Matthew) Tuesday: 5:00 p.m. (All Saints) Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. (St. Matthew) Thursday: 5:00 p.m. (All Saints) Friday: 7:30 a.m. (St. Matthew) CATHOLIC CHARITIES RECTORY OFFICE HOURS CONFESSIONS Monday: 10 a.m.—3 p.m. Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: 10 a.m.—3 p.m. Thursday: 10 a.m.—5 p.m. Friday: CLOSED 5:30 p.m. Thursday (All Saints) 3:00 p.m. Saturday (St. Matthew) DIOCESAN WEBSITE SACRAMENTS PARISH PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION Kathi Marshall Thursdays 5:30 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. (All Saints Church) Saturdays 3:00 p.m. — 3:45 p.m. (St. Matthew Church) By appointment with the pastor (please call the rectory). Phone: (603) 788-2083 Fax: (603) 788-5553 E-mail: FAITH FORMATION COORDINATORS BAPTISM/MARRIAGE Susan Tibbetts (802) 892-6170 Diane Caruso (603) 991-4096 Call the rectory for arrangements. (For weddings please call at least six months in advance of planned wedding date.) E-mail: FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIR COMMUNION/ANOINTING THE SICK Andy Nadeau (603) 616-9588 Due to privacy laws priests must be asked by family members to visit parishioners in the hospital or nursing home. Please advise us of those in need of the Church’s ministry, whether they are homebound or have been hospitalized. We are happy to bring the Eucharist to those who cannot get out and attend Mass. And if someone is ill or declining in health the pastor is happy to come to their home, anoint them and bring them Holy Communion. Please call the rectory, and we will make these arrangements for you. PARISH TABERNACLE SOCIETY Sandra Doolan, President (603) 788-3315 PARISH CATHOLIC WOMEN’S GROUP Joni Borawski, President (603) 837-9316 Cory Pons, Secretary (603) 837-8910 RESPECT LIFE GROUP Patty Coutermarsh, Facilitator (603) 837-9445 MEN OF SAINT JOSEPH Kurt Hall (Tuesday p.m. group) (603) 837-2829 CEMETERY ARRANGEMENTS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS You are always welcome to make arrangements for your eventual burial. Three of the parish’s four cemeteries have sites to lease. Please call the rectory to ask about end-of-life preparations. Mike Meehan (Grand Knight) (603) 586-4382 RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Susan Tibbetts, Facilitator (802) 892-6170 BOY SCOUTS CEMETERY ADMINISTRATOR Kathi Marshall (603) 788-2083 Jason Mellett, Scout Master (603) 275-4168 Website: CUB SCOUTS Bill Rutherford, Scout Master (603) 837-9895 CALVARY CEMETERY SEXTON John Brooks (603) 788-4030 ST. MATTHEW/ST. MARGARET CEMETERY SEXTON Don Doolan (603) 788-3315 Welcome to Gate of Heaven Parish To every traveler who comes through our towns and stops to visit in one of our churches we say, “Welcome, friend, come and worship with us.” You can join us at All Saints Church, Saint Agnes Church, Saint Matthew Church or Saint Patrick Church. We are all one family, and you are welcome at our table. If you plan to move on, we pray you safe travel. If you plan to stay we hope you find peace and fulfillment. Regardless of your situation, we thank you for stopping in to join your hearts and hopes with ours as we pray in our Father’s House! IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS Parish Website Diocesan Website Catholic Charities Website All Saints Rectory: All Saints Fax: All Saints Church Hall: St. Matthew Rectory: (603) 788-2083 (603) 788-5553 (603) 788 - 4277 (603) 837 - 2558 Catholic Charities (Berlin): (603) 752 - 1325 Catholic Charities (Littleton): (603) 444-7727 Pathways Pregnancy (603) 444-3991 Care Center (Littleton): PARISH BULLETIN If you or someone you know is homebound, call the rectory so you can receive the parish bulletin at home. If you head south for the winter, let us know. We can get it there as well! Please consider remembering our parish in your will. Page 2 - 938 Gate of Heaven Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 This Weekend SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Daily Readings November 10—November 16, 2014 (Dedication of the Lateran Basilica: White vestments) 4:00 P.M. (St. Matthew) Rev. Réal Bourque OMI MONDAY: by Roger & Sharon Daigle & family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Titus 1: 1-9 / Luke 17: 1-6 TUESDAY: Titus 2: 1-8, 11-14 / (Dedication of the Lateran Basilica: White vestments) 8:00 A.M. (St. Matthew) Herbert Hennessey Jr. (11th Anniversary) by his family 10:30 A.M. (All Saints) Eleanor Brauns by Bobbie & Ernie Gaudes 5:00 P.M. (All Saints) Gate of Heaven parishioners Luke 17: 7-10 WEDNESDAY: Titus 3: 1-7 / Luke 17: 11-19 THURSDAY: Philemon 7-20 / Luke 17: 20-25 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (St. Leo the Great, pope & Doctor of the Church: White vestmnts) 7:30 A.M. (St. Matthew) NO MASS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (St. Martin of Tours, bishop: White vestments) 5:00 P.M. (All Saints) NO MASS 2 John 4-9 / FRIDAY: Luke 17: 26-37 SATURDAY: 3 John 5-8 / Luke 18: 1-8 Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 / 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6 / Matthew 25: 14-30 SUNDAY: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 (St. Josephat, bishop & martyr: Red vestments) 7:30 A.M. (St. Matthew) NO MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin: White vestments) 5:00 P.M. (All Saints) NO MASS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 (Green vestments) 7:30 A.M. (St. Matthew) NO MASS YOUR WEEKLY OFFERING Weekend of November 1-2, 2014 OFFERTORY: E-GIVE: $3,147.74 $2,319.00 TOTAL: $5,466.74 (Thank you for your support of our parish.) 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time $4,087.00 NEEDED WEEKLY IN ORDER TO MEET OUR BUDGET. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 There is no second collection next weekend, November 15-16. (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Green vestments) 4:00 P.M. (St. Matthew) Brandon Patnoe by Roger & Sharon Daigle & family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Green vestments) 8:00 A.M. (St. Matthew) Gate of Heaven parishioners 10:30 A.M. (All Saints) Margaret E. “Peggy” Guilmette by her Delta Sisters 5:00 P.M. (All Saints) Berthe Choquette by her children New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. SANCTUARY CANDLE During the month of November the sanctuary candle in All Saints Church will burn beside the tabernacle to light the place of Christ’s repose in memory of Bill Doolan as requested by his family. At St. Matthew Church the candle will burn in loving memory of Estelle Rutherford as requested by the Rutherford family. Page 3 - 938 Gate of Heaven THANK YOU The Tabernacle Society would like to say “thank-you” to everyone who made last week’s Fall Sale a success— from those who cooked, served, crafted, sold raffle tickets, donated to the penny sale or just came to enjoy the day with us. A new addition this year was our jewelry table, loaded with any kind of new and used jewelry that was artfully arranged and presented by Maggie Tenney and her assistant “Monique.” We heard someone say it was better than Jarrod’s! Thank you to all the merchants and parishioners who donated items for all the tables. You’re so generous, we always have to find ways to fit it all in, and that’s a great problem to have! We thank Sally Beattie and her kitchen crew who prepared the 5-Star Chicken ‘n Biscuits dinner that still has everyone talking! It was scrumptious. Sue Tibbetts coordinated a wait staff comprised of several young parishioners and a couple dedicated adults, and we thank Kelley Brooks and Sara Beaulieu for heading up the team, and Ansen Cassady, Luke Beaulieu, Lydia Beaulieu, Catrina Boggess, Morgan Doolan, Amelia Daigle, Delenn Brooks, Patty Foster, Marcie Nadeau, Maria Nadeau and Elise Temkkit. (A retired teacher who came to the sale said she had never seen such a wonderful group of young men and women working so hard and being so polite.) Good job, everyone! We are really proud of you! We thank Ginny Gainer who made and donated the beautiful quilt. It is so appreciated. And of course we always want to thank those who helped lug, tug, set up, take down, and set up again—Ben Pellerin, Tyler Pellerin, J.D. Nadeau, Noah Nadeau, Jeannie Nadeau, Dick Belmore, Don Doolan, Alan Brasseur and Leo Enos and his crew. You all were awesome! PRIZE WINNERS The TABS Fall Sale rewarded several folks with door prizes and raffle gifts. They included: Paulette Couture of Jefferson won the Fruit Basket, Sharon Sweeney won the Wine with accessories and Marceline “Margo” Nadeau won the handmade cutting board. Lorraine Patnaude of Jefferson won the quilt, and Patty Gilman of Lancaster won the portable air conditioner. The $100 gift card to Shaw’s was won by Jean Dubreuil of Lancaster, the $100 gas card by Crystal Lewis of Gilman, VT, and the $100 of fuel oil by Bob Reynolds of Dalton. Congratulations all! SCHEDULED EVENTS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Coffee and Donuts (St. Matthew rectory) CCD/Faith Formation Grades K-6 (All Saints church hall) CCD/Faith Formation Grades 7-8 (All Saints church hall) Youth Ministry Grades 9-10 (All Saints church hall) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (Veterans’ Day) (Rectory Office Closed) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 5:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Praying the Rosary (St. Leo Church, Lunenburg) Respect Life Committee Meeting (St. Matthew rectory)* [*RLC meets the first Wednesday of each month.] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Eucharistic Adoration (All Saints Church) NO FOLLOWING CHRIST (All Saints church hall) Alcoholics Anonymous (All Saints church hall) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 (Rectory Office Closed) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. PANCAKE BREAKFAST (All Saints church hall) Confessions (St. Matthew Church) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Coffee and Donuts (St. Matthew rectory) CCD/Faith Formation Grades K-6 (All Saints church hall) CCD/Faith Formation Grades 7-8 (All Saints church hall) Youth Ministry Grades 9-10 (All Saints church hall) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 (Rectory Office Closed) 5:30 P.M. TABS Meeting (All Saints church hall) 5:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Praying the Rosary (St. Leo Church, Lunenburg) Respect Life Committee Meeting (St. Matthew rectory)* WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 [*RLC meets the first Wednesday of each month.] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 (Rectory Office Closed) 1:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Eucharistic Adoration (All Saints Church) FOLLOWING CHRIST (All Saints church hall) Alcoholics Anonymous (All Saints church hall) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 (Rectory Office Closed) 6:00 P.M. K of C MEMORIAL MASS (All Saints Church) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 3:00 P.M. Confessions (St. Matthew Church) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Coffee and Donuts (St. Matthew rectory) CCD/Faith Formation Grades K-6 (All Saints church hall) CCD/Faith Formation Grades 7-8 (All Saints church hall) Youth Ministry Grades 9-10 (All Saints church hall) Page 4 - 938 Gate of Heaven THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE The month of November is very important in the liturgical life of the Church. It has been set aside as the month during which we honor and pray for the souls in purgatory and for all those family members and friends who have gone before us. As a parish we make sure to pray for all the faithful departed at Masses during the month. November 1 the Book of Remembrance was put in All Saints Church and in St. Matthew Church. It lists the names of all those in our parish who have died throughout the years. You are invited to sign the book with the names of those you have loved and lost, so we may continue to pray for them throughout the month of November, and throughout the coming years as well. ALL SOULS ENVELOPES RCIA THE R.C.I.A. INQUIRY Are you attracted to the Catholic Church, but are not a Catholic yourself? Are you a Catholic who never completed all the sacraments? Are you just interested in what the Catholic Church teaches? Then R.C.I.A. is for you. R.C.I.A. is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a gradual process that provides answers to your questions and fulfillment of the sacraments you may have missed. If you are interested, or know someone else who might be, speak with Fr. Matt (603) 788-2083, or Sue Tibbetts (788-2083). You can also e-mail Sue at Your envelope boxes have an envelope for the intentions you wish to be remembered for All Souls Day. These intentions will be offered up in the Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass on Friday evening, November 21, at 6:00 p.m. If you do not receive offering envelopes, you will find All Souls envelopes in both churches. Please return your intentions by November 16. Riverglen Assisted Living House in Littleton is looking for a volunteer every Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. to help facilitate their Jeopardy game. If you are interested in helping out please contact Christina Bertin at Catholic Charities in Littleton. You can call 444-7727 or e-mail her at 8TH ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST THANKSGIVING DAY MASS If you love breakfasts, especially when someone else is doing the cooking, you will want to remember the date of Saturday, November 15. From 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. there will be a pancake breakfast, with all the fixin’s in the church hall at All Saints. The breakfast will be sponsored by the WMRHS Life Skills Class. The cost will be $5.00 per person, and 4-year-olds and under can eat for FREE! Please support this wonderful cause, and enjoy a great breakfast at the same time! See ya there! Thanksgiving Day, November 27, Fr. Matt will offer a Thanksgiving Day Mass at St. Matthew Church at 9:00 a.m. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMORIAL MASS On Friday evening, November 21, at 6:00 p.m. the Knights of Columbus will participate in their annual Memorial Mass. This Mass will be offered up for your All Souls Intentions, as well as each person who died within the past year. The Knights also commemorate their own deceased members. This Mass is open to all parishioners, and if you attend, no doubt you will discover a new and profound way to honor those who have gone before us in faith. We hope you will join us. VOLUNTEER NEEDED Faith Formation We are seeking someone to co-teach the classes for First Communion and First Reconciliation. These special sacramental classes take place on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.—usually twice a month. This is the last position we need to fill, and we hope you will take some time to consider this important ministry. If you are able to help out, please contact Sue Tibbetts at 788-2083 or you can e-mail her at the Faith Formation office by going online: What we see depends mainly on what we look for. Page 5 - 938 Gate of Heaven Respect Life Committee WEEKLY READINGS DISCUSSION QUESTIONS The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome HEARTBEAT Ezekiel 47: 1-2, 8-9, 12 Psalm 46: 3, 4, 5-6, 8, 11 1 Corinthians 3: 9c-11, 16-17 John 2: 13-22 PRECIOUS IN GOD’S EYES By Kimberly Baker Every year on November 2, the Church observes the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day). This is a time when we remember all who have died and commend their souls to God. It also reminds us that we all will face death someday, yet hope that by God’s grace, we will be welcomed before the face of the Lord. This can be a motivation to reflect on the present direction of our lives and how we are using our time in this world. It heightens awareness of the preciousness of our lives. Every soul is precious to God, who creates each person to share in his love and goodness. The psalmist profoundly captures the beauty and mystery of each person’s origins under God’s watchful care: “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know. . . . Your eyes saw me unformed; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be” (Psalm 139:13-14,16). When we reflect, for even just a moment, how precious we are to God, it changes our perspective on how we live out each day and use our time. What a beautiful and comforting thought to know that from all eternity, God was already thinking of us, that he knew our names, that he knew everything about our lives already. Each one of us was created because of God’s love, and he has a special plan for each of us to know, love, and serve him in our own unique ways. The more we discover that plan and follow it, the happier we will be, the more we become our true self, the person each of us was meant to be. When we remember those who have died, especially loved ones and others we personally have known, we are reminded how valuable each life was in our own experience. Imagine how much more so in God’s eyes. With the heightened awareness of the gift of time we have in this world, we can also be mindful of those who are near death, such as the terminally ill and the elderly. We can be the face of God’s love to others by caring for their needs, assuring them of the healing and comfort of God’s mercy, and witnessing to the sacredness of their lives. As we begin the month of November and observe All Souls’ Day, let us use this opportunity to remember those who have died and commend their souls to God. Let us reflect on the remaining time we have in our lives to focus on what truly matters - with our loved ones, those we know, and those we may encounter who are suffering, alone or broken in any way. Let us resolve to help everyone we meet, whether man, woman, or child, to understand how precious they are in God’s eyes. Today’s readings celebrate the Dedication of the Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome and mother church of Roman Catholicism. Though destroyed often since its dedication in A.D. 324, each time it has been rebuilt. The readings express Christians’ esteem for this ancient and sacred space. The First Reading from Ezekiel portrays the inexhaustible vitality of God’s house, the holy Temple in Jerusalem. In the wake of its disastrous destruction in 587 B.C., the prophet envisions an even greater future Temple pouring forth grace for the whole world. The flow of blessing begins as a trickle but becomes a torrent that refreshes polluted waters and makes fruit trees flourish. Ezekiel’s message gave great hope at a time of deep despair. The Responsorial Psalm picks up the theme of the faith of the community that trusts in God as its refuge and strength and so drinks from the living river of grace that gladdens the holy city. In the Second Reading, we see again the strong endurance and joy of God’s people when Paul compares the Christian community to a massive stone edifice. All Christians together make up this new Temple of God whose foundation is Christ alone. Christ gives the Church strong unity by imparting his holiness to the whole and all it parts. John, earlier in his Gospel account, has already pictured the Word made flesh as the new “dwelling place of God” (John 1: 14). Jesus’s actions confirm his identity, which the disciples will understand only after his Resurrection: his risen body is the new Temple, the source of ever-flowing eternal life. Disciples through all time draw on his life by recalling his Death and Resurrection. 1. How should being a temple of God affect how we live and treat others? 2. How would you explain the ways that an individual Christian’s choices, words, and actions could build up or tear down the larger Church community? 3. How are you able to recognize the Church as Christ’s holy Temple despite the disheartening sins and scandals of its people? Page 6 - 938 Gate of Heaven Sara’s Salon FULL FAMILY SALON Call for Appointments Walk Ins Welcome (603) 837-3894 44 Union St., Whitefield, NH A.B. Logging Inc. Excavation & Site Work Gravel/Stone & Quarry Products Buyer of Land • Wood Lots Land Clearing • Logging & Chipping Firewood Processed & Delivered 35 Hodge Rd., Lancaster, NH 03584 Office: (603) 788-5110 Cell: (603) 481-0779 • Res.: (603) 788-3255 Email: Gate of Heaven Tabernacle Society Catholic Women’s Group Women serving the parish through liturgical purchases, special annual events, support of the bereaved, monthly meetings and warm, wonderful fellowship. Ladies of the parish all ages - are welcome!! TABS Contact: Sandra Doolan 788-3315 CWG Contact: Cory Pons 837-8910 REXFORD SEPTIC SERVICE Aurore M. Hood ABR, CRS, GRI REALTOR® Northern Edge Realty Associate Broker 89 Main Street, Lancaster, NH 03584 Office: 603-788-2131 ext. 21 • Cell 603-631-1850 Fax: 603-788-4662 • Email: Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 16 Elm St. Lancaster 788-4170 • 305-1918 • Excavating • Construction David Rexford, Owner 837-2400 WHITE MOUNTAIN Restaurant APPLIANCE REPAIR INC. Lounge Roger L. Grondin Rd., Jefferson, NH Entertainment 858 Meadows 603-504-7412 381 Lancaster Rd. Cabot Motor Inn 200 Portland St., Lancaster, NH 03584 DK-N-SONS AUTO REPAIR Servicing Automobiles, ATV’s, Snow Mobiles, Lawn Mowers & Chainsaws State Inspections • Fabrications • Tune-Up Brakes • Body Work • Welding • Tires Front End Alignments • And Much More! 35 Church St. Groveton, NH Donald Kenison Jr. 603-636-0044 CANTIN ELECTRIC Appt. in your home Commercial and Residential ROGER GRAY - OWNER GRAY’S OPERATIONS, INC. 1267 Cherry Valley Rd., Bethlehem, NH Fully Insured • Free Estimates Call or Text 603-631-4718 281 Jefferson Rd., Whitefield, NH HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATION & SERVICE Expert Service • Free Estimates Annual Tune Up • Licensed & Insured Over 25 Years Experience ROSS FUNERAL HOME Serving St. Matthew’s & St. Patrick’s Churches from our Chapel at 69 LANCASTER ROAD WHITEFIELD, NH 603-444-5377 • 800-654-5377 67 Silver Road Groveton, NH 03582 603-636-2720 Stockley Trucking INGERSON BUILDERS From the Ground Up Buying All Metals Ben & Taylor Ingerson Steel • Brass • Copper • Aluminum 603-837-3230 • Cell 603-631-0325 Open: Mon. thru Fri.: 7-4 • Sat.: 7-Noon 405 South Main Street, Lisbon, NH Fax: 603-838-2216 “BUYING METAL SALVAGE” Aaron’s Repair Center Custom Homes • Roofing Remodeling • Flooring Finished Carpentry, Etc. ~ Insured ~ 197 Brayhill Rd., Whitefield, NH 03598 70 Lancaster Rd.,Whitefield, NH Commercial & Residential Retail & Wholesale Car Sales Lancaster, N.H. 603-837-2800 Aaron Belanger 603-616-4541 Marc Belanger 603-717-2121 (603) 991-3458 CELL (603) 788-2121 shop NELSON & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING 603-788-2342 Showroom Hours: M-F 9-5, Sat 9-12 28 years in business 2013 FLOOR COVERINGS Sales & Installations Residential & Commercial BRAND NAMED: CARPET • CERAMIC HARDWOOD • LAMINATE • TILE AND VINYL 22 Main St., Lancaster, NH 603-788-2593 Come visit us for the Best Breakfast in Town! Claudette & Dean’s Place 1858 Rte. 3, North Stratford, NH CONTRACTOR WATER SYSTEMS • PUMPS IN FLOOR HEATING Nels P. Nelson III Daily & Nightly Specials 603-991-4047 P.O. BOX 563, LANCASTER, NH 03584 Mon.-Wed.: 6am-2pm, Thurs.-Sun.: 6am-8pm Highland House KIOTI, YANMAR, GRAVELY, ARIENS, & ECHO Off Corridor #3 (603) 922-3299 Master Plumber Lic. #1677 Open 7 days a week. SENIOR HOUSING Jon Parks Tractor Visit our website or call today for an application Jon, Tiffany & Goobie Parks Family Owned Since 1984 603-883-6770 107 Summer St. Lancaster, NH 30 Highland St., Whitefield, NH 603.788.4577 Passumpsic Savings Bank 111 Main St. Littleton, NH 03561 YOUR PARTNER IN FINANCIAL SUCCESS New Hampshire: Littleton • Whitefield • Lancaster • Groveton Vermont: St. Johnsbury • Lyndonville • Danville • Island Pond • Newport Nicole’s Creative Cuts & Styles 603-636-9780 Stephen & Brenda Tilton Maple Syrup • Butter • Candy Landscaping • Lawn Care Snow Plowing Sanding • Salting Cell: 603-631-5168 Full Service Salon & Tanning 48 Main St., Groveton, NH Tilton’s Sugarhouse 603-837-2111 603-991-2376 609-444-6469 Hall’s Heating Bringing out the “greatest” in every child Skin First Esthetician/Anti-aging Practioner Facials, Massages & Body Brushing For All Your Electrical Needs 603-788-5556 David Cantin, Master Electrician 208 Grange Rd., Lancaster, NH SEBASTIAN’S ADVENTURES 44 Prospect St., Lancaster, NH An American Horse Family By: Karin Matey Buy Book: 575 Main St., Gorham, NH Could your child’s behaviors use some polish? Creative Kids & Suites Does your child have difficulty following directions? Learning Center, LLC Can your child focus on video games but little else? Health & Fitness Club I CAN HELP Mon - Fri: 6:30am to 5pm Banquet Facilities Sue Rouillard, M. Ed. Function and 31 View Street CHALLENGING CHILD SPECIALIST Meeting Rooms Whitefield, NH 03598 CERTIFIED NURTURED HEART® TRAINER 603-788-3346 • Fax 603-788-2732 • Quality Bicycles Quality Brands Affordable Prices Mountain Bikes, Road Bikes, BMX, Vintage Bikes, Repair and Restoration 603-837-8918 • Cell 603-991-2242 13 Fieldstone Acres Rd., Whitefield, NH EUROPEAN ESTHETICS & WELLNESS 603-915-6849 Phone: 603-838-2860 Gas or Electric Appliance Repair Commercial and Residential Boarding • Grooming & Training 104 Hazen Rd., Whitefield, NH 03598 Voice: 603-837-2448 Fax: 603-837-2458 DJ’S AUTO GLASS Your Local Auto Glass Specialist LABOUNTY PLUMBING & HEATING Inn & Resort TRAILSIDE LODGE, LLC Great Place for Getaways & Family Reunions Open Year Round • 5 Fully Equipped Apts. 24 Hour Emergency Service New Common Room w/ Wireless Internet Master Plumber • Fully Insured Accomodates groups up to 25 NH-3926 M • VT-PM-03674 ATV & Snowmobile Trails Repair • Cleanings • New Construction 382 Percy Rd., Stratford, NH 130 Stebbins Hills Rd., Lancaster, NH Nicole McMann • Kristen Parks Dining Room Lounge • Entertainment Health Club • Pool ABBOTT’S FURNITURE 1-800-325-4386 NH 603-466-3315 Skywood Manor CLOSED SUNDAY 603.788.5500 563 Main St., Lancaster, NH P.O. Box 220, Shelburne, NH 03581 603-586-4491 “Bringing New Styles and Designs to Your Home” DOUGLAS ABBOTT, Owner/Consultant 938 Gate of Heaven, Lancaster, NH (i) Home: 603-788-0928 Cell: 603-631-6626 603-636-2188 The Jefferson, NH John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 • CENTRAL LAND SURVEYING p: 603.752.6644 x312122 c: 603.631.5761 Lancaster 788-2555 Lisbon 838-6331 Littleton 444-2911 Colebrook 237-4788 J.C.B Colby, Inc. Masonry Contractors Chris & Jean Colby P.O. Box 123, Lunenburg, VT (603) 636-2259 AL’S PLUMBING, HEATING & FUELS Kerosene • Oil • Pellets & Pellet Stoves 24 Hr. Burner Svc. • Free Estimates 48 Main St., Groveton, NH AL BELAND, Master Plumber NH #949 • VT #1927 FREE ESTIMATES 800.998.6968 • Facebook: Mikesmith Carguy COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS 17 Hill Street Lancaster NH 03584 NH & VT Boundary Surveys Subdivisions Site Plans Financing Available ASPHALT PAVING CO. Edward Stanley, Owner • 603-586-4554 • Rt. 2, Jefferson, NH Call for Free Estimate 1-800-287-6007 • 603-788-3315 ~ “All Work Guaranteed” ~ A New England Family Tradition Lancaster Dental Care, PC Enjoy a magical fun-filled day with unlimited fun on all rides. Shows and festivities! J. Edward Perreault, DMD Allen L. Naves, DDS Charles J. Schmidt, DDS US Rt. 2, Jefferson, NH 603-586-4445 22 Bunker Hill Street Lancaster, NH 03584 (603) 788-2517 CARLISLE PLACE Gensamer Electric Inc. Mark Gensamer Physical Therapy and Wellness Center LLC OUTPATIENT PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Care • Warm Therapy Pool On-Site Whether you need short-term rehab services on our • Cancer Rehab/Lymphedema Therapy new 19-bed modern rehab unit, respite care for a • Chronic Pain Management loved one or the caring touch of our long term care Post Surgical, Vestibular Rehab, and assisted living, The Morrison is here for you. Fall Risk Evals. Accepting most major ins. • Medicare & NH Medicaid The Morrison Master Electrician 685 Presidential Hwy., Jefferson, NH 03583 Chad Crane Berlin City’s GM Superstore 545 Main Street, Gorham, NH 03581 P 603.752.3700 x 314010 800.795.2438 Farm • Home • Garden • Recreation 244 Main St., Lancaster, NH 03584 603.788.2281 • Fax: 603.788.2544 210 Main St., Lancaster, NH 03584 (603) 788-3381 • (800) 878-3381 Email: • JOSSELYN’S SAWMILL & JOSSELYN’S GETAWAY LOG CABINS • Log Home Restoration & Maintenance • Log Cabin Vacation Rentals • Log Beds & Railings 306 North Road Jefferson, NH 03583 1-800-586-4507 1-603-586-4507 Keith & Helene Josselyn 99 Bridge Street Lancaster, NH 03584 100 State St., Groveton, NH 603-636-2744 LANCASTER HARDWARE 788-4445 Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 148 Main St., Lancaster, NH 03584 603.788.4044 Fax: 603.788.4045 Associate with an Ameriprise Financial Franchise 603-788-3633 F: 603-788-3233 Complete Line of Foreign & Domestic Parts Staffed by Certified Parts Professionals 603-788-2325 STARK VILLAGE INN BED & BREAKFAST Check in time after 2pm Check out time 11am JACKIE McKENNA - Owner 21 Elm St., Lancaster, NH 03584 For Reservations Call: 603-636-2644 Over 44 Locations Serving You Throughout VT, NH & MA 168 MAIN STREET LANCASTER 603-788-2574 (Lancaster Hardware Only) MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Portland St. • PO Box 288 Lancaster, NH Lewis Cassady, President Steven Bissonnette, AAMS® Financial Advisor e HardwareLumber Home Center Paint Sporting Goods Housewares Mike & Sally Beattie McGEE COMPANY, INC. s i n es s S i nc Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home 788-4035 Full Funeral and Cremation Services Available Dennis P. Couture Andrew B. Nolette NH Lic. 3141C • VT Lic.PM 3401 wned & yO 1923 Bu 603.986.5841 • 603.837.9480 Nicoletti Memorials Sold On Site Charron family owned & operated Terri Charron, LFD Pre-Arrangements • Consults are Free WHITEFIELD HARDWARE 837-2600 General Manager 178 Summer St., Lancaster 240 Jefferson Road Whitefield, NH 03598 603-586-4100 6 Terrace Street, Whitefield, NH 03598 603-837-2541 / phone 603.788.4904 Plumbing & Heating Contractor Fuel Oil, K1 Kerosene Diesel & LP Gas erated Op (802) 892-7795 Donald H. Doolan Since 1965 A Famil Mike Smith, Berlin City Auto Group 485 Main St., Gorham, NH 03581 LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR Sales Guide Your Local Parts Store The Lion and the Rose A Victorian Style Bed & Breakfast Or Write 16 Northside Rd. Stark, NH 03582 234 Summer St., Lancaster, NH 603.788.5550 Comeau Building and Spray Foam Systems Chris & Roger Croteau, Inn Keepers TF: 866-655-5466 • Ph: 603-837-9200 19 Lancaster Rd., Rt. 3 • Whitefield, NH 603.837.2269 Corian Countertops Kitchen Cabinets Closet Systems Catering to the D.I.Y. Market Lancaster, NH 877-788-5532 TOM ARSENAULT & SONS Lawn Tenders A Division of BCM Investors, LLC Snow Plowing/Sanding/Snow Blowing Mowing • String Trimming Northeast Kingdom • Lunenburg • Vermont (802) 892-1039 Fully Insured & Ready to Work PERRAS TREASURES GIFT Perras & PARTY STORE Self Storage LLC. 31 Perras Rd., Groveton, NH 603-636-1391 Across the Parking lot from Units in Groveton • 603-636-1391 the Hardware Store & Gorham • 603-466-2048 603-636-2227 938 Gate of Heaven, Lancaster, NH (b) All Season Spray Foam Basements Crawl Space New Construction Roofs McCormack-Whitco BARRE GUILD Monumemts Since 1937 MEMORIALS Barry Normandeau - President Monuments • Plaques Lettering - Cleaning Cemetery Restortaion 130 Lancaster Rd., Groveton 603-636-1671 • 800-408-1965 Part of Normandeau Trucking, Inc. John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 •